The Socialism boogeyman

AND...Sweden and Denmark are differentiated, in spite of their Scnadinavian commonalities, by the fact that Sweden is a land of HUGE corporations while Denmark is a land of smaller companies.
Yes, both Sweden and Denmark were extremely free market oriented in the late 1800's and early 1900's which is when many of the larger companies were founded. Scandinavia also was not affected by the Great Depression However, it is important to note that most of the brands Sweden is famous for have left the country, neither IKEA nor Spotify have their HQ:s in Sweden anymore (I think H&M still is but they get special treatment by the government not to leave) and Denmark has a higher economic freedom index than the US. whereas Sweden has a lower corporate tax (or at least used to) than the US.
This translates to mean that any program funded by tax payers is SOCIALISM. Any program that provides a safety net for the poor Is funded by tax payers. That program is an example of social democratic principles.
It is immoral to take the earnings of one individual and give the money to someone else

and that is what income redistribution in the name of social justice is all about
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies,

Which ones do you dislike most?

Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism.

I'm pretty sure that the FDIC, so far, has been funded completely by the banks.
No government funds involved.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

First, the "corporate goodies" are largely things that the left-wing supports.

This is one of the annoying nonstop contradictions of socialists. They are quick to talk about corporate welfare... but then spin right around, and demand green energy grants. Well what is a green energy grant? It's corporate welfare.

I had a guy complaining about Amazon getting money from the government, so I looked it up from Amazons own SEC filings. Turns out the only significant money Amazon gets from government, is from their green energy solar farm.

You guys on the left, are the reason companies get money from the government. Not us.

Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

Because they are stupid, and mis-educated by lying professors in universities, that have never worked an honest day in their life.

Denmark's PM came to the US and said directly, Denmark is not socialist you idiots. They are free-market Capitalist based economy.

Some of those Scandinavian countries rank higher on the economic freedom index, than the United States does. Denmark, Iceland, and Netherlands, all rank higher on free-market capitalism, than the US. They are not Socialist. You people have just lied to Millennials.

This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014.

Ridiculous. The poorest working people in our country, have a standard of living that men in Sudan could only dream of.

Capitalism hasn't failed at all. If Capitalism failed, and things are so bad, why are so many people from around the world trying to get into this country? Utterly incompetent claim.

You engage in crime, you engage in drugs, you refuse to work a stead job, and not screw around.... then you failed... not capitalism.
This translates to mean that any program funded by tax payers is SOCIALISM. Any program that provides a safety net for the poor Is funded by tax payers. That program is an example of social democratic principles.
It is immoral to take the earnings of one individual and give the money to someone else

and that is what income redistribution in the name of social justice is all about
Those earnings you speak of partly come from corporate welfare. But either way, that isn’t even the solution I am referring to. I want to end corporate welfare and close tax loopholes rich people and corporations take advantage of. I want the minimum wage gradually raised for the years to come. I want to strengthen the middle class. I want childcare, healthcare, and higher education socialized. I want to cut defense spending to help pay for those programs.

None of that has anything to do with taking the money rich people currently have.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.
This translates to mean that any program funded by tax payers is SOCIALISM. Any program that provides a safety net for the poor Is funded by tax payers. That program is an example of social democratic principles.
It is immoral to take the earnings of one individual and give the money to someone else

and that is what income redistribution in the name of social justice is all about
Those earnings you speak of partly come from corporate welfare. But either way, that isn’t even the solution I am referring to. I want to end corporate welfare and close tax loopholes rich people and corporations take advantage of. I want the minimum wage gradually raised for the years to come. I want to strengthen the middle class. I want childcare, healthcare, and higher education socialized. I want to cut defense spending to help pay for those programs.

None of that has anything to do with taking the money rich people currently have.

I want to end corporate welfare

Sounds good. Anything in particular?

and close tax loopholes rich people and corporations take advantage of.

Like what? Writing off business expenses?
Trump's $10,000 limit on SALT deductions really stuck it to the rich, eh?

I want childcare, healthcare, and higher education socialized.

Because the socialization of higher education and healthcare has worked out so well already. LOL!
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea.
Japan was a shithole country until they introduced a more market oriented economy after the second World War and South Korea chose the right path where as their neighbours in the north chose the wrong one. Western Europe is also richer than Eastern Europe for the same reasons.

Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why?
No not always.

Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.
Socialism is the antithesis of freedom and Capitalism is just a natural cause of freedom - Free people will create free markets which will make the people even freer.

But, you are right that government is a huge problem and should get its dirty fingers off of the economy. However, callling it Socialism is wrong, Fascism is more correct.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea.
Dont confuse s korea and japan with north korea and venezuala

the south koreans are free and it allows them to earn what they have

Ditto for japan where the government does not wipe every nose

but in fact north koreans work hard also

its just that as a socialist dictatorship they have very little to show for their effort
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea.
Japan was a shithole country until they introduced a more market oriented economy after the second World War and South Korea chose the right path where as their neighbours in the north chose the wrong one. Western Europe is also richer than Eastern Europe for the same reasons.

Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why?
No not always.

Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.
Socialism is the antithesis of freedom and Capitalism is just a natural cause of freedom - Free people will create free markets which will make the people even freer.

But, you are right that government is a huge problem and should get its dirty fingers off of the economy. However, callling it Socialism is wrong, Fascism is more correct.
Lol you’re such an idiot. None of this shit has any basis in reality. All of this just SOUNDS true to you. It coddles your preconceived notions because you’re too much of a pussy to actually examine the subject on an intellectual level. Quit pretending you have any understanding of economics whatsoever.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea.
Dont confuse s korea and japan with north korea and venezuala

the south koreans are free and it allows them to earn what they have

Ditto for japan where the government does not wipe every nose

but in fact north koreans work hard also

its just that as a socialist dictatorship they have very little to show for their effort
I don’t get why you continue to think Venezuela is some broad representation of socialism. I already explained that Venezuela has a private economy. Venezuela and all those other countries are socialist countries. Their policies simply differ.
Lol you’re such an idiot. None of this shit has any basis in reality. All of this just SOUNDS true to you. It coddles your preconceived notions because you’re too much of a pussy to actually examine the subject on an intellectual level. Quit pretending you have any understanding of economics whatsoever.

The biggest problem with socialists is their blind faith that democracy will solve every problem. When, in fact, democracy is a horrible solution for most problems. The majority rule sledgehammer should only be used when conformity is required.
Lol you’re such an idiot. None of this shit has any basis in reality.
Are you here just to insult or do you have any arguments to present to support your case? How does what I say not correspond with reality? Isn't Japan much better off now than when it was an Authoritarian-Nationalist hellhole with nearly no trade? Isn't South Korea much wealthier than North Korea? Isn't Western Europe richer than Eastern Europe and didn't the latter become better when the wall came down?

All of this is real and from your response I can tell that you really do not have anything to say because you too know it is true.

All of this just SOUNDS true to you. It coddles your preconceived notions because you’re too much of a pussy to actually examine the subject on an intellectual level.
No what is true is true. There is no such thing as "your truth" and "my truth". There is only truth and what I said is true.

If you want to smear your opponent by calling them an "anti.intellectual", calling them a "pussy" in the very same sentence is not the best strategy.

Quit pretending you have any understanding of economics whatsoever.
I know everything about economics.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea.
Dont confuse s korea and japan with north korea and venezuala

the south koreans are free and it allows them to earn what they have

Ditto for japan where the government does not wipe every nose

but in fact north koreans work hard also

its just that as a socialist dictatorship they have very little to show for their effort
I don’t get why you continue to think Venezuela is some broad representation of socialism. I already explained that Venezuela has a private economy. Venezuela and all those other countries are socialist countries. Their policies simply differ.
Again, you promise norway but its certain you will deliver venezuala instead

because the marxist revolutionaries in America want to tear down the old order rather than build on it as they have in norway
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea.
Dont confuse s korea and japan with north korea and venezuala

the south koreans are free and it allows them to earn what they have

Ditto for japan where the government does not wipe every nose

but in fact north koreans work hard also

its just that as a socialist dictatorship they have very little to show for their effort
I don’t get why you continue to think Venezuela is some broad representation of socialism. I already explained that Venezuela has a private economy. Venezuela and all those other countries are socialist countries. Their policies simply differ.
Again, you promise norway but its certain you will deliver venezuala instead

because the marxist revolutionaries in America want to tear down the old order rather than build on it as they have in norway
Well I don’t even know who those people are, but I personally am not a Marxist. Nothing I have said should make you think I am.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

They used "socialist" for a long time, and finally realized that, not only did it no longer scare anybody, but it probably backfired and made many people more interesting in hearing about socialism. Too funny.

They stuck on Marxism for a time, and now they're pretty much stuck on "commie" and communism, like modern-day Archie Bunkers.

I've also seen them say that the devil himself is involved, and I very much wonder where they take it from here. I mean, where the hell (no pun intended) can they go from here?

Of course, all they're doing is scaring themselves and each other, as usual, while the rest of us smile and roll our eyes.

Consider the benefits to the planet brought by Marxism-based governments just in the 20th Century.

Start with over 100,000,000 dead only by two leaders. You can add the rest in later.

Keep smiling. You won't win here.
But I'm fully against Marxism. I'm a happy capitalist .

Keep trying. You won't win here.
What distinction do you draw between Marxism and socialism?

As for BLM, they claim to be Marxist but seem to support everything that is socialist.
I don't give a shit.

I'm against them both.
Well if you are not willing to explore what these terms mean, how can you intelligently talk about them?

Or do you want to be like this socialist who first begins to talk as if she knows what the hell she is talking about, but when confronted with knowing what she is talking about, realizes she is an idiot.

I would have to say that the ignorance of those promoting socialism should not be surprising, because only an ignorant person or fool would.

Talk to them about it. Maybe they'll thank you for all your help.

Once again no intellectual interest in the debate you entered. I find this pattern perplexing.

Very odd

I made my point. I have no interest in wallowing in yours.

Too bad.

What point? That Trump haters are delusional?

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