The Socialism boogeyman

Itā€™s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You canā€™t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course youā€™re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isnā€™t, but that is because youā€™re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isnā€™t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesnā€™t mean they are the same thing. Iā€™m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. Iā€™m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol youā€™re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.

The military is a means of production? Really? So those privates with their M16s and grenades, are really factory workers cranking out.... what cars? Or something? What product can I go to the store and buy from the US military, since they are a means of production in your brain dead world?

No you idiot. The military is funded by tax payers. Thereā€™s the other half of the definition of socialism that you all PATHETICALLY and intentionally leave out which is ā€œ...distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.ā€ Be an adult.

So you can quote it, and not even understand what you yourself just quoted?

Production or distribution and exchange......

Do tell, you bumbling fool.... what are they distributing to society? Last time I saw the military unload goods at the store was .... when? Exchange? Yeah, I don't see military exchange points along the road anywhere, in town, or out of town.
Why is it that you think you understand what socialism means if youā€™re too much of a disingenuous pussy to include the full definition? Tell me what is it that you think the second half of the definition means even though you pretend it doesnā€™t exist? The defense budget is owned by the people who FUND it. That is an example of socialism.

There is no "second half". It is all part of one single definition.

Learn to pronounce
noun: socialism

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Production.... distrobution... exchange..... should be.... blaw blaw blaw.

The US military is a defense force. It is not a means of productions, a means of distribution, or a means of exchange.

If they were a means of production, distribution, or exchange..... they wouldn't be hiring outside contractors constantly to build, make and transport stuff, you mindless idiot. :)

Thomas Sowell is right. Arguing with smart people is easy. It's arguing with fools, that you have to spoon feed every single point to, that is hard.
Lol right you quote the definition without your own interpretation. And yeah, it is the second half because you chose ignore it. You still havenā€™t explained what it means. What does social ownership mean? Go ahead. Iā€™ll wait.

It doesnā€™t matter what the military DOES. The DEFENSE BUDGET is funded and therefore owned by the community as a whole.
View attachment 388368
And whatā€™s your excuse? Itā€™s not like you have any formal understanding of economics - not even close.
I understand plenty....A fuckton more than you.....That's beyond certain.
Lol no you really donā€™t. You arenā€™t basing that off of anything. You have no explanation whatsoever why you think that quote doesnā€™t apply to you.

No he does. You haven't said anything intelligent in about 4 pages of posts now.
Itā€™s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You canā€™t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course youā€™re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isnā€™t, but that is because youā€™re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isnā€™t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesnā€™t mean they are the same thing. Iā€™m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. Iā€™m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol youā€™re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.

The military is a means of production? Really? So those privates with their M16s and grenades, are really factory workers cranking out.... what cars? Or something? What product can I go to the store and buy from the US military, since they are a means of production in your brain dead world?

No you idiot. The military is funded by tax payers. Thereā€™s the other half of the definition of socialism that you all PATHETICALLY and intentionally leave out which is ā€œ...distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.ā€ Be an adult.

So you can quote it, and not even understand what you yourself just quoted?

Production or distribution and exchange......

Do tell, you bumbling fool.... what are they distributing to society? Last time I saw the military unload goods at the store was .... when? Exchange? Yeah, I don't see military exchange points along the road anywhere, in town, or out of town.
Why is it that you think you understand what socialism means if youā€™re too much of a disingenuous pussy to include the full definition? Tell me what is it that you think the second half of the definition means even though you pretend it doesnā€™t exist? The defense budget is owned by the people who FUND it. That is an example of socialism.

There is no "second half". It is all part of one single definition.

Learn to pronounce
noun: socialism

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Production.... distrobution... exchange..... should be.... blaw blaw blaw.

The US military is a defense force. It is not a means of productions, a means of distribution, or a means of exchange.

If they were a means of production, distribution, or exchange..... they wouldn't be hiring outside contractors constantly to build, make and transport stuff, you mindless idiot. :)

Thomas Sowell is right. Arguing with smart people is easy. It's arguing with fools, that you have to spoon feed every single point to, that is hard.
Lol right you quote the definition without your own interpretation. And yeah, it is the second half because you chose to ignore it. You still havenā€™t explained what it means. What does social ownership mean? Go ahead. Iā€™ll wait.

It doesnā€™t matter what the military DOES. The DEFENSE BUDGET is funded and therefore owned by the community as a whole.
Yeah. There is no "community as a whole". There are governments, and ambitious people who use them to control others. But don't pretend the privilege of being controlled is "social ownership" - it's more like being owned.
Those brands left the country because they were assimilated into larger global corporations. They may not have even left the country, they just operate under a different name. Not saying thats always true, but its truly a trend. Daimler, Chrysler, Benz, Ford-Mazda, Ford-Volvo, Ford-Landrover...have all contributed to corporate identity crises in the last few decades. Banks especially get involved inthat stuff. You never know who owns who anymore.
No, they explicitly left the country because of the high tax rates and general anti-market tendencies. The Swede and Dane who created 'Skype' chose to register in Estonia instead of their own homecountries because of taxes. Creators of 'Stardoll', for many years, said that they cannot afford to have their business in Sweden because of the taxes.

Entrepreneurs tend to leave Scandinavia because it is very hard to become successful in business.

Socialist methods are emplyed in Scandinavia and they are hardly failing although they have their quirks.
None of the Nordic countries became rich because they implemented Social Democracy. They all became rich because of pro-market tendencies and then introduced Social Democracy because they were rich. In fact, that is how it always is - Socialism is only called for when and where there is massive wealth - Socialism is a luxury.

Today, Sweden is crumbling apart with high unemployment, stagnant growth, falling school results, a health care system with shortages of employees and long waiting-times and a housing market that is among the worst in the world.

Even USSR era Russia had many successes. They failed to be a world power before the Socialist regime pulled the struggling land up by its bootstraps. .The Russians didnt hate their system they hated Stalin and despot with a vendetta who followed in his footsteps.
No, they did not have "many successes", what are you talking about? :laugh:

This is no different from Neo-Nazis who ssy "but, Hitler boosted the economy!" Ugh, it is absolutely disgusting to see people defending genocidal regimes and anti-reason ideologies. Shame on you!

Ihave personally known Russians who still had great respect for their national way of life in 1991 and after. They were first in space, first transatlantic jetliner..and for 5 years the ONLY transatlantic jetliner, first woman in space, more women in political office, first automated probe to land on another planet, largest bomb ever, fastest cruise missile, and many other smaller examples too numerous to mention here...
"But, Hitler was a vegetarian."

Shame on you twice!

It IS about the governors as much as it is abiut the form of government. The problem with socialism and/or communism is not that its inherantly evil so much as it requires people to perpetually volunteer for it, not be mandated. People have a right to choose what they will get out of it...not be told what they'll get out of it whether they like it or not. And if the system cant provide that then the individual MUST have the freedom to find it for himself while respecting the rights of others. When you think about it, our Constitution doesnt define HOW people should find happiness. It only asserts that they have a right to it along with EVERYONE else.
You are one dumb bag of potatoes, aren't you?

If the government promises me a meal but cant deliver...and I disobey fish&game regulations by shooting a deer without a license with an AK47 in order to feed my family, then that should be on the government that makes all the promises and restrictions...not me.
Okay, and?
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Itā€™s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You canā€™t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course youā€™re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isnā€™t, but that is because youā€™re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isnā€™t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesnā€™t mean they are the same thing. Iā€™m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. Iā€™m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol youā€™re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.

The military is a means of production? Really? So those privates with their M16s and grenades, are really factory workers cranking out.... what cars? Or something? What product can I go to the store and buy from the US military, since they are a means of production in your brain dead world?

No you idiot. The military is funded by tax payers. Thereā€™s the other half of the definition of socialism that you all PATHETICALLY and intentionally leave out which is ā€œ...distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.ā€ Be an adult.
What does "distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a wholeā€ even mean? How does the community own an exchange? By definition, each thing being exchange has to be owned by one of the parties to the exchange. One party can't own both sides of the exchange. Then it's not an exchange.

"Distribution" means taxation. Otherwise it's meaningless. If I dig up some gold, how does it get "distributed" unless I do it myself through exchange or the "community" takes it from me.
Itā€™s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You canā€™t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course youā€™re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isnā€™t, but that is because youā€™re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isnā€™t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesnā€™t mean they are the same thing. Iā€™m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. Iā€™m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol youā€™re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.
Having one socialist institution doesn't make the entire society socialist, dumbass.
Oh the entire society huh? You mean the society funded and owned by the community through tax revenue?
That sentence is totally meaningless. Society doesn't own jack shit. Only government owns things.
Itā€™s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You canā€™t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course youā€™re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isnā€™t, but that is because youā€™re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isnā€™t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesnā€™t mean they are the same thing. Iā€™m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. Iā€™m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol youā€™re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.

The military is a means of production? Really? So those privates with their M16s and grenades, are really factory workers cranking out.... what cars? Or something? What product can I go to the store and buy from the US military, since they are a means of production in your brain dead world?

No you idiot. The military is funded by tax payers. Thereā€™s the other half of the definition of socialism that you all PATHETICALLY and intentionally leave out which is ā€œ...distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.ā€ Be an adult.

So you can quote it, and not even understand what you yourself just quoted?

Production or distribution and exchange......

Do tell, you bumbling fool.... what are they distributing to society? Last time I saw the military unload goods at the store was .... when? Exchange? Yeah, I don't see military exchange points along the road anywhere, in town, or out of town.
Why is it that you think you understand what socialism means if youā€™re too much of a disingenuous pussy to include the full definition? Tell me what is it that you think the second half of the definition means even though you pretend it doesnā€™t exist? The defense budget is owned by the people who FUND it. That is an example of socialism.

It's owned by The State, dumnbfuck.
Oh I love your adorable double speak. Now youā€™re just making the argument for me. How precious.
I'm not making any argument for you.

If "the people"owned the military, any one of us could stroll onto any military base and demand to use one of their vehicles or that they be given flying lessons by their instructors on a military plane...":The people who fund it" don't own jack shit, numbnutz.
But you said that socialism was defined by state ownership. Thatā€™s the simple disconnect that escapes you lol. The state AND the people own the institution. The people own it by FUNDING it.
They actually don't own it. To own something means to have exclusive control over it. The only person who has control over the military is the President, and that's temporary.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

America is no longer "The Land of Opportunity". It's a strongly classful are what your parents were.

The wealthy have burned almost all bridges behind them.

So why not socialism? Most of the wealthy did not earn their wealth or if they did it's only because they started life in a very advantaged position economically.

Sure, there will always be a tiny number of people that go from rags to riches, but for most people it's a whole lot more likely that they go from middle-class to poverty. Most are a lay off away from being homeless.

Socialism gives people the one thing that capitalism gives only a tiny few....SECURITY.
If you want socialism fine, I will take the easiest burger flipping job, do as little as possible..

I refuse to work hard in a socialist society .


If I lived in a socialist society, I'd be an engineer just like I am now.

I've known several people that grew up in the Soviet Union. People chose to be Engineers, Doctors lawyers etc... because they were devoted to their professions, not for money.

The world would be a better place if professionals were motivated by ethics instead of being a bunch of whores like yourself!

We can live without your hard work.
If I lived in a socialist society, I'd be an engineer just like I am now.
Sociaist engineering is always inferior to market engineering and engineers in Socialist regimes tend to have only one job option and that is working for the government.

I've known several people that grew up in the Soviet Union. People chose to be Engineers, Doctors lawyers etc... because they were devoted to their professions, not for money.
It is impossible to be devoted to anything in a country where you are not free to pursue your own happiness. The Soviet Union did not create devoted professionals.

The world would be a better place if professionals were motivated by ethics instead of being a bunch of whores like yourself!
What "ethics"?

I'd like to see you live up to this and work for free.
The right wing in America has used the term Socialism as a scare tactic for decades, but it's not working anymore. The American economy has functioned with a mixture of Socialism and Capitalism for many years i.e the hundreds of billions in free money the American government pays out to corporate America as subsidies, grants and other corporate welfare goodies are a pure form of Socialism. One could also make the case that tax credits, automatic rollover defence contracts and Federal Deposit insurance are also forms of Socialism. Millennials now associate Socialism with Scandinavia, and not the old USSR.

America has cooled a little on capitalism. This is hardly surprising when you consider how the American form of Capitalism has failed ordinary Americans. The poorest men in the US have the same life expectancy as men in Sudan. Maternal mortality more than doubled between 1991 and 2014. The middle class has shrunk. People are desperate for an alternative to an increasingly dismal status quo.

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.

They used "socialist" for a long time, and finally realized that, not only did it no longer scare anybody, but it probably backfired and made many people more interesting in hearing about socialism. Too funny.

They stuck on Marxism for a time, and now they're pretty much stuck on "commie" and communism, like modern-day Archie Bunkers.

I've also seen them say that the devil himself is involved, and I very much wonder where they take it from here. I mean, where the hell (no pun intended) can they go from here?

Of course, all they're doing is scaring themselves and each other, as usual, while the rest of us smile and roll our eyes.
The populace has been indoctrinated for years that capitalism is unjust and the Founding Fathers were slave owners, thus the country and Constitution needs to go and be replaced by socialism.

But the history of Marxism is never taught in terms of the death and destruction it has caused, murdering and oppressing millions more last century than any other ideology.

So with such vast ignorance, no wonder the term no longer scares them.
Not to mention the gross misapplication of capitalism by the ignorant Right, which has played completely into everything the Left is doing.

That's led to the inequities and fraud that has turned so many people away from capitalism.

The REAL socialists should be sending the Right Thank You cards.
Could you provide an example of the "gross misapplication of capitalism?

What turns people away from capitalism is the constant lying about it by turds like you who don't even know what it is.
I will now only (try to) discuss this issue with Trumpsters if they have the formal training and/or formal education and/or sufficient financial designations to discuss it like an intelligent, informed adult.

If you'd like, you may provide yours for my consideration.

And sorry, "I heard it on Rush" does not qualify.

Thank you.

My education is in accounting/finance. I actually have the credentials, education, experience and maturity to discuss the subject.

I get so disgusted with stupid people who believe they know all there is to know about economics. They don't. In fact they make total fools of themselves when they actually try.

They have no clue what the real meaning of socialism or communism is. They actually believe they're social systems. The reality is that they are economic systems and they aren't anything close to how they define it.

They also don't know the results of their unregulated capitalism. All unregulated capitalism does is cause monopolies and destroys economies. Which is why the constitution gives the government the power to regulate commerce.

There is no such thing as free markets. Even with unregulated capitalism because the larger companies destroy any competition. Which destroys innovation and stifles economic growth.

You are wasting your time with these uneducated and ill informed people.
Thank YOU.

I played the game here for a long time, trying to communicate with them on this topic. What I learned as that (a) they're terribly mal-informed on the topic, and (b) they have absolutely no curiosity to search out facts, even though they're sitting on the internet. They believe what they're told, and that's enough for them.

And to your point, one of my biggest frustrations is that you can't approach an issue this complicated with a shallow, binary worldview. They don't understand that regulations and controls exist on a continuum. And, despite all evidence to the contrary, they have been convinced that being on the Right, or whatever the hell Trumpism is, they're somehow naturally more "educated" on the topic.

It recently hit me that it's depressing to discuss this topic with them. That's when I gave up.

You're welcome.

I tried in the 90s on the old AOL boards to educate these people on this subject. I actually know about it so thought that people would pay attention to someone who actually knows what they are talking about.


Having an education, degree and working in the field since I was in high school in Jr. Achievement as treasurer of several small businesses made absolutely no difference to those on the right.

Actual facts backed up with links make absolutely no difference. You can post fact after fact with link after link or video after video. It will make no difference. They won't read or watch it.

They have been brainwashed since limbaugh that anyone who doesn't agree with their views is a communist and their enemy. Sometimes I think they actually believe it but most of the time I see they use those words in a very lame attempt to silence anyone with a different view.

It's a total waste of time to try to communicate with them on any level. Which is why 99% of the time I just scroll right by their posts.

As for socialism and capitalism, America has been a hybrid of both systems for a very long time. Americans don't want the government to make the products we buy. We do want the government to make sure those products are safe and do actually what they claim. We don't want the government to decide who can go into business and what they can sell but we do want the government to make sure there's a level playing field for everyone so that capitalism doesn't cause monopolies that destroy competition, innovation and development.

Those on the far right and far left don't understand that this world isn't black and white. There is no one size fits all. They do understand that extremes don't allow for change. If you notice, extremists use extremes to prevent any responsible and moderate change.

And what ā€œchangeā€ are you looking for out of government?
Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.
What do you expect socislism to deliver to you that cant be gained by education and hard work?
See, you donā€™t even understand what the word means. Itā€™s a very broad term. The TYPE of socialism advocated in the US is simply trying to make a more egalitarian society. Itā€™s about minimizing poverty and giving a safety net to those who need it. This TYPE of socialism has nothing to do with abolishing capitalism. It serves as a counter balance to the rising income disparity between the rich and middle class.
View attachment 388170
Well sorry youā€™re too stupid to understand the basic nuance of the subject.

Oh please educate us...

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