The Socialism boogeyman

It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Government is socialism. True free market Capitalism has no Government.
AND...Sweden and Denmark are differentiated, in spite of their Scnadinavian commonalities, by the fact that Sweden is a land of HUGE corporations while Denmark is a land of smaller companies.
Yes, both Sweden and Denmark were extremely free market oriented in the late 1800's and early 1900's which is when many of the larger companies were founded. Scandinavia also was not affected by the Great Depression However, it is important to note that most of the brands Sweden is famous for have left the country, neither IKEA nor Spotify have their HQ:s in Sweden anymore (I think H&M still is but they get special treatment by the government not to leave) and Denmark has a higher economic freedom index than the US. whereas Sweden has a lower corporate tax (or at least used to) than the US.

Those brands left the country because they were assimilated into larger global corporations. They may not have even left the country, they just operate under a different name. Not saying thats always true, but its truly a trend. Daimler, Chrysler, Benz, Ford-Mazda, Ford-Volvo, Ford-Landrover...have all contributed to corporate identity crises in the last few decades. Banks especially get involved inthat stuff. You never know who owns who anymore
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Socialist methods are emplyed in Scandinavia and they are hardly failing although they have their quirks. Even USSR era Russia had many successes. They failed to be a world power before the Socialist regime pulled the struggling land up by its bootstraps. .The Russians didnt hate their system they hated Stalin and despot with a vendetta who followed in his footsteps. I have personally known Russians who still had great respect for their national way of life in 1991 and after. They were first in space, first transatlantic jetliner..and for 5 years the ONLY transatlantic jetliner, first woman in space, more women in political office, first automated probe to land on another planet, largest bomb ever, fastest cruise missile, and many other smaller examples too numerous to mention here...

It IS about the governors as much as it is abiut the form of government. The problem with socialism and/or communism is not that its inherantly evil so much as it requires people to perpetually volunteer for it, not be mandated. People have a right to choose what they will get out of it...not be told what they'll get out of it whether they like it or not. And if the system cant provide that then the individual MUST have the freedom to find it for himself while respecting the rights of others. When you think about it, our Constitution doesnt define HOW people should find happiness. It only asserts that they have a right to it along with EVERYONE else.

If the government promises me a meal but cant deliver...and I disobey fish&game regulations by shooting a deer without a license with an AK47 in order to feed my family, then that should be on the government that makes all the promises and restrictions...not me.

We have Russians that live here in Ohio. Not one that was actually alive, and lived under socialism, thought it was good system. Not one. The only people in Russia who want to return to the Soviet days, are the ones who never lived under socialism.

And yes, they did some nifty things..... while people starved to death in their country.

The problem with socialism and/or communism is not that its inherantly evil

I disagree. It is inherently evil.

At the most basic fundamental level, if you tell people they should get something, anything, that they didn't have to work for... that is evil.

Because A, getting something you didn't work for is morally wrong. B, inherently that makes you have to take whatever that it is that you are going to give to that person for free... from someone else who worked for it.

That is morally wrong as well.

Socialism and communism are inherently, at their very core, are evil concepts.

This is why, the only way those systems ever exist, is through evil means. Because people inherently hate injustices being used against them. So you have make them comply with violent force.
This translates to mean that any program funded by tax payers is SOCIALISM. Any program that provides a safety net for the poor Is funded by tax payers. That program is an example of social democratic principles.
It is immoral to take the earnings of one individual and give the money to someone else

and that is what income redistribution in the name of social justice is all about
Those earnings you speak of partly come from corporate welfare. But either way, that isn’t even the solution I am referring to. I want to end corporate welfare and close tax loopholes rich people and corporations take advantage of. I want the minimum wage gradually raised for the years to come. I want to strengthen the middle class. I want childcare, healthcare, and higher education socialized. I want to cut defense spending to help pay for those programs.

None of that has anything to do with taking the money rich people currently have.

All the minimum wage does is cause unemployment.

Childcare, healthcare and higher education already are mostly socialized. Look at what it has gotten us: Thos BLM and Antifa lunatices burning down our cities are largely the product of socialized higher education.

The more government does, the more it fucks this country up.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea.
Dont confuse s korea and japan with north korea and venezuala

the south koreans are free and it allows them to earn what they have

Ditto for japan where the government does not wipe every nose

but in fact north koreans work hard also

its just that as a socialist dictatorship they have very little to show for their effort
I don’t get why you continue to think Venezuela is some broad representation of socialism. I already explained that Venezuela has a private economy. Venezuela and all those other countries are socialist countries. Their policies simply differ.
Again, you promise norway but its certain you will deliver venezuala instead

because the marxist revolutionaries in America want to tear down the old order rather than build on it as they have in norway
Well I don’t even know who those people are, but I personally am not a Marxist. Nothing I have said should make you think I am.
Actually, you are. You just don't know it.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Yes, socialism is the antithesis of capitalism, no matter how popular it is.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol you’re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.
i can't think of a single issue that unites Republicans more than opposition to socialism, just like for Democrats it's opposition to Trump
Opposition to the Black Lies Matter movement that is driving violence on American streets is a strong motivator for trump supporters also

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It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol you’re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.

The military is a means of production? Really? So those privates with their M16s and grenades, are really factory workers cranking out.... what cars? Or something? What product can I go to the store and buy from the US military, since they are a means of production in your brain dead world?

Sorry Republicans - Your Socialism boogeyman is not scaring people anymore.
What do you expect socislism to deliver to you that cant be gained by education and hard work?
See, you don’t even understand what the word means. It’s a very broad term. The TYPE of socialism advocated in the US is simply trying to make a more egalitarian society. It’s about minimizing poverty and giving a safety net to those who need it. This TYPE of socialism has nothing to do with abolishing capitalism. It serves as a counter balance to the rising income disparity between the rich and middle class.
View attachment 388170
Well sorry you’re too stupid to understand the basic nuance of the subject.
Sorry you're so stupid to believe that you're actually smart.
Okay. How about this? You explain WHY social democratic principles are no different from any type of socialism. That shouldn’t be hard to do right? You think all socialism is the same, right?
Socialism, properly defined, is the State ownership and operation of the means of production.....Even the prime minister of "democratic socialist" Denmark told your boi Bernie to shut his fucking yap about them, because they're a market based economy.

You seriously haven't the first clue of what you're blabbering about.
God you’re such a fucking idiot.

Here is what your dumbass is doing: you’re conveniently and deliberately leaving out the second part of that definition: “the exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.” Did you think I wouldn’t notice?

This translates to mean that any program funded by tax payers is SOCIALISM. Any program that provides a safety net for the poor Is funded by tax payers. That program is an example of social democratic principles.
So how does so-called "social democracy" differ from the welfare state? How is the US not a "social democracy?"

Your definition is meant to obscure the facts, not clarify them. It's demagoguery.
What is the “welfare state”? How do you define it? What does it entail?
I define the welfare state exactly the same way you define social democracy.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol you’re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.
Having one socialist institution doesn't make the entire society socialist, dumbass.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol you’re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.

The military is a means of production? Really? So those privates with their M16s and grenades, are really factory workers cranking out.... what cars? Or something? What product can I go to the store and buy from the US military, since they are a means of production in your brain dead world?

No you idiot. The military is funded by tax payers. There’s the other half of the definition of socialism that you all PATHETICALLY and intentionally leave out which is “...distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.” Be an adult.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol you’re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.
Having one socialist institution doesn't make the entire society socialist, dumbass.
Oh the entire society huh? You mean the society funded and owned by the community through tax revenue?
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol you’re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.

The military is a means of production? Really? So those privates with their M16s and grenades, are really factory workers cranking out.... what cars? Or something? What product can I go to the store and buy from the US military, since they are a means of production in your brain dead world?

No you idiot. The military is funded by tax payers. There’s the other half of the definition of socialism that you all PATHETICALLY and intentionally leave out which is “...distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.” Be an adult.
Oh so you're going to use an organization that is heavily disciplinarian, strictly stratified and segregated by class, moribund with bureaucracy, horrendously wasteful, pays its employees like shit and sends them to every backwater shithole on the planet on a whim, as some sort of model of the successes of socialism?

Are you fucking nuts?...That's a rhetorical question...I was already certain that you're fucking nuts.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol you’re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.

The military is a means of production? Really? So those privates with their M16s and grenades, are really factory workers cranking out.... what cars? Or something? What product can I go to the store and buy from the US military, since they are a means of production in your brain dead world?

No you idiot. The military is funded by tax payers. There’s the other half of the definition of socialism that you all PATHETICALLY and intentionally leave out which is “...distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.” Be an adult.

So you can quote it, and not even understand what you yourself just quoted?

Production or distribution and exchange......

Do tell, you bumbling fool.... what are they distributing to society? Last time I saw the military unload goods at the store was .... when? Exchange? Yeah, I don't see military exchange points along the road anywhere, in town, or out of town.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol you’re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.
Having one socialist institution doesn't make the entire society socialist, dumbass.
Oh the entire society huh? You mean the society funded and owned by the community through tax revenue?

The society is not funded and owned by the community through tax revenue.

You don't own my car, because I pay taxes. You don't own my podcasting business, because I pay taxes.

And if you did, please explain how you intend to push your ownership, if I decide to run my car into a tree on my property? Or if I delete my podcasting account? Or anything else I intend to do?

You don't own it. Sorry.
It’s a massive oversimplification to suggest the concept of socialism is the reason why it is a failed state. It is a failed state because it has a poor government. You can’t cherry pick Venezuela and pretend it is some broad reflection of socialism itself.
"Cherry pick Venezuela".... :lol:

You shameless genocide apologetic.

How about we add Vietnam, North Korea, China, Soviet, East Germany, Biafra, Zimbabwe, Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia and Romania to the list?. The list goes on and on and the result has always been the same - poverty, starvation, misery and genocide.
Right while you forget the success of Western Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Of course you’re also too stupid to know that the US has been ALWAYS been socialist. Why? Because every government on earth is a form of socialism. Your dumbass thinks socialism is the antithesis of capitalism when it really isn’t, but that is because you’re too stupid to understand any sort of nuance.

No, because you are wrong on all of that. South Korea is Socialist? What does that make North Korea? Idiotic.

This is the intellectual twisted knots you left-wingers have to do, in order to justify your idiocy. You have to call everything that is capitalist, socialist, and call everything socialist.... somehow isn't.
Actually every government around the world is socialist to some extent. Socialism isn’t the antithesis of capitalism. That doesn’t mean they are the same thing. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.

Of course it is. I’m sorry you are not smart enough to understand that.
Lol you’re so dense. The US has been socialist since the beginning. Our defense budget is the biggest socialist institution in the world.

The military is a means of production? Really? So those privates with their M16s and grenades, are really factory workers cranking out.... what cars? Or something? What product can I go to the store and buy from the US military, since they are a means of production in your brain dead world?

No you idiot. The military is funded by tax payers. There’s the other half of the definition of socialism that you all PATHETICALLY and intentionally leave out which is “...distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.” Be an adult.
Oh so you're going to use an organization that is heavily disciplinarian, strictly stratified and segregated by class, moribund with bureaucracy, horrendously wasteful, pays its employees like shit and sends them to every backwater shithole on the planet on a whim, as some sort of model of the successes of socialism?

Are you fucking nuts?...That's a rhetorical question...I was already certain that you're fucking nuts.

He's an idiot. But he's an amusing idiot. It's entertaining to watch him smash his nose into every intellectual wall he can.
You two fucking Keynesian twirps are utterly nauseating in your pious ignorance.
Another example of how much information is kept from the Trumpsters.

Trump was a HYPER Keynesian before the virus it. Keynes is rolling over in his fucking GRAVE.

Arrogant ignorance. It's the Trumpian way.
Trump isn't the subject, asshole.

But since you can't defend your pious economic illiteracy to the extent that you need to change the subject, he's not a ideologue economically or politically...Anyone with a functioning brains stem could've figure that out in the speech he gave after coming down the escalator....Understanding the man doesn't make anyone a "Tumpster" as a matter of course.


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