The Space Force Flag looks like the Star Trek Logo. What do you think?

We have absolutely no need for a "Space Force" when we can't even pull off a manned orbital mission. All space related functions from other services should be transferred to the Chair Force or maintained as a Joint Command and that is where it should have ended.
It’s not all about sending military into space. It’s about all the support needed from the ground and running missions through satellites.
We already have that, which is why we do not need a Space Force. Reading is fundamental.
It should have been called Star Fleet from the beginning. I am glad to see the newly formed Space Force used to take our astronauts to and from the space station. The shitstain paid his sweeties, the Russians, to be our taxi.
It should have been called Star Fleet from the beginning. I am glad to see the newly formed Space Force used to take our astronauts to and from the space station. The shitstain paid his sweeties, the Russians, to be our taxi.
That's funny! We have been riding with the Russians since the Bush administration.
Kirk, Spock, Bones, and Lieutenant Ubanghy all beam down to the planet surface. Now who's gonna die ?

It should have been called Star Fleet from the beginning. I am glad to see the newly formed Space Force used to take our astronauts to and from the space station. The shitstain paid his sweeties, the Russians, to be our taxi.
You realize that they can go on a rocket owned by Elon Musk. That is who has been flying a lot of resupply missions to the ISS.
You can put Bugs Bunny on the flag for all I care, just make sure you are always many steps ahead of the communists. If their economy doesn't pay a price after sending 300,000 citizens of earth to an early grave, then we are all in deep trouble.
I love it. Granted I am a lifelong Star Trek fan but why I think it's so great that they chose to make the Space Force logo look like Star Trek is simply this: To me what is space really about is inspiration and imagination.

more like a 3d ship from asteroids.

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