The Spender-in-Chief

FACTS dumbass, FACTS. That's what I'm smoking.

What Would Be the Major Effects of Repealing the ACA?
  • Including the budgetary effects of macroeconomic feedback, repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period.

Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act
Na, Obamacare is funded by people that cannot afford it. To pay for people that can’t afford anything...
You silly little fucker


Idiot, I'm giving a serious estimate, by a Congressional Budget Office on the effects ACA has on our budget and you tell me "Na"? You fools seriously live out on planet Clown.

Say whatever you want about ACA but it is a model of a FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE bill, that was projected to not only pay for itself but to actually bring the deficit down some in the long term.
Na, the people that are forced to fund obama care cannot afford it in the least, just to pay for people that can not afford anything. Basically robbing Peter to pay Paul then slitting their throats...
FACTS dumbass, FACTS. That's what I'm smoking.

What Would Be the Major Effects of Repealing the ACA?
  • Including the budgetary effects of macroeconomic feedback, repealing the ACA would increase federal budget deficits by $137 billion over the 2016–2025 period.

Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act
Na, Obamacare is funded by people that cannot afford it. To pay for people that can’t afford anything...
You silly little fucker

You ignorant fool. You have no idea how the ACA was funded.

Do yourself a favor & look it up so you can avoid looking like the total moron you really are.
Na, Obama care is a liability
You're acfuckingb luiabuility.

If trhe ACA is a liability, why was it necessary for the Republicans to consider how to fund it's repeal?
Only fucking control freaks want Obamacare, it’s a control thing

So enabling people who had to buy insurance as individuals the opportunity to buy as part of a large group an insurance policy of their own choosing from a private insurance company of their choosing to get care from private doctors in private institutions is controlling people?

Idiot, I'm giving a serious estimate, by a Congressional Budget Office on the effects ACA has on our budget and you tell me "Na"? You fools seriously live out on planet Clown.

Say whatever you want about ACA but it is a model of a FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE bill, that was projected to not only pay for itself but to actually bring the deficit down some in the long term.
Na, the people that are forced to fund obama care cannot afford it in the least, just to pay for people that can not afford anything. Basically robbing Peter to pay Paul then slitting their throats...

You obviously have ZERO clue wtf you are talking about or how it connects to Federal budget.
Obamacare destroys lives... fact

You are fucking idiot - fact.

Go on your Obamacare rants in some other threads, this one is about budget issues.
Na, Obamacare was a backroom deal by career politicians/deep state people.
It has never been about health… It’s always been about control.
Obamacare is a budget buster for the American people

"deep state:" hahahahahahahahahaahhaahahhaahahhahahahahahahahahahaha
Na, Obamacare is funded by people that cannot afford it. To pay for people that can’t afford anything...
You silly little fucker


Idiot, I'm giving a serious estimate, by a Congressional Budget Office on the effects ACA has on our budget and you tell me "Na"? You fools seriously live out on planet Clown.

Say whatever you want about ACA but it is a model of a FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE bill, that was projected to not only pay for itself but to actually bring the deficit down some in the long term.
Na, the people that are forced to fund obama care cannot afford it in the least, just to pay for people that can not afford anything. Basically robbing Peter to pay Paul then slitting their throats...
Na, Obamacare is funded by people that cannot afford it. To pay for people that can’t afford anything...
You silly little fucker

You ignorant fool. You have no idea how the ACA was funded.

Do yourself a favor & look it up so you can avoid looking like the total moron you really are.
Na, Obama care is a liability
You're acfuckingb luiabuility.

If trhe ACA is a liability, why was it necessary for the Republicans to consider how to fund it's repeal?
Only fucking control freaks want Obamacare, it’s a control thing

So enabling people who had to buy insurance as individuals the opportunity to buy as part of a large group an insurance policy of their own choosing from a private insurance company of their choosing to get care from private doctors in private institutions is controlling people?
Obamacare was made to fail so they can bring on single payer which is all about control and nothing to do with health
What are you smoking :auiqs.jpg:

Do you remember the sequestration under Obama?

I remember you libs squealed like a stuck pig.
Actually it was you right whiners that had a fit blaming Obama for cutting military spending, etc.

You were such a pack of chickenshits that you couldn't blame the people that made it happen - YOUR FUCKING WORTHLESS PARTY.

Obama, Pelosi, Reid all squealed about sequestration stop pretending they didn't. Also, we won, you lost, its still funny as hell :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

They were pissed that your fucking worthless America-hating party decided that the Sequester was they way to go after refusing to enact spending cuts.

Let your hate flow lib, Trump said lets MAGA and the country selected him as our president.
Do you remember the sequestration under Obama?

I remember you libs squealed like a stuck pig.
Actually it was you right whiners that had a fit blaming Obama for cutting military spending, etc.

You were such a pack of chickenshits that you couldn't blame the people that made it happen - YOUR FUCKING WORTHLESS PARTY.

Obama, Pelosi, Reid all squealed about sequestration stop pretending they didn't. Also, we won, you lost, its still funny as hell :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

They were pissed that your fucking worthless America-hating party decided that the Sequester was they way to go after refusing to enact spending cuts.

Let your hate flow lib, Trump said lets MAGA and the country selected him as our president.

Clearly he thinks more debt is MAGA.

Idiot, I'm giving a serious estimate, by a Congressional Budget Office on the effects ACA has on our budget and you tell me "Na"? You fools seriously live out on planet Clown.

Say whatever you want about ACA but it is a model of a FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE bill, that was projected to not only pay for itself but to actually bring the deficit down some in the long term.
Na, the people that are forced to fund obama care cannot afford it in the least, just to pay for people that can not afford anything. Basically robbing Peter to pay Paul then slitting their throats...
You ignorant fool. You have no idea how the ACA was funded.

Do yourself a favor & look it up so you can avoid looking like the total moron you really are.
Na, Obama care is a liability
You're acfuckingb luiabuility.

If trhe ACA is a liability, why was it necessary for the Republicans to consider how to fund it's repeal?
Only fucking control freaks want Obamacare, it’s a control thing

So enabling people who had to buy insurance as individuals the opportunity to buy as part of a large group an insurance policy of their own choosing from a private insurance company of their choosing to get care from private doctors in private institutions is controlling people?
Obamacare was made to fail so they can bring on single payer which is all about control and nothing to do with health
But it has not failed at all.

Even the might Donald can't seem to destroy it.

You take away funding. You take away the mandate. Still ticking
Funny chit. do your search & find out the cost of the Stimulus Bill & post it. Do it or STFU.
Wow, you sure are trying very hard to remain stupid. That's why you are such a hard learner.
So you refuse to post what you found online as to the cost of the Stimulus Bill. Why is that? Because it will prove me right & you an ass.

Post it or Shit the Fuck Up.
The stimulus bill is irrelevant, jackass.

It is impossible for tax cuts to cost anything, jackass. Why is that simple concept that even my 3 year old can understand very well, without even being told, so hard for you grasp?

It really must suck to be you.
Tax cuts bust your budget

Less money coming in, still spend like crazy
They don't bust my budget.
Deficit spending with the (other) Peoples' money?
Na, the people that are forced to fund obama care cannot afford it in the least, just to pay for people that can not afford anything. Basically robbing Peter to pay Paul then slitting their throats...
Na, Obama care is a liability
You're acfuckingb luiabuility.

If trhe ACA is a liability, why was it necessary for the Republicans to consider how to fund it's repeal?
Only fucking control freaks want Obamacare, it’s a control thing

So enabling people who had to buy insurance as individuals the opportunity to buy as part of a large group an insurance policy of their own choosing from a private insurance company of their choosing to get care from private doctors in private institutions is controlling people?
Obamacare was made to fail so they can bring on single payer which is all about control and nothing to do with health
But it has not failed at all.

Even the might Donald can't seem to destroy it.

You take away funding. You take away the mandate. Still ticking
I could care less as long as there is no mandate...
You're acfuckingb luiabuility.

If trhe ACA is a liability, why was it necessary for the Republicans to consider how to fund it's repeal?
Only fucking control freaks want Obamacare, it’s a control thing

So enabling people who had to buy insurance as individuals the opportunity to buy as part of a large group an insurance policy of their own choosing from a private insurance company of their choosing to get care from private doctors in private institutions is controlling people?
Obamacare was made to fail so they can bring on single payer which is all about control and nothing to do with health
But it has not failed at all.

Even the might Donald can't seem to destroy it.

You take away funding. You take away the mandate. Still ticking
I could care less as long as there is no mandate...
it should be affordable for anyone.
The tax cuts will pay for themselves over time, as history has shown over and over again since the early 1900s.

Trump is doing the best he can with a Congress that has a Senate with 49 Democrats. If we had 60 Republicans in the Senate, the budget deal would have been far different, and far better. As Trump tweeted:

Without more Republicans in Congress, we were forced to increase spending on things we do not like or want in order to finally, after many years of depletion, take care of our Military. Sadly, we needed some Dem votes for passage. Must elect more Republicans in 2018 Election!​
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.

The infrastructure in this country is bad, so why wait until it get to the point we are just another Mexico!?!
If Trump wants to spend over 400 billion a year on infrastructure, raise the gas tax and other transportation related taxes to pay for it. It's a new concept, called pay as you go.
We just spent 1.5 Trillion on tax cuts. Trump wants to spend 1.2 on his new nuclear arms race, & he has called for 1.5 trillion in infrastructure spending.

That is 4.2 billion over say ten years. 420 billion a year new spending without a peep on funding.

We are already racing toward a trillion dollar deficit.

We are not mired in a deep recession (yet). Our economy is going OK. Employment is OK. We do not need such an economic shot in the arm.
Nearly $7 trillion in new debt with nothing to show for it in years
Funded things like our military. Maintaining infrastructure, educating our kids, paying for drugs for seniors, etc etc etc

I guess when we add 40 billion to the debt to build a wall, you can go & look at it & say - see what we built!
Building a wall cost less than it has / does to ignore the law, import MS13 and illegals, fund Sanctuary Cities, and hand out tax dollars to illegals in the form of food stamps, welfare, housing, etc...
The tax cuts will pay for themselves over time, as history has shown over and over again since the early 1900s.

Trump is doing the best he can with a Congress that has a Senate with 49 Democrats. If we had 60 Republicans in the Senate, the budget deal would have been far different, and far better. As Trump tweeted:

Without more Republicans in Congress, we were forced to increase spending on things we do not like or want in order to finally, after many years of depletion, take care of our Military. Sadly, we needed some Dem votes for passage. Must elect more Republicans in 2018 Election!​

History has shown that when there are tax cuts the debt dramatically increases...
The tax cuts will pay for themselves over time, as history has shown over and over again since the early 1900s.

Trump is doing the best he can with a Congress that has a Senate with 49 Democrats. If we had 60 Republicans in the Senate, the budget deal would have been far different, and far better. As Trump tweeted:

Without more Republicans in Congress, we were forced to increase spending on things we do not like or want in order to finally, after many years of depletion, take care of our Military. Sadly, we needed some Dem votes for passage. Must elect more Republicans in 2018 Election!​
Take a look at 3 biggest tax cuts,
The tax cuts will pay for themselves over time, as history has shown over and over again since the early 1900s.

Trump is doing the best he can with a Congress that has a Senate with 49 Democrats. If we had 60 Republicans in the Senate, the budget deal would have been far different, and far better. As Trump tweeted:

Without more Republicans in Congress, we were forced to increase spending on things we do not like or want in order to finally, after many years of depletion, take care of our Military. Sadly, we needed some Dem votes for passage. Must elect more Republicans in 2018 Election!​
Take a look at three of the most significant tax cuts, the Coolidge tax cuts, the Kennedy tax cuts, and the Reagan tax cuts.

The Coolidge tax cuts developed economic growth but still did not cover the cost. The Kennedy tax cuts reduced revenues by $12 billion on an annual basis, but CBO models indicated that only between $3 billion and $9 billion was recaptured through additional revenue. Reagan’s own 1990 budget, his last one, concluded that the “net effect” of 1981 tax cut was a reduction in revenue by $613 billion over five years; all but $367 billion was recouped by Reagan tax increases, the budget document said. This estimate was made in 1988, meaning it incorporated whatever growth occurred in the 1980s.

The belief that tax cuts pay for themselves is a great selling point for congressmen trying to pass tax relief bills. Just cut taxes without spending cuts and everybody wins. One need only look at the national debt to see the truth.
It is impossible for tax cuts to cost anything, jackass.

Hey retard, what do you think will happen to our budgets if we tax-cut to zero?

OF COURSE there is a budgetary cost to doing that!
Bullshit. Taking less of people's money doesn't cost a fucking penny.

You didn't answer the question asshole.

I'll ask again: what do you think will happen to our budgets if we tax-cut to zero?
Only fucking control freaks want Obamacare, it’s a control thing

So enabling people who had to buy insurance as individuals the opportunity to buy as part of a large group an insurance policy of their own choosing from a private insurance company of their choosing to get care from private doctors in private institutions is controlling people?
Obamacare was made to fail so they can bring on single payer which is all about control and nothing to do with health
But it has not failed at all.

Even the might Donald can't seem to destroy it.

You take away funding. You take away the mandate. Still ticking
I could care less as long as there is no mandate...
it should be affordable for anyone.
As long as it’s 100% voluntary and no mandate... go for it.
No one should forced into such programs, it is not necessary
The tax cuts will pay for themselves over time, as history has shown over and over again since the early 1900s.

Trump is doing the best he can with a Congress that has a Senate with 49 Democrats. If we had 60 Republicans in the Senate, the budget deal would have been far different, and far better. As Trump tweeted:

Without more Republicans in Congress, we were forced to increase spending on things we do not like or want in order to finally, after many years of depletion, take care of our Military. Sadly, we needed some Dem votes for passage. Must elect more Republicans in 2018 Election!​
Take a look at 3 biggest tax cuts,
The tax cuts will pay for themselves over time, as history has shown over and over again since the early 1900s.

Trump is doing the best he can with a Congress that has a Senate with 49 Democrats. If we had 60 Republicans in the Senate, the budget deal would have been far different, and far better. As Trump tweeted:

Without more Republicans in Congress, we were forced to increase spending on things we do not like or want in order to finally, after many years of depletion, take care of our Military. Sadly, we needed some Dem votes for passage. Must elect more Republicans in 2018 Election!​
Take a look at three of the most significant tax cuts, the Coolidge tax cuts, the Kennedy tax cuts, and the Reagan tax cuts.

The Coolidge tax cuts developed economic growth but still did not cover the cost. The Kennedy tax cuts reduced revenues by $12 billion on an annual basis, but CBO models indicated that only between $3 billion and $9 billion was recaptured through additional revenue. Reagan’s own 1990 budget, his last one, concluded that the “net effect” of 1981 tax cut was a reduction in revenue by $613 billion over five years; all but $367 billion was recouped by Reagan tax increases, the budget document said. This estimate was made in 1988, meaning it incorporated whatever growth occurred in the 1980s.

The belief that tax cuts pay for themselves is a great selling point for congressmen trying to pass tax relief bills. Just cut taxes without spending cuts and everybody wins. One need only look at the national debt to see the truth.
The well is dry asshole...

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