The State Department is in crisis mode over numerous resignations since January


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Yep, long-time senior officials at the State Department are dropping like flies because of Trump’s terrible governing.

State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed'

The U.S.’s ranks of diplomats are losing key leaders at a “dizzying speed” as the State Department struggles to recruit talent amid a hiring freeze and sinking morale in the Trump administration, according to a new essay from a top ambassador.

Sixty percent of the agency’s career ambassadors, the highest rank for diplomats, have retired or quit since January. Nearly half of career ministers — the next level down and equivalent to the military’s three-star generals — are gone too, down to 19 from 33. The next-level minister counselors have seen their numbers drop by 62 diplomats, to 369, since Labor Day “and are still falling,” writes Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the American Foreign Service Association union.

Without these leaders, the U.S. could face a diminished role on the world stage, unable to keep up with the increasingly aggressive foreign policies of rising countries like China, she argues.
Yep, long-time senior officials at the State Department are dropping like flies because of Trump’s terrible governing.

State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed'

The U.S.’s ranks of diplomats are losing key leaders at a “dizzying speed” as the State Department struggles to recruit talent amid a hiring freeze and sinking morale in the Trump administration, according to a new essay from a top ambassador.

Sixty percent of the agency’s career ambassadors, the highest rank for diplomats, have retired or quit since January. Nearly half of career ministers — the next level down and equivalent to the military’s three-star generals — are gone too, down to 19 from 33. The next-level minister counselors have seen their numbers drop by 62 diplomats, to 369, since Labor Day “and are still falling,” writes Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the American Foreign Service Association union.

Without these leaders, the U.S. could face a diminished role on the world stage, unable to keep up with the increasingly aggressive foreign policies of rising countries like China, she argues.
It's called "draining the swamp". It started with the Clintons, carried on with that ditz attorney general and on to Comey. Rock On!
Let me know when the career ones are all gone. Then I can celebrate.
Yep, long-time senior officials at the State Department are dropping like flies because of Trump’s terrible governing.

State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed'
The U.S.’s ranks of diplomats are losing key leaders at a “dizzying speed” as the State Department struggles to recruit talent amid a hiring freeze and sinking morale in the Trump administration, according to a new essay from a top ambassador.

Sixty percent of the agency’s career ambassadors, the highest rank for diplomats, have retired or quit since January. Nearly half of career ministers — the next level down and equivalent to the military’s three-star generals — are gone too, down to 19 from 33. The next-level minister counselors have seen their numbers drop by 62 diplomats, to 369, since Labor Day “and are still falling,” writes Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the American Foreign Service Association union.

Without these leaders, the U.S. could face a diminished role on the world stage, unable to keep up with the increasingly aggressive foreign policies of rising countries like China, she argues.
Let me know when the career ones are all gone. Then I can celebrate.
Yep, long-time senior officials at the State Department are dropping like flies because of Trump’s terrible governing.

State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed'
The U.S.’s ranks of diplomats are losing key leaders at a “dizzying speed” as the State Department struggles to recruit talent amid a hiring freeze and sinking morale in the Trump administration, according to a new essay from a top ambassador.

Sixty percent of the agency’s career ambassadors, the highest rank for diplomats, have retired or quit since January. Nearly half of career ministers — the next level down and equivalent to the military’s three-star generals — are gone too, down to 19 from 33. The next-level minister counselors have seen their numbers drop by 62 diplomats, to 369, since Labor Day “and are still falling,” writes Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the American Foreign Service Association union.

Without these leaders, the U.S. could face a diminished role on the world stage, unable to keep up with the increasingly aggressive foreign policies of rising countries like China, she argues.


You think that losing all the career diplomats at State is a good thing?
It's called "draining the swamp". It started with the Clintons, carried on with that ditz attorney general and on to Comey. Rock On!

The problem with "draining the swamp" is that all that you're left with after you drain it are pond scum and bottom feeders.
Yep, long-time senior officials at the State Department are dropping like flies because of Trump’s terrible governing.

State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed'

The U.S.’s ranks of diplomats are losing key leaders at a “dizzying speed” as the State Department struggles to recruit talent amid a hiring freeze and sinking morale in the Trump administration, according to a new essay from a top ambassador.

Sixty percent of the agency’s career ambassadors, the highest rank for diplomats, have retired or quit since January. Nearly half of career ministers — the next level down and equivalent to the military’s three-star generals — are gone too, down to 19 from 33. The next-level minister counselors have seen their numbers drop by 62 diplomats, to 369, since Labor Day “and are still falling,” writes Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the American Foreign Service Association union.

Without these leaders, the U.S. could face a diminished role on the world stage, unable to keep up with the increasingly aggressive foreign policies of rising countries like China, she argues.
It's called "draining the swamp". It started with the Clintons, carried on with that ditz attorney general and on to Comey. Rock On!
Lol that’s so stupid. Trump didn’t fire them or pressure them to quit. You caught onto that right?
There is no larger bog in the swamp than the State Department.

Who needs diplomats, after all?

Diplomats are fine, so long as they reflect current US policy.

Did you read the article in the OP?

It appears that no one wants to be a diplomat under Trump.

You mean the far left ridden overly bias piece of lies?

Silly far left drones will believe anything!
Yep, long-time senior officials at the State Department are dropping like flies because of Trump’s terrible governing.

State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed'

The U.S.’s ranks of diplomats are losing key leaders at a “dizzying speed” as the State Department struggles to recruit talent amid a hiring freeze and sinking morale in the Trump administration, according to a new essay from a top ambassador.

Sixty percent of the agency’s career ambassadors, the highest rank for diplomats, have retired or quit since January. Nearly half of career ministers — the next level down and equivalent to the military’s three-star generals — are gone too, down to 19 from 33. The next-level minister counselors have seen their numbers drop by 62 diplomats, to 369, since Labor Day “and are still falling,” writes Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the American Foreign Service Association union.

Without these leaders, the U.S. could face a diminished role on the world stage, unable to keep up with the increasingly aggressive foreign policies of rising countries like China, she argues.
Trump came to power completely unprepared. He has left far too many positions all over the government vacant. This is reaching the point of becoming a serious national security issue.
There is no larger bog in the swamp than the State Department.
Yeah, who needs anyone to keep an eye on the Iranians? Fuck that. It's too hard! Pass the custard to the fat boy at the head of the table.
Yep, long-time senior officials at the State Department are dropping like flies because of Trump’s terrible governing.

State Department senior ranks being depleted at 'dizzying speed'

The U.S.’s ranks of diplomats are losing key leaders at a “dizzying speed” as the State Department struggles to recruit talent amid a hiring freeze and sinking morale in the Trump administration, according to a new essay from a top ambassador.

Sixty percent of the agency’s career ambassadors, the highest rank for diplomats, have retired or quit since January. Nearly half of career ministers — the next level down and equivalent to the military’s three-star generals — are gone too, down to 19 from 33. The next-level minister counselors have seen their numbers drop by 62 diplomats, to 369, since Labor Day “and are still falling,” writes Ambassador Barbara Stephenson, the president of the American Foreign Service Association union.

Without these leaders, the U.S. could face a diminished role on the world stage, unable to keep up with the increasingly aggressive foreign policies of rising countries like China, she argues.
To make a bad situation worse, there are still a large number of unfilled vacancies because Tillerson is busy structuring the dep't.
It's called "draining the swamp". It started with the Clintons, carried on with that ditz attorney general and on to Comey. Rock On!

The problem with "draining the swamp" is that all that you're left with after you drain it are pond scum and bottom feeders.
Look, Hillary was SoS for 4 years in the Obama administration. Of course they were pond scum and bottom-feeders!
Hillary was SoS for 4 years in the Obama administration. Of course they were pond scum and bottom-feeders!

If that's your response, why respond at all. At least put in some effort. This is just laziness.
Hillary was SoS for 4 years in the Obama administration. Of course they were pond scum and bottom-feeders!

If that's your response, why respond at all. At least put in some effort. This is just laziness.
Do you honestly think Hillary brought in anything but pond scum and bottom feeders to State? You understand we're talking about Hillary Clinton, right?
Do you honestly think Hillary brought in anything but pond scum and bottom feeders to State?

Hillary brought qualified people in, which is why she:
  • Got the world to go along with sanctions on Russia
  • Got the world to go along with sanctions on Iran
  • Advised Obama to go after OBL in Abbotobad
Hillary was SoS for 4 years in the Obama administration. Of course they were pond scum and bottom-feeders!

If that's your response, why respond at all. At least put in some effort. This is just laziness.
Do you honestly think Hillary brought in anything but pond scum and bottom feeders to State? You understand we're talking about Hillary Clinton, right?
You do understand what an HR department is, and that the SecState is not responsible for hiring, except possibly for recommendations for appointed positions?

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