The state embraces the church?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

I reckon combining the church and state is Ok with democrats so long as they are a Leftist and condone abortion, etc.

During an annual interfaith breakfast at the New York Public Library Tuesday, New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams stood firm in his faith and rejected the separation of church and state.

"Don't tell me about no separation of church and state. State is the body. Church is the heart. You take the heart out of the body, the body dies," Adams stated.

He explained that his administration's policies are guided by his religious beliefs.

"I can't separate my belief because I'm an elected official," Adams continued. "When I walk, I walk with God. When I talk, I talk with God. When I put policies in place, I put them in with a God-like approach to them. That's who I am."

He noted that a lack of faith could be linked to homelessness and increased crime rates, including domestic violence and shootings.

"When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools," Adams said.

The mayor insisted that parents have abandoned their roles and failed to instill "some level of faith and belief" in their children.

"We are destroying our next generation, destroying them," Adams explained. "And we say over and over again, 'We need to build a world that's better for our children.' No, we need to build children that's better for our world."

Adams called on religious leaders to communicate with one another and become "ambassadors for peace." He stated that it is a tragedy that New York City residents do not leave their neighborhoods and get to know people from different backgrounds.

"That is a Shakespearean tragedy and anti-Christopher Columbus theory, believing if you leave your intellectual thought process, you're going to fall off some type of globe or planet," the mayor stated.

"Today we proclaim that this city, New York City, is a place where the mayor of New York is a servant of God," Adams said, concluding his speech.

In response to Adams' comments, former vice president of Americans United for Separation of Church and State Naomi Pais stated on Twitter, "So much for blue-city mayors upholding a fundamental principle of American society."

The New York Civil Liberties Union tweeted, "In order for our government to truly represent us, it must not favor any belief over another, including non-belief."

NYCLU President Donna Lieberman accused Adams of needing "a refresher course on the First Amendment."

The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

However, the phrase "a wall of separation between Church and State" comes from Thomas Jefferson's 1802 Danbury Baptist letter, which explained that the First Amendment was enacted to prevent the government from encroaching upon Americans' religious liberties.

In the 1962 case Engel v. Vitale, the Supreme Court outlawed prayer in public schools, claiming that the First Amendment indicated a separation of church and state.
Democrats in Georgia elected a full fledged Reverend with Warnock.

Democrats don't have any problems with that.


U.S. Senator Raphael Warnock (D-GA) said at a rally in Atlanta for seniors this week that “even God gave us a choice” regarding abortion.

Fox News reports that Warnock, the self-described pro-choice pastor, took time at the rally to speak about his support for a woman’s right to choose whether or not to terminate an innocent child’s life.
Putin embraced the church for more support.....Just sayin'. ;)

Only half kidding too....The leftists will try to find common cause with religion to further undermine our country. They already have them a pope that agrees with much of their debauchery.....You know, like saying that pedos have a special place in heaven.

Don't think for a minute that the dems won't try to use the church the same way the gop did evangelists.
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"When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools," Adams said.

I don't see this statement as being popular with very many on any side.
He noted that a lack of faith could be linked to homelessness and increased crime rates, including domestic violence and shootings.
That, and a whole lot of other sins and failures.

The New York Civil Liberties Union tweeted, "In order for our government to truly represent us, it must not favor any belief over another, including non-belief."
Did the mayor mention any particular faith? No. He said parents have abandoned their roles and failed to instill "some level of faith and belief" in their children. Adams called on religious leaders to communicate with one another and become "ambassadors for peace."

So quit freaking out godless ACLU types. You folks are more interested in enforcing the letter of the law because you want to look so powerful and special. When the fact is, you could not care less how much society self-destructs and becomes angry, hateful and resentful of all those who do not agree with them. It is those who serve no God, who have no morals, but have the power who have created this divisive, contentious world with all of your grandstanding.
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I reckon combining the church and state is Ok with democrats so long as they are a Leftist and condone abortion, etc.

During an annual interfaith breakfast at the New York Public Library Tuesday, New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams stood firm in his faith and rejected the separation of church and state.

"Don't tell me about no separation of church and state. State is the body. Church is the heart. You take the heart out of the body, the body dies," Adams stated.

He explained that his administration's policies are guided by his religious beliefs.

"I can't separate my belief because I'm an elected official," Adams continued. "When I walk, I walk with God. When I talk, I talk with God. When I put policies in place, I put them in with a God-like approach to them. That's who I am."

He noted that a lack of faith could be linked to homelessness and increased crime rates, including domestic violence and shootings.

"When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools," Adams said.

The mayor insisted that parents have abandoned their roles and failed to instill "some level of faith and belief" in their children.

"We are destroying our next generation, destroying them," Adams explained. "And we say over and over again, 'We need to build a world that's better for our children.' No, we need to build children that's better for our world."

Adams called on religious leaders to communicate with one another and become "ambassadors for peace." He stated that it is a tragedy that New York City residents do not leave their neighborhoods and get to know people from different backgrounds.

"That is a Shakespearean tragedy and anti-Christopher Columbus theory, believing if you leave your intellectual thought process, you're going to fall off some type of globe or planet," the mayor stated.

"Today we proclaim that this city, New York City, is a place where the mayor of New York is a servant of God," Adams said, concluding his speech.

In response to Adams' comments, former vice president of Americans United for Separation of Church and State Naomi Pais stated on Twitter, "So much for blue-city mayors upholding a fundamental principle of American society."

The New York Civil Liberties Union tweeted, "In order for our government to truly represent us, it must not favor any belief over another, including non-belief."

NYCLU President Donna Lieberman accused Adams of needing "a refresher course on the First Amendment."

The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

However, the phrase "a wall of separation between Church and State" comes from Thomas Jefferson's 1802 Danbury Baptist letter, which explained that the First Amendment was enacted to prevent the government from encroaching upon Americans' religious liberties.

In the 1962 case Engel v. Vitale, the Supreme Court outlawed prayer in public schools, claiming that the First Amendment indicated a separation of church and state.
I have always found it interesting that in a country that was founded on religious freedom and the belief in God that many on the left want both religion and God cancelled from existence.
That, and a whole lot of other sins and failures.

Did the mayor mention any particular faith? No. He said parents have abandoned their roles and failed to instill "some level of faith and belief" in their children. Adams called on religious leaders to communicate with one another and become "ambassadors for peace."

So quit freaking out godless ACLU types. You folks are more interested in enforcing the letter of the law because you want to look so powerful and special. When the fact is, you could not care less how much society self-destructs and becomes angry, hateful and resentful of all those who do not agree with them. It is those who serve no God, who have no morals, but have the power who have created this divisive, contentiousness world with all of your grandstanding.

The thing is when you don't allow any belief, you ARE endorsing non-belief.
"When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools," Adams said.

I don't see this statement as being popular with very many on any side.
A truism but not reflecting cause and affect.
I have always found it interesting that in a country that was founded on religious freedom and the belief in God that many on the left want both religion and God cancelled from existence.

Just look at groups like "Freedom From Religion" and other asshole Atheist groups.

Free Exercise means just that. Non-establishment means the feds and the States (after the 14th amendment) can't create official churches, or force people to join a given church for any reason.

It doesn't mean people can't pray, or religion can't be discussed or public displays can be banned.

The hard left wants to turn from neutrality to hostility.

I reckon combining the church and state is Ok with democrats so long as they are a Leftist and condone abortion, etc.

During an annual interfaith breakfast at the New York Public Library Tuesday, New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams stood firm in his faith and rejected the separation of church and state.

"Don't tell me about no separation of church and state. State is the body. Church is the heart. You take the heart out of the body, the body dies," Adams stated.

He explained that his administration's policies are guided by his religious beliefs.

"I can't separate my belief because I'm an elected official," Adams continued. "When I walk, I walk with God. When I talk, I talk with God. When I put policies in place, I put them in with a God-like approach to them. That's who I am."

He noted that a lack of faith could be linked to homelessness and increased crime rates, including domestic violence and shootings.

"When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools," Adams said.

The mayor insisted that parents have abandoned their roles and failed to instill "some level of faith and belief" in their children.

"We are destroying our next generation, destroying them," Adams explained. "And we say over and over again, 'We need to build a world that's better for our children.' No, we need to build children that's better for our world."

Adams called on religious leaders to communicate with one another and become "ambassadors for peace." He stated that it is a tragedy that New York City residents do not leave their neighborhoods and get to know people from different backgrounds.

"That is a Shakespearean tragedy and anti-Christopher Columbus theory, believing if you leave your intellectual thought process, you're going to fall off some type of globe or planet," the mayor stated.

"Today we proclaim that this city, New York City, is a place where the mayor of New York is a servant of God," Adams said, concluding his speech.

In response to Adams' comments, former vice president of Americans United for Separation of Church and State Naomi Pais stated on Twitter, "So much for blue-city mayors upholding a fundamental principle of American society."

The New York Civil Liberties Union tweeted, "In order for our government to truly represent us, it must not favor any belief over another, including non-belief."

NYCLU President Donna Lieberman accused Adams of needing "a refresher course on the First Amendment."

The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

However, the phrase "a wall of separation between Church and State" comes from Thomas Jefferson's 1802 Danbury Baptist letter, which explained that the First Amendment was enacted to prevent the government from encroaching upon Americans' religious liberties.

In the 1962 case Engel v. Vitale, the Supreme Court outlawed prayer in public schools, claiming that the First Amendment indicated a separation of church and state.

Interesting. What do the cultists think? rightwinger? Mac1958? Biff_Poindexter? Adams is talking about running a theocracy, right?
The thing is when you don't allow any belief, you ARE endorsing non-belief.

Correct. Simple as that.
Or as Scripture says ----- "Take away God and the devil will fill the void."
Too bad parents are not more wise. They might think of the reality of God, death and eternity and do all they can to instruct their children accordingly.

I reckon combining the church and state is Ok with democrats so long as they are a Leftist and condone abortion, etc.

During an annual interfaith breakfast at the New York Public Library Tuesday, New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams stood firm in his faith and rejected the separation of church and state.

"Don't tell me about no separation of church and state. State is the body. Church is the heart. You take the heart out of the body, the body dies," Adams stated.

He explained that his administration's policies are guided by his religious beliefs.

"I can't separate my belief because I'm an elected official," Adams continued. "When I walk, I walk with God. When I talk, I talk with God. When I put policies in place, I put them in with a God-like approach to them. That's who I am."

He noted that a lack of faith could be linked to homelessness and increased crime rates, including domestic violence and shootings.

"When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools," Adams said.

The mayor insisted that parents have abandoned their roles and failed to instill "some level of faith and belief" in their children.

"We are destroying our next generation, destroying them," Adams explained. "And we say over and over again, 'We need to build a world that's better for our children.' No, we need to build children that's better for our world."

Adams called on religious leaders to communicate with one another and become "ambassadors for peace." He stated that it is a tragedy that New York City residents do not leave their neighborhoods and get to know people from different backgrounds.

"That is a Shakespearean tragedy and anti-Christopher Columbus theory, believing if you leave your intellectual thought process, you're going to fall off some type of globe or planet," the mayor stated.

"Today we proclaim that this city, New York City, is a place where the mayor of New York is a servant of God," Adams said, concluding his speech.

In response to Adams' comments, former vice president of Americans United for Separation of Church and State Naomi Pais stated on Twitter, "So much for blue-city mayors upholding a fundamental principle of American society."

The New York Civil Liberties Union tweeted, "In order for our government to truly represent us, it must not favor any belief over another, including non-belief."

NYCLU President Donna Lieberman accused Adams of needing "a refresher course on the First Amendment."

The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

However, the phrase "a wall of separation between Church and State" comes from Thomas Jefferson's 1802 Danbury Baptist letter, which explained that the First Amendment was enacted to prevent the government from encroaching upon Americans' religious liberties.

In the 1962 case Engel v. Vitale, the Supreme Court outlawed prayer in public schools, claiming that the First Amendment indicated a separation of church and state.
LOl! One guy pops off and it's "combining the church and state is Ok with democrats" eh?

I think fact, I'm pretty sure that there are far more on the right that would like religion to play a larger role in governing.

Well, their religion, anyway~
Putin embraced the church for more support.....Just sayin'. ;)

Only half kidding too....The leftists will try to find common cause with religion to further undermine our country. They already have them a pope that agrees with much of their debauchery.....You know, like saying that pedos have a special place in heaven.

Don't think for a minute that the dems won't try to use the church the same way the gop did evangelists.
No, Putin gave lip service to church doctrine that makes Biden and his crew look like a bunch of godless heathen groomers.

There is a difference.

Essentially, Putin struck at the Achilles heel of Biden, and you do that with truth everyone can see no matter what it may be. Even non-religious people on this site can plainly see that children are being groomed and targeted sexually, long before their sexual development is complete, or even has begun.


But Putin has no concern for God and the church, that I can assure you.

It's just the propaganda wars is all.
"When we took prayers out of schools, guns came into schools," Adams said.

I don't see this statement as being popular with very many on any side.
Yes, this is neglected by both sides, which is why the problem continues.
That, and a whole lot of other sins and failures.

Did the mayor mention any particular faith? No. He said parents have abandoned their roles and failed to instill "some level of faith and belief" in their children. Adams called on religious leaders to communicate with one another and become "ambassadors for peace."

So quit freaking out godless ACLU types. You folks are more interested in enforcing the letter of the law because you want to look so powerful and special. When the fact is, you could not care less how much society self-destructs and becomes angry, hateful and resentful of all those who do not agree with them. It is those who serve no God, who have no morals, but have the power who have created this divisive, contentious world with all of your grandstanding.
Leftists have no problem with the concept of a God.....................unless.........................that God conflicts with party ideology.

Why? Because Leftism is a religion unto itself and wants no God or other men to criticize them in any way because they want to control everything in your life unopposed. So anything that opposes them, will either be eradicated or subverted.

So such things as gay marriage, abortion, changing the genders of children, etc., that may conflict with already established religions become a problem.

Most Leftists have concluded that their party ideology is too opposed to the established religions of the day, such as Christianity, so they have gone to war with it to destroy it. Others on the Left, however, have decided to take a different route, which is to subvert the original teachings by reinterpreting them so that they line up with the DNC party ideology.
Leftists have no problem with the concept of a God.....................unless.........................that God conflicts with party ideology.

Why? Because Leftism is a religion unto itself and wants no God or other men to criticize them in any way because they want to control everything in your life unopposed. So anything that opposes them, will either be eradicated or subverted.

So such things as gay marriage, abortion, changing the genders of children, etc., that may conflict with already established religions become a problem.

Most Leftists have concluded that their party ideology is to opposed to the established religions of the day, such as Christianity, so they have gone to war with it. Others on the Left, however, have decided to take a different route, which is to subvert the original teachings by reinterpreting them so that they line up with the party ideology.

Kinda like we have done with divorce and adultery and lying, and coveting and...............?
By the way, why didn't your God stop catholic priests from doing what they did?

Fuck theocracy...if you want one, you are more than welcome to move and live under one...
Religious leaders nailed Christ on the cross.



It is the same politics that drives the current Leftist Pope to give sermons about global warming and the evils of building walls, while ignoring the world wide genocide of abortion and their own pedophile scandals.
By the way, why didn't your God stop catholic priests from doing what they did?

Fuck theocracy...if you want one, you are more than welcome to move and live under one...

Because this is satans world right now that he rules over. God is no respecter of persons.

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