The state's popular vote compact is dead

Expect another court to immediately rule the exact opposite. It will be a matter of days, not weeks.

We can only hope so

Electors should represent the will of the people

Oh so is that why gay marriage is Illegal in California?

After all the will of the people said NO to gay marriage

They also legalized Prostitution for Girls and Boys as young as 13 years old. California is a Morally, Ethically and Spiritually Ill State.

how many times are you going to repeat this lie?

you know, no matter how often you repeat it, it will never magically become the truth.

We know what The Left wants. They want our children to be their sexual play things. You cannot hide that fact any more. This is why you are for Open Borders, and Legalized Prostitution for 13 year old children, so you can have an endless supply of children to defile in our schools and then in some back alley or where you Leftist Pervs do your business.

California Democrats legalize child prostitution

Failing the children of California
Expect another court to immediately rule the exact opposite. It will be a matter of days, not weeks.

We can only hope so

Electors should represent the will of the people

Oh so is that why gay marriage is Illegal in California?

After all the will of the people said NO to gay marriage

They also legalized Prostitution for Girls and Boys as young as 13 years old. California is a Morally, Ethically and Spiritually Ill State.

how many times are you going to repeat this lie?

you know, no matter how often you repeat it, it will never magically become the truth.

We know what The Left wants. They want our children to be their sexual play things. You cannot hide that fact any more. This is why you are for Open Borders, and Legalized Prostitution for 13 year old children, so you can have an endless supply of children to defile in our schools and then in some back alley or where you Leftist Pervs do your business.

California Democrats legalize child prostitution

Failing the children of California

Get a brain and quit feeding yourself this right wingnut drivel.

They changed the law so that when children that are victims of human trafficking come forward they would not be arrested for what they were forced to do.
Expect another court to immediately rule the exact opposite. It will be a matter of days, not weeks.

We can only hope so

Electors should represent the will of the people

Oh so is that why gay marriage is Illegal in California?

After all the will of the people said NO to gay marriage

They also legalized Prostitution for Girls and Boys as young as 13 years old. California is a Morally, Ethically and Spiritually Ill State.

how many times are you going to repeat this lie?

you know, no matter how often you repeat it, it will never magically become the truth.

We know what The Left wants. They want our children to be their sexual play things. You cannot hide that fact any more. This is why you are for Open Borders, and Legalized Prostitution for 13 year old children, so you can have an endless supply of children to defile in our schools and then in some back alley or where you Leftist Pervs do your business.

California Democrats legalize child prostitution

Failing the children of California
i know a lot of people on the left.

every single one of them would beat the shit out of you if you abused a child.

I've had a problem with this for a very long time. And with the passing of the national law in Colorado, this nullifies that as well. The National EC popular vote is just plain stupid and takes away the power that the smaller states have. Which means, if a Presidential Candidate wants to win, they only have to carry 5 states and they automatically win. The EC person did not want to vote for Trump but scratched out one and entered in a writein name which should be his or her right.

Um, no, it's not. WTF is the purpose of voting if some dopey fuck is just going to decide where the EC votes should go? Bad Ruling is bad
We can only hope so

Electors should represent the will of the people

Oh so is that why gay marriage is Illegal in California?

After all the will of the people said NO to gay marriage

They also legalized Prostitution for Girls and Boys as young as 13 years old. California is a Morally, Ethically and Spiritually Ill State.

how many times are you going to repeat this lie?

you know, no matter how often you repeat it, it will never magically become the truth.

We know what The Left wants. They want our children to be their sexual play things. You cannot hide that fact any more. This is why you are for Open Borders, and Legalized Prostitution for 13 year old children, so you can have an endless supply of children to defile in our schools and then in some back alley or where you Leftist Pervs do your business.

California Democrats legalize child prostitution

Failing the children of California
i know a lot of people on the left.

every single one of them would beat the shit out of you if you abused a child.
Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats

A new study of how criminals vote found that most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release.

“Democrats would benefit from additional ex-felon participation,” said the authoritative study in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

The authors, professors from the University of Pennsylvania and Stanford University, found that in some states, felons register Democratic by more than six-to-one. In New York, for example, 61.5 percent of convicts are Democrats, just 9 percent Republican. They also cited a study that found 73 percent of convicts who turn out for presidential elections would vote Democrat.

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We can only hope so

Electors should represent the will of the people

Oh so is that why gay marriage is Illegal in California?

After all the will of the people said NO to gay marriage

They also legalized Prostitution for Girls and Boys as young as 13 years old. California is a Morally, Ethically and Spiritually Ill State.

how many times are you going to repeat this lie?

you know, no matter how often you repeat it, it will never magically become the truth.

We know what The Left wants. They want our children to be their sexual play things. You cannot hide that fact any more. This is why you are for Open Borders, and Legalized Prostitution for 13 year old children, so you can have an endless supply of children to defile in our schools and then in some back alley or where you Leftist Pervs do your business.

California Democrats legalize child prostitution

Failing the children of California
i know a lot of people on the left.

every single one of them would beat the shit out of you if you abused a child.
Pedophiles, politics and the fantasies of the Left | Spectator USA

Zohar Lazar posits that the recent spate of pedophilia conspiracies are merely a reactionary response to a changing social order. As progressive policies take hold in America, the conservative fringe, Zohar claims, is freaking out by inventing false conspiracies about secret pedophilia rings. But it’s not all fantasy.

A decades-long progressive policy push for the loosening of sexual taboos and legal constraints has drastic implications for children’s rights and safety. The Left has consistently pushed for lowering the age of children’s consent, and expanding the range of socially acceptable behavior, while downplaying the risks to children, including sexual predation.

Sex with animals and children are the only remaining taboos. Even that is changing as fetish players embrace ‘furries’ and open up about their age preferences. But our culture still has no idea what to make of childhood. The culture emits mixed messages about what children are, about their agency, their objectification. Are children hot sex objects or innocents to be guarded from predators? Are these predators made-up bogeymen that, in Lazar’s trivializing words, ‘most effectively validate a group’s anxieties, with blame assigned to outsiders’?

Electors have never been bound to anything...One Texas elector cast his vote for Ron Paul last time around.

But the state could discard that vote and appoint another to cast the "right" vote. Now they can't.
We can only hope so

Electors should represent the will of the people

Oh so is that why gay marriage is Illegal in California?

After all the will of the people said NO to gay marriage

They also legalized Prostitution for Girls and Boys as young as 13 years old. California is a Morally, Ethically and Spiritually Ill State.

how many times are you going to repeat this lie?

you know, no matter how often you repeat it, it will never magically become the truth.

We know what The Left wants. They want our children to be their sexual play things. You cannot hide that fact any more. This is why you are for Open Borders, and Legalized Prostitution for 13 year old children, so you can have an endless supply of children to defile in our schools and then in some back alley or where you Leftist Pervs do your business.

California Democrats legalize child prostitution

Failing the children of California
i know a lot of people on the left.

every single one of them would beat the shit out of you if you abused a child.

CA Schools Teaching Pedophilia as 'Sexual Orientation' - Think Americana

California schools have been found teaching pedophilia to students as a “sexual orientation.” Not only is this sick, but it appears to normalize the perverted activity of an adult having sex with children.

Brea Olinda Unified School District (BOUSD) Assistant Superintendent of Curricula Kerrie Torres stated that it’s “really important” to teach students about the “sexual orientation” because it is “historical.”

One horrified mother questioned the atrocity of it, “So sex between a man and a boy is a sexual orientation?” Torres simply responded, “It’s something that occurred in history, and so this is really important for us to include.”

However, historical lessons like the life of Jesus aren’t taught, and the truth about what happened to Native Americans or slavery is being sugar coated and phased out.

Freedom Project reports:

Consider: With “sexual orientation” increasingly becoming a legally protected category across almost half of the states already — with Congress working on it too — the implications of defining pedophilia and pederasty as such are hard to overstate. For instance, in California, “discrimination” based on “sexual orientation” is prohibited. If pedophiles simply have a different “sexual orientation,” does that mean schools are required to hire them?

Establishment propaganda outlets disguised as news organizations such as Salon and Slate have also been working to normalize and redefine pedophilia and pederasty as a “sexual orientation.” LGBT movement hero Harvey Milk, who is celebrated in California’s fake “history” textbooks as a great figure, was known for raping minor boys, at least one of whom later committed suicide. There seems to be a trend here in California.

Democrats are the biggest election cheaters since Xi. They can't win elections without cheating

The ruling is wrong.

It's not democrats who do all they can to prevent people from voting.

There is no credible evidence of any democrat cheating.

republicans did work with russians to win the 2016 election. republicans did use stollen documents in the 2016 election.
Oh, really? You have proof they did? If I recall correctly, the Mueller report found no collusion...

The mueller report said that they weren't looking for collusion. They were looking for conspiracy. They found that trump did work with the russians but it didn't rise to the level of conspiracy. Which I disagree. I believe that trump did conspire with the russians to win that election. He came out and said he would do it again.

And yes trump used stolen documents.

The hacked documents from the DNC and John Podesta. Those were stolen. It's illegal to accept stolen documents.
Electors will still be chosen by the victorious Party not the State.

Bad faith electors have always been a thing. Though some states do have laws against them. Not all.

How does the ruling effect the Compact again?
This ruling, if upheld, will make all those laws against "bad faith" electors unconstitutional.

Why have elections?

That does seem to be the question at hand. According to this court our presidential election is meaningless and seems to just be a ruse to placate the people.
Wait. How so? All this court said was that electors must be selected by the state and that a state's laws cannot dictate to individual electors the candidate for whom they will vote. It has always been that way since the last time the constitution was amended on the issue.


So, there is nothing to stop electors from ignoring the popular vote of the state.
Right. The compact was FORCING them to vote a specific way. This court simply shot that down and maintained the status quo.


Each party submits a list of electors. I think the compact states will award the right to choose the states electors to the party based on the national vote rather than the states vote.
And, that may actually be constitutional. They just can't force those electors to vote a particular way.

Electors will still be chosen by the victorious Party not the State.

Bad faith electors have always been a thing. Though some states do have laws against them. Not all.

How does the ruling effect the Compact again?
This ruling, if upheld, will make all those laws against "bad faith" electors unconstitutional.


And, that may actually be constitutional.

It seem to strengthens the case that it is rather than kill it.
We can only hope so

Electors should represent the will of the people

Oh so is that why gay marriage is Illegal in California?

After all the will of the people said NO to gay marriage

They also legalized Prostitution for Girls and Boys as young as 13 years old. California is a Morally, Ethically and Spiritually Ill State.

how many times are you going to repeat this lie?

you know, no matter how often you repeat it, it will never magically become the truth.

We know what The Left wants. They want our children to be their sexual play things. You cannot hide that fact any more. This is why you are for Open Borders, and Legalized Prostitution for 13 year old children, so you can have an endless supply of children to defile in our schools and then in some back alley or where you Leftist Pervs do your business.

California Democrats legalize child prostitution

Failing the children of California
i know a lot of people on the left.

every single one of them would beat the shit out of you if you abused a child.

The line forms on the Left.....and the Right......and the Center......
No, but in many states, they pledge to vote for the majority winner.
From Wiki:


State laws may impose a fine on an elector who fails to vote according to the statewide or district popular vote, force an elector to vote for the candidate they pledged to vote, or disqualify an elector who violates their pledge and provide a replacement elector. The states with laws that attempt to bind the votes of presidential electors are highlighted above in red.[1]
Electors will still be chosen by the victorious Party not the State.

Bad faith electors have always been a thing. Though some states do have laws against them. Not all.

How does the ruling effect the Compact again?
This ruling, if upheld, will make all those laws against "bad faith" electors unconstitutional.


And, that may actually be constitutional.

It seem to strengthens the case that it is rather than kill it.
I agree, as long as electors are not forced to vote a particular way.

That's what they did in the underlying case. They removed him because he would not vote for the popular vote winner.

No, but in many states, they pledge to vote for the majority winner.
From Wiki:


State laws may impose a fine on an elector who fails to vote according to the statewide or district popular vote, force an elector to vote for the candidate they pledged to vote, or disqualify an elector who violates their pledge and provide a replacement elector. The states with laws that attempt to bind the votes of presidential electors are highlighted above in red.[1]
that's how it works you stupid fk.

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