The Stench Of Hypocrisy

This is actually surprising me--I always assumed Republicans were the hawks, since most of the active military folks I know are entrenched Republicans. Yet the stuff I've been reading on here from the deep Right in the past 24 hours is making me sick to my stomach.
Interesting fact, that Republicans aren't the hawks.
Yep. That's why I call them pseudocons. They aren't real conservatives, and they aren't real Republicans.

After all, they just elected a New York limousine liberal Democrat.

And it is a modern day miracle that Mitch McConnell is able to stand upright without a spine. He is the most cowardly human being alive today.

OP needs a refresher for those three brain cells:

Obama Is Ignoring the Law in Libya, And Congress Doesn't Care

He bombed several other countries without congressional approval.

It's G. It's OK when Obama does it... or any leftwinger, doesn't matter. G only has a problem with conservatives. Liberals like G get a pass on everything.
Your lies and bullshit don't fly, retard. Nice try.

Trump's been caught red-handed being a hypocrite again, and you gullible fucks just sit there and take it. Sad.

Calm down Snowflake. Your girl lost, quit whining like a little baby. If HRC changed her stance you'd be singing her praises for being so nuanced.

You have a pathological need to lie, just like Trump. It is well known I did not support Hillary, liar. I am a lifelong conservative Republican, liar.

Why do you destroy yourself in public like this? Why?

You are just the kind of lying, hypocritical assholes I hate for infecting my party. You are the reason I get up each day to kick you retarded pissants in the nuts.
You gullible tards selected a huckster instead of several real conservative options for the Republican nominee.

And I will never let you live it down.
What the hell are you talking about? Republicans and Democrats alike were very forceful about demanding Trump come to Congress in the future. Your OP is full of shit.
We all remember the last time Syria used chemical weapons on people, in 2013.

And we all remember when Obama said this crossed a red line.

But what the tards don't remember is that Obama was going to bomb Syria, and then the Republicans demanded he get approval from Congress first.

And they don't remember the Republicans then refused to allow the bombing of Syria to even come to a floor vote.

Because they are big, spineless pussies. Back then, I asked the tards many, many times what should be done about Syria and they ran away like the spineless pussies they are, too.

Where are the tards and the Congressional Republicans calling for their morbidly obese naked Emperor to get Congress's approval?

Oh. They are too busy praising the Fake President at the moment.

And what did the Birther-in-Chief have to say about Obama bombing Syria?

Hmmm, let's see...


I don't remember it this way. The way I remember it is Obama said he wanted congressional approval. Being the pussy he is, he wasn't willing to shoulder the responsibility himself.

WASHINGTON — President Obama is ready to go to war in Syria and he says he has the power to do it. But he's not going to pull the trigger until Congress weighs in.

"After careful consideration, I have decided the United States should take action against Syrian regime targets," Obama said in Rose Garden address Saturday.

But he said the attacks won't come until Congress has had its say, which won't happen until they come back to Washington at the end of their August recess.

Obama: I Have Decided To Bomb Syria, But I Want Congress To Weigh In First
It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

The dumb saps just sit there and take Trump faking them out over and over and over.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

The dumb saps just sit there and take Trump faking them out over and over and over.

You need to go jump over the white house fence and let your feelings be known. Drape yourself in that rainbow flag and let it all out.
Yep. That's why I call them pseudocons. They aren't real conservatives, and they aren't real Republicans.

After all, they just elected a New York limousine liberal Democrat.

And it is a modern day miracle that Mitch McConnell is able to stand upright without a spine. He is the most cowardly human being alive today.

OP needs a refresher for those three brain cells:

Obama Is Ignoring the Law in Libya, And Congress Doesn't Care

He bombed several other countries without congressional approval.

It's G. It's OK when Obama does it... or any leftwinger, doesn't matter. G only has a problem with conservatives. Liberals like G get a pass on everything.
Your lies and bullshit don't fly, retard. Nice try.

Trump's been caught red-handed being a hypocrite again, and you gullible fucks just sit there and take it. Sad.

Calm down Snowflake. Your girl lost, quit whining like a little baby. If HRC changed her stance you'd be singing her praises for being so nuanced.

You have a pathological need to lie, just like Trump. It is well known I did not support Hillary, liar. I am a lifelong conservative Republican, liar.

Why do you destroy yourself in public like this? Why?

You are just the kind of lying, hypocritical assholes I hate for infecting my party. You are the reason I get up each day to kick you retarded pissants in the nuts.

I've heard you say you're an:
  1. Eisenhower Republican,
  2. Reagan Republican, and now
  3. Conservative Republican
You're actually a Starkey Republican
Congress didn't have the guts to vote then.......they don't have the guts now
No, the pseudocons are pussies. They always waited to see what Obama was going to do, and then opposed it. They always followed Obama's lead.

"I can't tell you what I think until Obama says what he thinks. And then I will be the opposite of that."
This is actually surprising me--I always assumed Republicans were the hawks, since most of the active military folks I know are entrenched Republicans. Yet the stuff I've been reading on here from the deep Right in the past 24 hours is making me sick to my stomach.
Interesting fact, that Republicans aren't the hawks.
Yep. That's why I call them pseudocons. They aren't real conservatives, and they aren't real Republicans.

After all, they just elected a New York limousine liberal Democrat.

And it is a modern day miracle that Mitch McConnell is able to stand upright without a spine. He is the most cowardly human being alive today.

OP needs a refresher for those three brain cells:

Obama Is Ignoring the Law in Libya, And Congress Doesn't Care

He bombed several other countries without congressional approval.

It's G. It's OK when Obama does it... or any leftwinger, doesn't matter. G only has a problem with conservatives. Liberals like G get a pass on everything.

G is looney sometimes.
No, the pseudocons are pussies. They always waited to see what Obama was going to do, and then opposed it. They always followed Obama's lead.

"I can't tell you what I think until Obama says what he thinks. And then I will be the opposite of that."
This is actually surprising me--I always assumed Republicans were the hawks, since most of the active military folks I know are entrenched Republicans. Yet the stuff I've been reading on here from the deep Right in the past 24 hours is making me sick to my stomach.
Interesting fact, that Republicans aren't the hawks.
Yep. That's why I call them pseudocons. They aren't real conservatives, and they aren't real Republicans.

After all, they just elected a New York limousine liberal Democrat.

And it is a modern day miracle that Mitch McConnell is able to stand upright without a spine. He is the most cowardly human being alive today.

OP needs a refresher for those three brain cells:

Obama Is Ignoring the Law in Libya, And Congress Doesn't Care

He bombed several other countries without congressional approval.

It's G. It's OK when Obama does it... or any leftwinger, doesn't matter. G only has a problem with conservatives. Liberals like G get a pass on everything.

G is looney sometimes.
Like every dog, you all hate to have your noses rubbed in your shit.

No, the pseudocons are pussies. They always waited to see what Obama was going to do, and then opposed it. They always followed Obama's lead.

"I can't tell you what I think until Obama says what he thinks. And then I will be the opposite of that."
This is actually surprising me--I always assumed Republicans were the hawks, since most of the active military folks I know are entrenched Republicans. Yet the stuff I've been reading on here from the deep Right in the past 24 hours is making me sick to my stomach.
Interesting fact, that Republicans aren't the hawks.
Yep. That's why I call them pseudocons. They aren't real conservatives, and they aren't real Republicans.

After all, they just elected a New York limousine liberal Democrat.

And it is a modern day miracle that Mitch McConnell is able to stand upright without a spine. He is the most cowardly human being alive today.

OP needs a refresher for those three brain cells:

Obama Is Ignoring the Law in Libya, And Congress Doesn't Care

He bombed several other countries without congressional approval.

It's G. It's OK when Obama does it... or any leftwinger, doesn't matter. G only has a problem with conservatives. Liberals like G get a pass on everything.

G is looney sometimes.

This is actually surprising me--I always assumed Republicans were the hawks, since most of the active military folks I know are entrenched Republicans. Yet the stuff I've been reading on here from the deep Right in the past 24 hours is making me sick to my stomach.
Interesting fact, that Republicans aren't the hawks.
Yep. That's why I call them pseudocons. They aren't real conservatives, and they aren't real Republicans.

After all, they just elected a New York limousine liberal Democrat.

And it is a modern day miracle that Mitch McConnell is able to stand upright without a spine. He is the most cowardly human being alive today.

OP needs a refresher for those three brain cells:

Obama Is Ignoring the Law in Libya, And Congress Doesn't Care

He bombed several other countries without congressional approval.

It's G. It's OK when Obama does it... or any leftwinger, doesn't matter. G only has a problem with conservatives. Liberals like G get a pass on everything.

G is looney sometimes.
Like every dog, you all hate to have your noses rubbed in your shit.

Except you are wrong.

Senate committee approves resolution authorizing U.S. strike on Syria
OP needs a refresher for those three brain cells:

Obama Is Ignoring the Law in Libya, And Congress Doesn't Care

He bombed several other countries without congressional approval.

It's G. It's OK when Obama does it... or any leftwinger, doesn't matter. G only has a problem with conservatives. Liberals like G get a pass on everything.
Your lies and bullshit don't fly, retard. Nice try.

Trump's been caught red-handed being a hypocrite again, and you gullible fucks just sit there and take it. Sad.

Calm down Snowflake. Your girl lost, quit whining like a little baby. If HRC changed her stance you'd be singing her praises for being so nuanced.

You have a pathological need to lie, just like Trump. It is well known I did not support Hillary, liar. I am a lifelong conservative Republican, liar.

Why do you destroy yourself in public like this? Why?

You are just the kind of lying, hypocritical assholes I hate for infecting my party. You are the reason I get up each day to kick you retarded pissants in the nuts.

I've heard you say you're an:
  1. Eisenhower Republican,
  2. Reagan Republican, and now
  3. Conservative Republican
You're actually a Starkey Republican
You have never heard me say I am an Eisenhower Republican, liar.

And there is no contradiction between being a Reagan Republican and a conservative Republican, idiot.
Yep. That's why I call them pseudocons. They aren't real conservatives, and they aren't real Republicans.

After all, they just elected a New York limousine liberal Democrat.

And it is a modern day miracle that Mitch McConnell is able to stand upright without a spine. He is the most cowardly human being alive today.

OP needs a refresher for those three brain cells:

Obama Is Ignoring the Law in Libya, And Congress Doesn't Care

He bombed several other countries without congressional approval.

It's G. It's OK when Obama does it... or any leftwinger, doesn't matter. G only has a problem with conservatives. Liberals like G get a pass on everything.

G is looney sometimes.
Like every dog, you all hate to have your noses rubbed in your shit.

Except you are wrong.

Senate committee approves resolution authorizing U.S. strike on Syria
I said it was never allowed to come to a floor vote, retard. It was spiked. Jesus, you people really do have memories like that of goldfish.
We all remember the last time Syria used chemical weapons on people, in 2013.

And we all remember when Obama said this crossed a red line.

But what the tards don't remember is that Obama was going to bomb Syria, and then the Republicans demanded he get approval from Congress first.

And they don't remember the Republicans then refused to allow the bombing of Syria to even come to a floor vote.

Because they are big, spineless pussies. Back then, I asked the tards many, many times what should be done about Syria and they ran away like the spineless pussies they are, too.

Where are the tards and the Congressional Republicans calling for their morbidly obese naked Emperor to get Congress's approval?

Oh. They are too busy praising the Fake President at the moment.

And what did the Birther-in-Chief have to say about Obama bombing Syria?

Hmmm, let's see...


Funny, Obama did not ask for the approval of the GOP when he went into Libya. In fact, Obama violated the War Powers Act by not consulting Congress after so many days at war with Libya.

His defense was, "It's not really a war". Tell that to Gaddafi.

No, Obama drew his imaginary red lines in the sand that had no substance, then backed down because Assad hides behind Putin's skirt. Gaddafi was an easy target in comparison.

I oppose the US assuming the role of the WMD police, especially when the US has used WMD's in the past. What I do like, however, is that Trump does not seem to have the intention of removing Assad, like Obama did Gadhafi only to have ISIS take over. Nor does Trump seem to announce to the world what he will or will not do a week before he does it when it comes to military campaigns.

Considering that the Federal government seems to be full of people trying to sabotage Trump, like illegally leaking secret information about Flynn, I can't say I blame him for not telling anyone. Instead, if you are going to attack just pick up the phone and give the order giving Assad no ability to know what is coming while in bed with his whore straddling him.
CNN reported it as a Change of Heart for Trumph!

So everything is okay now, right?

It's called being nuanced. You'd rather the man be a rigid ideologue?

After seeing the results of 1400 Syrians with hundreds of children killed by a vicious gas attack under Obama and his Heart remained steel demanding Congress pass a AUMF resolution before any action was taken. Maybe he just didn't care back then.
Yep. That's why I call them pseudocons. They aren't real conservatives, and they aren't real Republicans.

After all, they just elected a New York limousine liberal Democrat.

And it is a modern day miracle that Mitch McConnell is able to stand upright without a spine. He is the most cowardly human being alive today.

OP needs a refresher for those three brain cells:

Obama Is Ignoring the Law in Libya, And Congress Doesn't Care

He bombed several other countries without congressional approval.

It's G. It's OK when Obama does it... or any leftwinger, doesn't matter. G only has a problem with conservatives. Liberals like G get a pass on everything.

G is looney sometimes.
Like every dog, you all hate to have your noses rubbed in your shit.

Except you are wrong.

Senate committee approves resolution authorizing U.S. strike on Syria
Did you notice only three Republicans voted in favor? Five against.
Trump said Obama should get Congressional approval before bombing Syria. Plain and simple.

He's a hypocrite. Plain and simple.

Everything about the piece of shit has been proven to be lies, ineptitude, ignorance, hypocrisy and empty promises.

And the rubes just keep on sitting there and taking it.
This is actually surprising me--I always assumed Republicans were the hawks, since most of the active military folks I know are entrenched Republicans. Yet the stuff I've been reading on here from the deep Right in the past 24 hours is making me sick to my stomach.
Interesting fact, that Republicans aren't the hawks.
Yep. That's why I call them pseudocons. They aren't real conservatives, and they aren't real Republicans.

After all, they just elected a New York limousine liberal Democrat.

And it is a modern day miracle that Mitch McConnell is able to stand upright without a spine. He is the most cowardly human being alive today.

OP needs a refresher for those three brain cells:

Obama Is Ignoring the Law in Libya, And Congress Doesn't Care

He bombed several other countries without congressional approval.

It's G. It's OK when Obama does it... or any leftwinger, doesn't matter. G only has a problem with conservatives. Liberals like G get a pass on everything.

G is looney sometimes.
Like every dog, you all hate to have your noses rubbed in your shit.


Uh huh. Suuuuuurree. Nobody's getting their nose rubbed in anything but your endless drooling horseshit.
Congress didn't have the guts to vote then.......they don't have the guts now
No, the pseudocons are pussies. They always waited to see what Obama was going to do, and then opposed it. They always followed Obama's lead.

"I can't tell you what I think until Obama says what he thinks. And then I will be the opposite of that."
This is actually surprising me--I always assumed Republicans were the hawks, since most of the active military folks I know are entrenched Republicans. Yet the stuff I've been reading on here from the deep Right in the past 24 hours is making me sick to my stomach.
Interesting fact, that Republicans aren't the hawks.

Indeed. If you look at history you will find a Dim behind the Oval Office during every war since the Civil war, except for Desert Storm with Bush at the helm.

Dims are the warmongers for the most part
The real stench of hypocrisy is that the Progs have their panties in a twist that Trump bombed a military target while they ignored Obabble droning civilians.

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