The Stone Cold Truth

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A person's personality is one thing. Neighborhoods that turn themselves into prisons is another. Privilege is the village. The ones Progs talk about but fail to deliver to many times. In the end the village takes care of the few as we see in those neighborhoods time after time.
The one opened with the FBI admitting there was no hard data to support their concerns.

No matter how many times you post the same, falsehood, it will not morph into the truth.

So yes, you continue doing what you've done here and post no proofs no evidence no facts to support your racist mindset. Yes. Continue to embarrass yourself here, as a deceitful racist, who will never relinquish our White Privilege.

1. I cut and pasted the FBI saying that from your own link. "No hard data", and you ignored that, and are counting it as "proving" something. YOu are either delusional or lying.

2. You are committed to pretending to believe in White Privilege to justify your support of racist anti-white policies. And you are fooling no one, not even yourself. You are the dishonest racist here, not I.
The one opened with the FBI admitting there was no hard data to support their concerns.

No matter how many times you post the same, falsehood, it will not morph into the truth.

So yes, you continue doing what you've done here and post no proofs no evidence no facts to support your racist mindset. Yes. Continue to embarrass yourself here, as a deceitful racist, who will never relinquish our White Privilege.

Correll can't help himself ethos. He's a loser that is mad because he didn't get the pot of gold he thought every white man was entitled to just for being white.

I was born in the 20th century, well after the current national consensus on Civil RIghts was achieved.

So, I was raised and educated expecting equal treatment.

Your claim otherwise, is just an excuse for your support of a racist policies.

And you being a piece of shit liar. Fuck you.
The one opened with the FBI admitting there was no hard data to support their concerns.

No matter how many times you post the same, falsehood, it will not morph into the truth.

So yes, you continue doing what you've done here and post no proofs no evidence no facts to support your racist mindset. Yes. Continue to embarrass yourself here, as a deceitful racist, who will never relinquish our White Privilege.

1. I cut and pasted the FBI saying that from your own link. "No hard data", and you ignored that, and are counting it as "proving" something. YOu are either delusional or lying.

2. You are committed to pretending to believe in White Privilege to justify your support of racist anti-white policies. And you are fooling no one, not even yourself. You are the dishonest racist here, not I.

And you, are 0-5 in here. Peggy McIntosh just murdered you.

And here's the FBI article, so readers here can get a veracious view of your dishonesty and your deceit that you've posted regarding this article:

...Increased attention toward the killing of black men and women by police throughout the past year has ignited national conversations on racism and law enforcement. From Freddie Gray in April 2015 to Deborah Danner — an “emotionally disturbed” woman fatally shot this week by an NYPD officer — protests around the country have forced many Americans to reassess how police engage with communities of color.

In light of — or perhaps despite — the increased scrutiny, FBI director James Comey told police officers at a national conference last Sunday that because of insufficient data on use of force, “Americans actually have no idea” whether racial bias in policing is really an epidemic. Pointing to current public outrage over police killings of African-Americans, Comey said “the absence of good information” and data has aided in the growing belief that police officers target particular communities.

READ MORE: Column: White people don’t understand the trauma of viral police-killing videos

“That is the narrative,” he told attendees of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. “It is a narrative driven by video images of real misconduct, possible misconduct and perceived misconduct.”

But even if there aren’t hard statistics, the problem of racial bias among police isn’t new. In fact, it’s been a concern of the FBI for at least a decade. Exactly 10 years ago this week, the FBI warned of the potential consequences — including bias — of white supremacist groups infiltrating local and state law enforcement, indicating it was a significant threat to national security.

In the 2006 bulletin, the FBI detailed the threat of white nationalists and skinheads infiltrating police in order to disrupt investigations against fellow members and recruit other supremacists. The bulletin was released during a period of scandal for many law enforcement agencies throughout the country, including a neo-Nazi gang formed by members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department who harassed black and Latino communities. Similar investigations revealed officers and entire agencies with hate group ties in Illinois, Ohio and Texas.

Much of the bulletin has been redacted, but in it, the FBI identified white supremacists in law enforcement as a concern, because of their access to both “restricted areas vulnerable to sabotage” and elected officials or people who could be seen as “potential targets for violence.” The memo also warned of “ghost skins,” hate group members who don’t overtly display their beliefs in order to “blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.”

“At least one white supremacist group has reportedly encouraged ghost skins to seek positions in law enforcement for the capability of alerting skinhead crews of pending investigative action against them,” the report read.

Problems with white supremacists in law enforcement have surfaced since that report. In 2014, two Florida officers — including a deputy police chief — were fired after an FBI informant outed them as members of the Ku Klux Klan. It marked the second time within five years that the agency uncovered an officer’s membership in the KKK. Several agencies nationwide have also launched investigations into personnel who may not be formal hate group members, but face allegations of race-based misconduct.

picture of him giving a Nazi salute surfaced on Facebook. And as recently as August, the Philadelphia Police Department launched an internal investigation after attendees of a Black Lives Matter rally outside the Democratic National Convention spotted an officer in charge of crowd control with a tattoo of the Nazi Party emblem on his forearm and posted the image on Instagram.

“Many people in these communities of color feel they have been the subject of police violence for decades,” said Samuel Jones, professor of law at the John Marshall School of Law in Chicago. “And when an officer engages in conduct that adds or enhances that divide, they are ultimately jeopardizing the integrity of their agencies and putting their fellow officers in danger.”

Policing in America has historically had racial implications. The earliest forms of organized law enforcement in the U.S. can be traced to slave patrols that tracked down escaped slaves, and overseers assigned to guard settler communities from Native Americans. In the centuries since, many law enforcement agencies directly participated in antagonizing communities of color, or provided a shield for others who did. But in the 10 years since the FBI’s initial warning, little has changed, Jones said.

Neither the FBI nor state and local law enforcement agencies have established systems for vetting personnel for potential supremacist links, he said. That task is left primarily to everyday citizens and nonprofit organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of few that tracks the growing number of hate groups in America.

“We catch them when we can, which means when we notice someone and check in the database,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center. The group is responsible for exposing an Alabama officer as a member of a white nationalist hate group, League of the South, after he spoke at their national conference in 2013. The officer was later fired.

“Obviously, we do not want people with white supremacist or other extremist views to be in such positions, so it is important to screen them out,” she added.

The First Amendment’s freedoms of association and expression mean it’s perfectly legal for anyone to join a hate group — as long as it’s for the purpose of legal activity — and still be a member of law enforcement. They can even serve in other positions of public office. But according to the FBI memo, the government can limit employment opportunities of members “when their memberships would interfere with their duties.” Jones says that’s problematic.

“I cannot imagine that the FBI today could issue a report concerning any kind of threat without people being alarmed and wanting immediate action,” he said. “But in this case there seems to be almost an acceptance of it. The thought is ‘it’s just ideology and they have a right to believe this.'”

In response to our inquiry, the FBI said it “routinely shares information about potential threats to better enable law enforcement” but does not “comment on specific law enforcement bulletins.”

There are, of course, police officers who recognize racial bias and are calling for change. At the same conference where FBI director James Comey spoke of the uncertainty of policing bias, the head of the International Association of Chiefs of Police [IACP], Terrence Cunningham apologized for what he called “historical mistreatment” of racial minorities.

“While we obviously cannot change the past, it is clear that we must change the future,” he said. “For our part, the first step is for law enforcement and the IACP to acknowledge and apologize for the actions of the past and the role that our profession has played in society’s historical mistreatment of communities of color.”

These conversations come as the Department of Justice announced it’s launching a national database on use of force and deaths in police custody.

For many like Jones, it’s another step toward accountability. But questions remain on how to tackle bias early on: One way to do that, he said, would involve screening would-be personnel for bias and supremacist ties, something the FBI acknowledged as a threat a decade before viral videos of police killings became nearly a weekly discussion.

As the nation continues to examine the role of race in law enforcement, many like Jones question whether scrutiny of the infiltration by white supremacists will move beyond the FBI’s acknowledgement a decade ago to specific action in the decades to come.

“There needs to more direct enforcement,” Jones said. “It’s one thing to issue a memo, and another to have continued action after it. There was a warning 10 years ago and nothing else since then.”


Now feel free to take more of this article, out of context, in order to preserve our White Privilege ---and feel free to post a link to any article where the FBI felt the need to warn America about Black Supremacists or Black gangbangers infiltrating law enforcement agencies as racist cops terrorizing White Americans.
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Uppity Negroes bitching because they aren't getting their reparations. I think it is pathetic. That is the divide.

Racist Caucasoids staying so, true, to their DNA/roots by logging in to play pretend that there's no such thing as White Privilege ---as they enjoy life within that Privilege. Pathetic.

Who gives a shit? I get called the racist name of Cracker a lot more than I call Blacks Neggers.

The only thing is that I am a proud Cracker so they can kiss my Cracker ass.

I had to work very hard my entire life. If that is Cracker Privileged then it is nothing to brag about. However unlike 50% of Negroes I have never been on welfare.
Bullshit. You benefitted all your life by government handouts white boy.
Uppity Negroes bitching because they aren't getting their reparations. I think it is pathetic. That is the divide.

Racist Caucasoids staying so, true, to their DNA/roots by logging in to play pretend that there's no such thing as White Privilege ---as they enjoy life within that Privilege. Pathetic.

Who gives a shit? I get called the racist name of Cracker a lot more than I call Blacks Neggers.

The only thing is that I am a proud Cracker so they can kiss my Cracker ass.

I had to work very hard my entire life. If that is Cracker Privileged then it is nothing to brag about. However unlike 50% of Negroes I have never been on welfare.
Bullshit. You benefitted all your life by government handouts white boy.

The one opened with the FBI admitting there was no hard data to support their concerns.

No matter how many times you post the same, falsehood, it will not morph into the truth.

So yes, you continue doing what you've done here and post no proofs no evidence no facts to support your racist mindset. Yes. Continue to embarrass yourself here, as a deceitful racist, who will never relinquish our White Privilege.

1. I cut and pasted the FBI saying that from your own link. "No hard data", and you ignored that, and are counting it as "proving" something. YOu are either delusional or lying.

2. You are committed to pretending to believe in White Privilege to justify your support of racist anti-white policies. And you are fooling no one, not even yourself. You are the dishonest racist here, not I.

And you, are 0-5 in here. Peggy McIntosh just murdered you.

And here's the FBI article, so readers here can get a veracious view of your dishonesty and your deceit that you've posted regarding this article:

...Increased attention toward the killing of black men and women by police throughout the past year has ignited national conversations on racism and law enforcement. From Freddie Gray in April 2015 to Deborah Danner — an “emotionally disturbed” woman fatally shot this week by an NYPD officer — protests around the country have forced many Americans to reassess how police engage with communities of color.

In light of — or perhaps despite — the increased scrutiny, FBI director James Comey told police officers at a national conference last Sunday that because of insufficient data on use of force, “Americans actually have no idea” whether racial bias in policing is really an epidemic. Pointing to current public outrage over police killings of African-Americans, Comey said “the absence of good information” and data has aided in the growing belief that police officers target particular communities.

READ MORE: Column: White people don’t understand the trauma of viral police-killing videos

“That is the narrative,” he told attendees of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. “It is a narrative driven by video images of real misconduct, possible misconduct and perceived misconduct.”

But even if there aren’t hard statistics, the problem of racial bias among police isn’t new. In fact, it’s been a concern of the FBI for at least a decade. Exactly 10 years ago this week, the FBI warned of the potential consequences — including bias — of white supremacist groups infiltrating local and state law enforcement, indicating it was a significant threat to national security.

In the 2006 bulletin, the FBI detailed the threat of white nationalists and skinheads infiltrating police in order to disrupt investigations against fellow members and recruit other supremacists. The bulletin was released during a period of scandal for many law enforcement agencies throughout the country, including a neo-Nazi gang formed by members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department who harassed black and Latino communities. Similar investigations revealed officers and entire agencies with hate group ties in Illinois, Ohio and Texas.

Much of the bulletin has been redacted, but in it, the FBI identified white supremacists in law enforcement as a concern, because of their access to both “restricted areas vulnerable to sabotage” and elected officials or people who could be seen as “potential targets for violence.” The memo also warned of “ghost skins,” hate group members who don’t overtly display their beliefs in order to “blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.”

“At least one white supremacist group has reportedly encouraged ghost skins to seek positions in law enforcement for the capability of alerting skinhead crews of pending investigative action against them,” the report read.

Problems with white supremacists in law enforcement have surfaced since that report. In 2014, two Florida officers — including a deputy police chief — were fired after an FBI informant outed them as members of the Ku Klux Klan. It marked the second time within five years that the agency uncovered an officer’s membership in the KKK. Several agencies nationwide have also launched investigations into personnel who may not be formal hate group members, but face allegations of race-based misconduct.

picture of him giving a Nazi salute surfaced on Facebook. And as recently as August, the Philadelphia Police Department launched an internal investigation after attendees of a Black Lives Matter rally outside the Democratic National Convention spotted an officer in charge of crowd control with a tattoo of the Nazi Party emblem on his forearm and posted the image on Instagram.

“Many people in these communities of color feel they have been the subject of police violence for decades,” said Samuel Jones, professor of law at the John Marshall School of Law in Chicago. “And when an officer engages in conduct that adds or enhances that divide, they are ultimately jeopardizing the integrity of their agencies and putting their fellow officers in danger.”

Policing in America has historically had racial implications. The earliest forms of organized law enforcement in the U.S. can be traced to slave patrols that tracked down escaped slaves, and overseers assigned to guard settler communities from Native Americans. In the centuries since, many law enforcement agencies directly participated in antagonizing communities of color, or provided a shield for others who did. But in the 10 years since the FBI’s initial warning, little has changed, Jones said.

Neither the FBI nor state and local law enforcement agencies have established systems for vetting personnel for potential supremacist links, he said. That task is left primarily to everyday citizens and nonprofit organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of few that tracks the growing number of hate groups in America.

“We catch them when we can, which means when we notice someone and check in the database,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center. The group is responsible for exposing an Alabama officer as a member of a white nationalist hate group, League of the South, after he spoke at their national conference in 2013. The officer was later fired.

“Obviously, we do not want people with white supremacist or other extremist views to be in such positions, so it is important to screen them out,” she added.

The First Amendment’s freedoms of association and expression mean it’s perfectly legal for anyone to join a hate group — as long as it’s for the purpose of legal activity — and still be a member of law enforcement. They can even serve in other positions of public office. But according to the FBI memo, the government can limit employment opportunities of members “when their memberships would interfere with their duties.” Jones says that’s problematic.

“I cannot imagine that the FBI today could issue a report concerning any kind of threat without people being alarmed and wanting immediate action,” he said. “But in this case there seems to be almost an acceptance of it. The thought is ‘it’s just ideology and they have a right to believe this.'”

In response to our inquiry, the FBI said it “routinely shares information about potential threats to better enable law enforcement” but does not “comment on specific law enforcement bulletins.”

There are, of course, police officers who recognize racial bias and are calling for change. At the same conference where FBI director James Comey spoke of the uncertainty of policing bias, the head of the International Association of Chiefs of Police [IACP], Terrence Cunningham apologized for what he called “historical mistreatment” of racial minorities.

“While we obviously cannot change the past, it is clear that we must change the future,” he said. “For our part, the first step is for law enforcement and the IACP to acknowledge and apologize for the actions of the past and the role that our profession has played in society’s historical mistreatment of communities of color.”

These conversations come as the Department of Justice announced it’s launching a national database on use of force and deaths in police custody.

For many like Jones, it’s another step toward accountability. But questions remain on how to tackle bias early on: One way to do that, he said, would involve screening would-be personnel for bias and supremacist ties, something the FBI acknowledged as a threat a decade before viral videos of police killings became nearly a weekly discussion.

As the nation continues to examine the role of race in law enforcement, many like Jones question whether scrutiny of the infiltration by white supremacists will move beyond the FBI’s acknowledgement a decade ago to specific action in the decades to come.

“There needs to more direct enforcement,” Jones said. “It’s one thing to issue a memo, and another to have continued action after it. There was a warning 10 years ago and nothing else since then.”


Now feel free to take more of this article, out of context, in order to preserve our White Privilege ---and feel free to post a link to any article where the FBI felt the need to warn America about Black Supremacists or Black gangbangers infiltrating law enforcement agencies as racist cops terrorizing White Americans.

Your article opens with admitting the lack of any hard data to support your "narrative".

THe article discusses how some provocative pictures and stories has given the impression of a problem.

That is not evidence there really is a problem.

HOw can you read the above article and think that that supports your claims?
Your article opens with admitting the lack of any hard data to support your "narrative"...

Nope. You are 0-5 because you misrepresented that statement in the article, as you pretend it is meaningful, while you disregard how the author then proved that that statement was meaningless ---especially when the article then included plenty of hard data and links, to support the reality of White Privilege. One racist in the FBI cannot hide the facts, no matter how much he tried.

Yes, I even reposted a few of those examples below/hardcore data for you to realize that you, failed, at being deceitful about the article. See, look:

... the problem of racial bias among police isn’t new. In fact, it’s been a concern of the FBI for at least a decade. Exactly 10 years ago this week, the FBI warned of the potential consequences — including bias — of white supremacist groups infiltrating local and state law enforcement, indicating it was a significant threat to national security.

In the 2006 bulletin, the FBI detailed the threat of white nationalists and skinheads infiltrating police...

...including a neo-Nazi gang formed by members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department who harassed black and Latino communities. Similar investigations revealed officers and entire agencies with hate group ties in Illinois, Ohio and Texas.

...Much of the bulletin has been redacted, but in it, the FBI identified white supremacists in law enforcement as a concern, because of their access to both “restricted areas vulnerable to sabotage” and elected officials or people who could be seen as “potential targets for violence.”

... memo also warned of “ghost skins,” hate group members who don’t overtly display their beliefs in order to “blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.”

... deputy police chief fired after an FBI informant outed them as members of the Ku Klux Klan. It marked the second time within five years that the agency uncovered an officer’s membership in the KKK.

...Several agencies nationwide have also launched investigations into personnel who may not be formal hate group members, but face allegations of race-based misconduct.

...Philadelphia Police Department launched an internal investigation after attendees of a Black Lives Matter rally outside the Democratic National Convention spotted an officer in charge of crowd control
with a tattoo of the Nazi Party emblem on his forearm and posted the image on Instagram.

...the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of few that tracks the growing number of hate groups in America.

There are, of course, police officers who recognize racial bias and are calling for change. At the same conference where FBI director James Comey spoke of the uncertainty of policing bias, the head of the International Association of Chiefs of Police [IACP], Terrence Cunningham apologized for what he called “historical mistreatment” of racial minorities.
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Your article opens with admitting the lack of any hard data to support your "narrative"...

Nope. You are 0-5 because you misrepresented that statement in the article, as you pretend it is meaningful, while you disregard how the author then proved that that statement was meaningless ---especially when the article then included plenty of hard data and links, to support the reality of White Privilege. One racist in the FBI cannot hide the facts, no matter how much he tried.

Yes, I even reposted a few of those examples below/hardcore data for you to realize that you, failed, at being deceitful about the article. See, look:

... the problem of racial bias among police isn’t new. In fact, it’s been a concern of the FBI for at least a decade. Exactly 10 years ago this week, the FBI warned of the potential consequences — including bias — of white supremacist groups infiltrating local and state law enforcement, indicating it was a significant threat to national security.

In the 2006 bulletin, the FBI detailed the threat of white nationalists and skinheads infiltrating police...

...including a neo-Nazi gang formed by members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department who harassed black and Latino communities. Similar investigations revealed officers and entire agencies with hate group ties in Illinois, Ohio and Texas.

...Much of the bulletin has been redacted, but in it, the FBI identified white supremacists in law enforcement as a concern, because of their access to both “restricted areas vulnerable to sabotage” and elected officials or people who could be seen as “potential targets for violence.”

... memo also warned of “ghost skins,” hate group members who don’t overtly display their beliefs in order to “blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes.”

... deputy police chief fired after an FBI informant outed them as members of the Ku Klux Klan. It marked the second time within five years that the agency uncovered an officer’s membership in the KKK.

...Several agencies nationwide have also launched investigations into personnel who may not be formal hate group members, but face allegations of race-based misconduct.

...Philadelphia Police Department launched an internal investigation after attendees of a Black Lives Matter rally outside the Democratic National Convention spotted an officer in charge of crowd control
with a tattoo of the Nazi Party emblem on his forearm and posted the image on Instagram.

...the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of few that tracks the growing number of hate groups in America.

There are, of course, police officers who recognize racial bias and are calling for change. At the same conference where FBI director James Comey spoke of the uncertainty of policing bias, the head of the International Association of Chiefs of Police [IACP], Terrence Cunningham apologized for what he called “historical mistreatment” of racial minorities.

Since you insist on gish galloping, I will pick two points to address, based on what I want to address.

1. The article you reference, opens with FBI, admitting there is no hard data to support their stated concerns. So, right there, you position is crap.

2. The "ris" in white hate groups, could just be a result of the increasing ease of forming "groups" online. There is no data on how many of these "Groups" are actually active, instead of just dead mailing lists, and there is no data on any growth in actual number of white supremacists. So, right there, your position is crap.

I have refuted two of your gish galloping list, so all your list is refuted. That is what happens when you lump shit together.
I have refuted two of your gish galloping list, so all your list is refuted. That is what happens when you lump shit together.

Nope. I put forth an opinion, then used five (5) ironclad real life examples to validate my stance.

Whereas, you?

lol @ your refusal to ever validate your opinion with any proofs nor evidence nor facts. You continue to use only your whiny emotions, to refute my stance. And you want readers here, to accept that.

Your display in here, only proves that both you and Godboy have some colossal neurological problems.
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I have refuted two of your gish galloping list, so all your list is refuted. That is what happens when you lump shit together.

Nope. I put forth an opinion, then used five (5) ironclad real life examples to validate my stance.

Whereas, you?

lol you refuse to validate your opinion with any proofs nor evidence nor facts. You continue to use only your whiny emotions, to refute my stance.

And you want readers here, to accept that.

Your display in here, only proves that both you and Godboy have some colossal neurological problems.

I pointed out, correctly the flaw in one of your points, ie the one about the supposed "rise" in white hate groups.

You did not even try to defend your point.

Because, on some level, you knew that it was bullshit when you made the claim.

There is no evidence that the supposed "rise" in white hate groups, is not just an online phenomenon based mostly of more and more dead mailing lists never being lost and forgotten.

The real way to support your claim of a rise in white hate groups, would be to document a rise in the number of members of such groups, showing an actual "rise" in the movement.

NONE of you libs have even tried that.

Because on some level, you know it is all bullshit.

The Stone Cold Truth is that you lefites are the ones supporting racist policies and you rationalize your racism with lies that you cannot defend.
I have refuted two of your gish galloping list, so all your list is refuted. That is what happens when you lump shit together.

Nope. I put forth an opinion, then used five (5) ironclad real life examples to validate my stance.

Whereas, you?

lol @ your refusal to ever validate your opinion with any proofs nor evidence nor facts. You continue to use only your whiny emotions, to refute my stance. And you want readers here, to accept that.

Your display in here, only proves that both you and Godboy have some colossal neurological problems.
Oh my god you are sooo boring.
I have refuted two of your gish galloping list, so all your list is refuted. That is what happens when you lump shit together.

Nope. I put forth an opinion, then used five (5) ironclad real life examples to validate my stance.

Whereas, you?

lol @ your refusal to ever validate your opinion with any proofs nor evidence nor facts. You continue to use only your whiny emotions, to refute my stance. And you want readers here, to accept that.

Your display in here, only proves that both you and Godboy have some colossal neurological problems.
Oh my god you are sooo boring.

ALL he has is stonewalling, and he thinks he is being clever.

He is constantly being called on his bullshit, yet he acts like he thinks he is getting away with it.

HOw can he be so clueless?
I have refuted two of your gish galloping list, so all your list is refuted. That is what happens when you lump shit together.

Nope. I put forth an opinion, then used five (5) ironclad real life examples to validate my stance.

Whereas, you?

lol @ your refusal to ever validate your opinion with any proofs nor evidence nor facts. You continue to use only your whiny emotions, to refute my stance. And you want readers here, to accept that.

Your display in here, only proves that both you and Godboy have some colossal neurological problems.
Oh my god you are sooo boring.

ALL he has is stonewalling, and he thinks he is being clever.

He is constantly being called on his bullshit, yet he acts like he thinks he is getting away with it.

HOw can he be so clueless?
There is something seriously off about that weirdo.
No there isn't. He's strange to scum like you because he is the type of white person you assume doesn't exist. The pro white anti racist. You believe that racism is an inherent white trait and that for anyone to be non racist and white, they must be against white people. What he is doing is representing the best in white people so that those like me can understand that not all whites are fucked up racist garbage like you.
...'nuff said:

I have refuted two of your gish galloping list, so all your list is refuted. That is what happens when you lump shit together.

Nope. I put forth an opinion, then used five (5) ironclad real life examples to validate my stance.

Whereas, you?

lol @ your refusal to ever validate your opinion with any proofs nor evidence nor facts. You continue to use only your whiny emotions, to refute my stance. And you want readers here, to accept that.

Your display in here, only proves that both you and Godboy have some colossal neurological problems.
lol @ these 2 harlequins. You 2 fuktards love being, gluttons, for the e-Punishment you absorb here.

I am amazed at your self delusion. You have done nearly nothing to support your premise. And what you have done, I have easily demolished, in seconds.

That you think you are winning this, and not looking the fool, is incredible to me.
No there isn't. He's strange to scum like you because he is the type of white person you assume doesn't exist. The pro white anti racist. You believe that racism is an inherent white trait and that for anyone to be non racist and white, they must be against white people. What he is doing is representing the best in white people so that those like me can understand that not all whites are fucked up racist garbage like you.

This, is powerful.
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