The Stone Cold Truth

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The more you post, the more you are showing that you are not interesting in seriously or honestly discussing the issue.

The more you post, the more you show that you are a hardcore White racist who refuses to relinquish White Privilege ---therefore you will tell any lie/any falsehood which preserves that White Privilege.

You lied on Jensen's scholarship then you lied on Louis CK ---now you have lied on the FBI!

You know what really shows how serious you are about the points you have been making?

The way you made a point, and then when I respond to your point, you cut everything from my post, that was a response to your point, and only show and then respond to the small amount of my post that was a comment on your behavior personally.

ALL you got, is the same as ALL you have had during your entire time spent in this thread.

you called me racist.

And you are too closed minded to realize that that means you have lost the debate.

EVERYTHING I have said in this thread, has been about demanding EQUAL treatment for whites while you are the one making excuses for the racist discrimination being practiced against us.

All you have to support your position is lies and personal attacks.

YOu are the racist here, not me.
you called me racist..

Yes, I did. And please do, Forgive me, for calling you a racist ---so strike that!--- and let's just say, you hate the idea of us Caucasoids relinquishing our White Privilege which rapes Negroid citizens of their chance at Equal Opportunity Equal Protection of The Laws & Equal Access To Prosperity and that is especially since our White ancestors built this great nation upon negro's backs.

I ask for forgiveness because you and Godboy have shown that you don't debate fairly/ you go cry and weep and sob to Admin, when I post remarks which controlled your emotions. So I don't need more of my posts deleted.


And yes you are about to be, 0-4, after I add one more pal :)
you called me racist..

Yes, I did. And please do, Forgive me, for calling you a racist ---so strike that!--- and let's just say, you hate the idea of us Caucasoids relinquishing our White Privilege which rapes Negroid citizens of their chance at Equal Opportunity Equal Protection of The Laws & Equal Access To Prosperity and that is especially since our White ancestors built this great nation upon negro's backs.

I ask for forgiveness because you and Godboy have shown that you don't debate fairly/ you go cry and weep and sob to Admin, when I post remarks which controlled your emotions. So I don't need more of my posts deleted.


And yes you are about to be, 0-4, after I add one more pal :)

My point in "you called me a racist" was not about my feelings, you fucking moron.


that you did that INSTEAD OF seriously defending the various issues that you posted earlier.

Thus showing that you were never serious about them, and you were just throwing shit against a wall, like a monkey.

You don't defend them, because you CAN'T defend them. YOur position and claims are moronic.

Your claim of white privilege is a lie designed to justify your support of racist discrimination against whites.
One of the greatest acts of domestic terror in American history happened to blacks at the hands of whites. But blacks are the violent ones.

Tulsa Race Massacre

During the Tulsa Race Massacre (also known as the Tulsa Race Riot), which occurred over 18 hours on May 31-June 1, 1921, a white mob attacked residents, homes and businesses in the predominantly black Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The event remains one of the worst incidents of racial violence in U.S. history, and one of the least-known: News reports were largely squelched, despite the fact that hundreds of people were killed and thousands left homeless.

On May 30, 1921, a young black teenager named Dick Rowland entered an elevator at the Drexel Building, an office building on South Main Street. At some point after that, the young white elevator operator, Sarah Page, screamed; Rowland fled the scene. The police were called, and the next morning they arrested Rowland.

By that time, rumors of what supposedly happened on that elevator had circulated through the city’s white community. A front-page story in the Tulsa Tribune that afternoon reported that police had arrested Rowland for sexually assaulting Page.

As evening fell, an angry white mob was gathering outside the courthouse, demanding the sheriff hand over Rowland. Sheriff Willard McCullough refused, and his men barricaded the top floor to protect the black teenager.

Around 9 p.m., a group of about 25 armed black men—including many World War I veterans—went to the courthouse to offer help guarding Rowland. After the sheriff turned them away, some of the white mob tried unsuccessfully to break into the National Guard armory nearby.

With rumors still flying of a possible lynching, a group of around 75 armed blacks returned to the courthouse shortly after 10 pm, where they were met by som,500 whites, some of whom also carried weapons.

Red Cross estimate, some 1,256 houses were burned; 215 others were looted but not torched. Two newspapers, a school, a library, a hospital, churches, hotels, stores and many other black-owned businesses were among the buildings destroyed or damaged by fire.

By the time the National Guard arrived and declared martial law shortly before noon, the riot had effectively ended. Though guardsmen helped put out fires, they also imprisoned many black Tulsans, and by June 2 some 6,000 people were under armed guard at the local fairgrounds.

For decades, there were no public ceremonies, memorials for the dead or any efforts to commemorate the events of May 31-June 1, 1921. Instead, there was a deliberate effort to cover them up.

The Tulsa Tribune removed the front-page story of May 31 that sparked the chaos from its bound volumes, and scholars later discovered that police and state militia archives about the riot were missing as well. As a result, until recently the Tulsa Race Massacre was rarely mentioned in history books, taught in schools or even talked about.
You are talking about history. Most of the violent crimes TODAY are not committed by whites.

Actually, today they are mostly committed by Whites. Go check the usdoj stats.

Here's just two recent examples from two different years: Table 43 Table 43
What color white are you talking about? There are different shades of white.
that you did that INSTEAD OF seriously defending the various issues that you posted earlier.

Thus showing that you were never serious about them...

Of course I was serious about them. That's why I brought them here.

And you had nothing to contest those facts. Nope. All that you have offered to contest my exhibits, are your sissified whiny emotions.

There's nothing here, to defend, since this is a place where you failed to contest White Privilege's reality and veracity.

So far you used no facts no proofs no evidence, whatsoever, when you whined that I am wrong and Jensen too and Louis CK and the FBI and a decorated OSU scholar on New Jim Crow elements. LOL.

You are a glutton for punishment whereas your Godboy had no, blurry vision, when he saw the wisdom in him quitting before it got too embarrassing for him here.
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One of the greatest acts of domestic terror in American history happened to blacks at the hands of whites. But blacks are the violent ones.

Tulsa Race Massacre

During the Tulsa Race Massacre (also known as the Tulsa Race Riot), which occurred over 18 hours on May 31-June 1, 1921, a white mob attacked residents, homes and businesses in the predominantly black Greenwood neighborhood of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The event remains one of the worst incidents of racial violence in U.S. history, and one of the least-known: News reports were largely squelched, despite the fact that hundreds of people were killed and thousands left homeless.

On May 30, 1921, a young black teenager named Dick Rowland entered an elevator at the Drexel Building, an office building on South Main Street. At some point after that, the young white elevator operator, Sarah Page, screamed; Rowland fled the scene. The police were called, and the next morning they arrested Rowland.

By that time, rumors of what supposedly happened on that elevator had circulated through the city’s white community. A front-page story in the Tulsa Tribune that afternoon reported that police had arrested Rowland for sexually assaulting Page.

As evening fell, an angry white mob was gathering outside the courthouse, demanding the sheriff hand over Rowland. Sheriff Willard McCullough refused, and his men barricaded the top floor to protect the black teenager.

Around 9 p.m., a group of about 25 armed black men—including many World War I veterans—went to the courthouse to offer help guarding Rowland. After the sheriff turned them away, some of the white mob tried unsuccessfully to break into the National Guard armory nearby.

With rumors still flying of a possible lynching, a group of around 75 armed blacks returned to the courthouse shortly after 10 pm, where they were met by som,500 whites, some of whom also carried weapons.

Red Cross estimate, some 1,256 houses were burned; 215 others were looted but not torched. Two newspapers, a school, a library, a hospital, churches, hotels, stores and many other black-owned businesses were among the buildings destroyed or damaged by fire.

By the time the National Guard arrived and declared martial law shortly before noon, the riot had effectively ended. Though guardsmen helped put out fires, they also imprisoned many black Tulsans, and by June 2 some 6,000 people were under armed guard at the local fairgrounds.

For decades, there were no public ceremonies, memorials for the dead or any efforts to commemorate the events of May 31-June 1, 1921. Instead, there was a deliberate effort to cover them up.

The Tulsa Tribune removed the front-page story of May 31 that sparked the chaos from its bound volumes, and scholars later discovered that police and state militia archives about the riot were missing as well. As a result, until recently the Tulsa Race Massacre was rarely mentioned in history books, taught in schools or even talked about.
You are talking about history. Most of the violent crimes TODAY are not committed by whites.

Actually, today they are mostly committed by Whites. Go check the usdoj stats.

Here's just two recent examples from two different years: Table 43 Table 43
What color white are you talking about? There are different shades of white.

The same color as our ancestors who built our nation on negro's backs?!!
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that you did that INSTEAD OF seriously defending the various issues that you posted earlier.

Thus showing that you were never serious about them...

Of course I was serious about them. That's why I brought them here.

And you had nothing to contest those facts. Nope. All that you have offered to contest my exhibits, are your sissified whiny emotions.

There's nothing here, to defend, since this is a place where you failed to contest White Privilege's reality and veracity.

So far you used no facts no proofs no evidence, whatsoever, when you whined that I am wrong and Jensen too and Louis CK and the FBI and a decorated OSU scholar on New Jim Crow elements. LOL.

You are a glutton for punishment whereas your Godboy had no, blurry vision, when he saw the wisdom in him quitting before it got too embarrassing for him here.
I didnt quit anything. Youre just boring and weird.
I didnt quit anything. Youre just boring and weird.

TRANSLATION: I'm an idiot, so ELP easily posted four (4) exhibits here so far, which controlled my sissified emotions. Go check my first post in this thread, to ELP, you'll see that not only did I start namecalling him, but I refused to contest his exhibits PLUS I ran to Admin crying and weeping to get his posts deleted ---because that's how bad he was kicking my ass in here. My White Privilege is not very, fun, whenever ELP shows up to treat me like a harlequin.
you called me racist..

Yes, I did. And please do, Forgive me, for calling you a racist ---so strike that!--- and let's just say, you hate the idea of us Caucasoids relinquishing our White Privilege which rapes Negroid citizens of their chance at Equal Opportunity Equal Protection of The Laws & Equal Access To Prosperity and that is especially since our White ancestors built this great nation upon negro's backs.

I ask for forgiveness because you and Godboy have shown that you don't debate fairly/ you go cry and weep and sob to Admin, when I post remarks which controlled your emotions. So I don't need more of my posts deleted.


And yes you are about to be, 0-4, after I add one more pal :)

Correll is a racist.
Blacks were freed by the emancipation proclamation in 1863. We have to read whites here talking from either total historical ignorance about what blacks have endured after the document was signed or outright denial. We get told how we have had 150 years to get it right and yet we have failed. But that is not the case. After the EP was signed whites used every legal method they could to eliminate equal rights for blacks up to and including murder, attempted genocide or ethnic cleansing. When blacks tried to move north to jobs that paid decent incomes, southerners made laws trying to stop blacks from the ability to move. Once blacks moved north, they encountered more violent white opposition and segregation. Black communities were destroyed and blacks were killed in the north also.

White resistance to black equality used every method at their disposal to stop blacks from progressing, so having said that, let us continue with the stone cold truth.

Separate but equal helped deny equal education for black citizens in this country. The university of Texas law school held classes for black students in a run down off campus basement. The university of Missouri equal education for blacks was paying for them to take law classes in Iowa or Nebraska. Oklahoma had completely separate campus facilities for blacks. Some states simply refused to provide education for black students. By 1910 there was only 1 black high school in Delaware. Because of the policies in that state, BY 1950 ONLY 505 BLACKS HAD EARNED A BACHELOR DEGREE.

In Prince Edward County Virginia, there was no high schools for blacks until 1939. In 1942, the Atlanta school board allocated 75 dollars more per white pupil than for blacks. By 1945, it was 80 dollars more. Blacks attended overcrowded decrepit schools without the number of textbooks needed to educate the students. While white students had full day education 85 percent of the black students in Atlanta attended school for half a day in 1947-48.

In 1943-44, the state of Louisiana spent $76.34 per white student and $23.99 for each black one. But blacks couldn't make it because we just don't take education seriously. Yeah, right. We shall continue with more stone cold truth later.

Source: "White Rage", pgs 67-97, Dr. Carol Anderson.
I didnt quit anything. Youre just boring and weird.

TRANSLATION: I'm an idiot, so ELP easily posted four (4) exhibits here so far, which controlled my sissified emotions. Go check my first post in this thread, to ELP, you'll see that not only did I start namecalling him, but I refused to contest his exhibits PLUS I ran to Admin crying and weeping to get his posts deleted ---because that's how bad he was kicking my ass in here. My White Privilege is not very, fun, whenever ELP shows up to treat me like a harlequin.
No, youre simply boring and weird.
I didnt quit anything. Youre just boring and weird.

TRANSLATION: I'm an idiot, so ELP easily posted four (4) exhibits here so far, which controlled my sissified emotions. Go check my first post in this thread, to ELP, you'll see that not only did I start namecalling him, but I refused to contest his exhibits PLUS I ran to Admin crying and weeping to get his posts deleted ---because that's how bad he was kicking my ass in here. My White Privilege is not very, fun, whenever ELP shows up to treat me like a harlequin.
No, youre simply boring and weird.

TRANSLATION: I have been put in my place, by ELP.
President John F. Kennedy's Civil Rights Address

This was not a republican saying these words.
I didnt quit anything. Youre just boring and weird.

TRANSLATION: I'm an idiot, so ELP easily posted four (4) exhibits here so far, which controlled my sissified emotions. Go check my first post in this thread, to ELP, you'll see that not only did I start namecalling him, but I refused to contest his exhibits PLUS I ran to Admin crying and weeping to get his posts deleted ---because that's how bad he was kicking my ass in here. My White Privilege is not very, fun, whenever ELP shows up to treat me like a harlequin.
No, youre simply boring and weird.

TRANSLATION: I have been put in my place, by ELP.
I didnt quit anything. Youre just boring and weird.

TRANSLATION: I'm an idiot, so ELP easily posted four (4) exhibits here so far, which controlled my sissified emotions. Go check my first post in this thread, to ELP, you'll see that not only did I start namecalling him, but I refused to contest his exhibits PLUS I ran to Admin crying and weeping to get his posts deleted ---because that's how bad he was kicking my ass in here. My White Privilege is not very, fun, whenever ELP shows up to treat me like a harlequin.
No, youre simply boring and weird.

TRANSLATION: I have been put in my place, by ELP.

I didnt quit anything. Youre just boring and weird.

TRANSLATION: I'm an idiot, so ELP easily posted four (4) exhibits here so far, which controlled my sissified emotions. Go check my first post in this thread, to ELP, you'll see that not only did I start namecalling him, but I refused to contest his exhibits PLUS I ran to Admin crying and weeping to get his posts deleted ---because that's how bad he was kicking my ass in here. My White Privilege is not very, fun, whenever ELP shows up to treat me like a harlequin.
No, youre simply boring and weird.

TRANSLATION: I have been put in my place, by ELP.

Thank you! Im glad you agree that he is boring.
TRANSLATION: I'm an idiot, so ELP easily posted four (4) exhibits here so far, which controlled my sissified emotions. Go check my first post in this thread, to ELP, you'll see that not only did I start namecalling him, but I refused to contest his exhibits PLUS I ran to Admin crying and weeping to get his posts deleted ---because that's how bad he was kicking my ass in here. My White Privilege is not very, fun, whenever ELP shows up to treat me like a harlequin.
No, youre simply boring and weird.

TRANSLATION: I have been put in my place, by ELP.

Thank you! Im glad you agree that he is boring.

Except I don't agree. I find that Ethos is busting you with truth you can't handle.
that you did that INSTEAD OF seriously defending the various issues that you posted earlier.

Thus showing that you were never serious about them...

Of course I was serious about them. That's why I brought them here.

And you had nothing to contest those facts. Nope. All that you have offered to contest my exhibits, are your sissified whiny emotions.

There's nothing here, to defend, since this is a place where you failed to contest White Privilege's reality and veracity.

So far you used no facts no proofs no evidence, whatsoever, when you whined that I am wrong and Jensen too and Louis CK and the FBI and a decorated OSU scholar on New Jim Crow elements. LOL.

You are a glutton for punishment whereas your Godboy had no, blurry vision, when he saw the wisdom in him quitting before it got too embarrassing for him here.

1. You've offered no supporting argument to your premise of White Privilege. You cited as Authorities, Jensen, unnamed white student and the comedian Louis CK. THat was you using Logical Fallacies and thus failing. Your FBI link opened with admitting there was no hard data, to base their concerns on. That was you failing again.

2. I, on the other hand, pointed out that Jensen's own behavior, invalidated his premise, because despite sharing white skin with unnamed white student, he did NOT give him special consideration, and instead, would discriminate against him in the name of AA, Diversity and Equality.

3. You getting hysterical, is not a supporting argument either.
you called me racist..

Yes, I did. And please do, Forgive me, for calling you a racist ---so strike that!--- and let's just say, you hate the idea of us Caucasoids relinquishing our White Privilege which rapes Negroid citizens of their chance at Equal Opportunity Equal Protection of The Laws & Equal Access To Prosperity and that is especially since our White ancestors built this great nation upon negro's backs.

I ask for forgiveness because you and Godboy have shown that you don't debate fairly/ you go cry and weep and sob to Admin, when I post remarks which controlled your emotions. So I don't need more of my posts deleted.


And yes you are about to be, 0-4, after I add one more pal :)

Correll is a racist.

And here we see the totality of Liberal Thought.

When challenged to back up their claims, they call you racist.

It is all they have. It is all they are.

And, for the slower students reading, my point in mention that, is not about my fucking feelings, but about your lib inability to make a coherent argument, you fucking morons.
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