The Stone Cold Truth

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Hey do you think Obama exercised his White Privilege or was it Black racism? If any Caucasian members of U.S. Congress, in 2008, said they voted for Obama because he's lightskin/not too darkskinned?


What the hell are you talking about?

"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played," Obama said Wednesday night while taking questions after a White House news conference.

Cambridge authorities dropped disorderly conduct charges against Henry Louis Gates Jr. on Tuesday.

Obama defended Gates on Wednesday night, while admitting that he may be "a little biased," because Gates is a friend.

"But I think it's fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry; No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and, No. 3 ... that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."

The incident, Obama said, shows "how race remains a factor in this society."

Yeah, Obama wasnt' there, and didn't know that facts, but knew enough to "know" that race was part of it and that the white cop was acting stupidly.

Obama is a racist asshole and he never apologized for that.

Hey do you think Obama exercised his White Privilege or was it Black racism? If any Caucasian members of U.S. Congress, in 2008, said they voted for Obama because he's lightskin/not too darkskinned?


What the hell are you talking about?

"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played," Obama said Wednesday night while taking questions after a White House news conference.

Cambridge authorities dropped disorderly conduct charges against Henry Louis Gates Jr. on Tuesday.

Obama defended Gates on Wednesday night, while admitting that he may be "a little biased," because Gates is a friend.

"But I think it's fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry; No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and, No. 3 ... that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."

The incident, Obama said, shows "how race remains a factor in this society."

Yeah, Obama wasnt' there, and didn't know that facts, but knew enough to "know" that race was part of it and that the white cop was acting stupidly.

Obama is a racist asshole and he never apologized for that.

I didn't ask you about that.

But I'll play along ---only because you brought up something here which, further, verifies that you live life as a vile racist who loves our White Privilege.

You're mad at Obama because long before he was U.S. President there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.

You blamed Obama as if it is, his fault, that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.

You are so racist, to whereas you focused on Obama, instead of focusing on a negro being arrested for breaking into his own house thanks in part to the long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.

You gladly focused on Obama but you will never, EVER, be honest enough to discuss the fact/the reality that that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately

Hey do you think Obama exercised his White Privilege or was it Black racism? If any Caucasian members of U.S. Congress, in 2008, said they voted for Obama because he's lightskin/not too darkskinned?


What the hell are you talking about?

"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played," Obama said Wednesday night while taking questions after a White House news conference.

Cambridge authorities dropped disorderly conduct charges against Henry Louis Gates Jr. on Tuesday.

Obama defended Gates on Wednesday night, while admitting that he may be "a little biased," because Gates is a friend.

"But I think it's fair to say, No. 1, any of us would be pretty angry; No. 2, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and, No. 3 ... that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."

The incident, Obama said, shows "how race remains a factor in this society."

Yeah, Obama wasnt' there, and didn't know that facts, but knew enough to "know" that race was part of it and that the white cop was acting stupidly.

Obama is a racist asshole and he never apologized for that.

I didn't ask you about that.

But I'll play along ---only because you brought up something here which, further, verifies that you live life as a vile racist who loves our White Privilege.

You're mad at Obama because long before he was U.S. President there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.

You blamed Obama as if it is, his fault, that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.

You are so racist, to whereas you focused on Obama, instead of focusing on a negro being arrested for breaking into his own house thanks in part to the long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately.

You gladly focused on Obama but you will never, EVER, be honest enough to discuss the fact/the reality that that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately

IF Obama was right to attack the white cop, then why are you claiming that he apologized (when he did not)?

THe black professor was not arrested for breaking into his own house but for having a fit when stopped and questioned about it.

YOu are the racist here. YOu support the attack on the white cop because of the actions of OTHER PEOPLE, based on his skin color.

Obama attacked the cop, based on the same racist assumptions. Which blew up in his face. Which was really undermining his support among normal Americans. So he handled it, with his Beer Summit, and his partisans in the media, lied and pretended to white Americans that it was an apology, when it was nothing of the sort.

In 1995 whites were six times more likely to be killed by another white. In 2012, whites were six times more likely to be killed by another white. During that time whites lectured us about blacks killing blacks yet they have a major murder problem they are doing nothing about.


Oh brilliant meme there, guy. Except nobody I know has said blacks commit half the violent crime in America. They HAVE said they commit half of the MURDERS in the USA, which is accurate:


But let's delve deeper into the stupidity of your meme. Whites are 73% of the population. Blacks are 13% of the population. Here's the link to the UCR your meme cites:

Table 43

White arrests for violent crime: 5,626,140
Black arrests for violent crime: 2,221,697

With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and whites being 73% of that, that's a pool of 240.9 million
With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and blacks being 13% of that, that's a pool of 42.9 million

5.6 million / 240.9 million = 2.3% of the white population are violent offenders.
2.2 million / 42.9 million = 5.1% of the black population are violent offenders.

TL;DR - Blacks are OVER TWICE AS LIKELY to be violent offenders than whites despite a population that's nearly SIX times smaller - and your meme confirms it. Well done.

Oh brilliant meme there, guy. Except nobody I know has said blacks commit half the violent crime in America. They HAVE said they commit half of the MURDERS in the USA, which is accurate:

View attachment 307655

But let's delve deeper into the stupidity of your meme. Whites are 73% of the population. Blacks are 13% of the population. Here's the link to the UCR your meme cites:

Table 43

White arrests for violent crime: 5,626,140
Black arrests for violent crime: 2,221,697

With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and whites being 73% of that, that's a pool of 240.9 million
With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and blacks being 13% of that, that's a pool of 42.9 million

5.6 million / 240.9 million = 2.3% of the white population are violent offenders.
2.2 million / 42.9 million = 5.1% of the black population are violent offenders.

TL;DR - Blacks are OVER TWICE AS LIKELY to be violent offenders than whites despite a population that's nearly SIX times smaller - and your meme confirms it. Well done.

You just did. And your assessment is totally wrong. There were only so many people arrested for violent crime and that's the number you use. People who were not arrested and did not commit a violent crime do not count. Whites commit 2.5 times the number of violent crimes than do blacks. Period.
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there are no living slaves now but the black still want to keep whining about slavery and that's the only reason racism will never end
there are no living slaves now but the black still want to keep whining about slavery and that's the only reason racism will never end
Slavery is not the only issue. Racism by whites didn't stop when slavery ended. Racism won't end because whites won't stop being racists. This thread goes past slavery and we are in the 1930s so far. Start from the beginning and learn that there are whites that have never stopped practicing racism.

Oh brilliant meme there, guy. Except nobody I know has said blacks commit half the violent crime in America. They HAVE said they commit half of the MURDERS in the USA, which is accurate:

View attachment 307655

But let's delve deeper into the stupidity of your meme. Whites are 73% of the population. Blacks are 13% of the population. Here's the link to the UCR your meme cites:

Table 43

White arrests for violent crime: 5,626,140
Black arrests for violent crime: 2,221,697

With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and whites being 73% of that, that's a pool of 240.9 million
With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and blacks being 13% of that, that's a pool of 42.9 million

5.6 million / 240.9 million = 2.3% of the white population are violent offenders.
2.2 million / 42.9 million = 5.1% of the black population are violent offenders.

TL;DR - Blacks are OVER TWICE AS LIKELY to be violent offenders than whites despite a population that's nearly SIX times smaller - and your meme confirms it. Well done.

You just did. And your assessment is totally wrong. There were only so many people arrested for violent crime and that's the number you use. People who were not arrested and did not commit a violent crime do not count. Whites commit 2.5 times the number of violent crimes than do blacks. Period.

Basic math clearly escapes you. Why am I not surprised...

Oh brilliant meme there, guy. Except nobody I know has said blacks commit half the violent crime in America. They HAVE said they commit half of the MURDERS in the USA, which is accurate:

View attachment 307655

But let's delve deeper into the stupidity of your meme. Whites are 73% of the population. Blacks are 13% of the population. Here's the link to the UCR your meme cites:

Table 43

White arrests for violent crime: 5,626,140
Black arrests for violent crime: 2,221,697

With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and whites being 73% of that, that's a pool of 240.9 million
With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and blacks being 13% of that, that's a pool of 42.9 million

5.6 million / 240.9 million = 2.3% of the white population are violent offenders.
2.2 million / 42.9 million = 5.1% of the black population are violent offenders.

TL;DR - Blacks are OVER TWICE AS LIKELY to be violent offenders than whites despite a population that's nearly SIX times smaller - and your meme confirms it. Well done.

You just did. And your assessment is totally wrong. There were only so many people arrested for violent crime and that's the number you use. People who were not arrested and did not commit a violent crime do not count. Whites commit 2.5 times the number of violent crimes than do blacks. Period.

Basic math clearly escapes you. Why am I not surprised...

I did basic math.

7.8 million people were violent offenders. Not 283.8 million. So the only people that count in the tally are those who committed the violent crimes. I understand that since the math doesn't paint whitey favorably you are going to try talking about somebody's math skills, but its time whites like you faced the motherfucking truth. Your race has been the most violent race in this country. Your race is responsible for millions of killings, beatings, robberies, rapes and assaults since this nation started. So in 2020 it's time the lie whites have told themselves for over 200 years comes to an end.

Oh brilliant meme there, guy. Except nobody I know has said blacks commit half the violent crime in America. They HAVE said they commit half of the MURDERS in the USA, which is accurate:

View attachment 307655

But let's delve deeper into the stupidity of your meme. Whites are 73% of the population. Blacks are 13% of the population. Here's the link to the UCR your meme cites:

Table 43

White arrests for violent crime: 5,626,140
Black arrests for violent crime: 2,221,697

With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and whites being 73% of that, that's a pool of 240.9 million
With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and blacks being 13% of that, that's a pool of 42.9 million

5.6 million / 240.9 million = 2.3% of the white population are violent offenders.
2.2 million / 42.9 million = 5.1% of the black population are violent offenders.

TL;DR - Blacks are OVER TWICE AS LIKELY to be violent offenders than whites despite a population that's nearly SIX times smaller - and your meme confirms it. Well done.

You just did. And your assessment is totally wrong. There were only so many people arrested for violent crime and that's the number you use. People who were not arrested and did not commit a violent crime do not count. Whites commit 2.5 times the number of violent crimes than do blacks. Period.

Basic math clearly escapes you. Why am I not surprised...

I did basic math.

7.8 million people were violent offenders. Not 283.8 million. So the only people that count in the tally are those who committed the violent crimes. I understand that since the math doesn't paint whitey favorably you are going to try talking about somebody's math skills, but its time whites like you faced the motherfucking truth. Your race has been the most violent race in this country. Your race is responsible for millions of killings, beatings, robberies, rapes and assaults since this nation started. So in 2020 it's time the lie whites have told themselves for over 200 years comes to an end.

Read what I wrote again, brainlet. At least make an attempt at processing it. Your public school education is showing.

Oh brilliant meme there, guy. Except nobody I know has said blacks commit half the violent crime in America. They HAVE said they commit half of the MURDERS in the USA, which is accurate:

View attachment 307655

But let's delve deeper into the stupidity of your meme. Whites are 73% of the population. Blacks are 13% of the population. Here's the link to the UCR your meme cites:

Table 43

White arrests for violent crime: 5,626,140
Black arrests for violent crime: 2,221,697

With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and whites being 73% of that, that's a pool of 240.9 million
With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and blacks being 13% of that, that's a pool of 42.9 million

5.6 million / 240.9 million = 2.3% of the white population are violent offenders.
2.2 million / 42.9 million = 5.1% of the black population are violent offenders.

TL;DR - Blacks are OVER TWICE AS LIKELY to be violent offenders than whites despite a population that's nearly SIX times smaller - and your meme confirms it. Well done.

All of IM2 arguments seem to boil down to him playing stupid games. Or just flat out lying.

Oh brilliant meme there, guy. Except nobody I know has said blacks commit half the violent crime in America. They HAVE said they commit half of the MURDERS in the USA, which is accurate:

View attachment 307655

But let's delve deeper into the stupidity of your meme. Whites are 73% of the population. Blacks are 13% of the population. Here's the link to the UCR your meme cites:

Table 43

White arrests for violent crime: 5,626,140
Black arrests for violent crime: 2,221,697

With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and whites being 73% of that, that's a pool of 240.9 million
With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and blacks being 13% of that, that's a pool of 42.9 million

5.6 million / 240.9 million = 2.3% of the white population are violent offenders.
2.2 million / 42.9 million = 5.1% of the black population are violent offenders.

TL;DR - Blacks are OVER TWICE AS LIKELY to be violent offenders than whites despite a population that's nearly SIX times smaller - and your meme confirms it. Well done.

You just did. And your assessment is totally wrong. There were only so many people arrested for violent crime and that's the number you use. People who were not arrested and did not commit a violent crime do not count. Whites commit 2.5 times the number of violent crimes than do blacks. Period.

Basic math clearly escapes you. Why am I not surprised...

I did basic math.

7.8 million people were violent offenders. Not 283.8 million. So the only people that count in the tally are those who committed the violent crimes. I understand that since the math doesn't paint whitey favorably you are going to try talking about somebody's math skills, but its time whites like you faced the motherfucking truth. Your race has been the most violent race in this country. Your race is responsible for millions of killings, beatings, robberies, rapes and assaults since this nation started. So in 2020 it's time the lie whites have told themselves for over 200 years comes to an end.

Read what I wrote again, brainlet. At least make an attempt at processing it. Your public school education is showing.

I read it the first time. It's the same dumb white racist argument I have read for over 20 years. There is only one way to accurately measure this and it is to use the participants in violent crime by race. If you can't do that, your assessment is inaccurate.
How the Irish Became White
Art McDonald, Ph.D.

Several weeks ago I participated in a three day anti-racism training workshop which was conducted here in Pittsburgh. The facilitators were Rev. Joe Brandt, Executive Director of Crossroads Ministry, and Ms. Barbara Jordan, a community organizer and educator from the Peoples Institute for Survival and Beyond, a New Orleans' based sister organization to Crossroads. Besides providing a very excellent and intense experience of just how systemic racism is in our society, on a more personal level it was a very rich reunion with these two highly skilled and committed trainers. I had spent a day with Barbara down in New Orleans during the UU Urban Church weekend this past January and she had a very good feeling about UUs. She was delighted to meet someone from Pittsburgh who "had eaten her food, in her community." Just as delightfully, Joe and I realized that we had shared a ministerial experience some years back in the South Bronx. We learned and talked about all of our mutual friends. What a treat for me. Crossroads Ministry is the group which Mel Hoover has collaborated with in developing our UU anti-racist training experiences, so there were nice personal connections all around.

Early on in the workshop there was an exercise which focused on "cultural racism and white cultural identity." Whites in the workshop were asked to talk about white culture. Most couldn't or wouldn't. The expression meant nothing to me. Nevertheless, we all struggled with it. As time went on we discovered that, in a sense, it was a trick question. The facilitators wanted the whites to struggle and to discover that the expression did have little or no content. Racial designations, white and black, are totally social constructs. "What then," they asked, "would you say about your culture? How would you define your culture and your relationship to it?" Though most of the whites had a difficult time talking about her/his culture - some resisted pretty strenuously - the trainers took a clear stand: if whites are to come to the multi-cultural table, they - we - must reclaim our individual cultural backgrounds. In many ways, we were reminded, African Americans are way ahead of European Americans in retaining their cultural identities.

In a sense, the exercise wasn't as tough for me as for some others. I immediately thought of Boston, Irish and Catholic. It was clear to me that's where this UU had to start; the music, the humor, the food - as limited as the menu is - the faith, the working class, it was all there. I was having a good time; it felt very good on many levels. In a conversation later in the workshop, Joe mentioned a recently published book entitled "How the Irish Became White." It's a book about Irish emigration, race, class and U.S. labor history. I knew immediately I had to get a copy and find out just what it was about.

It was a tough read. It was a story of primarily Irish Catholic emigration before and after the potato famine - roughly 1840 to the Civil War - and that people's struggle to survive in this white, Protestant world. It's a sympathetic yet tragic story of how race has been a defining characteristic in U.S. culture and how the race question has also plagued the white working class in this country. One might say that it is a story of how the Irish exchanged their greenness for whiteness, and collaborated with the dominant white culture to continue the oppression of African Americans.

Ironically, Irish Catholics came to this country as an oppressed race yet quickly learned that to succeed they had to in turn oppress their closest social class competitors, free Northern blacks. Back home these "native Irish or papists" suffered something very similar to American slavery under English Penal Laws. Yet, despite their revolutionary roots as an oppressed group fighting for freedom and rights, and despite consistent pleas from the great Catholic emancipator, Daniel O'Connell, to support the abolitionists, the newly arrived Irish-Americans judged that the best way of gaining acceptance as good citizens and to counter the Nativist movement was to cooperate in the continued oppression of African Americans. Ironically, at the same time they were collaborating with the dominant culture to block abolition, they were garnering support from among Southern, slaveholding democrats for Repeal of the oppressive English Act of the Union back home. Some even convinced themselves that abolition was an English plot to weaken this country.

Upon hearing of this position on the part of so many of his fellow countrymen now residing in the United States, in 1843 O'Connell wrote: "Over the broad Atlantic I pour forth my voice, saying, come out of such a land, you Irishmen; or, if you remain, and dare countenance the system of slavery that is supported there, we will recognize you as Irishmen no longer." It's a tragic story. In a letter published in the Liberator in 1854, it was stated that "passage to the United States seems to produce the same effect upon the exile of Erin as the eating of the forbidden fruit did upon Adam and Eve. In the morning, they were pure, loving, and innocent; in the evening, guilty."

Irish and Africans Americans had lots in common and lots of contact during this period; they lived side by side and shared work spaces. In the early years of immigration the poor Irish and blacks were thrown together, very much part of the same class competing for the same jobs. In the census of 1850, the term mulatto appears for the first time due primarily to inter-marriage between Irish and African Americans. The Irish were often referred to as "Negroes turned inside out and Negroes as smoked Irish." A famous quip of the time attributed to a black man went something like this: "My master is a great tyrant, he treats me like a common Irishman." Free blacks and Irish were viewed by the Nativists as related, somehow similar, performing the same tasks in society. It was felt that if amalgamation between the races was to happen, it would happen between Irish and blacks. But, ultimately, the Irish made the decision to embrace whiteness, thus becoming part of the system which dominated and oppressed blacks. Although it contradicted their experience back home, it meant freedom here since blackness meant slavery.

An article by a black writer in an 1860 edition of the Liberator explained how the Irish ultimately attained their objectives: "Fifteen or twenty years ago, a Catholic priest in Philadelphia said to the Irish people in that city, 'You are all poor, and chiefly laborers, the blacks are poor laborers; many of the native whites are laborers; now, if you wish to succeed, you must do everything that they do, no matter how degrading, and do it for less than they can afford to do it for.' The Irish adopted this plan; they lived on less than the Americans could live upon, and worked for less, and the result is, that nearly all the menial employments are monopolized by the Irish, who now get as good prices as anybody. There were other avenues open to American white men, and though they have suffered much, the chief support of the Irish has come from the places from which we have been crowded."

Once the Irish secured themselves in those jobs, they made sure blacks were kept out. They realized that as long as they continued to work alongside blacks, they would be considered no different. Later, as Irish became prominent in the labor movement, African Americans were excluded from participation. In fact, one of the primary themes of How the Irish Became White is the way in which left labor historians, such as the highly acclaimed Herbert Gutman, have not paid sufficient attention to the problem of race in the development of the labor movement.

And so, we have the tragic story of how one oppressed "race," Irish Catholics, learned how to collaborate in the oppression of another "race," Africans in America, in order to secure their place in the white republic. Becoming white meant losing their greenness, i.e., their Irish cultural heritage and the legacy of oppression and discrimination back home. Imagine if the Irish had remained green after their arrival and formed an alliance with their fellow oppressed co-workers, the free blacks of the North. Imagine if they had chosen to include their black brothers and sisters in the union movement to wage a class battle against the dominant white culture which ruthlessly pitted them against one another.

Oh that there had been other Irish Americans such as the soldiers from St. Patrick's Battalion who fought on the side of Mexico in the War of 1848, who did remain green and fought against oppression. So perhaps we Irish in America must reclaim our greenness and, perhaps, our anti-racism trainers are right that we all must reclaim our cultural heritage and bring it to the multicultural table. The only stipulation is that we do it in a decidedly anti-racist manner and in solidarity with oppressed classes of people. Maybe we can all share in the sentiment proclaimed in the 1991 movie about Dublin, "The Commitments," when it was stated that "The Irish are the blacks of Europe, so say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud."

How the Irish Became White

This all part of the stone cold truth about America after slavery. Slavery did not end and the poof, white goodness came about. In some cases slavery existed under another name, convict leasing. And as for all the poor white immigrants that had it just as hard as blacks but pulled themselves up by the bootstraps without bitching or help from the government.


You will be shown this very soon.
Oh brilliant meme there, guy. Except nobody I know has said blacks commit half the violent crime in America. They HAVE said they commit half of the MURDERS in the USA, which is accurate:

View attachment 307655

But let's delve deeper into the stupidity of your meme. Whites are 73% of the population. Blacks are 13% of the population. Here's the link to the UCR your meme cites:

Table 43

White arrests for violent crime: 5,626,140
Black arrests for violent crime: 2,221,697

With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and whites being 73% of that, that's a pool of 240.9 million
With a population of 330 million people in the USA, and blacks being 13% of that, that's a pool of 42.9 million

5.6 million / 240.9 million = 2.3% of the white population are violent offenders.
2.2 million / 42.9 million = 5.1% of the black population are violent offenders.

TL;DR - Blacks are OVER TWICE AS LIKELY to be violent offenders than whites despite a population that's nearly SIX times smaller - and your meme confirms it. Well done.

You just did. And your assessment is totally wrong. There were only so many people arrested for violent crime and that's the number you use. People who were not arrested and did not commit a violent crime do not count. Whites commit 2.5 times the number of violent crimes than do blacks. Period.

Basic math clearly escapes you. Why am I not surprised...

I did basic math.

7.8 million people were violent offenders. Not 283.8 million. So the only people that count in the tally are those who committed the violent crimes. I understand that since the math doesn't paint whitey favorably you are going to try talking about somebody's math skills, but its time whites like you faced the motherfucking truth. Your race has been the most violent race in this country. Your race is responsible for millions of killings, beatings, robberies, rapes and assaults since this nation started. So in 2020 it's time the lie whites have told themselves for over 200 years comes to an end.

Read what I wrote again, brainlet. At least make an attempt at processing it. Your public school education is showing.

I read it the first time. It's the same dumb white racist argument I have read for over 20 years. There is only one way to accurately measure this and it is to use the participants in violent crime by race. If you can't do that, your assessment is inaccurate.

Like I said - basic math escapes you.

Your argument is akin to saying "in the USA 500 white people/year die in car accidents but only 200 black people/year die in car accidents, therefore white people are worse drivers than black people" while ignoring that there's six times as many white people than black people. This is why percentages come into play. This is why virtually every statistic relating to the human condition is presented as "X per 100,000 people". Only a total moron would present data the way you are attempting to.

You want to prove your claim? Disprove my math. It's really that simple. And you can't.
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