The straw man of the American conservative


Feb 15, 2013
Hello from Canada.

I am a young independent political thinker who absolutely detests the straw man that is created for American conservatives.

This afternoon, when discussing Second Amendment rights with my mother, I brought up some pretty logical arguments for it. She didn't buy anything about how it would make criminals better armed than the law abiding citizens, so I went on to speak about the true purpose of the Second Amendment. That is, to enable citizens to overthrow a tyrannical government.

First, she dismissed the notion that the American government could possibly ever be in need of an overthrow in this day and age. So I went on to say that there were many people in America preparing for a civil war and that "from my cold dead hands" is not a joke. This is where it got to a point where everything she said was offensive.

She suggested that the only people making such preparations are anarchists and militia members who want to pay no taxes, own slaves, assert the superiority of men over women and etcetera. She said these are only people who would ever take up arms against the government.

I've tried explaining to her a million times that the only governments that have disarmed their populaces committed terrible crimes against those populaces soon after. It is for this reason that I feel it is entirely reasonable to prepare for a civil war should such an action be taken. How can I convince people that there is reason to suspect something terrible when a government disarms the people and how can I convince them that the people preparing for such a thing are not that straw man of a conservative militia member? In fact, if anyone could even dispel some myths about militias I would be grateful. I already have a pretty good idea from forums that the straw man is a lie, but hard facts would be nice.
Hello from Canada.

I am a young independent political thinker who absolutely detests the straw man that is created for American conservatives.

This afternoon, when discussing Second Amendment rights with my mother, I brought up some pretty logical arguments for it. She didn't buy anything about how it would make criminals better armed than the law abiding citizens, so I went on to speak about the true purpose of the Second Amendment. That is, to enable citizens to overthrow a tyrannical government.

First, she dismissed the notion that the American government could possibly ever be in need of an overthrow in this day and age. So I went on to say that there were many people in America preparing for a civil war and that "from my cold dead hands" is not a joke. This is where it got to a point where everything she said was offensive.

She suggested that the only people making such preparations are anarchists and militia members who want to pay no taxes, own slaves, assert the superiority of men over women and etcetera. She said these are only people who would ever take up arms against the government.

I've tried explaining to her a million times that the only governments that have disarmed their populaces committed terrible crimes against those populaces soon after. It is for this reason that I feel it is entirely reasonable to prepare for a civil war should such an action be taken. How can I convince people that there is reason to suspect something terrible when a government disarms the people and how can I convince them that the people preparing for such a thing are not that straw man of a conservative militia member? In fact, if anyone could even dispel some myths about militias I would be grateful. I already have a pretty good idea from forums that the straw man is a lie, but hard facts would be nice.

The problem is, she's not wrong. There are, in fact, plenty of racists, misogynists and people who just don't want to pay their taxes skulking about in the midst of more sensible conservatives. Just like there are plenty of welfare leeches, nanny-staters and socialists mixed in with the liberals. I guess all you can do is try to connect with her on a personal level - find common values and build on those.
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She suggested that the only people making such preparations are anarchists and militia members who want to pay no taxes, own slaves, assert the superiority of men over women and etcetera. She said these are only people who would ever take up arms against the government.
Pure MSM Propaganda.
The idea that armed private Americans could fight against the greatest army on earth, should it decide to turn against its citizens, is delusional. Armed or not, the govt will do what it wants with the army behind it. Therefore, the argument to keep guns just in case of such a contingency is completely unfounded.

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