The Tax Case Against Donald Trump

Thousands of employees auditing these returns for years.
Hmm, no, we know that's wrong, since people get charged with tax fraud and tax evasion every year without being first caught by the IRS.

Maybe it would help refine your thought process if you tried to contrive a better answer specific to this case.
My father's company provided him with a car, and he never paid a dime in taxes on it.
It all depends on how he got to use the car. If the car was provided for "business" then it's not part of employee compensation. But if he was given the car to use "as he pleased" then it was taxable income.

It's no different from a company credit card. If used for business, or if they let you buy personal items on the company dime.
Thousands of employees auditing these returns for years.

The IRS needs additional resources to address the issues that Mnuchin outlined; providing those resources would both improve taxpayer services and increase revenues by improving tax compliance. Despite this, the Administration’s 2018 budget proposal cuts IRS funding by an additional $239 million

Trump cut the number of auditors.
Thousands of employees auditing these returns for years.

The IRS needs additional resources to address the issues that Mnuchin outlined; providing those resources would both improve taxpayer services and increase revenues by improving tax compliance. Despite this, the Administration’s 2018 budget proposal cuts IRS funding by an additional $239 million

Trump cut the number of auditors.

Trump cut the number of auditors.
So why did you claim there were thousands of auditors working on the returns for years?

The first thing that happens when a work force gets cut is triage. You concentrate limited resources on the easy cases. So tax audits like Trumps get put on the back burner.
And what he is suggesting is precisely what investigators did. And they say they found several felonies. So his point is very odd from the start. Of course, the criminal roadmap helped.
And what he is suggesting is precisely what investigators did. And they say they found several felonies. So his point is very odd from the start. Of course, the criminal roadmap helped.
It's the predictable actions of a grifter who gets his hands on the forces investigating him. We saw how Trump used his attorney general to shield him. His treasury secretary to impede auditing his taxes. And of course to fire James Comey (head of the FBI) to stop the FBI from investigating him. The US attorney in New York and Miami to impede their investigations of his businesses.
You want proof the NY tax case against Trump is political? It's run by the New York politicians, not the state tax agency.
Nothingburger is a gross understatement.

Should be summarily tossed the minute it comes before a judge.
The second set of books that the Trump org was keeping will likely prevent that from happening.
It has been alleged that they claimed millions in personal expenses as business expenses. Things like rent, travel and tuition were written off.

Sounds horrible!
Why didn't the IRS notice?
Yeah, next time a city cop tries to give me a speeding ticket I am going to ask why the Highway Patrol didn't notice, see how that flies.

I realize you're a moron, but the IRS had these tax records for decades and didn't notice?
You're making less sense than usual.
The IRS had access to the second set of books that the Trump org was keeping?
You want proof the NY tax case against Trump is political? It's run by the New York politicians, not the state tax agency.

You do know that the tax agencies do not prosecute people. Criminal cases, including tax evasion, are prosecuted by the state attorney general’s office or the federal prosecutor.

Why are you American political junkies so lacking in knowledge on how the law works?
Well, there are hundreds of thousands of laws and people who spend an entire lifetime studying them and trying to understand them, so there's that.
A personal observation:

The thread title is "The Tax Case Against Donald Trump", and after 25 pages there still is no tax case against Donald Trump. Just sayin'.

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