The tea party is the wrong way

The tea party has a lot of the same goals as the taliban and ISIS! They hate civilization!

i once thought your head was screwed on right..., now i see it is left threaded. :lmao: ... :up:

in my quest to find some 1/2"X14 left thread wing nuts, i was told by every hardware store i went to that "they are very rare".., i told them, "not if you visit USMB on the internet, they are very common." :up: ... :lmao:
Awesome. Seems you made up your mind like a rational person, forgive me for assuming you were like the rest of these reactionary dumbasses.
and you seem to have made up your mind about tea partyers based on the pictures o the few you get to see,

What you originally criticized me for doing.

Nope, been discussing the merits of the movement with self-styled representatives since day one when I was initially in favor of it until I discovered just how much they seem to despise the working poor, still haven't really figured that one out. I do not watch cable news at all so that has not really shaped my opinion.

you are a liar.

For if you truly discussed the merits of the movement, you would likely disagree, but you would not present the movement with the spin as you did.

You did not discuss. You argued.

You learn when you discuss

You don't when you argue.

Consider that one of lifes lessons.
PROVE the TPM as a whole is racist........oh can't.....

go spew your fucking leftist racist hate elsewhere....:ahole-1:
The simple fact that you won't condemn racists in the tea party is proof enough for me. If one taper would condemn racist assholes every time they spew hate, my opinion would be different.

did you condemn Biden for making the racist comment about middle eastern accents? How about when he mocked "people in chains" when he used the term for a laugh at a speaking engagement?

Or is that not considered racism because it was a democrat?
I am not a democrat. And why all of the nonsense as opposed to comdemning obvious racism in the tea party?
PROVE the TPM as a whole is racist........oh can't.....

go spew your fucking leftist racist hate elsewhere....:ahole-1:
The simple fact that you won't condemn racists in the tea party is proof enough for me. If one taper would condemn racist assholes every time they spew hate, my opinion would be different.

proof enough....? you're dumber than i thought....

do you actually think the lamestream media would publish any opinions from regular everyday teapersons...?

Tea party opinions are so uniform it really does not matter who you talk to.
PROVE the TPM as a whole is racist........oh can't.....

go spew your fucking leftist racist hate elsewhere....:ahole-1:
The simple fact that you won't condemn racists in the tea party is proof enough for me. If one taper would condemn racist assholes every time they spew hate, my opinion would be different.

proof enough....? you're dumber than i thought....

do you actually think the lamestream media would publish any opinions from regular everyday teapersons...?
But USMB has everyday teapers, no? That is whatI am referring to... You won't condemn them... That is proof enough
The simple fact that you won't condemn racists in the tea party is proof enough for me. If one taper would condemn racist assholes every time they spew hate, my opinion would be different.

proof enough....? you're dumber than i thought....

do you actually think the lamestream media would publish any opinions from regular everyday teapersons...?

Tea party opinions are so uniform it really does not matter who you talk to.


you really are a leftie ignoraemous....
The simple fact that you won't condemn racists in the tea party is proof enough for me. If one taper would condemn racist assholes every time they spew hate, my opinion would be different.

proof enough....? you're dumber than i thought....

do you actually think the lamestream media would publish any opinions from regular everyday teapersons...?
But USMB has everyday teapers, no? That is whatI am referring to... You won't condemn them... That is proof enough

give me your best example of tpm racism...
and you seem to have made up your mind about tea partyers based on the pictures o the few you get to see,

What you originally criticized me for doing.

Nope, been discussing the merits of the movement with self-styled representatives since day one when I was initially in favor of it until I discovered just how much they seem to despise the working poor, still haven't really figured that one out. I do not watch cable news at all so that has not really shaped my opinion.

you are a liar.

For if you truly discussed the merits of the movement, you would likely disagree, but you would not present the movement with the spin as you did.

You did not discuss. You argued.

You learn when you discuss

You don't when you argue.

Consider that one of lifes lessons.

You came in late and have only read this morning's comments, Been asking these people to explain themselves for years without trying to make me fear things I have no fear of and they just can't do it. Can you explain this shit without all the apocalytic fearmongering? I have an active interest in all things conservative, I want to understand, but all the fear and anger is abhorrent to me. Political leaders should be telling us to be brave and courageous in face of adversity. Tea party people cannot get out of a conversation without lamenting just how helpless and impotent they feel and it disgusts me when they play spineless victim.
still waiting.....

gosh you'd think Nutz would have a prime example of tpm racism to spit out immediately....given how vociferous he's been....:rolleyes:
Nope, been discussing the merits of the movement with self-styled representatives since day one when I was initially in favor of it until I discovered just how much they seem to despise the working poor, still haven't really figured that one out. I do not watch cable news at all so that has not really shaped my opinion.

you are a liar.

For if you truly discussed the merits of the movement, you would likely disagree, but you would not present the movement with the spin as you did.

You did not discuss. You argued.

You learn when you discuss

You don't when you argue.

Consider that one of lifes lessons.

You came in late and have only read this morning's comments, Been asking these people to explain themselves for years without trying to make me fear things I have no fear of and they just can't do it. Can you explain this shit without all the apocalytic fearmongering? I have an active interest in all things conservative, I want to understand, but all the fear and anger is abhorrent to me. Political leaders should be telling us to be brave and courageous in face of adversity. Tea party people cannot get out of a conversation without lamenting just how helpless and impotent they feel and it disgusts me when they play spineless victim.

First..."these people" on this board are by no means a true cross section of the American People. With the exception of the few that are "neutral" and open minded, most are far right and far left ideologues who, as you keep doing, uses spin to get out the virtues of their positions.

Second...if you truly want to understand conservatism, you must open your mind. Not try to spin the intentions of the ideology and instead understand why a conservative believe as they do. You will likely not agree with them, but you wont see them in the negative light that you do.

I do not hate progressives and how they feel. I disagree with much, but I understand their true intentions and respect them.

What I hate are those that use spin and I make that clear on this forum. Our president uses spin as does our speaker.

It is childish and gets us nowhere....

Now, if you truly want to understand, I will explain it. The minute you use spin, the conversation will end.

And if I use spin? Blast me for it.

FYI....believing something will happen based on a political initiative is not always fear mongering if it can be explained as to why you believe something will happen.

Balls in your court.
I believe the tea party's belief in anarchism and libertinism is bad for our country. My belief is that we already walked down this road during the 19th into the early 20th century blindly accepting the ugly face of capitalism without regulations.

1. We're all better off with a government that we vote for regulating and preventing monopolies within the private sector.
2. We're all better off with clean air and water standards that are world renown....Most of the world want to be here!
3. We're all better off with a minimum wage. I understand that a business must be profitable, but if they're not profitable at the point of allowing a person to eat a meal??? What kind of country are we??? The right to union and the minimum wage was the reason behind the large middle class of the mid 20th century. Do you really want to go back to the early 20th century??? MEXICO, anyone??? Vote tea party for mexico! And, no I don't believe we should pay people 20 bucks per hour as it would do great harm. This is called economics!
4. We wouldn't have computers, railways, highways, freeways or much of the overall infrastructure of civilization if it wasn't for government. Time to get serious! Time to spend some serious bucks on what's important.
5. The nws, nasa, cdc, fda, nsf, etc all make us the evy of the world when it comes to science. No way in hell can the private sector do what the nws does and be as open as they're. Thousands of people a year saved from live threaten weather events that would like wise die.
6. Every child should have exist to public education!

I propose waking up and smelling the coffee. I rather enjoy civilization! Once you do, well, see to it that the public sector has its place in our society.

So the right way is what we're doing now? :cuckoo:
I believe the tea party's belief in anarchism and libertinism is bad for our country. My belief is that we already walked down this road during the 19th into the early 20th century blindly accepting the ugly face of capitalism without regulations.

1. We're all better off with a government that we vote for regulating and preventing monopolies within the private sector.
2. We're all better off with clean air and water standards that are world renown....Most of the world want to be here!
3. We're all better off with a minimum wage. I understand that a business must be profitable, but if they're not profitable at the point of allowing a person to eat a meal??? What kind of country are we??? The right to union and the minimum wage was the reason behind the large middle class of the mid 20th century. Do you really want to go back to the early 20th century??? MEXICO, anyone??? Vote tea party for mexico! And, no I don't believe we should pay people 20 bucks per hour as it would do great harm. This is called economics!
4. We wouldn't have computers, railways, highways, freeways or much of the overall infrastructure of civilization if it wasn't for government. Time to get serious! Time to spend some serious bucks on what's important.
5. The nws, nasa, cdc, fda, nsf, etc all make us the evy of the world when it comes to science. No way in hell can the private sector do what the nws does and be as open as they're. Thousands of people a year saved from live threaten weather events that would like wise die.
6. Every child should have exist to public education!

I propose waking up and smelling the coffee. I rather enjoy civilization! Once you do, well, see to it that the public sector has its place in our society.

So the right way is what we're doing now? :cuckoo:

Actually, one goal is slowly being met.....but at a great cost.

Due to new laws and regulations levied on the American People, it is becoming more and more difficult for one to "lose" if he or she is involved in a transaction with another party....

But the cost?

Those same people went into that transaction to win.....and those regulations that protect them, also hamper their success if they were on the winning side.

And the residual cost?

One only gets better by learning from their mistakes. I once screwed myself over by not reading the entire contract. That never happened to me again. People cant learn from mistakes if the ability to make them is non existent.
still waiting.....

gosh you'd think Nutz would have a prime example of tpm racism to spit out immediately....given how vociferous he's been....:rolleyes:
Lol. Just look through the thread and you will see the example. Im not going to waste time showimg you, because you are a teaper and will just dismiss it. The teq party is the new kkk...face ir, you have been deceived into followimg hate. Dumbass!
I believe the tea party's belief in anarchism and libertinism is bad for our country. My belief is that we already walked down this road during the 19th into the early 20th century blindly accepting the ugly face of capitalism without regulations.

1. We're all better off with a government that we vote for regulating and preventing monopolies within the private sector.
2. We're all better off with clean air and water standards that are world renown....Most of the world want to be here!
3. We're all better off with a minimum wage. I understand that a business must be profitable, but if they're not profitable at the point of allowing a person to eat a meal??? What kind of country are we??? The right to union and the minimum wage was the reason behind the large middle class of the mid 20th century. Do you really want to go back to the early 20th century??? MEXICO, anyone??? Vote tea party for mexico! And, no I don't believe we should pay people 20 bucks per hour as it would do great harm. This is called economics!
4. We wouldn't have computers, railways, highways, freeways or much of the overall infrastructure of civilization if it wasn't for government. Time to get serious! Time to spend some serious bucks on what's important.
5. The nws, nasa, cdc, fda, nsf, etc all make us the evy of the world when it comes to science. No way in hell can the private sector do what the nws does and be as open as they're. Thousands of people a year saved from live threaten weather events that would like wise die.
6. Every child should have exist to public education!

I propose waking up and smelling the coffee. I rather enjoy civilization! Once you do, well, see to it that the public sector has its place in our society.

So the right way is what we're doing now? :cuckoo:

Actually, one goal is slowly being met.....but at a great cost.

Due to new laws and regulations levied on the American People, it is becoming more and more difficult for one to "lose" if he or she is involved in a transaction with another party....

But the cost?

Those same people went into that transaction to win.....and those regulations that protect them, also hamper their success if they were on the winning side.

And the residual cost?

One only gets better by learning from their mistakes. I once screwed myself over by not reading the entire contract. That never happened to me again. People cant learn from mistakes if the ability to make them is non existent.

In their insane idea of protecting everyone from ever failing or losing they are creating a nation of failures and losers.
still waiting.....

gosh you'd think Nutz would have a prime example of tpm racism to spit out immediately....given how vociferous he's been....:rolleyes:
Lol. Just look through the thread and you will see the example. Im not going to waste time showimg you, because you are a teaper and will just dismiss it. The teq party is the new kkk...face ir, you have been deceived into followimg hate. Dumbass!

Just one question: Are Alan West and Mia Love racists? You are so brainwashed by the leftist media that you are totally unaware of what is really going on.
still waiting.....

gosh you'd think Nutz would have a prime example of tpm racism to spit out immediately....given how vociferous he's been....:rolleyes:
Lol. Just look through the thread and you will see the example. Im not going to waste time showimg you, because you are a teaper and will just dismiss it. The teq party is the new kkk...face ir, you have been deceived into followimg hate. Dumbass!

if it's so important to you why not just repeat it....? i don't have time to go through 20 pages...
still waiting.....

gosh you'd think Nutz would have a prime example of tpm racism to spit out immediately....given how vociferous he's been....:rolleyes:
Lol. Just look through the thread and you will see the example. Im not going to waste time showimg you, because you are a teaper and will just dismiss it. The teq party is the new kkk...face ir, you have been deceived into followimg hate. Dumbass!

That is an example of a tea party member displaying racism.

That is not proof that the entire movement is based on racism....which is what he has been asking you.

Whatever the percentage of racists that exist in the USA? I am pretty confident the same percentage exists in the tea part; the DNC; the GOP; the church down the block: the people in the mall this afternoon.

Show proof that racism is a tenet of the tea party sentiment.
still waiting.....

gosh you'd think Nutz would have a prime example of tpm racism to spit out immediately....given how vociferous he's been....:rolleyes:
Lol. Just look through the thread and you will see the example. Im not going to waste time showimg you, because you are a teaper and will just dismiss it. The teq party is the new kkk...face ir, you have been deceived into followimg hate. Dumbass!

In bold?

Gave me reason to put you on ignore. Sure, it wont change your life. And it wont change mine.

But minimizing the horrors of the KKK and minimizing the atrocities of true racism, to me, is insulting to an entire culture; not to mention those that truly suffered from it.

See you and best of luck to you.

still waiting.....

gosh you'd think Nutz would have a prime example of tpm racism to spit out immediately....given how vociferous he's been....:rolleyes:
Lol. Just look through the thread and you will see the example. Im not going to waste time showimg you, because you are a teaper and will just dismiss it. The teq party is the new kkk...face ir, you have been deceived into followimg hate. Dumbass!

In bold?

Gave me reason to put you on ignore. Sure, it wont change your life. And it wont change mine.

But minimizing the horrors of the KKK and minimizing the atrocities of true racism, to me, is insulting to an entire culture; not to mention those that truly suffered from it.

See you and best of luck to you.


Golly gee,,, you are putting me on ignore, now you can remain ignorant add to the rampant racism in the tea party.

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