The tea party is the wrong way

Lol. Just look through the thread and you will see the example. Im not going to waste time showimg you, because you are a teaper and will just dismiss it. The teq party is the new kkk...face ir, you have been deceived into followimg hate. Dumbass!

In bold?

Gave me reason to put you on ignore. Sure, it wont change your life. And it wont change mine.

But minimizing the horrors of the KKK and minimizing the atrocities of true racism, to me, is insulting to an entire culture; not to mention those that truly suffered from it.

See you and best of luck to you.


Golly gee,,, you are putting me on ignore, now you can remain ignorant add to the rampant racism in the tea party.

So would you declare the Crispus Attucks Tea Party racist?
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The Tea Party supports constitutional government. That's the American way.

So do the other major parties.

The difference is the other major parties support the system of checks and balances we have--SCOTUS gets to say what is and is not constitutional.

The Tea Party doesn't like giving that power to legal scholars--our highest court. They want Fox News and Glenn Beck to say what is and is not constitutional.

The other major parties believe in our system of government as a Republic not a direct Democracy.

The other parties believe in compromise and finding common ground. The impotent rage and ignorance of the Tea Party prevents them from doing this.

The Tea Party has infected a once great political party like a cancer. Killing it from within.

SEE My Signature below….
The Tea Party supports constitutional government. That's the American way.

So do the other major parties.

The difference is the other major parties support the system of checks and balances we have--SCOTUS gets to say what is and is not constitutional.

The Tea Party doesn't like giving that power to legal scholars--our highest court. They want Fox News and Glenn Beck to say what is and is not constitutional.

The other major parties believe in our system of government as a Republic not a direct Democracy.

The other parties believe in compromise and finding common ground. The impotent rage and ignorance of the Tea Party prevents them from doing this.

The Tea Party has infected a once great political party like a cancer. Killing it from within.

SEE My Signature below….

your post and your sig are nothing but HORSESHIT. Not a word of truth in either.

Why must you lie? Is it a mental disease?
The tea party is mad that the democrats want to fund science, education and infracture. Sure, I think the democrats spend too much on welfare and bs, but your stance otherwise is a sad one.

Where is that in our Constitution?

The limited powers of our Government by the Constitution

*Levy Taxes
*Borrow money on the credit of the United States.
*Spend when authorized by an appropriations bill
*Pay the Federal debt
*Constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court
*Declare War
*Raise armies, a navy, and provide for the common defense
*Introduce constitutional amendments and choose the mode of ratification
*Call a Constitutional Convention on the application of two-thirds of the States
*Regulate interstate and foreign commerce.
*Coin Money
*Standardize the value of currency
*Regulate copyrights and patents
*Establish federal courts lower than the Supreme Court.
*Limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Federal Courts including the Supreme Court.
*Standardize weights and measures.
*Establish uniform times for elections.
*Control the Postal System
*Establish laws governing citizenship
*Make its own rules and discipline its own members .
*Provide for the punishment of counterfeiting, piracy, treason and other Federal Crimes.
*Exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the District of Columbia
*Establish Bankruptcy laws
*Override presidential vetoes.
*Oversee all Federal property and possessions
*Fill a vacancy in the presidency in cases of death or inability
* Receive and count electoral votes for the Presidency
*Keep and publish a journal of its proceedings
*Conduct a census every ten years.
*Approve treaties, cabinet level appointments, and appointments to the Supreme Court (Senate only).
*Impeach (House only) and try (Senate only) federal officers.
*Initiate all bills for raising revenue (House only).

Where does it say spend taxpayers money on science, education, infrastructure, welfare checks and health care?
The tea party is mad that the democrats want to fund science, education and infracture. Sure, I think the democrats spend too much on welfare and bs, but your stance otherwise is a sad one.

Science, education and infrastructure can also be funded by the private sector.
The Tea Party supports constitutional government. That's the American way.

So do the other major parties.

The difference is the other major parties support the system of checks and balances we have--SCOTUS gets to say what is and is not constitutional.

The Tea Party doesn't like giving that power to legal scholars--our highest court. They want Fox News and Glenn Beck to say what is and is not constitutional.

The other major parties believe in our system of government as a Republic not a direct Democracy.

The other parties believe in compromise and finding common ground. The impotent rage and ignorance of the Tea Party prevents them from doing this.

The Tea Party has infected a once great political party like a cancer. Killing it from within.

SEE My Signature below….

Oh my god. You might try that on naive college kids.
The tea party is mad that the democrats want to fund science, education and infracture. Sure, I think the democrats spend too much on welfare and bs, but your stance otherwise is a sad one.

tea party folks don't want the Democommie Mad Hatters taking over science, education, and infrastructure....because to the Mad Hatters....

'science' means global warming/change which means onerous taxation which means snuffing out private businesses and the middle class...

'education' means leftist propaganda...

'infrastructure' means paying off leftist cronies...
The tea party is mad that the democrats want to fund science, education and infracture. Sure, I think the democrats spend too much on welfare and bs, but your stance otherwise is a sad one.

Another lie from the broken record, we don't like anyone who supports anything done by the feds that is not in accordance with the letter and intent of the supreme law of the land, The United States Constitution.

The States are the only signators to the Constitution, if you want to change it use Article 5 and get the States to sign off. But hey it's just so much easier to endorse lawlessness with the complicity of the courts, right? Your opinion seem to mirror your dear leaders, fuck the Constitution.
Coming from someone like you who has refused to debate the TEA party principles outlined by another poster. Again, you refuse to engage. Mathew is off his rockers as usual.

Grow up.

We are asking you for alternative programs, not talking points, not toppling the government.

Specifically, what do you wish to accomplish?
Exactly, they don't know because there are no talking points available. So they revert to dirty debate tactics.
Interesting strategy. Ask for input, stick your fingers in your ears, screech "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" over and over. Then pretend you won.

If you want people to take you seriously, shut up and listen. Or keep going like you are and look like a moron. Makes no nevermind to me.
I believe the tea party's belief in anarchism...

When you start off with a falsehood, everything that follows may be safely dismissed.

How is that a falsehood? Don't you want to defund science and infrastructure programs?

Your belief is everything should be done by the private sector. So you clearly don't belief government has a place in enforcing much of anything. I disagree simply as I believe pure capitalism turns bad as fast as pure socialism.
It's a falsehood because it's a fucking lie, you moron.

You've been told repeatedly what the TEA Party is about. You choose to ignore it and keep spewing your bullshit. You're a closed-minded little man.
It is no straw man that the TeaPs won't deliver proposals for alternative programs, not talking points, not toppling the government.

That is why the TP candidates, with two major exceptions, were slaughtered in the primaries, as has been predicted since the terrible TP defeats on the budget and the debt.

That is why GOP House members from UT and TX, Jason Chaffetz and Louie Gohmert, for example, are slide stepping a bit to the center. That is why Governor Herbert in UT is carefully protecting his turf for his next run by making challenger Speaker Becky Lockhart of the UT House look like a far right reactionary in terms of Medicaid expansion.
Grow up.

We are asking you for alternative programs, not talking points, not toppling the government.

Specifically, what do you wish to accomplish?
Exactly, they don't know because there are no talking points available. So they revert to dirty debate tactics.
Interesting strategy. Ask for input, stick your fingers in your ears, screech "LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" over and over. Then pretend you won.

If you want people to take you seriously, shut up and listen. Or keep going like you are and look like a moron. Makes no nevermind to me.

Shut up and listen to what? Not one teaper has made a valid point, only insults and nonsense. None of the questions posed to anyh of you have been answered because you can't formulate an opinion without talking points. Useless lemmings.

How is the revolution going, you fucking morons.
Just another example of Teaper racism:

The tea party is the... 06-16-2014 11:21 AM 007 Fuck off, buck wheat.
the right is no more racist than obamas
Chicago buddies Louis farakhan, khalid Muhammad and reverend wright

idiots and hypocrites

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