The Ted Cruz’s Establishment friendly tax plan


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See: The Simple Flat Tax Plan

”Imagine a 10 percent income tax, with every American filling out his or her taxes on a postcard or iPhone app. And abolishing the IRS as we know it.” – Ted Cruz

Well, I have imagined Cruz’s tax plan, and it is the same old Washington pig, cleverly disguised in a new shade of lipstick!

It is absolutely amazing that Ted Cruz, who constantly whines that our federal government has gotten out of control; that we need to close down the IRS; and that our Washington Elite protects the tax code; would panhandle tax reform which keeps alive the very vehicle [income taxation] which is used to inflict the miseries he complains of.

Is Senator Cruz not smart enough to conclude America’s experiment with the socialist inspired federal tax calculated from “incomes”, opened the door to countless sufferings carried out under the guise of “income taxation”? Apparently not! The fact is, under Ted Cruz’s tax plan, which keeps alive a federal tax calculated from incomes, allows Washington’s elites to continue to define what is and what is not “taxable” income, and in turn allows perfidious manipulations in which winners and losers can be determined by a stroke Congress’ pen.

Ted Cruz’s plan also keeps alive the federal government’s open door intrusion into our personal lives and financial affairs; the power to audit and harass private individuals and businesses at will who are viewed as political opponents; the needless waste of billions of dollars to keep records and reports for the federal government, not to mention the loss of precious man hours. And all this suffering does not even take into account that Cruz’s tax plan is unequal taxation in that the most productive citizens are compelled to contribute more to the federal government than the least productive, while some are even allowed to escape the burden of supporting our federal government. But this is what socialism and communism is about ___ from each according to their ability, to each according to their need. And this is what Cruz’s well-dressed pig is ___ redistribution of wealth and maintaining the federal government’s iron fist around the necks of the American People.

But let us not forget that Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, and John Kasich also support keeping alive Congress’ power to lay and collect taxes calculated from incomes. And they reject, or perhaps foolishly ignore our Constitution’s original tax plan which allowed for indirect taxation ___ imposts, duties, internal excise taxes on articles of consumption ___ and a direct apportioned tax among the states if an emergency occurred or was needed to extinguish an annual deficit and thereby balance the budget on an annual basis.

It is so sad to see there is not one self-anointed “conservative” running to be our next President who is willing to even discuss the wisdom and merits of our Constitution’s ORIGINAL TAX PLAN


“Honest money and honest taxation, the Key to America’s future Prosperity“ ___ from “Prosperity Restored by the State Rate Tax Plan”, no longer in print.
Cruz is another corporate azz licker, raise taxes for the poor, but cut them for the rich,,,stupid bitch...
oh good grief, reading that article won't make anyone smart. please
typical leftist dribble

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