The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas

So the freedom of the baby, matters not.

If you are going to engage in this argument, you should be cautious of the fact that someone can make the same case in regards to the slaughtering of animals for convenience.

The philosophical concept of necessary suffering, in my opinion, is the moral guideline for these types of scenarios.

Either we as a nation value human life, or we don't. Currently we do not.

No one should have the right to determine life or death of another...Not the state and not a pregnant woman.

Nothing is easier and cheaper than preventing pregnancy.

you know nothing about real life. PS---I never had an abortion nor have I performed one. I support choice
Please tell me what is REAL LIFE?
It is not a slippery slope. Human life is valued over all other life.

Why? Without a supplementary argument, that is just conjecture.

Do you think an ant's life is just as valuable as a human's life?

No, because ants are an asexual hive species..

Would you be okay killing a crow for food, which demonstrate advanced cognition, communication, and emotions?

Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept

so what?

Fetuses aren't babies.
if we are going on our personal views, then I have to say that a person is not a person until they are able to support themselves. By my standards it would be ok to abort people on welfare.
Oh and since the constitution is meant for citizens, it should also be ok to legally abort illegals when then sneak across our border.

I would not vote for you---
Just as well. You would end up having to pay your own way through life if I was elected.
that or starve, considering the mindset of the average liberal and the amount of time one can go without eating, you would only have to worry about voting for me once.
A liberals death means little to me.

??? I am a registered democrat (since the day I reached the age of majority---LONG LONG ago.) I grew up amongst "liberals"-----my grandmother demonstrated for UNIONS when she was a teenaged sweatshop worker. The only people I knew in my childhood who did not depend on one or more working members of the family were REPUBLICANS. People on "welfare" ------were the very poor----by virtue of sickness

Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept

so what?

Fetuses aren't babies.

Shit, that looks like something HH Giger painted!

They still aren't viable at 17 weeks, and no one has an abortion at 17 weeks unless the fetus is so deformed it won't have a happy life anyway.
So the freedom of the baby, matters not.

If you are going to engage in this argument, you should be cautious of the fact that someone can make the same case in regards to the slaughtering of animals for convenience.

The philosophical concept of necessary suffering, in my opinion, is the moral guideline for these types of scenarios.

Either we as a nation value human life, or we don't. Currently we do not.

No one should have the right to determine life or death of another...Not the state and not a pregnant woman.

Nothing is easier and cheaper than preventing pregnancy.

you know nothing about real life. PS---I never had an abortion nor have I performed one. I support choice
Please tell me what is REAL LIFE?

that which goes on behind closed doors and ends up in
if we are going on our personal views, then I have to say that a person is not a person until they are able to support themselves. By my standards it would be ok to abort people on welfare.
Oh and since the constitution is meant for citizens, it should also be ok to legally abort illegals when then sneak across our border.

Well, that's nice. Too bad your personal views don't count.

The law and science says fetuses aren't babies....
The truth is the truth.. which is why Hellary Rotten and her gaggle of slobbering murderers fight so hard to keep women from having ultrasounds prior to their abortion.. they KNOW once a mother see's her baby, she will most likely change her mind and they need the FACTORY OF DEATH to continue.. BLOOD LUST

Well, no, it's just that most sensible people don't think you should stick a wand up a woman's vagina to try to guilt her out of a decision she's already made.
So the freedom of the baby, matters not.

If you are going to engage in this argument, you should be cautious of the fact that someone can make the same case in regards to the slaughtering of animals for convenience.

The philosophical concept of necessary suffering, in my opinion, is the moral guideline for these types of scenarios.

Either we as a nation value human life, or we don't. Currently we do not.

No one should have the right to determine life or death of another...Not the state and not a pregnant woman.

Nothing is easier and cheaper than preventing pregnancy.

you know nothing about real life. PS---I never had an abortion nor have I performed one. I support choice
Please tell me what is REAL LIFE?

that which goes on behind closed doors and ends up in
Oh need to get an education or see a shrink...because you might be CRAZY.

Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept

so what?

Fetuses aren't babies.

Shit, that looks like something HH Giger painted!

They still aren't viable at 17 weeks, and no one has an abortion at 17 weeks unless the fetus is so deformed it won't have a happy life anyway.

not viable OUTSIDE THE WOMB. The general rule for
optional abortion is first trimester (ie up to 12 weeks). Anti-abortion people like to make it look GORY------with good photography skills ---one can make the extraction of a wisdom tooth look GORY
So we know that 0.3% of all abortions are for rape, mother's life endangered, etc.. We also know Contraception is FREE at Health Depts, Planned Parenthood... and yet we have 3500 abortions a day with 10.5 of those for rape, health, etc... The whole mother's health line and rape are pure HORSE SHIT..

I agree. It is. So is the line about 'partial birth" abortions, which represent an equally small percentage of abortions performed.

I knew a lady once who had two abortions so her parents wouldn't know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.
Who knew cows and pigs were that highly intelligent. Does one moo mean hello and two moos mean goodbye?

I do not know what you would consider highly intelligent, but Pigs are capable of communication and even manipulation. Cows are noted as being one of the most emotional creatures on earth.
So we know that 0.3% of all abortions are for rape, mother's life endangered, etc.. We also know Contraception is FREE at Health Depts, Planned Parenthood... and yet we have 3500 abortions a day with 10.5 of those for rape, health, etc... The whole mother's health line and rape are pure HORSE SHIT..

I agree. It is. So is the line about 'partial birth" abortions, which represent an equally small percentage of abortions performed.

I knew a lady once who had two abortions so her parents wouldn't know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

would you prefer that the jerky slut bring up a HUMAN BABY?
If you are going to engage in this argument, you should be cautious of the fact that someone can make the same case in regards to the slaughtering of animals for convenience.

The philosophical concept of necessary suffering, in my opinion, is the moral guideline for these types of scenarios.

Either we as a nation value human life, or we don't. Currently we do not.

No one should have the right to determine life or death of another...Not the state and not a pregnant woman.

Nothing is easier and cheaper than preventing pregnancy.

you know nothing about real life. PS---I never had an abortion nor have I performed one. I support choice
Please tell me what is REAL LIFE?

that which goes on behind closed doors and ends up in
Oh need to get an education or see a shrink...because you might be CRAZY.

??? why do you say that? I am educated----in fact I am not a psychiatrist-----but often served as one in a pinch. How do you define "crazy"?
Who knew cows and pigs were that highly intelligent. Does one moo mean hello and two moos mean goodbye?

I do not know what you would consider highly intelligent, but Pigs are capable of communication and even manipulation. Cows are noted as being one of the most emotional creatures on earth.

Animals kill and eat each other regardless of their intellect. Chickens want us to kill cows and pigs so we don't kill them for food. I say chickens are very smart, don't you agree?

Either we as a nation value human life, or we don't. Currently we do not.

No one should have the right to determine life or death of another...Not the state and not a pregnant woman.

Nothing is easier and cheaper than preventing pregnancy.

you know nothing about real life. PS---I never had an abortion nor have I performed one. I support choice
Please tell me what is REAL LIFE?

that which goes on behind closed doors and ends up in
Oh need to get an education or see a shrink...because you might be CRAZY.

??? why do you say that? I am educated----in fact I am not a psychiatrist-----but often served as one in a pinch. How do you define "crazy"?
Anyone who thinks 'real life' is what goes on behind closed doors and in hospitals, as it relates to abortion, obviously can't be too smart.

What goes on in abortion clinics, is murder.

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