The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas

So the freedom of the baby, matters not.

LIberals judge people based on the assumption that their belief system is the only possible belief system.

Thus, since THEY have the belief that an unborn child is not yet a person, then EVERYONE believes that, and anyone that wants to "interfere" in the abortion act, is bothering a woman making a choice that harms no one else.

For all their talk of being open minded and multi-cultural, they have ZERO empathy or respect for differing viewpoints or cultures.

Thus, anyone that "knows" that the act of an abortion is "no body else's business" and still butts in, must purposefully being as ass.

Leftist murderers can no longer use the piss poor excuse of the child not being a baby since the advent of ultrasound, specifically 3D ultrasound.
The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas - link to article
"You can rip the baby out of the womb of the mother,” Trump blasted. “The government has no business with the decisions that a mother makes,” was Clinton’s reminder that there is nothing freedom-loving about overturning Roe vs Wade.

For the first time, it was the madness of Trump’s ideas rather than his erratic manner that took centre stage during this debate.

Trump was REALLY stupid for describing abortion as "ripping the baby out of the womb of the mother"-----he OPENED HIMSELF up to Hillary's OBVIOUS response -----however in that interchange NEITHER impressed me. The issue of abortion is -------too complicated for discussion by two idiots. The whole interchange should be disregarded---neither described a "policy"

He described it PRECISELY as it happens.. Just because you feminist slaughterers can't hand the TRUTH, you object to it.. One day you will not be able to make excuses, lie, run from the horror you demand - you will stand and account before an Almighty God. Count on it.

You know nothing about the issue.
The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas - link to article
"You can rip the baby out of the womb of the mother,” Trump blasted. “The government has no business with the decisions that a mother makes,” was Clinton’s reminder that there is nothing freedom-loving about overturning Roe vs Wade.

For the first time, it was the madness of Trump’s ideas rather than his erratic manner that took centre stage during this debate.

Trump was REALLY stupid for describing abortion as "ripping the baby out of the womb of the mother"-----he OPENED HIMSELF up to Hillary's OBVIOUS response -----however in that interchange NEITHER impressed me. The issue of abortion is -------too complicated for discussion by two idiots. The whole interchange should be disregarded---neither described a "policy"

He described it PRECISELY as it happens.. Just because you feminist slaughterers can't hand the TRUTH, you object to it.. One day you will not be able to make excuses, lie, run from the horror you demand - you will stand and account before an Almighty God. Count on it.

You know nothing about the issue.

Do you think just because you spittled out that moronic response it makes it true?! LMAO What's wrong Murderer? Can't handle your own position so you create a strawman.. That shit doesn't work for me. If you have the blackened soul to bleed a baby to death be it through burning to death or stabbing the baby in the skull, OWN IT LIBERAL...

Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept

so what?

Fetuses aren't babies.
The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas - link to article
"You can rip the baby out of the womb of the mother,” Trump blasted. “The government has no business with the decisions that a mother makes,” was Clinton’s reminder that there is nothing freedom-loving about overturning Roe vs Wade.

For the first time, it was the madness of Trump’s ideas rather than his erratic manner that took centre stage during this debate.
Democratic Underground is missing an idiot
The truth is the truth.. which is why Hellary Rotten and her gaggle of slobbering murderers fight so hard to keep women from having ultrasounds prior to their abortion.. they KNOW once a mother see's her baby, she will most likely change her mind and they need the FACTORY OF DEATH to continue.. BLOOD LUST
The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas - link to article
"You can rip the baby out of the womb of the mother,” Trump blasted. “The government has no business with the decisions that a mother makes,” was Clinton’s reminder that there is nothing freedom-loving about overturning Roe vs Wade.

For the first time, it was the madness of Trump’s ideas rather than his erratic manner that took centre stage during this debate.

Trump was REALLY stupid for describing abortion as "ripping the baby out of the womb of the mother"-----he OPENED HIMSELF up to Hillary's OBVIOUS response -----however in that interchange NEITHER impressed me. The issue of abortion is -------too complicated for discussion by two idiots. The whole interchange should be disregarded---neither described a "policy"

He described it PRECISELY as it happens.. Just because you feminist slaughterers can't hand the TRUTH, you object to it.. One day you will not be able to make excuses, lie, run from the horror you demand - you will stand and account before an Almighty God. Count on it.

You know nothing about the issue.

Do you think just because you spittled out that moronic response it makes it true?! LMAO What's wrong Murderer? Can't handle your own position so you create a strawman.. That shit doesn't work for me. If you have the blackened soul to bleed a baby to death be it through burning to death or stabbing the baby in the skull, OWN IT LIBERAL...

1) "bleed a baby to death" <<<<< ---not a mode of abortion
2) "burn a baby to death" <<<<not a mode of abortion
3) "stabbing a baby in the skull" <<< a very very rare procedure done as a life saving act in the case of cephalo-
pelvic disproportion complicated by imminent death of the

^^^^^^^ as idiotic as describing an abortion as
"ripping a baby from the womb"
There's never a valid reason to slaughter a baby.. A mother's number 1 job and natural instinct is to her protect her child, not murder it. I don't care what the fucking reason is.

Okay, then let me apply an equivalency, because I do believe there are situations in which it is morally warranted.

I am going to make an assumption that you do not condemn the slaughtering of animals for food. Why?
Should we condemn slaughtering humans for food? Why not? How about slaughtering healthy humans for their organs? How about slaughtering healthy infants for their body parts?

Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept

so what?

Fetuses aren't babies.

yeah? so?

Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept

so what?

Fetuses aren't babies.

yeah? so?

There it is^^^^ This BIATCH lacks a soul... Case closed.

Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept

so what?

Fetuses aren't babies.
if we are going on our personal views, then I have to say that a person is not a person until they are able to support themselves. By my standards it would be ok to abort people on welfare.
Oh and since the constitution is meant for citizens, it should also be ok to legally abort illegals when then sneak across our border.
Should we condemn slaughtering humans for food? Why not?

Nah, go right ahead.

The practice will kill you pretty quickly, especially if you eat brain matter.

How about slaughtering healthy humans for their organs?

That would not respect nature of the concept of nessecary suffering

How about slaughtering healthy infants for their body parts?

^ See above.

Anyways, not really sure about the relevance of these questions.
So the freedom of the baby, matters not.

If you are going to engage in this argument, you should be cautious of the fact that someone can make the same case in regards to the slaughtering of animals for convenience.

The philosophical concept of necessary suffering, in my opinion, is the moral guideline for these types of scenarios.

Either we as a nation value human life, or we don't. Currently we do not.

No one should have the right to determine life or death of another...Not the state and not a pregnant woman.

Nothing is easier and cheaper than preventing pregnancy.
so much arguing and fighting

Put down the weapons and kill'em with kindness

Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept

so what?

Fetuses aren't babies.

yeah? so?

There it is^^^^ This BIATCH lacks a soul... Case closed.

interesting remark------do you think a pig embryo----which looks very much like the thing in the picture------has a "soul"?. Long ago when I was a child (long long long ago) I did my 8th grade science project by making a clay model of a HUMAN
EMBRYO------and pointing out the features that represented
My science teacher was catholic and told me that I CANNOT DO A MODEL OF A HUMAN EMBRYO------so----I did it anyway but described it as "Embryo of a highly evolved mammal in an early stage of development" (not bad for a 13 year old) ----for that idiotic project I won a little prize----like fifth or sixth place

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