The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas

I wholeheartedly agree with your analogy under one condition: You use the aborted (i.e.slaughtered) baby as your food.

Not sure why that condition exists, and eating a fetus would probably make you partial to brain diseases.

The point is about life comprising situations, in which killing a fetus could be classified as nessecary suffering.
animals and humans are pretty much not the same when it comes to this argument.

Not sure why not.

Some animal species have demonstrated advanced intelligence, with some even surpassing the natural born intelligence of humans.

But if it helps you, I personally am for the most part vegetarian. But its for personal reasons and I have no problem slapping a nice thick juicy steak on my grill for you should you come over.

Well my point was not to argue that you should be vegetarian, but that the primary justification for "carnivores" is the idea of nessecary suffering.

That's why I question someone that morally justifies slaughtering animals for food, but abhor all abortion, even under life compromising circumstances.
I dont disagree.
But, we happen to be a step above them in the food chain most of the time.
maybe its because they cant communicate their feelings? basically just like the fetus, ok to kill because it cant communicate its feelings?

Not a fetus.. a human life that is declared precisely that when a pregnant mother is murdered.
I dont think you are understanding me, I am 100%, well 99% against abortion. I do not think it should be legal as just a means of birth control.
But I also understand that there are times that it could be a required option.
To me, the life of the mother has more importance
Rape victims should not be forced to have a child from that rape. (the rapist should also be charged with murder should an abortion be required due to his rape)
if the child is seriously deformed, scans show the child is missing two arms and has its dick growing out of its forehead or something.
Incest, I put this in the same category as rape.
So for me, there are times when its not acceptable, but could be considered required.
But just for birth control because little sally and little billy couldnt keep their genitals where then belonged? sorry I dont agree.
And I certainly do not think that any taxpayer money should be used for abortions.
animals and humans are pretty much not the same when it comes to this argument.

Not sure why not.

Some animal species have demonstrated advanced intelligence, with some even surpassing the natural born intelligence of humans.

But if it helps you, I personally am for the most part vegetarian. But its for personal reasons and I have no problem slapping a nice thick juicy steak on my grill for you should you come over.

Well my point was not to argue that you should be vegetarian, but that the primary justification for "carnivores" is the idea of nessecary suffering.

That's why I question someone that morally justifies slaughtering animals for food, but abhor all abortion, even under life compromising circumstances.
I dont disagree.
But, we happen to be a step above them in the food chain most of the time.
maybe its because they cant communicate their feelings? basically just like the fetus, ok to kill because it cant communicate its feelings?
The outset of the third Presidential debate saw the candidates square off on the future of the Supreme Court, including how their judicial appointees would shape the country’s laws on abortion.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton stated unequivocally that she would uphold Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that held women have a right to abortion subject to certain regulations.

Copy and pasting parts of articles without a link or commentary is against the TOS. Reported. How about you actually form your own argument?
was the baby pic really necessart!
Oh you want the right to SLAUGHTER BABIES but you can't handle the truth of what you support???? YOU OWN IT.. LOOK AT IT.. YOU are a monster

Right wingers are pro death penalty . Spare us the leacture .

There are all kinds of laws that protect babies after viability . You make it seem like abortions are happening days before mom is to give birth.
animals and humans are pretty much not the same when it comes to this argument.

Not sure why not.

Some animal species have demonstrated advanced intelligence, with some even surpassing the natural born intelligence of humans.

But if it helps you, I personally am for the most part vegetarian. But its for personal reasons and I have no problem slapping a nice thick juicy steak on my grill for you should you come over.

Well my point was not to argue that you should be vegetarian, but that the primary justification for "carnivores" is the idea of nessecary suffering.

That's why I question someone that morally justifies slaughtering animals for food, but abhor all abortion, even under life compromising circumstances.
I dont disagree.
But, we happen to be a step above them in the food chain most of the time.
maybe its because they cant communicate their feelings? basically just like the fetus, ok to kill because it cant communicate its feelings?

Not a fetus.. a human life that is declared precisely that when a pregnant mother is murdered.
I dont think you are understanding me, I am 100%, well 99% against abortion. I do not think it should be legal as just a means of birth control.
But I also understand that there are times that it could be a required option.
To me, the life of the mother has more importance
Rape victims should not be forced to have a child from that rape. (the rapist should also be charged with murder should an abortion be required due to his rape)
if the child is seriously deformed, scans show the child is missing two arms and has its dick growing out of its forehead or something.
Incest, I put this in the same category as rape.
So for me, there are times when its not acceptable, but could be considered required.
But just for birth control because little sally and little billy couldnt keep their genitals where then belonged? sorry I dont agree.
And I certainly do not think that any taxpayer money should be used for abortions.

When you create the heavens and earth then you can determine it's ok to slaughter a child.
One point about advocating animal slaughter and not abortion, is that it is in line with nature to kill different species for food, but abortion is an act that does not naturally occur.

I guess that is one way you could defeat that argument, given that most philosophy is based on adhering to nature anyways.
How dare Donald Trump defend the life of a full term baby about to be slaughtered with scissors through the back of his or her skull, stabbing to death a child.

Besides you need to post fetus porn, the fact is, less than 1% of abortions are performed after the 20th week of pregnancy, and then almost always because of a threat tot he mothers life or becuase the fetus is horribly deformed.
was the baby pic really necessart!
Oh you want the right to SLAUGHTER BABIES but you can't handle the truth of what you support???? YOU OWN IT.. LOOK AT IT.. YOU are a monster

Right wingers are pro death penalty . Spare us the leacture .

There are all kinds of laws that protect babies after viability . You make it seem like abortions are happening days before mom is to give birth.


Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept.
animals and humans are pretty much not the same when it comes to this argument.

Not sure why not.

Some animal species have demonstrated advanced intelligence, with some even surpassing the natural born intelligence of humans.

But if it helps you, I personally am for the most part vegetarian. But its for personal reasons and I have no problem slapping a nice thick juicy steak on my grill for you should you come over.

Well my point was not to argue that you should be vegetarian, but that the primary justification for "carnivores" is the idea of nessecary suffering.

That's why I question someone that morally justifies slaughtering animals for food, but abhor all abortion, even under life compromising circumstances.
I dont disagree.
But, we happen to be a step above them in the food chain most of the time.
maybe its because they cant communicate their feelings? basically just like the fetus, ok to kill because it cant communicate its feelings?
The outset of the third Presidential debate saw the candidates square off on the future of the Supreme Court, including how their judicial appointees would shape the country’s laws on abortion.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton stated unequivocally that she would uphold Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that held women have a right to abortion subject to certain regulations.

Copy and pasting parts of articles without a link or commentary is against the TOS. Reported. How about you actually form your own argument?
first sentence is the link..
How dare Donald Trump defend the life of a full term baby about to be slaughtered with scissors through the back of his or her skull, stabbing to death a child.

Besides you need to post fetus porn, the fact is, less than 1% of abortions are performed after the 20th week of pregnancy, and then almost always because of a threat tot he mothers life or becuase the fetus is horribly deformed.

Look at the slaughterers trying to excuse their blood lust.. 1 abortion is one child who will never celebrate life, birthdays, marriage.
The fundamental truth about a society who sells wholesale baby parts from slaughtered children is a society in moral decay and collapse. We understand liberals have no principles.. Look at the Wiki leaks emails, videos.. They are a people devoid of a soul.
animals and humans are pretty much not the same when it comes to this argument.

Not sure why not.

Some animal species have demonstrated advanced intelligence, with some even surpassing the natural born intelligence of humans.

But if it helps you, I personally am for the most part vegetarian. But its for personal reasons and I have no problem slapping a nice thick juicy steak on my grill for you should you come over.

Well my point was not to argue that you should be vegetarian, but that the primary justification for "carnivores" is the idea of nessecary suffering.

That's why I question someone that morally justifies slaughtering animals for food, but abhor all abortion, even under life compromising circumstances.
I dont disagree.
But, we happen to be a step above them in the food chain most of the time.
maybe its because they cant communicate their feelings? basically just like the fetus, ok to kill because it cant communicate its feelings?
The outset of the third Presidential debate saw the candidates square off on the future of the Supreme Court, including how their judicial appointees would shape the country’s laws on abortion.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton stated unequivocally that she would uphold Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that held women have a right to abortion subject to certain regulations.

This is why she is getting 80% of the women’s vote and winning the college educated voters hands down.
Lol, love the lecture on moral bankruptcy from one of this sites most hateful and toxic users.

This whole nation is morally bankrupt, and if you are solely attacking the "other side," then you are apart of the problem.
animals and humans are pretty much not the same when it comes to this argument.

Not sure why not.

Some animal species have demonstrated advanced intelligence, with some even surpassing the natural born intelligence of humans.

But if it helps you, I personally am for the most part vegetarian. But its for personal reasons and I have no problem slapping a nice thick juicy steak on my grill for you should you come over.

Well my point was not to argue that you should be vegetarian, but that the primary justification for "carnivores" is the idea of nessecary suffering.

That's why I question someone that morally justifies slaughtering animals for food, but abhor all abortion, even under life compromising circumstances.
I dont disagree.
But, we happen to be a step above them in the food chain most of the time.
maybe its because they cant communicate their feelings? basically just like the fetus, ok to kill because it cant communicate its feelings?
The outset of the third Presidential debate saw the candidates square off on the future of the Supreme Court, including how their judicial appointees would shape the country’s laws on abortion.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton stated unequivocally that she would uphold Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that held women have a right to abortion subject to certain regulations.

This is why she is getting 80% of the women’s vote and winning the college educated voters hands down.
The supreme court is corrupt. It no longer looks at the constitution for what it was, it is now just doing what they want based on their own personal feelings
I would make a better justice than most of them.
But on the other hand, hillary is going to load the court with justices that have no problem taking away the rights that we have. Im sure somewhere the constitution can be twisted to allow for such things.
Look at the 2A, its ok to force people to jump through hoops, pay fees and taxes etc... to be allowed to have the right, but its unconstitutional to ask for an ID to vote because voting is a right?
If you cant see the hypocrisy in that, then I would have to question your educational level.
animals and humans are pretty much not the same when it comes to this argument.

Not sure why not.

Some animal species have demonstrated advanced intelligence, with some even surpassing the natural born intelligence of humans.

But if it helps you, I personally am for the most part vegetarian. But its for personal reasons and I have no problem slapping a nice thick juicy steak on my grill for you should you come over.

Well my point was not to argue that you should be vegetarian, but that the primary justification for "carnivores" is the idea of nessecary suffering.

That's why I question someone that morally justifies slaughtering animals for food, but abhor all abortion, even under life compromising circumstances.
I dont disagree.
But, we happen to be a step above them in the food chain most of the time.
maybe its because they cant communicate their feelings? basically just like the fetus, ok to kill because it cant communicate its feelings?
The outset of the third Presidential debate saw the candidates square off on the future of the Supreme Court, including how their judicial appointees would shape the country’s laws on abortion.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton stated unequivocally that she would uphold Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that held women have a right to abortion subject to certain regulations.

This is why she is getting 80% of the women’s vote and winning the college educated voters hands down.

You've talked to all those women, and know it, right liar?
The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas - link to article
"You can rip the baby out of the womb of the mother,” Trump blasted. “The government has no business with the decisions that a mother makes,” was Clinton’s reminder that there is nothing freedom-loving about overturning Roe vs Wade.

For the first time, it was the madness of Trump’s ideas rather than his erratic manner that took centre stage during this debate.

Trump was REALLY stupid for describing abortion as "ripping the baby out of the womb of the mother"-----he OPENED HIMSELF up to Hillary's OBVIOUS response -----however in that interchange NEITHER impressed me. The issue of abortion is -------too complicated for discussion by two idiots. The whole interchange should be disregarded---neither described a "policy"
ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR come on lefty... let's hear your pathetic attempt to cover your crime and insatiable thirst for the blood of children.

Actually, I'd be perfectly fine is we had less abortions. But ultimately, it isn't my choice, as I don't have a uterus.

So the question is, how do we get to less abortions. Well, countries that have tried what you want to do, which is to make abortions illegal, have failed miserably.

Abortion is illegal in the Philippines except for threats to the mother's life. Yet it is estimated every year, 500,000 to 800,000 abortions are performed on Filipinas. That's more per capita than are performed in the US.

By comparison, in France, abortion is legal, the government pays for them, and you have to provide a good medical reason for having one after the 12th week. France also has paid family leave, free medical care, and a strong social welfare state.

As a result, French women only have half the number of abortions per capita of American women.

so maybe instead of showing us pictures of whatever you dumpster-dived our of a medical waste container behind the hospital, we could actually discuss real policies of what works and what doesn't.

More carrots... less sticks.
The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas - link to article
"You can rip the baby out of the womb of the mother,” Trump blasted. “The government has no business with the decisions that a mother makes,” was Clinton’s reminder that there is nothing freedom-loving about overturning Roe vs Wade.

For the first time, it was the madness of Trump’s ideas rather than his erratic manner that took centre stage during this debate.

Trump was REALLY stupid for describing abortion as "ripping the baby out of the womb of the mother"-----he OPENED HIMSELF up to Hillary's OBVIOUS response -----however in that interchange NEITHER impressed me. The issue of abortion is -------too complicated for discussion by two idiots. The whole interchange should be disregarded---neither described a "policy"

He described it PRECISELY as it happens.. Just because you feminist slaughterers can't hand the TRUTH, you object to it.. One day you will not be able to make excuses, lie, run from the horror you demand - you will stand and account before an Almighty God. Count on it.
So the freedom of the baby, matters not.

LIberals judge people based on the assumption that their belief system is the only possible belief system.

Thus, since THEY have the belief that an unborn child is not yet a person, then EVERYONE believes that, and anyone that wants to "interfere" in the abortion act, is bothering a woman making a choice that harms no one else.

For all their talk of being open minded and multi-cultural, they have ZERO empathy or respect for differing viewpoints or cultures.

Thus, anyone that "knows" that the act of an abortion is "no body else's business" and still butts in, must purposefully being as ass.

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