The third Presidential debate highlighted the madness of Donald Trump's ideas

So the freedom of the baby, matters not.

If you are going to engage in this argument, you should be cautious of the fact that someone can make the same case in regards to the slaughtering of animals for convenience.

The philosophical concept of necessary suffering, in my opinion, is the moral guideline for these types of scenarios.

We eat dead animals, dead babies, not so much.
so much arguing and fighting

Put down the weapons and kill'em with kindness
Typical leftist social justice crybaby... Ok with slaughtering babies then out of the side of her crooked lips she starts peter puffing about kindness.. It's kind to torture and kill babies, dont ya know?

Either we as a nation value human life, or we don't. Currently we do not.

You just deflected from my argument.

It is a slippery slope when you value human life, but do not value other life equally. If you are going to argue morality, then you should establish a consistent moral basis.

No one should have the right to determine life or death of another...Not the state and not a pregnant woman.

I agree somewhat.

Violence should only be used in self defense, so the rule is slightly different for me.
So the freedom of the baby, matters not.

If you are going to engage in this argument, you should be cautious of the fact that someone can make the same case in regards to the slaughtering of animals for convenience.

The philosophical concept of necessary suffering, in my opinion, is the moral guideline for these types of scenarios.

Either we as a nation value human life, or we don't. Currently we do not.

No one should have the right to determine life or death of another...Not the state and not a pregnant woman.

Nothing is easier and cheaper than preventing pregnancy.

you know nothing about real life. PS---I never had an abortion nor have I performed one. I support choice

Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept

so what?

Fetuses aren't babies.
if we are going on our personal views, then I have to say that a person is not a person until they are able to support themselves. By my standards it would be ok to abort people on welfare.
Oh and since the constitution is meant for citizens, it should also be ok to legally abort illegals when then sneak across our border.

I would not vote for you---
So we know that 0.3% of all abortions are for rape, mother's life endangered, etc.. We also know Contraception is FREE at Health Depts, Planned Parenthood... and yet we have 3500 abortions a day with 10.5 of those for rape, health, etc... The whole mother's health line and rape are pure HORSE SHIT..
So the freedom of the baby, matters not.

If you are going to engage in this argument, you should be cautious of the fact that someone can make the same case in regards to the slaughtering of animals for convenience.

The philosophical concept of necessary suffering, in my opinion, is the moral guideline for these types of scenarios.

Either we as a nation value human life, or we don't. Currently we do not.

No one should have the right to determine life or death of another...Not the state and not a pregnant woman.

Nothing is easier and cheaper than preventing pregnancy.

you know nothing about real life. PS---I never had an abortion nor have I performed one. I support choice
YEA SURE.. You own it
animals and humans are pretty much not the same when it comes to this argument.

Not sure why not.

Some animal species have demonstrated advanced intelligence, with some even surpassing the natural born intelligence of humans.

But if it helps you, I personally am for the most part vegetarian. But its for personal reasons and I have no problem slapping a nice thick juicy steak on my grill for you should you come over.

Well my point was not to argue that you should be vegetarian, but that the primary justification for "carnivores" is the idea of nessecary suffering.

That's why I question someone that morally justifies slaughtering animals for food, but abhor all abortion, even under life compromising circumstances.

"Some animal species have demonstrated advanced intelligence, with some even surpassing the natural born intelligence of humans."

Do we kill and eat those animals?
10 abortions out of 3500 for rape, health of mother.. THE lies of the Godless left are despicable but we see it now in everything.. They are completely corrupt and liars.
Look at Post debate pictures ...LOL tell me who won ...



Bustle on Twitter
So the freedom of the baby, matters not.

LIberals judge people based on the assumption that their belief system is the only possible belief system.

Thus, since THEY have the belief that an unborn child is not yet a person, then EVERYONE believes that, and anyone that wants to "interfere" in the abortion act, is bothering a woman making a choice that harms no one else.

For all their talk of being open minded and multi-cultural, they have ZERO empathy or respect for differing viewpoints or cultures.

Thus, anyone that "knows" that the act of an abortion is "no body else's business" and still butts in, must purposefully being as ass.
So true. The left ALWAYS denigrates opposing views. This action dupes many who are feeble minded. They fear the Left's denigrating wrath or are easily duped. So, they dutifully fall in line.

To believe the fetus is nothing more than a tissue mass, is to believe in fairy tales.

The power of Leftism can't be understated...proof of their power are the millions of Americans duped into believing abortion is okay.
so much arguing and fighting

Put down the weapons and kill'em with kindness
Typical leftist social justice crybaby... Ok with slaughtering babies then out of the side of her crooked lips she starts peter puffing about kindness.. It's kind to torture and kill babies, dont ya know?
When did i say slaughtering babies is okay?

When did you say it wasn't?? Let;'s hear it... THIS IS YOUR THREAD.. wtf?
So the freedom of the baby, matters not.

If you are going to engage in this argument, you should be cautious of the fact that someone can make the same case in regards to the slaughtering of animals for convenience.

The philosophical concept of necessary suffering, in my opinion, is the moral guideline for these types of scenarios.

Either we as a nation value human life, or we don't. Currently we do not.

No one should have the right to determine life or death of another...Not the state and not a pregnant woman.

Nothing is easier and cheaper than preventing pregnancy.

you know nothing about real life. PS---I never had an abortion nor have I performed one. I support choice
YEA SURE.. You own it

own what?

Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept

so what?

Fetuses aren't babies.
if we are going on our personal views, then I have to say that a person is not a person until they are able to support themselves. By my standards it would be ok to abort people on welfare.
Oh and since the constitution is meant for citizens, it should also be ok to legally abort illegals when then sneak across our border.

I would not vote for you---
Just as well. You would end up having to pay your own way through life if I was elected.
that or starve, considering the mindset of the average liberal and the amount of time one can go without eating, you would only have to worry about voting for me once.
A liberals death means little to me.

Either we as a nation value human life, or we don't. Currently we do not.

You just deflected from my argument.

It is a slippery slope when you value human life, but do not value other life equally. If you are going to argue morality, then you should establish a consistent moral basis.

No one should have the right to determine life or death of another...Not the state and not a pregnant woman.

I agree somewhat.

Violence should only be used in self defense, so the rule is slightly different for me.
It is not a slippery slope. Human life is valued over all other life.

Do you think an ant's life is just as valuable as a human's life?

Number of abortions per year: 1.21 million (2005)
Number of abortions per day: approximately 3,315
Abortion Facts| Facts on Abortion | Abortion Facts and Statistics

3300 babies slaughtered a day .. 99.1% of those babies are for no reason other than the mother can't be bothered with a child and didn't use protection that is FREE at any health dept

so what?

Fetuses aren't babies.
if we are going on our personal views, then I have to say that a person is not a person until they are able to support themselves. By my standards it would be ok to abort people on welfare.
Oh and since the constitution is meant for citizens, it should also be ok to legally abort illegals when then sneak across our border.

I would not vote for you---
Just as well. You would end up having to pay your own way through life if I was elected.
that or starve, considering the mindset of the average liberal and the amount of time one can go without eating, you would only have to worry about voting for me once.
A liberals death means little to me.
LOL Ok, that was funny... and TRUE

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