The threat to Christianity is real

Both ends of this discussion are correct.

Yes, the Regressive Left wants to minimize and/or eradicate Christianity from the public square, and has adopted another ideology as its pet oppressed constituent religion, the one that it so passionately defends at every opportunity.

And yes, they have the right to leverage the Constitution to reach this goal.
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally.

Maybe some folks need to extract themselves from the arseholes of their pet hate sites, clean the crap from their eyes and get out, meet a Christian or a Muslim, actually talk, have lunch with them. Dont depend on others to form your opinions about them.

Thatmight be overly optimistic though. Swimming in swill is safer than entertaining an open mind.
The Constitution was drafted in a context and environment that was entirely Christian. Or at least in an environment devoid of Islam, Buddhism, and any other faith, even Judaism (hence the concern of a Jewish community communicated to George Washington).

Religion was synonymous with Christianity. The clause recognizing a freedom of religion was a clause recognizing denominational equality.
It was also drafted in a time of slavery and rights were not extended to slaves or women.

There is a considerable body of jurisprudence and constitutional law upholding the rights of all religions in this country. Religious freedom, is a foundational pillar and not exclusively for Christians.

OMG, this crap again. "The Founders weren't perfect, and the world they lived in wasn't perfect, therefore everything they did must be rejected."

Of course, YOU are much farther from perfect than they were, so what does that say about YOUR ideas?

I don't think anyone is trying to suggest that First Amendment freedoms shouldn't be extended to other religions, but it's fair to say that the Founders were more likely to think of "diversity of religious belief" in terms of different Christian groups than anything else.
Funny thing is the Bible says this would happen
Funny how that works.

Funny a lot of things it tells us would happen are happening

Pretty good for a bunch of goat herders writing it as the left professes

Not to mention the philosophical and moral depth that has changed millions of lives and many societies for the better for 2000 years. Those were some brilliant darned goat herders.

Smarter than your typical left loon

Not a high bar to clear. My dog and cat are both smarter than your typical leftist, not to mention being a lot cuter.
Both ends of this discussion are correct.

Yes, the Regressive Left wants to minimize and/or eradicate Christianity from the public square, and has adopted another ideology as its pet oppressed constituent religion, the one that it so passionately defends at every opportunity.

And yes, they have the right to leverage the Constitution to reach this goal.
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally.

Maybe some folks need to extract themselves from the arseholes of their pet hate sites, clean the crap from their eyes and get out, meet a Christian or a Muslim, actually talk, have lunch with them. Dont depend on others to form your opinions about them.

Thatmight be overly optimistic though. Swimming in swill is safer than entertaining an open mind.
The Constitution was drafted in a context and environment that was entirely Christian. Or at least in an environment devoid of Islam, Buddhism, and any other faith, even Judaism (hence the concern of a Jewish community communicated to George Washington).

Religion was synonymous with Christianity. The clause recognizing a freedom of religion was a clause recognizing denominational equality.
It was also drafted in a time of slavery and rights were not extended to slaves or women.

There is a considerable body of jurisprudence and constitutional law upholding the rights of all religions in this country. Religious freedom, is a foundational pillar and not exclusively for Christians.

OMG, this crap again. "The Founders weren't perfect, and the world they lived in wasn't perfect, therefore everything they did must be rejected."

Of course, YOU are much farther from perfect than they were, so what does that say about YOUR ideas?

I don't think anyone is trying to suggest that First Amendment freedoms shouldn't be extended to other religions, but it's fair to say that the Founders were more likely to think of "diversity of religious belief" in terms of different Christian groups than anything else.

Yes..............and..................What they were really thinking and what they were very concerned about was to make it absolutely certain that no Church of England type state religion was planted in America....they had no concept of an alien and satannic religion like Islam ever taking holding in America and certainly no concept of any kind of religion ever being promulgated in America that would be a threat or a danger to our Republic.

It is time to severely restrict the Islam religion in America...the first step being to not allow more of them in here.

It is simply a matter of National Security.
Both ends of this discussion are correct.

Yes, the Regressive Left wants to minimize and/or eradicate Christianity from the public square, and has adopted another ideology as its pet oppressed constituent religion, the one that it so passionately defends at every opportunity.

And yes, they have the right to leverage the Constitution to reach this goal.
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally.

Maybe some folks need to extract themselves from the arseholes of their pet hate sites, clean the crap from their eyes and get out, meet a Christian or a Muslim, actually talk, have lunch with them. Dont depend on others to form your opinions about them.

Thatmight be overly optimistic though. Swimming in swill is safer than entertaining an open mind.
The Constitution was drafted in a context and environment that was entirely Christian. Or at least in an environment devoid of Islam, Buddhism, and any other faith, even Judaism (hence the concern of a Jewish community communicated to George Washington).

Religion was synonymous with Christianity. The clause recognizing a freedom of religion was a clause recognizing denominational equality.

As has been pointed out....their major concern was to prevent a state religion from taking hold in America and all the abuses that went with that in England....they wanted no state religion that would condone some dictatorial ecclesiastical power telling folks how, where, and when theiy would worship.

Anyone that does not know this is ignorant of American and English history.

The Puritans (who played a crucial role in the establishment of America)were English Protestants who were unhappy with the Church of England. They believed it was a product of man-made doctrines and strayed too far from the Bible. It was too close, they felt, to the Catholic church in its rich decoration and its belief that a person could have a relationship with God only through a church and a priest, not directly. They were persecuted by the Church and by King James and so left England for America in order to worship as they believed.

Why did the Founding Fathers believe in separating church and state
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In late 1801, several members of the Danbury Baptist Association of Connecticut wrote to Jefferson concerning the persecution they were receiving at the hands of the Congregationalist establishment to which they did not belong. Chief on their minds was whether or not the laws of the United States allowed religious freedom unmolested by anyone. Familiar to them was the fact that Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom (1786), as well as being in consultation with James Madison when the Constitution was drafted and ratified, all of which specified no government or other interference in free religious practice.

Thomas Jefferson's Letter to the Danbury Baptists - Conservapedia

'Contrary to conventional stupidity, Islam is NOT protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. Is there anyone left in the three branches of government today that can interpret our most sacred document (the Declaration of Independence not withstanding) correctly?

Like in Christendom, where the exegesis and hermeneutics of certain passages of scripture are often skewed to conform to a particular ideology, agenda, or belief system, so too has the clear and concise language of the Constitution and the 27 Amendments progressively undergone exegetical attacks over the decades—depending on which party is in power—to conform to a particular political ideology.

But this is one hermeneutical battle America can ill afford to lose. Our founding principles, i.e. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness hang in the balance. In short—our country’s very survival depends on it.

America faces a grave threat from Islam. Muslims are infiltrating our country in droves and they’re doing it under the guise of “Constitutional Protection.” And like England, if we don’t stand our ground now, it will be too late. Muslims are cunning, crafty and clever. They’re using our ignorance of the understanding of our own Constitution against us, and they are clandestinely and methodically spreading their freedom-snatching tentacles in a quiet and unassuming manner.

Federal, state, and local governments on the other hand won’t acknowledge the imminent threat. They incorrectly claim that Muslims have “Constitutional Rights” to come here, proselytize people, build mosques, and implement Shariah Law in their communities and in the public square. They’re dead wrong! And by and large, Islam is getting away with it just like they have in Europe. Only unlike in Europe and Great Britain in particular, where many local non-Muslim citizens now live in perpetual fear and oppression, it’s not too late to stem the tide, but we have to act now. Time is not on our side. In fact, this may come as a shock, but there are more mosques being built on American soil than Christian churches. We are already well under way to being Islamized.

To understand Islam is to understand Sharia. The religion of Islam is nothing short of a totalitarian political, economic, military, social and legal system that’s camouflaged in religious garb. Their mandate (not objective) is to incorporate our country into a global Islamic caliphate.

Sadly, they are making serious inroads towards their tyrannical mandate because America is asleep at the wheel. We are all that stands between freedom and a worldwide Islamic caliphate. The United States of America is the world’s last bastion of hope.

Yet, the dreadful message we get from ignorant and incompetent lawmakers is that our Constitution renders us powerless to do anything about it. On the contrary, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence—properly interpreted—actually give our federal, state and local governments justification and authority to stop Islam dead in its tracks!'

Why Islam is NOT Protected Under the US Constitution!
Like they could defeat Christ Jesus.

That can never be done.

Like they could defeat Christ Jesus.

That can never be done.


All True Americans and True believers In Jesus our Lord and Savior should dedicate some of their time to spreading the truth regarding the fact that Islam has no rights under our Constitution....many have been deceived into believing our Constitution protects Islam....this must be corrected.

In Summary:

'1. Our Rights come from God. They predate and preexist the Constitution. Our Constitution doesn’t give “Rights” to anybody. So Muslims don’t have “Constitutional Rights” to come to our Christian established country and build mosques, proselytize, and impose Shariah.

2. Islam and Sharia seeks to take away from people the rights God gave them. Since our Declaration of Independence acknowledges that the purpose of civil governments is to secure our God-given Rights, it is the duty and responsibility of civil governments at all levels to protect us from Islamization.

3. Article VI, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution—the “Supremacy Clause”—is the silver bullet that makes it unconstitutional for Muslims to practice Sharia Law anywhere in our Country.

To speak against First Amendment protection of an Islamic theocracy that is antithetical to the underlying principles of the US Constitution—Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—does not make one a prejudiced bigot or racist. Most Muslims, like Christians, are moderate law abiding citizens. However, the percentage who follow the literal commands of the Koran (the militant and radical muslims) and because of the 2 to 1 worldwide population growth of Muslims, the jihadist terrorists are multiplying at an alarming rate.

Let me be perfectly clear. Traditional Islam is not a friend of America. It is our enemy. The very notion of “Chrislam”—a syncretistic fusion of Christianity and Islam—being promoted by such notable Christian celebrities as Rick Warren, author of the best selling book, The Purpose Driven Life, is an abomination. It’s anti-American, and antithetical to the Christian principles upon which our great nation was founded. It is imperative that you understand the inherent danger of multiculturalism, and the amalgamation of polarizing religions. It eventually leads to civil unrest and anarchy.

Most, but not all of our State Senators and Congressmen are completely oblivious to the imminent threat that Islam and Sharia pose to the sovereignty of our nation. It’s imperative that they get informed very quickly and embrace the fight to stop the spread of mosques and Sharia at the local level. The Center for Security Policy issued a report last year entitled: “Shariah: The Threat to America”. Demand that your local and state reps read it and take immediate action to defend your community from Islamization. A few proactive notables who do recognize it are representatives Rex Duncan, Don Wells, and Larry Metz of Oklahoma, Missouri, and Florida, respectively.

If you’re wondering what life will be like when your community is saturated with Sharia Muslims, listen to my radio show of March 21st with Tommy Robinson, the leader of the EDL (English Defence League) in England. Since that time, he was nearly murdered and has multiple death threats against him, his wife and children for having the guts to exercise his God-given unalienable Rights.

Europe, in the interest of multiculturalism and political correctness, made a grave error. And now they are hopeless to reverse it, especially in England, without a civil and very bloody religious war. An entire country, even with it’s parliamentary government in tact, is now at the mercy of Muhammad and his warriors of death or submission.

Recently exonerated Dutch Member of Parliament, Geert Wilders, listed ten steps Western countries must take to stop the Islamization of their countries.

Perhaps this short video clip of Florida Congressman Allen West sums up Islam and Sharia Law best.

In closing, we are at war with a very evil and cunning enemy. An enemy that seeks to destroy everything that is good about the United States of America; Everything we value; Everything we cherish, Everything our forefathers and successive generations fought and died for so that we could receive the torch of freedom and pass it on to our children and grandchildren. This is our moment. It is our time to boldly stand up for our God, our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and our beloved Freedom! Let us exercise our God-given unalienable Rights and say “Yes to Freedom!” and “No to Oppression!” We owe it to our children, our grandchildren, and our grandparents.'

Until next time . . . Wake Up America!

by...........Kevin Lehmann

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Back then our nation had several ways we can go to war with each other. Today it seems it is a hundred ways.

yeah, I guess if you call everything a "war", then there is a hundred ways to do it.

"War on Terror"
"War on Drugs"
"War on Poverty"
"War on Christmas"


Somewhere, the politicians realize that if you call something a "War", you get a lot more attention.

'Contrary to conventional stupidity, Islam is NOT protected under the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. Is there anyone left in the three branches of government today that can interpret our most sacred document (the Declaration of Independence not withstanding) correctly?

Like in Christendom, where the exegesis and hermeneutics of certain passages of scripture are often skewed to conform to a particular ideology, agenda, or belief system, so too has the clear and concise language of the Constitution and the 27 Amendments progressively undergone exegetical attacks over the decades—depending on which party is in power—to conform to a particular political ideology.

But this is one hermeneutical battle America can ill afford to lose. Our founding principles, i.e. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness hang in the balance. In short—our country’s very survival depends on it.

America faces a grave threat from Islam. Muslims are infiltrating our country in droves and they’re doing it under the guise of “Constitutional Protection.” And like England, if we don’t stand our ground now, it will be too late. Muslims are cunning, crafty and clever. They’re using our ignorance of the understanding of our own Constitution against us, and they are clandestinely and methodically spreading their freedom-snatching tentacles in a quiet and unassuming manner.

Federal, state, and local governments on the other hand won’t acknowledge the imminent threat. They incorrectly claim that Muslims have “Constitutional Rights” to come here, proselytize people, build mosques, and implement Shariah Law in their communities and in the public square. They’re dead wrong! And by and large, Islam is getting away with it just like they have in Europe. Only unlike in Europe and Great Britain in particular, where many local non-Muslim citizens now live in perpetual fear and oppression, it’s not too late to stem the tide, but we have to act now. Time is not on our side. In fact, this may come as a shock, but there are more mosques being built on American soil than Christian churches. We are already well under way to being Islamized.

To understand Islam is to understand Sharia. The religion of Islam is nothing short of a totalitarian political, economic, military, social and legal system that’s camouflaged in religious garb. Their mandate (not objective) is to incorporate our country into a global Islamic caliphate.

Sadly, they are making serious inroads towards their tyrannical mandate because America is asleep at the wheel. We are all that stands between freedom and a worldwide Islamic caliphate. The United States of America is the world’s last bastion of hope.

Yet, the dreadful message we get from ignorant and incompetent lawmakers is that our Constitution renders us powerless to do anything about it. On the contrary, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence—properly interpreted—actually give our federal, state and local governments justification and authority to stop Islam dead in its tracks!'

Why Islam is NOT Protected Under the US Constitution!

Dude. Aside from the xenophobic crap, which I'm not going to dignify . . . that font. Stop shouting. If you have to use EXTRA BIG letters to say it, it's not worth saying.
Both ends of this discussion are correct.

Yes, the Regressive Left wants to minimize and/or eradicate Christianity from the public square, and has adopted another ideology as its pet oppressed constituent religion, the one that it so passionately defends at every opportunity.

And yes, they have the right to leverage the Constitution to reach this goal.
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally.

Maybe some folks need to extract themselves from the arseholes of their pet hate sites, clean the crap from their eyes and get out, meet a Christian or a Muslim, actually talk, have lunch with them. Dont depend on others to form your opinions about them.

Thatmight be overly optimistic though. Swimming in swill is safer than entertaining an open mind.
The Constitution was drafted in a context and environment that was entirely Christian. Or at least in an environment devoid of Islam, Buddhism, and any other faith, even Judaism (hence the concern of a Jewish community communicated to George Washington).

Religion was synonymous with Christianity. The clause recognizing a freedom of religion was a clause recognizing denominational equality.

As has been pointed out....their major concern was to prevent a state religion from taking hold in America and all the abuses that went with that in England....they wanted no state religion that would condone some dictatorial ecclesiastical power telling folks how, where, and when theiy would worship.

Anyone that does not know this is ignorant of American and English history.

The Puritans (who played a crucial role in the establishment of America)were English Protestants who were unhappy with the Church of England. They believed it was a product of man-made doctrines and strayed too far from the Bible. It was too close, they felt, to the Catholic church in its rich decoration and its belief that a person could have a relationship with God only through a church and a priest, not directly. They were persecuted by the Church and by King James and so left England for America in order to worship as they believed.

Why did the Founding Fathers believe in separating church and state

I hate inform some one as "knowledgeable" as you think yourself to be....but yes. It is.
Both ends of this discussion are correct.

Yes, the Regressive Left wants to minimize and/or eradicate Christianity from the public square, and has adopted another ideology as its pet oppressed constituent religion, the one that it so passionately defends at every opportunity.

And yes, they have the right to leverage the Constitution to reach this goal.
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally.

Maybe some folks need to extract themselves from the arseholes of their pet hate sites, clean the crap from their eyes and get out, meet a Christian or a Muslim, actually talk, have lunch with them. Dont depend on others to form your opinions about them.

Thatmight be overly optimistic though. Swimming in swill is safer than entertaining an open mind.
The Constitution was drafted in a context and environment that was entirely Christian. Or at least in an environment devoid of Islam, Buddhism, and any other faith, even Judaism (hence the concern of a Jewish community communicated to George Washington).

Religion was synonymous with Christianity. The clause recognizing a freedom of religion was a clause recognizing denominational equality.
It was also drafted in a time of slavery and rights were not extended to slaves or women.

There is a considerable body of jurisprudence and constitutional law upholding the rights of all religions in this country. Religious freedom, is a foundational pillar and not exclusively for Christians.

OMG, this crap again. "The Founders weren't perfect, and the world they lived in wasn't perfect, therefore everything they did must be rejected."

Of course, YOU are much farther from perfect than they were, so what does that say about YOUR ideas?

I don't think anyone is trying to suggest that First Amendment freedoms shouldn't be extended to other religions, but it's fair to say that the Founders were more likely to think of "diversity of religious belief" in terms of different Christian groups than anything else.

Yes..............and..................What they were really thinking and what they were very concerned about was to make it absolutely certain that no Church of England type state religion was planted in America....they had no concept of an alien and satannic religion like Islam ever taking holding in America and certainly no concept of any kind of religion ever being promulgated in America that would be a threat or a danger to our Republic.

It is time to severely restrict the Islam religion in America...the first step being to not allow more of them in here.

It is simply a matter of National Security.
Once you start restricting religions where do you stop? You could be next. :eusa_whistle:

I dont care what people worship aslong as our laws are followed.
'The deluded think that Islam is perfectly fine, that we don’t have to worry about it. And we leave the major problems of Islamization – Muslim immigration, mosque building, the proselytizing in our prisons and military and the infiltration of our governmental institutions completely untouched and indeed untouchable.

So I think we need to take a few steps back to examine Islam as a whole and to broadly define the outlines of Islam – what it is and what it isn’t.

One thing we can definitely say about Islam is that is it not solely confined to a belief system. If it is a religion( I and many others contend it is not) it is not a religion only.

Islam is a total system of life and contains within itself a particular social system, judicial system, and political system which includes geo-political aspirations - the conquest and administration of territory.'

Why Islam is Not a Religion

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Both ends of this discussion are correct.

Yes, the Regressive Left wants to minimize and/or eradicate Christianity from the public square, and has adopted another ideology as its pet oppressed constituent religion, the one that it so passionately defends at every opportunity.

And yes, they have the right to leverage the Constitution to reach this goal.
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally.

Maybe some folks need to extract themselves from the arseholes of their pet hate sites, clean the crap from their eyes and get out, meet a Christian or a Muslim, actually talk, have lunch with them. Dont depend on others to form your opinions about them.

Thatmight be overly optimistic though. Swimming in swill is safer than entertaining an open mind.
The Constitution was drafted in a context and environment that was entirely Christian. Or at least in an environment devoid of Islam, Buddhism, and any other faith, even Judaism (hence the concern of a Jewish community communicated to George Washington).

Religion was synonymous with Christianity. The clause recognizing a freedom of religion was a clause recognizing denominational equality.

As has been pointed out....their major concern was to prevent a state religion from taking hold in America and all the abuses that went with that in England....they wanted no state religion that would condone some dictatorial ecclesiastical power telling folks how, where, and when theiy would worship.

Anyone that does not know this is ignorant of American and English history.

The Puritans (who played a crucial role in the establishment of America)were English Protestants who were unhappy with the Church of England. They believed it was a product of man-made doctrines and strayed too far from the Bible. It was too close, they felt, to the Catholic church in its rich decoration and its belief that a person could have a relationship with God only through a church and a priest, not directly. They were persecuted by the Church and by King James and so left England for America in order to worship as they believed.

Why did the Founding Fathers believe in separating church and state

I hate inform some one as "knowledgeable" as you think yourself to be....but yes. It is.

too many come on here and merely state their opinion.....if you have no facts or argument to support your theory or your opinion then you are wasting our time....aka.... you say yes it is...then I say no it is not....that gets us nowhere.

I am sure you can do better.
'The deluded think that Islam is perfectly fine, that we don’t have to worry about it. And we leave the major problems of Islamization – Muslim immigration, mosque building, the proselytizing in our prisons and military and the infiltration of our governmental institutions completely untouched and indeed untouchable.

So I think we need to take a few steps back to examine Islam as a whole and to broadly define the outlines of Islam – what it is and what it isn’t.

One thing we can definitely say about Islam is that is it not solely confined to a belief system. If it is a religion( I and many others contend it is not) it is not a religion only.

Islam is a total system of life and contains within itself a particular social system, judicial system, and political system which includes geo-political aspirations - the conquest and administration of territory.'

Um, one more time, guy. Islam is not the Borg. They do not belong to a Collective Hive mind, and much like Christianity, it means different things to different people.

Our problems with the Islamic World isn't their religion, which is no sillier than yours because all religion is kind of silly. It's because we invade their countries and then wonder why they fight back.

There's a Mosque a few miles from me. No one from it has tried to convert me or behead me. I know. It's amazing. It has an iron gate and tight security to protect it from bigots like you, but beyond that, it's harmless.
Both ends of this discussion are correct.

Yes, the Regressive Left wants to minimize and/or eradicate Christianity from the public square, and has adopted another ideology as its pet oppressed constituent religion, the one that it so passionately defends at every opportunity.

And yes, they have the right to leverage the Constitution to reach this goal.
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally.

Maybe some folks need to extract themselves from the arseholes of their pet hate sites, clean the crap from their eyes and get out, meet a Christian or a Muslim, actually talk, have lunch with them. Dont depend on others to form your opinions about them.

Thatmight be overly optimistic though. Swimming in swill is safer than entertaining an open mind.
The Constitution was drafted in a context and environment that was entirely Christian. Or at least in an environment devoid of Islam, Buddhism, and any other faith, even Judaism (hence the concern of a Jewish community communicated to George Washington).

Religion was synonymous with Christianity. The clause recognizing a freedom of religion was a clause recognizing denominational equality.

As has been pointed out....their major concern was to prevent a state religion from taking hold in America and all the abuses that went with that in England....they wanted no state religion that would condone some dictatorial ecclesiastical power telling folks how, where, and when theiy would worship.

Anyone that does not know this is ignorant of American and English history.

The Puritans (who played a crucial role in the establishment of America)were English Protestants who were unhappy with the Church of England. They believed it was a product of man-made doctrines and strayed too far from the Bible. It was too close, they felt, to the Catholic church in its rich decoration and its belief that a person could have a relationship with God only through a church and a priest, not directly. They were persecuted by the Church and by King James and so left England for America in order to worship as they believed.

Why did the Founding Fathers believe in separating church and state

I hate inform some one as "knowledgeable" as you think yourself to be....but yes. It is.

too many come on here and merely state their opinion.....if you have no facts or argument to support your theory or your opinion then you are wasting our time....aka.... you say yes it is...then I say no it is not....that gets us nowhere.

I am sure you can do better.
I already pointed out there is a considerable body of case law supporting the Constitutional protectionof religious rights under the Costitutiob mot limited to Christians.
'The deluded think that Islam is perfectly fine, that we don’t have to worry about it. And we leave the major problems of Islamization – Muslim immigration, mosque building, the proselytizing in our prisons and military and the infiltration of our governmental institutions completely untouched and indeed untouchable.

So I think we need to take a few steps back to examine Islam as a whole and to broadly define the outlines of Islam – what it is and what it isn’t.

One thing we can definitely say about Islam is that is it not solely confined to a belief system. If it is a religion( I and many others contend it is not) it is not a religion only.

Islam is a total system of life and contains within itself a particular social system, judicial system, and political system which includes geo-political aspirations - the conquest and administration of territory.'

Why Islam is Not a Religion

Islam has been an established religion for 1,400 years and some now newbie comes along claiming it isn't in order to justify anti-Islamic bigotry? :lmao:

Both ends of this discussion are correct.

Yes, the Regressive Left wants to minimize and/or eradicate Christianity from the public square, and has adopted another ideology as its pet oppressed constituent religion, the one that it so passionately defends at every opportunity.

And yes, they have the right to leverage the Constitution to reach this goal.
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally.

Maybe some folks need to extract themselves from the arseholes of their pet hate sites, clean the crap from their eyes and get out, meet a Christian or a Muslim, actually talk, have lunch with them. Dont depend on others to form your opinions about them.

Thatmight be overly optimistic though. Swimming in swill is safer than entertaining an open mind.
The Constitution was drafted in a context and environment that was entirely Christian. Or at least in an environment devoid of Islam, Buddhism, and any other faith, even Judaism (hence the concern of a Jewish community communicated to George Washington).

Religion was synonymous with Christianity. The clause recognizing a freedom of religion was a clause recognizing denominational equality.
It was also drafted in a time of slavery and rights were not extended to slaves or women.

There is a considerable body of jurisprudence and constitutional law upholding the rights of all religions in this country. Religious freedom, is a foundational pillar and not exclusively for Christians.

OMG, this crap again. "The Founders weren't perfect, and the world they lived in wasn't perfect, therefore everything they did must be rejected."

Of course, YOU are much farther from perfect than they were, so what does that say about YOUR ideas?

I don't think anyone is trying to suggest that First Amendment freedoms shouldn't be extended to other religions, but it's fair to say that the Founders were more likely to think of "diversity of religious belief" in terms of different Christian groups than anything else.
I think you misunderstood what I was saying.
Perhaps your Bible flew over your head.
You don't have the first clue. I've forgotten more about then you'll ever know. Go troll someone else
Another non-response to our Bible comments?
Looks like deflection to hide your insecurity.
You heard me, troll.
You talking to yourself in the mirror? Sad.
You are why I generally stay out of the religion forum. The Atheist trolls who contribute nothing.

"Answer not a fool according to his folly"--God
You are typical of people who want to believe in something (cultural) without evidence.
Did you believe in Santa Claus at age 10? If not, why not? Your mommy finally told you the truth?

I am not an atheist regarding the notion of God. I am agnostic; no evidence.
Regarding belief in the Torah, Bible, Quran, or other ignorant “authorities”, i am an “atheist”, which means “no belief” in those theisms.

You probably stay out of the religion forum because you cannot debate the “evidence”.
The Constitution explicitely defends freedom of religion. That includes both Christianity and Islam. Equally.

Maybe some folks need to extract themselves from the arseholes of their pet hate sites, clean the crap from their eyes and get out, meet a Christian or a Muslim, actually talk, have lunch with them. Dont depend on others to form your opinions about them.

Thatmight be overly optimistic though. Swimming in swill is safer than entertaining an open mind.
The Constitution was drafted in a context and environment that was entirely Christian. Or at least in an environment devoid of Islam, Buddhism, and any other faith, even Judaism (hence the concern of a Jewish community communicated to George Washington).

Religion was synonymous with Christianity. The clause recognizing a freedom of religion was a clause recognizing denominational equality.
It was also drafted in a time of slavery and rights were not extended to slaves or women.

There is a considerable body of jurisprudence and constitutional law upholding the rights of all religions in this country. Religious freedom, is a foundational pillar and not exclusively for Christians.
"Slavery and rights"? Yea, okay.
At any rate, the Constitution was drafted in a context and environment that was entirely Christian. No Buddhist, Mohammedan, Jew, or anyone else participated in the Constitutional Convention.
Not “entirely Christian”.
As you yourself noted, there were many variations.
Deism was fairly common then, including Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and Thomas Paine, who was not very religious.
Jefferson? Paine? Even if they were Deists, Deism was not present in Independence Hall. The only faith at the convention was Christianity.

And after Franklin experimented with Deism, he abandoned it, all before the Constitutional Convention. The only faith there was Christianity.
Although Franklin did not object to OTHERS having various religious beliefs, including Christianity as taught in the Bible, he certainly was NOT a Bible follower, nor were Paine, Adams, & Jefferson.

They all did not believe in religious DOGMA.
They had their own intellects, and Deism fit best at the time.
Paine said it best:

“All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.”


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