The Times and Trump - Consider the Consequences

Has President Trump healed our nation, or exacerbated the divide

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"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.

You should be arrested tried and locked up for life.

I should? Lucky for me you couldn't meet the MQ's to be considered for, let alone hired, in a Law Enforcement Career.
Workers getting to keep more of their money, great news.

Hey, moron.......WHY then does Trump then need to borrow $1.5 TRILLION to pay for those few bucks you're getting??? (while giving the lion's share to himself and his wealthy friends)

Go on, ANSWER THAT, you cult dimwit...............LOL
"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.

You should be arrested tried and locked up for life.

I should? Lucky for me you couldn't meet the MQ's to be considered for, let alone hired, in a Law Enforcement Career.
You prove you are sorry lying bastard with every post. I never wanted to be in LE or tried to be. Next lie traitor.
Ok I have considered them Trump is not insane the far left is insane seek help seriously seek help.

I suggest you look up Personality Disorders, and read the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which includes Megalomania. It fits Trump to the 'T'.
I’ve been seeing nothing but positive changes, Wry Catcher. Can you explain why you’re still whining.

I'm not whining, I'm pointing out facts. Whiners yell, "Solyndra" and "Benghazi" and "lock her up", claim a president was not born in the US and is a Muslim who hates America without an bit of evidence.
Then explain why you’re having a problem with a president who is working towards making things better for everyone. Is it because you don’t want a job?

First of all I don't need a job, I had one for 32 years and have safety retirement. Secondly, only a liar and/or a fool believes Trump and the Republican Congress are working to make things better for everyone. Which one are you, or are you both?
Then I can only think you’re an old guy who doesn’t care about those wanting the same benefits given to you.
"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.

You should be arrested tried and locked up for life.

I should? Lucky for me you couldn't meet the MQ's to be considered for, let alone hired, in a Law Enforcement Career.
You prove you are sorry lying bastard with every post. I never wanted to be in LE or tried to be. Next lie traitor.

I'm sure you would not meet the MQ's for any job in the civil service. You claim I'm a lying bastard, but have no proof I have ever lied on this message board. You on the other hand lie all of the time, especially when you make claims about others you cannot prove. Which I suppose is why you love Trump, that's his forte.

You want proof trump suffers from a Personality Disorder, i.e. Narcissistic P. D.; look it up and actively listen to his speeches or read his tweets. The man is a classic narcissist.
"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.

Goldwater rule

I hope Trump Sue's you for libel
Under Obama:
"we are further divided than anytime other than the first decade of the 1860's"

Under Bush:
"we are further divided than anytime other than the first decade of the 1860's"

Under Roosevelt:
"we are further divided than anytime other than the first decade of the 1860's"

Under 'pick the president of your choice':
"we are further divided than anytime other than the first decade of the 1860's"

Funny I don't remember it was divided like this in the past 8 years...

when Reagan , Bill,Bush or Bush Jr Was president

You couldn't find a damn American flag in the stores to buy in 2002

DSC09208 copy.jpg
"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.

So exactly what has Trump done that warrants removal? Be very specific.


Obstructed Justice and violated the emolument clause.

He didn't violate the emolument clause it was thrown out .
I’ve been seeing nothing but positive changes, Wry Catcher. Can you explain why you’re still whining.

I'm not whining, I'm pointing out facts. Whiners yell, "Solyndra" and "Benghazi" and "lock her up", claim a president was not born in the US and is a Muslim who hates America without an bit of evidence.
Then explain why you’re having a problem with a president who is working towards making things better for everyone. Is it because you don’t want a job?

First of all I don't need a job, I had one for 32 years and have safety retirement. Secondly, only a liar and/or a fool believes Trump and the Republican Congress are working to make things better for everyone. Which one are you, or are you both?

Ah your upset because you don't get a tax cut .
If you hold a year old administration responsible for "healing the Nation" you have to admit that the previous administration did nothing but exacerbate the problems for eight years.
I’ve been seeing nothing but positive changes, Wry Catcher. Can you explain why you’re still whining.

I'm not whining, I'm pointing out facts. Whiners yell, "Solyndra" and "Benghazi" and "lock her up", claim a president was not born in the US and is a Muslim who hates America without an bit of evidence.
Then explain why you’re having a problem with a president who is working towards making things better for everyone. Is it because you don’t want a job?

First of all I don't need a job, I had one for 32 years and have safety retirement. Secondly, only a liar and/or a fool believes Trump and the Republican Congress are working to make things better for everyone. Which one are you, or are you both?

You seriously don't think Americans having more money, and upswing economy and a slowing of illegal immigration are better for every citizen?
"The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Too late" for what exactly?

What is it you're afraid Donny is going to do? Win another election?

Send troops into harms way; create a schism between Federal Agents (primarily the FBI, but other Fed. LE Agencies) and local law enforcement; increase the attacks on US Citizens who reside in Blue States; pushing the button (wagging the dog) as the Russian Investigation comes closer to his family, and him; continue on his quest to erode democracy in America by attacks on a Free Press, and thus the First Amendment; silence critics and imprison them for sedition in calling for his impeachment.
Sheesh... a whole list of "what if's" as a justification for impeachment? frankly that's ridiculous. Trumps biggest sins seem to come from his twitter account, which, while it's not what I would call appropriate it isn't an impeachable offense to be obnoxious.

He's been in office for nearly a year and none of this stuff has happened or even come close to happening nor is there any out the ordinary indication that it will.

Relax, you're letting the media and the demagogues-D fill your head with FUD, the country will still be here when Trump leaves office and unless something drastic happens he isn't going to be removed from office.

I have no fear he will be reelected, he's a proven liar and an incompetent.
Yeah, so has every other President that's been re-elected, he's a politician, dishonesty and incompetence are part of the job requirements these days. Honest and competent people don't run for office anymore.
OP posts another idiot gram. The crux of this post is that he desperately needs his rats to follow him as he plays his magic pipe.
"The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Too late" for what exactly?

What is it you're afraid Donny is going to do? Win another election?

Send troops into harms way; create a schism between Federal Agents (primarily the FBI, but other Fed. LE Agencies) and local law enforcement; increase the attacks on US Citizens who reside in Blue States; pushing the button (wagging the dog) as the Russian Investigation comes closer to his family, and him; continue on his quest to erode democracy in America by attacks on a Free Press, and thus the First Amendment; silence critics and imprison them for sedition in calling for his impeachment.
Sheesh... a whole list of "what if's" as a justification for impeachment? frankly that's ridiculous. Trumps biggest sins seem to come from his twitter account, which, while it's not what I would call appropriate it isn't an impeachable offense to be obnoxious.

He's been in office for nearly a year and none of this stuff has happened or even come close to happening nor is there any out the ordinary indication that it will.

Relax, you're letting the media and the demagogues-D fill your head with FUD, the country will still be here when Trump leaves office and unless something drastic happens he isn't going to be removed from office.

I have no fear he will be reelected, he's a proven liar and an incompetent.

Yeah, so has every other President that's been re-elected, he's a politician, dishonesty and incompetence are part of the job requirements these days. Honest and competent people don't run for office anymore.

Your foolish comment about my being influenced by the "fake news" is completely wrong. My primary source are the words of Trump, in his speeches and tweets and in his actions.

Your cynical response in defense of Trump's obvious dishonesty and demagoguery does not approach the level of any other President I've watched since JFK. Trump is unfit, incompetent and dangerous; his mocking of the kook in N. Korea is foolish, and Brinkmanship is no way to run a foreign policy.

If you believe differently, defend him with facts and a rebuttal of what I've posted here.
"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.

So exactly what has Trump done that warrants removal? Be very specific.


Obstructed Justice and violated the emolument clause.

He didn't violate the emolument clause it was thrown out .

You're weird.

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