The Times and Trump - Consider the Consequences

Has President Trump healed our nation, or exacerbated the divide

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I’ve been seeing nothing but positive changes, Wry Catcher. Can you explain why you’re still whining.

I'm not whining, I'm pointing out facts. Whiners yell, "Solyndra" and "Benghazi" and "lock her up", claim a president was not born in the US and is a Muslim who hates America without an bit of evidence.
Then explain why you’re having a problem with a president who is working towards making things better for everyone. Is it because you don’t want a job?

First of all I don't need a job, I had one for 32 years and have safety retirement. Secondly, only a liar and/or a fool believes Trump and the Republican Congress are working to make things better for everyone. Which one are you, or are you both?

You seriously don't think Americans having more money, and upswing economy and a slowing of illegal immigration are better for every citizen?

We are a consumer driven society, more money in the hand of more people is good. Illegal Immigration is bad, and those American's who hire someone who is not authorized to work in the US should be arrested, jailed for at least one year, and placed on probation until every nickle they defrauded SS and Medicare is paid back with interest.

You can't even write a proper straw man, sad.
How is a President who "IS NOT SANE" able to deliver on every promise he has made, and at the same time has made fools out of Liars and Thieves like you and your fellow zealots, and been VINDICATED each and every time The Left Creates Another Lying Accusation only to have the Finger Pointed Correctly back at them?



Suck it slime ball. The whole thing was a lie from the beginning. An "Insurance Policy" A Coup your party and candidate plotted when Her Collusion with Russia, Fusion GPS, Comey, Lynch & Obama weren't enough to drag her rotting wrinkled carcass across the finish line.

And let me quote myself here from another thread I started. The Left deservedly so is writing their own SUICIDE NOTE and has been since they Concocted THE FAKE RUSSIAN COLLUSION NARRATIVE:

The PUTRID STENCH of The Corrupt FBI & DOJ

"To those who keep saying "Flynn lied" or "Papadopoulis Lied" and this actually means doesn't. Neither does anything that Manafort is alleged to have done a decade before he worked for a few short months with The Trump Campaign organizing delegates.

What the Crooked FBI did was do an Ambush Interview with Flynn where Flynn was asked to recall BY MEMORY, everything he had already documented and disclosed in his disclosure documents.

And when he verbally and by memory recounted an event and a Legal Meeting that took place and he had already DISCLOSED, he Verbally by MEMORY gave Herr Mueller a different date than what was documented.

This is the VERY DEFINITION of Prosecutorial Misconduct that Mueller's associates are famous for and have had cases thrown out for.

What the FBI did is the same thing they have done to every single person they have tried to pressure in to IMO 'give false testimony' against President Trump to save their own skin.

Rather than actually be dishonest and betray the president with a lie, and to suffer further ECONOMIC RUIN fighting THE CROOKED OBAMA FBI, Flynn just plead to a petty offense, washed his hands of the whole thing, and told THE FBI to FUCK OFF.

But you won't hear that story on THE FAKE NEWS.

They did the exact same thing to this Papadoupalos kid who was just a volunteer. And neither incident showed anything at all to do with "RUSSIAN COLLUSION"

It was just THE FBI being ASSHOLES and trying to INTIMIDATE AND COERCE people in to giving testimony about a Crime that Never Existed, and things that Never Occurred.

Since when does THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA launch Billion Dollar Investigations without having any EVIDENCE OF A CRIME WHAT SO EVER?

Nazi Germany would do that!
The Soviet Union would do that!
Venezuela or Cuba or China would do that!
North Korea Operates that way!

This is where THE LEFT is taking us....and why they should be battled and resisted and stopped at all costs.


With Secret Police and NO CHECKS AND BALANCES

BY Searching for Crimes that Haven't Been Committed and that there is NO EVIDENCE to assume that any Crimes were Committed, The LEFT is Demonstrating to AMERICA EXACTLY what the very definition of a Corrupt Fishing Expedition and a Emotionally Charged Witch Hunt is when conducted by Leftist ZEALOTS who care NOTHING FOR TRUTH OR JUSTICE.

This is EXACTLY what Mueller is doing!


Since Clinton & Obama Happened that's when!

Since they failed to Rig the Presidential Election despite having 24-7 surveillance on the Opposition Campaign..that's when!

Since Corrupt Career Bureacrats realized their budgets were going to be cut, and their years of waste, fraud and abuse and kickbacks were over, That's WHEN!

Since the Corrupt Elite 1% who usually pay NO TAXES and Bankrolled Clinton's Record Setting $1.8 Billion Dollar Campaign realized they were going to have most of their sweetheart exemptions and loopholes taken away when a FAIR Taxation System would be implemented by President Trump, THAT's WHEN!

There have been multiple Investigations on this "matter" a "matter" I might add is NOT EVEN A CRIMINAL OFFENSE IF TRUE!

Not one Investigation could uncover ANY EVIDENCE, not ONE SHRED of any "RUSSIAN COLLUSION".

The only thing UNCOVERED IS DNC, OBAMA, CLINTON, FBI, DOJ Corruption and Collusion.....and they Even Colluded WITH RUSSIA to launch this FAKE INVESTIGATION.

It's time to prosecute the REAL CRIMINALS. Comey, McCabe, Mueller & His Staff, Clinton & her Staff, Obama and his Cronies in THE DOJ, FBI, State Department, IRS, etc. etc., and THE DNC, Schultz, Brazile, and people like Rice, Lynch, Mills, Abedin..until the Whole Swamp is drained.

And if you are wondering why this whole NONSENSE and FAKE INVESTIGATION was started for in the first place when there is "No There ...There" & is still dragging on so LONG...when they can't even find an empty bottle of Russian Vodka....that's exactly why.

Because as soon as Mueller & Obama's Jack Booted Gestapo has exhausted all their crooked options, HEADS ARE GOING TO ROLL! Their Heads...

Count on it."
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I’ve been seeing nothing but positive changes, Wry Catcher. Can you explain why you’re still whining.

I'm not whining, I'm pointing out facts. Whiners yell, "Solyndra" and "Benghazi" and "lock her up", claim a president was not born in the US and is a Muslim who hates America without an bit of evidence.
Then explain why you’re having a problem with a president who is working towards making things better for everyone. Is it because you don’t want a job?

First of all I don't need a job, I had one for 32 years and have safety retirement. Secondly, only a liar and/or a fool believes Trump and the Republican Congress are working to make things better for everyone. Which one are you, or are you both?

You seriously don't think Americans having more money, and upswing economy and a slowing of illegal immigration are better for every citizen?

We are a consumer driven society, more money in the hand of more people is good. Illegal Immigration is bad, and those American's who hire someone who is not authorized to work in the US should be arrested, jailed for at least one year, and placed on probation until every nickle they defrauded SS and Medicare is paid back with interest.

You can't even write a proper straw man, sad.

Probably because I wasn't writing a straw man

Glad to see that you agree a stronger economy, more money in our pockets, and slowing illegal immigration good for all Americans.

Since president trump and the congress have been working for that you can agree that the have been working on things that benefit all Americans
I'm not whining, I'm pointing out facts. Whiners yell, "Solyndra" and "Benghazi" and "lock her up", claim a president was not born in the US and is a Muslim who hates America without an bit of evidence.
Then explain why you’re having a problem with a president who is working towards making things better for everyone. Is it because you don’t want a job?

First of all I don't need a job, I had one for 32 years and have safety retirement. Secondly, only a liar and/or a fool believes Trump and the Republican Congress are working to make things better for everyone. Which one are you, or are you both?

You seriously don't think Americans having more money, and upswing economy and a slowing of illegal immigration are better for every citizen?

We are a consumer driven society, more money in the hand of more people is good. Illegal Immigration is bad, and those American's who hire someone who is not authorized to work in the US should be arrested, jailed for at least one year, and placed on probation until every nickle they defrauded SS and Medicare is paid back with interest.

You can't even write a proper straw man, sad.

Probably because I wasn't writing a straw man

Glad to see that you agree a stronger economy, more money in our pockets, and slowing illegal immigration good for all Americans.

Since president trump and the congress have been working for that you can agree that the have been working on things that benefit all Americans

Trump has robbed more Americans than rewarded them, as did Ryan and the rest of the lying crooks who voted for the Tax Bill.

Do you really believe Voodoo economics / Trickle down theory will benefit all Americans this time, when it is failed twice before?
First decade of the 1860s? Was there a second one?

LOL, a captious comment ^^^ is that the best you have?

How is asking what the heck you meant captious?

Is it too difficult to just clarify what the heck you mean?

My post was a brain fart, yours was a childish ad hominem.

Do you know what an ad hominem is? Because I haven't used any

Read "Games People Play", and pay attention to NIGYYSOB. Of course, you've failed to win that one too.
"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.

So exactly what has Trump done that warrants removal? Be very specific.

"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.

So exactly what has Trump done that warrants removal? Be very specific.


Really? How so?

Treason has not been alleged, yet. But, it is not out of the question. High crimes, not defined in COTUS, suggests at least to me & one could argue a person - President, Vice President, or Federal Judge - who engaged in Malfeasance (i.e. intentionally misleading the public) gives cause for impeachment.

I think the Russia question, if it reaches Trump and Pence, is cause for impeachment and a trial in the senate.

If Ryan believes Trump and/or Pence did not mislead the public on such an issue as important as the '16 election, and did not have knowledge of it nor tried to obstruct the investigation, he should put the matter to rest on the shoulders of a trial in the Senate, now that the R's are still in power. If he waits and the evidence is sufficient when and if the D's return to power in both chambers, the brand of the Republican Party will lose every bit of credibility (If they have any left).
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"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.

So exactly what has Trump done that warrants removal? Be very specific.


Really? How so?


Treason has not been alleged, yet.

High crimes were not defined in COTUS, though I suspect malfeasance would be one. It can be argued Trump's actions meet the elements of malfeasance (wrongdoing, especially by a public official) in his firing of James Comey and in his interference in the Russia Investigation.
"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.
He's been held in check so far by the wise structure of our government. He has not done anything actually insane yet. His legislative actions and policies have been strongly supported by a large number of conservatives, supporters and mainstream Republicans. He's a fat mouthed obnoxious asshole, but that doesn't make him insane or impeachable. Hold your water. He may give us a reason, yet.
"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.
He's been held in check so far by the wise structure of our government. He has not done anything actually insane yet. His legislative actions and policies have been strongly supported by a large number of conservatives, supporters and mainstream Republicans. He's a fat mouthed obnoxious asshole, but that doesn't make him insane or impeachable. Hold your water. He may give us a reason, yet.

Insane is more of a pejorative, unless someone is psychotic and out of touch with reality. I've used the term loosely, though I've applied the technical terms - Personality Disorder, Cluster B, Histrionic and Narcissistic with exactness.

Cluster B, "disorders tend to be dramatic, emotional and attention seeking; their moods are liable and often shallow They Often have intense interpersonal conflicts"
The left began dividing this country decades ago, Obama exacerbated it and the butthurt from the left having lost the election is increasing it even more. The fact that liberals try to blame Trump is typical of them. They destroy everything they touch and blame it on someone else. Just like the children they are.
I hope neither of you are driving, Aldo Raine and Harry Dresden.
you asked i answered.....if you did not understand the indeed they were part then maybe you should hand over your keys too...
This was your post...
“the indeed they were part.....the second part no.....”

If someone in a meeting spoke like that, wouldn’t you think they were drunk? lol
what is so hard about that?.....i said bush and obama were also dividers.....he said,...."indeed they were"....were did you get lost?....

The big word "indeed".
"Trump is not sane! That Pence, Ryan and members of the Administration do nothing is cowardly, evidenced by their failure to do their duty and exercise the necessary moral authority to defend and protect the United States, from the clear and present danger that is the Trump Presidency. The 25th Amendment is necessary before it becomes too late."

"Power corrupts, and must be taken from this megalomaniac before it is too late!"

Does the reader agree, or not? That is the question. It has zero to do with HRC, Obama, liberals or conservatives, progressives or reactionaries, Democrats or Republicans; it has to do with one man, given power, and how he has used the power inherent in the office of the president for nearly 12 months.

So exactly what has Trump done that warrants removal? Be very specific.


Really? How so?


Treason has not been alleged, yet.

High crimes were not defined in COTUS, though I suspect malfeasance would be one. It can be argued Trump's actions meet the elements of malfeasance (wrongdoing, especially by a public official) in his firing of James Comey and in his interference in the Russia Investigation.

Exercising his constitutional authority is not malfeasance, he had every right to fire Comey, even you commiecrats were calling for his head last year. Comey was not personally conducting any investigation and his firing disrupted absolutely nothing the actual investigators were doing. You can pretend otherwise but you'd be wrong.


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