The Timing Was Intentional: Roe v Wade Leak Was Left’s Answer to “2000 Mules” Documentary Release Today that Proves 2020 Election Was Stolen

All three Jews Trump appointed are on board trying to help the Dems win the midterm....
I would have to agree. The leaked opinion was from February. Then it's leaked on the premier day of 2000Mules, the movie proving the election was stolen. This has the Deep State's hand all over it.

Nobody outside of your cult gives a shit about that farce of a video.
I would have to agree. The leaked opinion was from February. Then it's leaked on the premier day of 2000Mules, the movie proving the election was stolen. This has the Deep State's hand all over it.

No one except the already brain addled Trump supporters will see it or believe it. Overturning Roe vs Wade has the power to change the entire midterms.
Veggie Joe just said if Roe is overturned the right to marriage is in peril.

Lefty fearmongering is gonna be in overdrive.

It is indeed. The Constitution does not mention marriage directly so gay marriage and inter-racial marriages could be the next targets. Or it could be the right to use contraceptives. Our rights are in the cross-hairs of this radical Supreme Court.
DemNazis always have political prisoners and show trials. Why are there 100s of people in Nancy Pelosi's Private Jail with no rights to speak to an Attorney, No Right to Bail, and No Right to Trial?

Please check with EmperorShitzHizPantz, Fuehrer Quid Pro Joe for your "Talking Points Answer"

You are a lying weasel.
Oh, we're into court rulings again? Cool. Roe v Wade just got erradicated by the Supreme Court.

We're good? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

. The Constitution does not mention marriage directly so gay marriage and inter-racial marriages could be the next targets.
As they both should be. It's time to return to a moral society where God is completely embraced..

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