CDZ The Tree of Liberty

The thread, particularly the pointed discussion herein, leads me to recall a chapter from an excellent book on the topic. I'll take the liberty of snipping a couple of excerpts for the benefit of the casual passer-by...

It is a tremendously important and never-ending problem for the self-governing American people to be not only adequately informed but ever alert and vigorously active in forestalling whenever possible, and combating whenever necessary, any and all threats to Individual Liberty and to its supporting system of constitutionally limited government. In this connection, it is essential to keep in mind that the greatest danger lies in the subtle and gradual, or piecemeal, approach of danger by which the foundations are gradually eroded rather than by open and outright assault; accompanied by harsh attacks upon all who seek to alert the people to such danger whenever it threatens.

This was stressed by Samuel Adams, always in the forefront, as a firebrand patriot, in the fight for Liberty and Independence, for the rights of Free Man through Freedom from Goverument-over-Man--in an essay published in 1771 in the Boston Gazette, signed "Candidus" (quoted exactly as in original text, including emphasis):

"If the liberties of America are ever compleatly ruined, of which in my opinion there is now the utmost danger, it will in all probability be the consequence of a mistaken notion of prudence, which leads men to acquiesce in measures of the most destructive tendency for the sake of present ease. When designs are form'd to rase the very foundation of a free government, those few who are to erect their grandeur and fortunes upon the general ruin, will employ every art to sooth the devoted people into a state of indolence, inattention and security, which is forever the fore-runner of slavery-- They are alarmed at nothing so much, as attempts to awaken the people to jealousy and watchfulness; and it has been an old game played over and over again, to hold up the men who would rouse their fellow citizens and countrymen to a sense of their real danger, and spirit them to the most zealous activity in the use of all proper means for the preservation of the public liberty, as 'pretended patriots,' 'intemperate politicians,' rash, hotheaded men, Incendiaries, wretched desperadoes, who, as was said of the best of men, would turn the world upside down, or have done it already."
Those quotes are eerily appropos. And I don't mean the shutdown.
No, there is no such thing as "unalienable rights".
Why do you say that? What proof do you have? You were born. Either you have the Right to pursue Happiness according to your wants and desires or you don't. If not, why bother with living? To appease an empty suits lust for a "granted" authority so he can acquire, tangible, riches at your expense?

I need not prove that. The Founders proved it. They demonstrated it, actually, by taking those "unalienable" rights away from slaves, and, arguably, from women. There goes the "unalienable".

Also, confronted with the calm, real-world heroism of Rosa Parks, you shriveled into a series of non-pertinent, hasty "Uhs" and "Buts". That was instructive, and way smarter than your "shoot 'em dead" bluster.
I need not prove that. The Founders proved it. They demonstrated it, actually, by taking those "unalienable" rights away from slaves, and, arguably, from women. There goes the "unalienable".
Unalienable Rights can only be restricted or ignored. Inalienable rights are grants and privileges and can be taken. There goes your lack of intellectual honesty.

Also, confronted with the calm, real-world heroism of Rosa Parks, you shriveled into a series of non-pertinent, hasty "Uhs" and "Buts". That was instructive, and way smarter than your "shoot 'em dead" bluster.
You're assuming a lot- ass u me- never assume anything. There is nothing hasty about well thought through responses- hasty would be reaction- reaction is what happens when the intellectually dishonest pretend they are more than pseudo intellectuals-
How much longer do you think the "rulers" can continue to trample our Rights?

What I see is when ever the tyrants push, people back up from their "line in the sand" LIke Obamas redlines.

How much longer? Sad to say, like others have said "until no rights left

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