The true nature of USMB :)


Gold Member
Dec 16, 2017
Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

The left will always say that they are never wrong and are always on the right side of everything, and they will say that the right is always wrong about everything, and are always on then wrong side of everything.

I've realized that, when you run into a person like that, one who can never admit fault on their side, and can never find any good in the other side, you've run into a partisan who has completely drank the Kool aid for their team. Unfortunately this goes for both sides.

As far as the debates here, I'm starting to believe that its not about trying to convince the other side (that will never happen), I think its just about the argument..... People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.
Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

The left will always say that they are never wrong and are always on the right side of everything, and they will say that the right is always wrong about everything, and are always on then wrong side of everything.

I've realized that, when you run into a person like that, one who can never admit fault on their side, and can never find any good in the other side, you've run into a partisan who has completely drank the Kool aid for their team. Unfortunately this goes for both sides.

As far as the debates here, I'm starting to believe that its not about trying to convince the other side (that will never happen), I think its just about the argument..... People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.
Part of being here is seeing that there are groups of people who don't need, or want, facts to bolster their position.
It also shows that those who only pay attention to main stream news sound and video bites are willingly ignorant.
It sort of makes me understand why the world has always been fucked up.
Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

The left will always say that they are never wrong and are always on the right side of everything, and they will say that the right is always wrong about everything, and are always on then wrong side of everything.

I've realized that, when you run into a person like that, one who can never admit fault on their side, and can never find any good in the other side, you've run into a partisan who has completely drank the Kool aid for their team. Unfortunately this goes for both sides.

As far as the debates here, I'm starting to believe that its not about trying to convince the other side (that will never happen), I think its just about the argument..... People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.

The forum you seek does not exist on planet earth, electronic or otherwise.
Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

The left will always say that they are never wrong and are always on the right side of everything, and they will say that the right is always wrong about everything, and are always on then wrong side of everything.

I've realized that, when you run into a person like that, one who can never admit fault on their side, and can never find any good in the other side, you've run into a partisan who has completely drank the Kool aid for their team. Unfortunately this goes for both sides.

As far as the debates here, I'm starting to believe that its not about trying to convince the other side (that will never happen), I think its just about the argument..... People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.
Trying to "debate" on an online forum like this is pointless for the most part. You can definitely stumble into some interesting conversations now and then, but you're right -- otherwise it's not worth the effort.

I do think, though, that it's a great place to observe behaviors and tactics, and to try to draw some conclusions about motivations. You're not going to change a mind, but you may be able to understand why people say and think what they say and think. That can be damn interesting. It's a freakin' 24-hour online psychological / sociological / anthropological study lab.
I hope the discussions here may help some look at issues in a different way then before. Maybe some new idea that was created here may get noticed and do some good in the world.
Highly unlikely...
LWers are emotionally and mentally ill and RWers suffer from Avarice and Greed.
I hope the discussions here may help some look at issues in a different way then before. Maybe some new idea that was created here may get noticed and do some good in the world.

Indeed- sowing seeds. They will bear fruit.
You're not going to change a mind,
But you can sow seeds- not everyone who reads reacts or responds-

Personally- I know that knowledge evolves- and it isn't biased in its origin-

When I first started on political message boards, I was a red eyed, died in the wool, pickup driving, redneck Republican- read my sig line- I'm still everything I was, minus the Republican- I learned about being a libertarian from a couple of posters on that message board-
Sen Schmoes Know GIF by Movie Trivia Schmoedown
Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

The left will always say that they are never wrong and are always on the right side of everything, and they will say that the right is always wrong about everything, and are always on then wrong side of everything.

I've realized that, when you run into a person like that, one who can never admit fault on their side, and can never find any good in the other side, you've run into a partisan who has completely drank the Kool aid for their team. Unfortunately this goes for both sides.

As far as the debates here, I'm starting to believe that its not about trying to convince the other side (that will never happen), I think its just about the argument..... People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.
Groupthink +religion +my team mentality + identity politics +narcissism + hive mentality = the ideal mannequin!
Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

The left will always say that they are never wrong and are always on the right side of everything, and they will say that the right is always wrong about everything, and are always on then wrong side of everything.

I've realized that, when you run into a person like that, one who can never admit fault on their side, and can never find any good in the other side, you've run into a partisan who has completely drank the Kool aid for their team. Unfortunately this goes for both sides.

As far as the debates here, I'm starting to believe that its not about trying to convince the other side (that will never happen), I think its just about the argument..... People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.
USMB is a kooky right wing message board run by right wing nuts. There are a few left wing posters.
Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

The left will always say that they are never wrong and are always on the right side of everything, and they will say that the right is always wrong about everything, and are always on then wrong side of everything.

I've realized that, when you run into a person like that, one who can never admit fault on their side, and can never find any good in the other side, you've run into a partisan who has completely drank the Kool aid for their team. Unfortunately this goes for both sides.

As far as the debates here, I'm starting to believe that its not about trying to convince the other side (that will never happen), I think its just about the argument..... People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.
I really come here for one reason.

The left already has complete control over the information that reaches the American people. They are pure propagandists and they are in charge.

But an undecided person reading these forums may just run across an opinion or thought they would NOT hear from the left and give it some thought.

We all know that what passes for information in the real world is just unrelenting brainwashing of the masses.
All message boards are like this. You can't really expect to change anybody's mind on here.
You just post your thoughts and beliefs and let the chips fall where they may
Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

The left will always say that they are never wrong and are always on the right side of everything, and they will say that the right is always wrong about everything, and are always on then wrong side of everything.

I've realized that, when you run into a person like that, one who can never admit fault on their side, and can never find any good in the other side, you've run into a partisan who has completely drank the Kool aid for their team. Unfortunately this goes for both sides.

As far as the debates here, I'm starting to believe that its not about trying to convince the other side (that will never happen), I think its just about the argument..... People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.
Trying to "debate" on an online forum like this is pointless for the most part. You can definitely stumble into some interesting conversations now and then, but you're right -- otherwise it's not worth the effort.

I do think, though, that it's a great place to observe behaviors and tactics, and to try to draw some conclusions about motivations. You're not going to change a mind, but you may be able to understand why people say and think what they say and think. That can be damn interesting. It's a freakin' 24-hour online psychological / sociological / anthropological study lab.
I agree with this. I also post on these boards to sharpen my own arguments. That way, when I converse with mature adults I'm better informed, better prepared, more focused, more succinct.
Ya know, I've come to a realization, and it makes me wonder why we have these debates.

Neither side is ever going to convince the other that they are right/wrong.

People just want to come here and argue and insult. Thats pretty much it.

On politics, you are completely accurate. It is why I barely post or stay for long. It's just a big eye roll between a dozen or so on each side, where you can easily predict what each evolving page contains. I don't remember the last thread I actually read all pages through. Just no point.

It's all about to get pretty quiet, I'd bet, and soon. With no Trump, there is will be no sizzle.
I hope the discussions here may help some look at issues in a different way then before. Maybe some new idea that was created here may get noticed and do some good in the world.
Highly unlikely...
LWers are emotionally and mentally ill and RWers suffer from Avarice and Greed.
Oh, you actually do believe you're an independent. That's funny.

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