The true reason gas prices are declining..and it isn't being reported

Where r my keys shows his racism.

I knew he had it in him to show it eventually.
kissmy does not understand supply and demand

yeah, bush's decisions affected it, but there were slowdowns industrially in China, Brazil, and India that retarded demand and slowed down the world economy
Blaming Bush does absolutely nothing to exonerate obama.
Typical lefty non-response.
funny as obama has been attempting to clean up bush's mess for 6 years...
blaming for that is fucking typical right wing shit.
Obama's energy policy has been the reason why the cleaning up of Bush's mess hasn't been realized.

You are a stupid liar! US oil production declined the entire time Bush was in office. US oil production has increased the entire time Obama has been in office.

Fact: Oil costs a certain amount to produce. It's cheaper in Saudi Arabia than it is here. When the price of oil goes up, we produce more because we can make money doing it. When the price goes down, we don't produce as much. Basic economics. Now, note as well that American production has increased on PRIVATE lands, not government held lands.
Keep swallowing propaganda fluffer. You were on your knees when Bush signed Executive Order 12777 banning oil drilling. Now you hate Obama for fast tracking lower Keystone pipeline & deregulating Eco-Pad drilling stimulating the new US oil boom.
W Bush reversed that order in July 2008, precipitating the initial decline in oil prices. The expiration of the expansive off shore moratorium at the end of September caused prices to drop like a rock. Down to $1.35/gallon in January 2009. In steps obama and his green pledge to reinstate drilling bans and the shelving of Bush drilling plans and the price went back up. All increases in extraction since then are on private land and are in spite of obama policies.
If you don't remember Katrina, read a history book.
Always lame excuses with you Bush fluffers

Apparently, you were not paying attention when the drilling platforms, refineries, and pipelines shut down.

You are so retarded! Oil price was $15 when Bush took office. Bush drove oil price up over 500% to $80 BEFORE KATRINA!!!!!!!!! Oil & Gasoline price were lower for whole a year after Katrina.

Keep fluffing those peckers!!!
Hey moron, the reason gas prices rose during that time was the same reason they went back up under obama. Supply and demand. Demand was finally met by expanded potential supply at the end of the Bush term and then reversed at the beginning of obama's reign. That's what the discussion is about.

You are another lying brainwashed Bush fluffer. Oil production plummeted at the end of the Bush term even faster than it did the rest of Bush's term. Bush crashed the economy so bad that demand crashed even more. That is the only reason price temporarily dropped when Obama took office, yet you use that to fling your poop like the pecker fluffing chimp you are.
You have a faulty memory. I drove cross country the week of Jan 11, 2009. I returned back east on Jan 23.
The price went from $1.35 to $1.79 in that span and continued upward.
Fact: Oil costs a certain amount to produce. It's cheaper in Saudi Arabia than it is here. When the price of oil goes up, we produce more because we can make money doing it. When the price goes down, we don't produce as much. Basic economics. Now, note as well that American production has increased on PRIVATE lands, not government held lands.

That is not a fact. It's more expensive in Saudi Arabia. The WSJ article I linked on the first page of this thread put break even at $83 a barrel for SA and less than $60 for the North Dakota fields.
The only reason North Dakota fields can produce oil at $58 is because setback barriers were removed for Eco-Pad drilling under Obama.
If you don't remember Katrina, read a history book.
Always lame excuses with you Bush fluffers

Apparently, you were not paying attention when the drilling platforms, refineries, and pipelines shut down.

You are so retarded! Oil price was $15 when Bush took office. Bush drove oil price up over 500% to $80 BEFORE KATRINA!!!!!!!!! Oil & Gasoline price were lower for whole a year after Katrina.

Keep fluffing those peckers!!!
Hey moron, the reason gas prices rose during that time was the same reason they went back up under obama. Supply and demand. Demand was finally met by expanded potential supply at the end of the Bush term and then reversed at the beginning of obama's reign. That's what the discussion is about.

You are another lying brainwashed Bush fluffer. Oil production plummeted at the end of the Bush term even faster than it did the rest of Bush's term. Bush crashed the economy so bad that demand crashed even more. That is the only reason price temporarily dropped when Obama took office, yet you use that to fling your poop like the pecker fluffing chimp you are.
Your chart is right on. It directly coincides with dem initiatives to stifle offshore and fed land drilling while increases of drilling occurred on private land. Juxtapose that with increased global demand and you'll see how it doesn't keep up. Had obama not reimposed offshore drilling restrictions, that upward spike would be significantly and sufficiently higher.
As most of have learned on these very boards it is the president that establishes the price of gas. When the president feels in good spirits he lowers the price of gas, and when he doesn't like America or its people he raises the price. This is a board law.
funny as obama has been attempting to clean up bush's mess for 6 years...
blaming for that is fucking typical right wing shit.
Obama's energy policy has been the reason why the cleaning up of Bush's mess hasn't been realized.

You are a stupid liar! US oil production declined the entire time Bush was in office. US oil production has increased the entire time Obama has been in office.

Fact: Oil costs a certain amount to produce. It's cheaper in Saudi Arabia than it is here. When the price of oil goes up, we produce more because we can make money doing it. When the price goes down, we don't produce as much. Basic economics. Now, note as well that American production has increased on PRIVATE lands, not government held lands.
Keep swallowing propaganda fluffer. You were on your knees when Bush signed Executive Order 12777 banning oil drilling. Now you hate Obama for fast tracking lower Keystone pipeline & deregulating Eco-Pad drilling stimulating the new US oil boom.
W Bush reversed that order in July 2008, precipitating the initial decline in oil prices. The expiration of the expansive off shore moratorium at the end of September caused prices to drop like a rock. Down to $1.35/gallon in January 2009. In steps obama and his green pledge to reinstate drilling bans and the shelving of Bush drilling plans and the price went back up. All increases in extraction since then are on private land and are in spite of obama policies.

Wrong fluffer. Oil production did not increase in the USA because W reversed his dads drilling ban, there was actually a rapid production decline. Prices only fell because Bush's economic crash lowered demand. Production only increased after & because setback barriers were removed for Eco-Pad drilling & lower keystone was fast-tracked by Obama.
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Obama's energy policy has been the reason why the cleaning up of Bush's mess hasn't been realized.

You are a stupid liar! US oil production declined the entire time Bush was in office. US oil production has increased the entire time Obama has been in office.

Fact: Oil costs a certain amount to produce. It's cheaper in Saudi Arabia than it is here. When the price of oil goes up, we produce more because we can make money doing it. When the price goes down, we don't produce as much. Basic economics. Now, note as well that American production has increased on PRIVATE lands, not government held lands.
Keep swallowing propaganda fluffer. You were on your knees when Bush signed Executive Order 12777 banning oil drilling. Now you hate Obama for fast tracking lower Keystone pipeline & deregulating Eco-Pad drilling stimulating the new US oil boom.
W Bush reversed that order in July 2008, precipitating the initial decline in oil prices. The expiration of the expansive off shore moratorium at the end of September caused prices to drop like a rock. Down to $1.35/gallon in January 2009. In steps obama and his green pledge to reinstate drilling bans and the shelving of Bush drilling plans and the price went back up. All increases in extraction since then are on private land and are in spite of obama policies.

Wrong fluffer. Oil production did not increase in the USA because W reversed his dads drilling ban, there was actually a rapid production decline. Prices only fell because Bush's economic crash lowered demand. Production only increased after & because setback barriers were removed for Eco-Pad drilling & lower keystone was fast-tracked by Obama.
It was the potential for increased supply that the reversing of drilling bans creates. That is what commodity speculation is all about.
As most of have learned on these very boards it is the president that establishes the price of gas. When the president feels in good spirits he lowers the price of gas, and when he doesn't like America or its people he raises the price. This is a board law.
Energy policy has a direct effect on prices and government has a direct effect on energy policy. In this case, it's the green fascists of obama and a dem congress.
Your sarcasm is misplaced.
Too bad it isn't as low as it was when butthead took over the presidency.

It was only low because of the Bush Financial Crash, which sharply lowered demand.

Either you know this and you're just a dishonest piece of shit, or you're just a dumbass. I think you may be both.

What was the price on the day Lehman Brothers crashed?

Since you ARE a dishonest piece of shit, I'll answer it for you:

Lehman announced Chapter 11 on September 15, 2008.

Gas on September 15, 2008 was $3.84

Average gas prices September 15 2008

Since the economy never fully or even significantly rebounded from that time the price should have stayed low based upon that reasoning. It didn't. It went up for the same reason it dropped; supply side plans and restrictions.
Obama has kept the price high and hurt our economy as a result.

Name the action Obama took that has kept oil prices high.
As most of have learned on these very boards it is the president that establishes the price of gas. When the president feels in good spirits he lowers the price of gas, and when he doesn't like America or its people he raises the price. This is a board law.
Energy policy has a direct effect on prices

What the fuck would you know about it.
Would you like me to produce a whole bunch of data and embarrass the shit out of you?
You would be wise to stand down.
KG has twisted herself into a pretzel here. This POTUS has overseen an increase in oil production. She loves it......and hates the same time.

Great threads are great.
The POTUS hasn't done a God damned thing. All of the oil and gas production which is a major contributor to the additional production is done by private sector companies on private or state lands. The federal government has been marginalized. As it should.
And guess what.....Keystone XL is going to be completed. Obama is going to be furious because he won't be able to stop it.
"America has become in the last several years an energy-producing powerhouse. And sorry, Mr. President, I’m not talking about the niche “green energy” sources you are so weirdly fixated with.
Oil prices are falling because of changes in world supply and world demand. Demand has slowed because Europe is an economic wreck. But since 2008 the U.S. has increased our domestic supply by a gigantic 50 percent. This is a result of the astounding shale oil and gas revolution made possible by made-in-America technologies like hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. Already thanks to these inventions, the U.S. has become the number one producer of natural gas. But oil production in states like Oklahoma, Texas and North Dakota has doubled in just six years."

"Without this energy blitz, the U.S. economy would barely have recovered from the recession of 2008-09. From the beginning of 2008 through the end of 2013 the oil and gas extraction industry created more than 100,000 jobs while the overall job market shrank by 970,000."

The True Reason Gas Prices are Falling Hint It s Not Because of Green Energy
Funny, gas has went up twenty cents a gallon in the last week where I live. Although the news has reported it going down, it has done the opposite.
Where the hell do you live. Jeez? Gas prices here have dropped 60 cents since the first week of September. Prices continue to fall, but have begun to level off.
Around me residence, gas has stabilized around $2.90 ( reg)
IN nearby South Carolina where the gas tax is 30 cents lower, there are stations down to $2.53 for cash purchases. a nickel more for debit or credit.
SC is one of the few states that permits gasoline retailers to charge more to make up for 'swipe fees'.
Mexico, Russia, Brazil, Norway, Venezuela, USA, tons of ME countries, Nigeria...I almost forgot Canada. Everybody is pumping oil like maniacs.

At the same time, gas-burning machines have become oodles more efficient.

Why have gas prices gone down? Same reason weed prices have gone down. There's a glut in the market.

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