The true reason gas prices are declining..and it isn't being reported

Those unemployment numbers are distorted because they are rated against a number that is reduced due to the number of people no longer counted on the employment roles. People not looking for work are not counted.
Stock market numbers are paper and are overrated where general consumers are concerned. All consumer goods costs are increased while wages have stagnated. People have less money to spend. That is not improvement.
Celebrating a gas price that is still double what it was when the hack took office is a sign of Stockholm Syndrome. You are grateful your punishment is reduced. I want the punishment ended.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!

If you don't remember Katrina, read a history book.
Always lame excuses with you Bush fluffers

Apparently, you were not paying attention when the drilling platforms, refineries, and pipelines shut down.
You are so retarded! Oil price was $15 when Bush took office. Bush drove oil price up over 500% to $80 BEFORE KATRINA!!!!!!!!! Oil & Gasoline price were lower for whole a year after Katrina.

Keep fluffing those peckers!!!
Hey moron, the reason gas prices rose during that time was the same reason they went back up under obama. Supply and demand. Demand was finally met by expanded potential supply at the end of the Bush term and then reversed at the beginning of obama's reign. That's what the discussion is about.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!

Are you under the influence of LSD as we are speaking?

What exactly quadrupled in price after Bush took office?

Food prices declined - though Obama took care of that but good - food now consumes more of a household budget than any time in my adult life.

Gas shot up, but then went back down. Houses went up 50% - but most people foolishly thought that was a good thing at the time, just as they do now with housing in yet another bubble....
Yeah, unemployment is down to 5.9%, the stock market is at 16,986 and gas prices are finally under $3.00/gallon...The country is soooooo much worse off than 2009 when unemployment was 10% and the stock market was 6443.
Those unemployment numbers are distorted because they are rated against a number that is reduced due to the number of people no longer counted on the employment roles. People not looking for work are not counted.
Stock market numbers are paper and are overrated where general consumers are concerned. All consumer goods costs are increased while wages have stagnated. People have less money to spend. That is not improvement.
Celebrating a gas price that is still double what it was when the hack took office is a sign of Stockholm Syndrome. You are grateful your punishment is reduced. I want the punishment ended.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!
Blaming Bush does absolutely nothing to exonerate obama.
Typical lefty non-response.
funny as obama has been attempting to clean up bush's mess for 6 years...
blaming for that is fucking typical right wing shit.
Obama's energy policy has been the reason why the cleaning up of Bush's mess hasn't been realized.
another steaming pile !
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!

If you don't remember Katrina, read a history book.
what the worst disaster in louisiana's history?
the one bush criminally mishandled?
Katrina was a disaster that became a catastrophe because of democrats' creation of socialist sloth that didn't have the common sense to get out of the way of danger. Their legacy is to expect the government to protect them even when they need to protect themselves.
Amazing that an obama problem leads obama worshipers to have to go back to Katrina.
were you dropped as a child....?
that kind of specious reasoning can only come from brain damage or years of indoctrination.
Yet you can't itemize your rebuttal.
why would I need to ? faCT IS FACT..
Yeah, unemployment is down to 5.9%, the stock market is at 16,986 and gas prices are finally under $3.00/gallon...The country is soooooo much worse off than 2009 when unemployment was 10% and the stock market was 6443.
Those unemployment numbers are distorted because they are rated against a number that is reduced due to the number of people no longer counted on the employment roles. People not looking for work are not counted.
Stock market numbers are paper and are overrated where general consumers are concerned. All consumer goods costs are increased while wages have stagnated. People have less money to spend. That is not improvement.
Celebrating a gas price that is still double what it was when the hack took office is a sign of Stockholm Syndrome. You are grateful your punishment is reduced. I want the punishment ended.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!
Blaming Bush does absolutely nothing to exonerate obama.
Typical lefty non-response.
funny as obama has been attempting to clean up bush's mess for 6 years...
blaming for that is fucking typical right wing shit.

The "clean up bush's mess" will last as long as necessary to provide cover for failed democrat economic policies.
Yeah, unemployment is down to 5.9%, the stock market is at 16,986 and gas prices are finally under $3.00/gallon...The country is soooooo much worse off than 2009 when unemployment was 10% and the stock market was 6443.
Those unemployment numbers are distorted because they are rated against a number that is reduced due to the number of people no longer counted on the employment roles. People not looking for work are not counted.
Stock market numbers are paper and are overrated where general consumers are concerned. All consumer goods costs are increased while wages have stagnated. People have less money to spend. That is not improvement.
Celebrating a gas price that is still double what it was when the hack took office is a sign of Stockholm Syndrome. You are grateful your punishment is reduced. I want the punishment ended.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!
Blaming Bush does absolutely nothing to exonerate obama.
Typical lefty non-response.
funny as obama has been attempting to clean up bush's mess for 6 years...
blaming for that is fucking typical right wing shit.
Obama's energy policy has been the reason why the cleaning up of Bush's mess hasn't been realized.

You are a stupid liar! US oil production declined the entire time Bush was in office. US oil production has increased the entire time Obama has been in office.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!

Are you under the influence of LSD as we are speaking?

What exactly quadrupled in price after Bush took office?

Food prices declined - though Obama took care of that but good - food now consumes more of a household budget than any time in my adult life.

Gas shot up, but then went back down. Houses went up 50% - but most people foolishly thought that was a good thing at the time, just as they do now with housing in yet another bubble....
OH GOD! it's unhinged 2008!
Those unemployment numbers are distorted because they are rated against a number that is reduced due to the number of people no longer counted on the employment roles. People not looking for work are not counted.
Stock market numbers are paper and are overrated where general consumers are concerned. All consumer goods costs are increased while wages have stagnated. People have less money to spend. That is not improvement.
Celebrating a gas price that is still double what it was when the hack took office is a sign of Stockholm Syndrome. You are grateful your punishment is reduced. I want the punishment ended.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!
Blaming Bush does absolutely nothing to exonerate obama.
Typical lefty non-response.
funny as obama has been attempting to clean up bush's mess for 6 years...
blaming for that is fucking typical right wing shit.

The "clean up bush's mess" will last as long as necessary to provide cover for failed democrat economic policies.

It's what you guys have been doing for 6 years, why would you change now? You show absolutely no inclination whatsoever to hold Obama responsible for anything.
Those unemployment numbers are distorted because they are rated against a number that is reduced due to the number of people no longer counted on the employment roles. People not looking for work are not counted.
Stock market numbers are paper and are overrated where general consumers are concerned. All consumer goods costs are increased while wages have stagnated. People have less money to spend. That is not improvement.
Celebrating a gas price that is still double what it was when the hack took office is a sign of Stockholm Syndrome. You are grateful your punishment is reduced. I want the punishment ended.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!
Blaming Bush does absolutely nothing to exonerate obama.
Typical lefty non-response.
funny as obama has been attempting to clean up bush's mess for 6 years...
blaming for that is fucking typical right wing shit.
Obama's energy policy has been the reason why the cleaning up of Bush's mess hasn't been realized.

You are a stupid liar! US oil production declined the entire time Bush was in office. US oil production has increased the entire time Obama has been in office.

Fact: Oil costs a certain amount to produce. It's cheaper in Saudi Arabia than it is here. When the price of oil goes up, we produce more because we can make money doing it. When the price goes down, we don't produce as much. Basic economics. Now, note as well that American production has increased on PRIVATE lands, not government held lands.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!
Blaming Bush does absolutely nothing to exonerate obama.
Typical lefty non-response.
funny as obama has been attempting to clean up bush's mess for 6 years...
blaming for that is fucking typical right wing shit.

The "clean up bush's mess" will last as long as necessary to provide cover for failed democrat economic policies.

It's what you guys have been doing for 6 years, why would you change now? You show absolutely no inclination whatsoever to hold Obama responsible for anything.
that bullshit ...he is held responsible for what he has done.. how ever you assholes want him to be accountable for what he didn't do, the crash the recession the bailout all had their start when GW was in office..
Katrina was a disaster that became a catastrophe because of democrats' creation of socialist sloth that didn't have the common sense to get out of the way of danger. Their legacy is to expect the government to protect them even when they need to protect themselves.
Amazing that an obama problem leads obama worshipers to have to go back to Katrina.

Bush put a politician in charge of FEMA, dumb move. But when Bush did it, there were no crises currently. It's not like he was so fucking stupid that he would put a politician in charge of the CDC in the middle of an Ebola outbreak - only a total fucking retard would do something that stupid..

Brown was no good, a do nothing bureaucrat. When crisis hit, the corrupt pile of shit Ray Nagin (D) ran without a thought of the city. The blubbering looting Kathleen Blanco (D) consulted her spiritualist and re-read the little red book, but found no answers, so did nothing, did not dispatch the guard and waited on someone competent to come take charge. Brown took the traditional role of FEMA, to write checks AFTER an event - while the democrats expected him to save them, because they couldn't even walk off the porch without direction from a Conservative on how to succeed at it.

Bush bears 5% blame for the disaster - Blanco 45% - and the crook Nagin the rest.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!
Blaming Bush does absolutely nothing to exonerate obama.
Typical lefty non-response.
funny as obama has been attempting to clean up bush's mess for 6 years...
blaming for that is fucking typical right wing shit.
Obama's energy policy has been the reason why the cleaning up of Bush's mess hasn't been realized.

You are a stupid liar! US oil production declined the entire time Bush was in office. US oil production has increased the entire time Obama has been in office.

Fact: Oil costs a certain amount to produce. It's cheaper in Saudi Arabia than it is here. When the price of oil goes up, we produce more because we can make money doing it. When the price goes down, we don't produce as much. Basic economics. Now, note as well that American production has increased on PRIVATE lands, not government held lands.
Keep swallowing propaganda fluffer. You were on your knees when Bush signed Executive Order 12777 banning oil drilling. Now you hate Obama for fast tracking lower Keystone pipeline & deregulating Eco-Pad drilling stimulating the new US oil boom.
Fact: Oil costs a certain amount to produce. It's cheaper in Saudi Arabia than it is here. When the price of oil goes up, we produce more because we can make money doing it. When the price goes down, we don't produce as much. Basic economics. Now, note as well that American production has increased on PRIVATE lands, not government held lands.

That is not a fact. It's more expensive in Saudi Arabia. The WSJ article I linked on the first page of this thread put break even at $83 a barrel for SA and less than $60 for the North Dakota fields.
Those unemployment numbers are distorted because they are rated against a number that is reduced due to the number of people no longer counted on the employment roles. People not looking for work are not counted.
Stock market numbers are paper and are overrated where general consumers are concerned. All consumer goods costs are increased while wages have stagnated. People have less money to spend. That is not improvement.
Celebrating a gas price that is still double what it was when the hack took office is a sign of Stockholm Syndrome. You are grateful your punishment is reduced. I want the punishment ended.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!
Blaming Bush does absolutely nothing to exonerate obama.
Typical lefty non-response.
funny as obama has been attempting to clean up bush's mess for 6 years...
blaming for that is fucking typical right wing shit.
Obama's energy policy has been the reason why the cleaning up of Bush's mess hasn't been realized.
another steaming pile !
Another empty response.
And because the President and Congress haggled over the various issues of energy independence.

Any neo-con who all of sudden starts hailing "energy independence" as a plank of neo-conservatism is a liar.

LOL, another liberal who loves the word neocon ... and doesn't know what it means ...
KG has twisted herself into a pretzel here. This POTUS has overseen an increase in oil production. She loves it......and hates the same time.

Great threads are great.

No... the brown-clown has set over ZERO Increase-Energy-Production policy. What's more his setting upon and promoting INNUMERABLE ANTI-ENERGY Policies, not the least of which is the refusal to shut down the illicit powers that his EPA is taking, which fits with his anti-American behavior, wherein he refused to reign in the illicitly applied powers of his Justice Dept and his IRS... . Of course, such otherwise inexplicable behavior turns perfectly understandable where the equation sets aside the benefit of the doubt that the Peasantpimp has honorable intent, set upon American principle and the equation is adjusted to include his complicity... .

Now you clearly disagree. But those "Feelings" are vacuous, having no foundation in reality.

You're invited to produce a single obama policy which increased energy exploration and the means to refine such into usable energy product... .
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Katrina was a disaster that became a catastrophe because of democrats' creation of socialist sloth that didn't have the common sense to get out of the way of danger. Their legacy is to expect the government to protect them even when they need to protect themselves.
Amazing that an obama problem leads obama worshipers to have to go back to Katrina.

Bush put a politician in charge of FEMA, dumb move. But when Bush did it, there were no crises currently. It's not like he was so fucking stupid that he would put a politician in charge of the CDC in the middle of an Ebola outbreak - only a total fucking retard would do something that stupid..

Brown was no good, a do nothing bureaucrat. When crisis hit, the corrupt pile of shit Ray Nagin (D) ran without a thought of the city. The blubbering looting Kathleen Blanco (D) consulted her spiritualist and re-read the little red book, but found no answers, so did nothing, did not dispatch the guard and waited on someone competent to come take charge. Brown took the traditional role of FEMA, to write checks AFTER an event - while the democrats expected him to save them, because they couldn't even walk off the porch without direction from a Conservative on how to succeed at it.

Bush bears 5% blame for the disaster - Blanco 45% - and the crook Nagin the rest.
The sloth of NOLA are to blame. Five days notice and they still didn't possess the common sense to get out of a partially submerged bowl in the face of a hurricane.
Most prices went up 400% after Bush took office, but you got on your knees & kept on sucking!

If you don't remember Katrina, read a history book.
Always lame excuses with you Bush fluffers

Apparently, you were not paying attention when the drilling platforms, refineries, and pipelines shut down.

You are so retarded! Oil price was $15 when Bush took office. Bush drove oil price up over 500% to $80 BEFORE KATRINA!!!!!!!!! Oil & Gasoline price were lower for whole a year after Katrina.

Keep fluffing those peckers!!!
Hey moron, the reason gas prices rose during that time was the same reason they went back up under obama. Supply and demand. Demand was finally met by expanded potential supply at the end of the Bush term and then reversed at the beginning of obama's reign. That's what the discussion is about.

You are another lying brainwashed Bush fluffer. Oil production plummeted at the end of the Bush term even faster than it did the rest of Bush's term. Bush crashed the economy so bad that demand crashed even more. That is the only reason price temporarily dropped when Obama took office, yet you use that to fling your poop like the pecker fluffing chimp you are.

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