The true reason gas prices are declining..and it isn't being reported

Any argument? Who cares- more disfunction and more executive orders- then we kick your ass in 2016.
It takes not just any idiot but a special type of idiot to think Obama helped these prices go down.

Correct. Gas prices, up or down, are neither because of nor in spite of a POTUS.

Bullshit. Prices dropped in mid summer 2008 directly as a result of a move by Bush. Further, more expansive moves by congress at the end of Sept 2008 dropped prices drastically. Reverse moves by obama in early 2009 impacted prices again and they went way back up.
You are a lefty shill, obama excuse-maker.
What did Bush do? Solendra?
Bush Rescinds Father s Offshore Oil Ban
It's a combination of increased domestic extraction -- in spite of obama and the green fascists -- and the fact that the Saudis have lowered their price in addition to pumping as much into the supply as possible. Their reasoning having something to do with weakening Iran.
All in all, it's a supply and demand issue, the very thing that Obama has used against our own economy since he was inaugurated.
Impeach and exile obama.

Number one, gas prices aren't set by 'supply and demand' like widgets. They're set by speculation on the international market.
Number two, neither the Saudis nor O'bama nor anybody else "lowers their price" (see above). What OPEC (not "the Saudis" but OPEC) might do is raise or lower production to try to steer that market, although it's like guiding a barge in a strong current.
Number three, OPEC (again, not "the Saudis" but OPEC) isn't "pumping as much into the supply as possible"; on the contrary they've been expected to cut production, though that hasn't happened during this slide, but speculation on that IS what drives gas prices.

Impeach and exile your post. Oh wait -- I just did.
Which is still driven by supply and demand,even after your attemt at spin.

Speculators speculate;ate based on supply/demand,it that simple.
The major cause of declining oil prices,is the world demand is down,

I'm sure the fact that we've increased our oil output by 50 percent has nothing to do with anything.

Mmm hm.
It does and that has been acknowledged. But it's all relative to demand and global supply. The amount we can expand and need to expand has been stifled by obama energy policy. The increased output we see now is privately acquired and is in spite of obama.
What the fuck is wrong with you? We become number one in production because Obama stifled production? Even for you that doesn't make sense.

Besides, the oil isn't "ours". It goes on the world market. It belongs to oil companies. Even a dipshit knows if prices drop too far, oil companies will hold back to increase the cost via "supply and demand", something Republicans don't believe exists.
You are a typically math-challenged lefty. The increased production is offset by an even greater increase in demand. And all of that supply increase is in spite of Obama's green energy scam.
It takes not just any idiot but a special type of idiot to think Obama helped these prices go down.

Correct. Gas prices, up or down, are neither because of nor in spite of a POTUS.

Bullshit. Prices dropped in mid summer 2008 directly as a result of a move by Bush. Further, more expansive moves by congress at the end of Sept 2008 dropped prices drastically. Reverse moves by obama in early 2009 impacted prices again and they went way back up.
You are a lefty shill, obama excuse-maker.
What did Bush do? Solendra?
pres. bush did nothing to lower gas prices mid summer 2008 other than reside over the beginnings of our biggest recession since the great depression....the wall street crash, and the Housing bust, the Mortgage crisis/bank bailouts....

When Obama won the primary election in June I believe, gas had reached $4.10 a gallon avg...Roshawn is wrong.
You are a left wing dupe. By august the price had dropped below $4 and after the drilling ban was allowed to expire the price dropped dramatically. A week prior to Obama's inauguration the price was $1.35 but went back up on his pledge to reinstate drilling bans.
When Republicans take over they will remove Obama's deficit saving sequestration, explode the deficit causing oil, gas, food & all other prices will explode as they again tank the US dollar. They will hold wages down in a retarded job killing attempt to counter their inflation caused by their deficit spending. They will drag US back into the Mid-East & totally screw the world.
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When Republicans take over they will remove Obama's deficit saving sequestration, explode the deficit causing oil, gas, food & all other prices will explode as they again tank the US dollar. They will hold wages down in a retarded job killing attempt to counter their inflation caused by their deficit spending. They will drag US back into the Mid-East & totally screw the world.
You don't even understand the difference between deficit and debt.
Too bad it isn't as low as it was when butthead took over the presidency.

It was only low because of the Bush Financial Crash, which sharply lowered demand.

Either you know this and you're just a dishonest piece of shit, or you're just a dumbass. I think you may be both.

What was the price on the day Lehman Brothers crashed?

Since you ARE a dishonest piece of shit, I'll answer it for you:

Lehman announced Chapter 11 on September 15, 2008.

Gas on September 15, 2008 was $3.84

Average gas prices September 15 2008
The main reason oil prices are under $90 is because Saudi Arabia is going their own way from OPEC, which is basically fracturing. The Saudis are pumping more oil, which is hurting Iran, and especially Russia.

So watch for more antics from the boyfriend of American conservatives, Vlad Putin.
Too bad it isn't as low as it was when butthead took over the presidency.

It was only low because of the Bush Financial Crash, which sharply lowered demand.

Either you know this and you're just a dishonest piece of shit, or you're just a dumbass. I think you may be both.

What was the price on the day Lehman Brothers crashed?

Since you ARE a dishonest piece of shit, I'll answer it for you:

Lehman announced Chapter 11 on September 15, 2008.

Gas on September 15, 2008 was $3.84

Average gas prices September 15 2008

Since the economy never fully or even significantly rebounded from that time the price should have stayed low based upon that reasoning. It didn't. It went up for the same reason it dropped; supply side plans and restrictions.
Obama has kept the price high and hurt our economy as a result.
Too bad it isn't as low as it was when butthead took over the presidency.

It was only low because of the Bush Financial Crash, which sharply lowered demand.

Either you know this and you're just a dishonest piece of shit, or you're just a dumbass. I think you may be both.

What was the price on the day Lehman Brothers crashed?

Since you ARE a dishonest piece of shit, I'll answer it for you:

Lehman announced Chapter 11 on September 15, 2008.

Gas on September 15, 2008 was $3.84

Average gas prices September 15 2008

Since the economy never fully or even significantly rebounded from that time the price should have stayed low based upon that reasoning. It didn't. It went up for the same reason it dropped; supply side plans and restrictions.
Obama has kept the price high and hurt our economy as a result.

I just read where someone was questioning your intelligence. I didn't have to much opinion about how fucking stupid you are till I read that highlighted sentence. I take it you are dirt poor, with no real estate and no money invested. In other words, a typical Republican on this message board.

My assets rebounded. Why didn't yours? Oh I know, you don't have any "assets". Or any fucking common sense.
It takes not just any idiot but a special type of idiot to think Obama helped these prices go down.

Correct. Gas prices, up or down, are neither because of nor in spite of a POTUS.

Bullshit. Prices dropped in mid summer 2008 directly as a result of a move by Bush. Further, more expansive moves by congress at the end of Sept 2008 dropped prices drastically. Reverse moves by obama in early 2009 impacted prices again and they went way back up.
You are a lefty shill, obama excuse-maker.
What did Bush do? Solendra?
pres. bush did nothing to lower gas prices mid summer 2008 other than reside over the beginnings of our biggest recession since the great depression....the wall street crash, and the Housing bust, the Mortgage crisis/bank bailouts....

When Obama won the primary election in June I believe, gas had reached $4.10 a gallon avg...Roshawn is wrong.

Oops, now I'm back to seeing what a flake you are.

Silly girl. You have a ton of reading to do before you understand the subject of economics.

See this poll:
Economic Political Discontent Make for a Midterm Double Punch - ABC News

It means all those idiots you listen to.....and all that liberal crap you WRONG.

Learn from it.

Hilarious. Republicans ruin the economy. Help send millions of jobs to China. Watch more than 40,000 factories close when the GOP controlled both houses and the presidency.
Then blame everything on Obama who actually has a really good record.
What is the GOP record? They stopped the investigation of BP after that terrible oil spill. They threatened to cut off unemployment benefits for millions of Americans (58 billion) if Obama didn't extend the Bush tax cuts (nearly a trillion). They blocked health care for millions of Americans. And so America rewards them. You get what you deserve.
Too bad it isn't as low as it was when butthead took over the presidency.

It was only low because of the Bush Financial Crash, which sharply lowered demand.

Either you know this and you're just a dishonest piece of shit, or you're just a dumbass. I think you may be both.

What was the price on the day Lehman Brothers crashed?

Since you ARE a dishonest piece of shit, I'll answer it for you:

Lehman announced Chapter 11 on September 15, 2008.

Gas on September 15, 2008 was $3.84

Average gas prices September 15 2008

Since the economy never fully or even significantly rebounded from that time the price should have stayed low based upon that reasoning. It didn't. It went up for the same reason it dropped; supply side plans and restrictions.
Obama has kept the price high and hurt our economy as a result.

I just read where someone was questioning your intelligence. I didn't have to much opinion about how fucking stupid you are till I read that highlighted sentence. I take it you are dirt poor, with no real estate and no money invested. In other words, a typical Republican on this message board.

My assets rebounded. Why didn't yours? Oh I know, you don't have any "assets". Or any fucking common sense.

Assets? Our property value has diminished by about 33%, too. Our wages have stagnated while all consumers costs and withholding have increased.
The economy has not rebounded since the inauguration of obama.
"America has become in the last several years an energy-producing powerhouse. And sorry, Mr. President, I’m not talking about the niche “green energy” sources you are so weirdly fixated with.
Oil prices are falling because of changes in world supply and world demand. Demand has slowed because Europe is an economic wreck. But since 2008 the U.S. has increased our domestic supply by a gigantic 50 percent. This is a result of the astounding shale oil and gas revolution made possible by made-in-America technologies like hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. Already thanks to these inventions, the U.S. has become the number one producer of natural gas. But oil production in states like Oklahoma, Texas and North Dakota has doubled in just six years."

"Without this energy blitz, the U.S. economy would barely have recovered from the recession of 2008-09. From the beginning of 2008 through the end of 2013 the oil and gas extraction industry created more than 100,000 jobs while the overall job market shrank by 970,000."

The True Reason Gas Prices are Falling Hint It s Not Because of Green Energy
n 2005, The Heritage Foundation was criticized by Thomas B. Edsall in The Washington Post for softening its criticism of Malaysia following a business relationship between Heritage's president and Malaysia's then-prime minister Mahathir Mohamad. The Heritage Foundation denied any conflict of interest, stating its views on Malaysia changed following the country's cooperation with the U.S. after the September 11 attacks in 2001,[68] and changes by Malaysia "moving in the right economic and political direction".[69][70]

A 2011 study on poverty in America[71] was heavily criticized for being "distorted", "misleading", and "wrong", and for embracing "anti-poor stereotypes" in order to justify the further retrenchment of the social safety net.[72][73][74][75]
Too bad it isn't as low as it was when butthead took over the presidency.

It was only low because of the Bush Financial Crash, which sharply lowered demand.

Either you know this and you're just a dishonest piece of shit, or you're just a dumbass. I think you may be both.

What was the price on the day Lehman Brothers crashed?

Since you ARE a dishonest piece of shit, I'll answer it for you:

Lehman announced Chapter 11 on September 15, 2008.

Gas on September 15, 2008 was $3.84

Average gas prices September 15 2008

Since the economy never fully or even significantly rebounded from that time the price should have stayed low based upon that reasoning. It didn't. It went up for the same reason it dropped; supply side plans and restrictions.
Obama has kept the price high and hurt our economy as a result.

I just read where someone was questioning your intelligence. I didn't have to much opinion about how fucking stupid you are till I read that highlighted sentence. I take it you are dirt poor, with no real estate and no money invested. In other words, a typical Republican on this message board.

My assets rebounded. Why didn't yours? Oh I know, you don't have any "assets". Or any fucking common sense.
And, BTW, you obviously have no idea how much disposable income you lose annually because of obama's energy policy. My average household loses at least $8k annually in increased costs for gasoline and consumer goods. $8k times 150 million households comes out to over $1.2 trillion our economy is deprived of annually. Disposable income is tangible. Economies snowball -- not inflate -- on increased disposable income. Obama's energy policy has prevented that potential economic snowballing.
Do a budget.
KosherTwit relies on blogs. That's why she's perpetually pretzeled.

Saudi Arabia's Risky Oil-Price Play
""""In September, despite a global oil glut developing largely because of China’s slowdown and the rapid increase in U.S. production, (My note: I wonder why Obama the dictator didn't stop this?) the Saudis boosted production half a percent, to 9.6 million barrels a day, lifting OPEC’s combined production to an 11-month high of almost 31 million barrels a day. Then, on Oct. 1, Saudi Arabia lowered prices by increasing the discount it offered its major Asian customers. The kingdom might just as easily have cut production to defend higher prices. Instead, the Saudis sent a strong signal that they were determined to protect their market share, especially in India and China, against Russian, Latin American, and African rivals. Iraq and Iran followed Saudi Arabia’s example.

The news set off a bear market in oil: Brent crude, the international benchmark, fell from $115.71 a barrel on June 19 to $82.60 a barrel on Oct. 16, the lowest price in almost four years, as investors realized that the big oil states were not going to cut production. “OPEC appears to be gearing up for a price war,” Eugen Weinberg, head of commodities research at Commerzbank (CBK:GR), wrote on Oct. 2. The Saudi government wouldn’t comment for this story.""""

Oil Saudi Arabia s Risky Price Play - Businessweek
Yeah, unemployment is down to 5.9%, the stock market is at 16,986 and gas prices are finally under $3.00/gallon...The country is soooooo much worse off than 2009 when unemployment was 10% and the stock market was 6443.
Yeah, unemployment is down to 5.9%, the stock market is at 16,986 and gas prices are finally under $3.00/gallon...The country is soooooo much worse off than 2009 when unemployment was 10% and the stock market was 6443.
under three bucks?
not here in so cal!
The author:

Stephen Moore, who formerly wrote on the economy and public policy for The Wall Street Journal, is chief economist at The Heritage Foundation.
Yeah, unemployment is down to 5.9%, the stock market is at 16,986 and gas prices are finally under $3.00/gallon...The country is soooooo much worse off than 2009 when unemployment was 10% and the stock market was 6443.
Those unemployment numbers are distorted because they are rated against a number that is reduced due to the number of people no longer counted on the employment roles. People not looking for work are not counted.
Stock market numbers are paper and are overrated where general consumers are concerned. All consumer goods costs are increased while wages have stagnated. People have less money to spend. That is not improvement.
Celebrating a gas price that is still double what it was when the hack took office is a sign of Stockholm Syndrome. You are grateful your punishment is reduced. I want the punishment ended.

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