The true reason gas prices are declining..and it isn't being reported

The increased output does have an affect on oil prices... right now the supply is greater than the demand, which causes prices to go down so that they can sell MORE of reduce their reserves or their stock in it...

Demand has also gone down world wide, due to the higher prices, and due to lower production of manufacturing goods in countries like China, India etc.... it's lower in production because Americans and others are NOT buying as much as they once did, when the economy was better and gas prices were lower, because they don't have the disposable income that they used to have....

Now that fuel prices have gone lower, people will have more disposable income and start spending on other things...the economy may actually get better due to this...Praise the Lord!

However, Saudi Arabia is even pushing down prices further...they have not slowed production even with prices per barrel dropping lower and lower...

The purpose of S/A doing this is to get prices so low, that fracking/shale oil will not be profitable and well pads will have to be shut down and the potential growth with new wells and pads in the USA will subside as well...UNTIL oil prices rise again....

We are kind of in a catch 22....from what I have read on it...

We need oil prices to go down for our economy to take off....

If oil prices go too low, then an entire sector of industry growth in gas/oil in the USA, will come to its knees...

if I understood it correctly....

Dropping Oil Prices Put These Countries at Risk Wolf Street

Oil Bear Market to Eviscerate the American Fracking Boom Wolf Street
Lol. Trust a liberal to be afraid that lower gas prices are a BAD thing.

Like anyone on the left gives a shit about the growth of the oil industry. In fact, I'd say your concern is the exact of course you voice *concern* but in reality, you're scared as shit that it will boom.
Lol. Trust a liberal to be afraid that lower gas prices are a BAD thing.

Like anyone on the left gives a shit about the growth of the oil industry. In fact, I'd say your concern is the exact of course you voice *concern* but in reality, you're scared as shit that it will boom.

They can be. They portend unwell for the global economy.

That's what was going on six winters ago. You know, the one Mittens and the Morons tried to use as a strawman that somehow O'bama was responsible for a market correction? 'Member that?


How many barrels of whatever is frakking producing a year?

I support two measures of equality.

1. If you go to a strip club in Vegas or East St Louis or anywhere they scan your ID and count it as a vote towards legalized strip clubs in your city or neighborhood.

2. If fraking is legal the "safe" ground water from a fraking state is trucked into cities and states which have fought against local fraking on the downlow so you never know when you are drinking it.

Part of my equality for all Americans platform I will be running on in '16.
Lol. Trust a liberal to be afraid that lower gas prices are a BAD thing.

Like anyone on the left gives a shit about the growth of the oil industry. In fact, I'd say your concern is the exact of course you voice *concern* but in reality, you're scared as shit that it will boom.
gawd almighty, some times your ignorance, and eagerness to spit on liberals whenever you can, even if it is senseless, is astounding! :clap:
Lol. Trust a liberal to be afraid that lower gas prices are a BAD thing.

Like anyone on the left gives a shit about the growth of the oil industry. In fact, I'd say your concern is the exact of course you voice *concern* but in reality, you're scared as shit that it will boom.

The point Care posted is the same one I posted at the start of this thread. As the WSJ pointed out, the Saudis' believe they can break the back of the Frackers, the problem is that multi-pad drilling in North Dakota is so efficient that they can make a profit at $60 a barrel, where the Saudis' need $83 a barrel to break even. They will break their own backs, not the Frackers.

The reality is that the jig is up for OPEC. The USA has more proven oil reserves than any nation on Earth. Russia is second, Saudi Arabia is a distant third. The USA has a huge technology advantage over the other countries, with the exception of Canada and Mexico, whom we share our technology with. North America has combined reserves nearly double of the rest of the world combined. OPEC isn't in a position to dictate terms any longer. Oil could actually stabilize for the first time in 50 years.
They can be. They portend unwell for the global economy.

That's what was going on six winters ago. You know, the one Mittens and the Morons tried to use as a strawman that somehow O'bama was responsible for a market correction? 'Member that?

They portend poorly for Venezuela, Iran, and Russia. They are a HUGE boost to Western Europe, China, and America.

Here's how it's going to happen; The Republicans will route the Obamunists in the Senate and make moderate gains in the House in a couple of weeks. The low oil prices will spark production both domestically and with our trading partners. The economy will rebound.

In 2016 - the GOP will remind the nation of life under Obama and the democrats, and how the Republicans turned the disaster of an Obamunist nation around, creating prosperity and plenty. The democrat running for POTUS will get trounced,

You'll wail and gnash your teeth - shrieking that "it's no fair" because the economy was saved by low oil prices - but no one will care and the dream of the Progressive-Authoritarian state will be crushed...

Go have a nice cry now....
Lol. Trust a liberal to be afraid that lower gas prices are a BAD thing.

Like anyone on the left gives a shit about the growth of the oil industry. In fact, I'd say your concern is the exact of course you voice *concern* but in reality, you're scared as shit that it will boom.

The point Care posted is the same one I posted at the start of this thread. As the WSJ pointed out, the Saudis' believe they can break the back of the Frackers, the problem is that multi-pad drilling in North Dakota is so efficient that they can make a profit at $60 a barrel, where the Saudis' need $83 a barrel to break even. They will break their own backs, not the Frackers.

The reality is that the jig is up for OPEC. The USA has more proven oil reserves than any nation on Earth. Russia is second, Saudi Arabia is a distant third. The USA has a huge technology advantage over the other countries, with the exception of Canada and Mexico, whom we share our technology with. North America has combined reserves nearly double of the rest of the world combined. OPEC isn't in a position to dictate terms any longer. Oil could actually stabilize for the first time in 50 years.
Thats just the oil,fracking also has made available NG in abundance. Drove by a new NG self serve station the other day,home delivery is not far behind. What grinds me is the out right lies told by the no drill no spill group,I say if your anti NG then unhook your house,I drive by countless houses in NY that have a sign stuck in the ground next to the gas meter,they want the gas but??
It's a combination of increased domestic extraction -- in spite of obama and the green fascists -- and the fact that the Saudis have lowered their price in addition to pumping as much into the supply as possible. Their reasoning having something to do with weakening Iran.
All in all, it's a supply and demand issue, the very thing that Obama has used against our own economy since he was inaugurated.
Impeach and exile obama.

Number one, gas prices aren't set by 'supply and demand' like widgets. They're set by speculation on the international market.
Number two, neither the Saudis nor O'bama nor anybody else "lowers their price" (see above). What OPEC (not "the Saudis" but OPEC) might do is raise or lower production to try to steer that market, although it's like guiding a barge in a strong current.
Number three, OPEC (again, not "the Saudis" but OPEC) isn't "pumping as much into the supply as possible"; on the contrary they've been expected to cut production, though that hasn't happened during this slide, but speculation on that IS what drives gas prices.

Impeach and exile your post. Oh wait -- I just did.

Speculation is per supply and demand. Just like weather issue precursing a bad crab crop. Difference is that the Saudis, a member of OPEC, and obama are impacting this oil weather, figuratively speaking.
It takes not just any idiot but a special type of idiot to think Obama helped these prices go down.

Correct. Gas prices, up or down, are neither because of nor in spite of a POTUS.

Bullshit. Prices dropped in mid summer 2008 directly as a result of a move by Bush. Further, more expansive moves by congress at the end of Sept 2008 dropped prices drastically. Reverse moves by obama in early 2009 impacted prices again and they went way back up.
You are a lefty shill, obama excuse-maker.
It's a combination of increased domestic extraction -- in spite of obama and the green fascists -- and the fact that the Saudis have lowered their price in addition to pumping as much into the supply as possible. Their reasoning having something to do with weakening Iran.
All in all, it's a supply and demand issue, the very thing that Obama has used against our own economy since he was inaugurated.
Impeach and exile obama.

Number one, gas prices aren't set by 'supply and demand' like widgets. They're set by speculation on the international market.
Number two, neither the Saudis nor O'bama nor anybody else "lowers their price" (see above). What OPEC (not "the Saudis" but OPEC) might do is raise or lower production to try to steer that market, although it's like guiding a barge in a strong current.
Number three, OPEC (again, not "the Saudis" but OPEC) isn't "pumping as much into the supply as possible"; on the contrary they've been expected to cut production, though that hasn't happened during this slide, but speculation on that IS what drives gas prices.

Impeach and exile your post. Oh wait -- I just did.
Which is still driven by supply and demand,even after your attemt at spin.

Speculators speculate;ate based on supply/demand,it that simple.
The major cause of declining oil prices,is the world demand is down,

I'm sure the fact that we've increased our oil output by 50 percent has nothing to do with anything.

Mmm hm.
It does and that has been acknowledged. But it's all relative to demand and global supply. The amount we can expand and need to expand has been stifled by obama energy policy. The increased output we see now is privately acquired and is in spite of obama.
"America has become in the last several years an energy-producing powerhouse. And sorry, Mr. President, I’m not talking about the niche “green energy” sources you are so weirdly fixated with.
Oil prices are falling because of changes in world supply and world demand. Demand has slowed because Europe is an economic wreck. But since 2008 the U.S. has increased our domestic supply by a gigantic 50 percent. This is a result of the astounding shale oil and gas revolution made possible by made-in-America technologies like hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. Already thanks to these inventions, the U.S. has become the number one producer of natural gas. But oil production in states like Oklahoma, Texas and North Dakota has doubled in just six years."

"Without this energy blitz, the U.S. economy would barely have recovered from the recession of 2008-09. From the beginning of 2008 through the end of 2013 the oil and gas extraction industry created more than 100,000 jobs while the overall job market shrank by 970,000."

The True Reason Gas Prices are Falling Hint It s Not Because of Green Energy
Thanks Obama. Since it happened under your watch.
It takes not just any idiot but a special type of idiot to think Obama helped these prices go down.

Correct. Gas prices, up or down, are neither because of nor in spite of a POTUS.

Bullshit. Prices dropped in mid summer 2008 directly as a result of a move by Bush. Further, more expansive moves by congress at the end of Sept 2008 dropped prices drastically. Reverse moves by obama in early 2009 impacted prices again and they went way back up.
You are a lefty shill, obama excuse-maker.
What did Bush do? Solendra?
It's a combination of increased domestic extraction -- in spite of obama and the green fascists -- and the fact that the Saudis have lowered their price in addition to pumping as much into the supply as possible. Their reasoning having something to do with weakening Iran.
All in all, it's a supply and demand issue, the very thing that Obama has used against our own economy since he was inaugurated.
Impeach and exile obama.

Number one, gas prices aren't set by 'supply and demand' like widgets. They're set by speculation on the international market.
Number two, neither the Saudis nor O'bama nor anybody else "lowers their price" (see above). What OPEC (not "the Saudis" but OPEC) might do is raise or lower production to try to steer that market, although it's like guiding a barge in a strong current.
Number three, OPEC (again, not "the Saudis" but OPEC) isn't "pumping as much into the supply as possible"; on the contrary they've been expected to cut production, though that hasn't happened during this slide, but speculation on that IS what drives gas prices.

Impeach and exile your post. Oh wait -- I just did.
Which is still driven by supply and demand,even after your attemt at spin.

Speculators speculate;ate based on supply/demand,it that simple.
The major cause of declining oil prices,is the world demand is down,

I'm sure the fact that we've increased our oil output by 50 percent has nothing to do with anything.

Mmm hm.
It does and that has been acknowledged. But it's all relative to demand and global supply. The amount we can expand and need to expand has been stifled by obama energy policy. The increased output we see now is privately acquired and is in spite of obama.
What the fuck is wrong with you? We become number one in production because Obama stifled production? Even for you that doesn't make sense.

Besides, the oil isn't "ours". It goes on the world market. It belongs to oil companies. Even a dipshit knows if prices drop too far, oil companies will hold back to increase the cost via "supply and demand", something Republicans don't believe exists.
It takes not just any idiot but a special type of idiot to think Obama helped these prices go down.

Correct. Gas prices, up or down, are neither because of nor in spite of a POTUS.

Bullshit. Prices dropped in mid summer 2008 directly as a result of a move by Bush. Further, more expansive moves by congress at the end of Sept 2008 dropped prices drastically. Reverse moves by obama in early 2009 impacted prices again and they went way back up.
You are a lefty shill, obama excuse-maker.
What did Bush do? Solendra?
pres. bush did nothing to lower gas prices mid summer 2008 other than reside over the beginnings of our biggest recession since the great depression....the wall street crash, and the Housing bust, the Mortgage crisis/bank bailouts....

When Obama won the primary election in June I believe, gas had reached $4.10 a gallon avg...Roshawn is wrong.
The increased output does have an affect on oil prices... right now the supply is greater than the demand, which causes prices to go down so that they can sell MORE of reduce their reserves or their stock in it...

Demand has also gone down world wide, due to the higher prices, and due to lower production of manufacturing goods in countries like China, India etc.... it's lower in production because Americans and others are NOT buying as much as they once did, when the economy was better and gas prices were lower, because they don't have the disposable income that they used to have....

Now that fuel prices have gone lower, people will have more disposable income and start spending on other things...the economy may actually get better due to this...Praise the Lord!

However, Saudi Arabia is even pushing down prices further...they have not slowed production even with prices per barrel dropping lower and lower...

The purpose of S/A doing this is to get prices so low, that fracking/shale oil will not be profitable and well pads will have to be shut down and the potential growth with new wells and pads in the USA will subside as well...UNTIL oil prices rise again....

We are kind of in a catch 22....from what I have read on it...

We need oil prices to go down for our economy to take off....

If oil prices go too low, then an entire sector of industry growth in gas/oil in the USA, will come to its knees...

if I understood it correctly....

Dropping Oil Prices Put These Countries at Risk Wolf Street

Oil Bear Market to Eviscerate the American Fracking Boom Wolf Street

At least I give you credit for trying to read up on the subject. The problem is that the topic is very complex and you'd need to read a LOT of articles to gain a real understanding.

What you have NOT mentioned is the very significant fact that they're dropping because the global economy is a mess.

Do you know why the global economy is a mess?

It's a mess because most of the world's leaders are Keynesians.

You might want to spend a lot of time researching what I mean by that.....and by all means ....don't read liberal sources if you want to truly be educated.
It takes not just any idiot but a special type of idiot to think Obama helped these prices go down.

Correct. Gas prices, up or down, are neither because of nor in spite of a POTUS.

Bullshit. Prices dropped in mid summer 2008 directly as a result of a move by Bush. Further, more expansive moves by congress at the end of Sept 2008 dropped prices drastically. Reverse moves by obama in early 2009 impacted prices again and they went way back up.
You are a lefty shill, obama excuse-maker.
What did Bush do? Solendra?
pres. bush did nothing to lower gas prices mid summer 2008 other than reside over the beginnings of our biggest recession since the great depression....the wall street crash, and the Housing bust, the Mortgage crisis/bank bailouts....

When Obama won the primary election in June I believe, gas had reached $4.10 a gallon avg...Roshawn is wrong.

"America has become in the last several years an energy-producing powerhouse. And sorry, Mr. President, I’m not talking about the niche “green energy” sources you are so weirdly fixated with.
Oil prices are falling because of changes in world supply and world demand. Demand has slowed because Europe is an economic wreck. But since 2008 the U.S. has increased our domestic supply by a gigantic 50 percent. This is a result of the astounding shale oil and gas revolution made possible by made-in-America technologies like hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. Already thanks to these inventions, the U.S. has become the number one producer of natural gas. But oil production in states like Oklahoma, Texas and North Dakota has doubled in just six years."

"Without this energy blitz, the U.S. economy would barely have recovered from the recession of 2008-09. From the beginning of 2008 through the end of 2013 the oil and gas extraction industry created more than 100,000 jobs while the overall job market shrank by 970,000."

The True Reason Gas Prices are Falling Hint It s Not Because of Green Energy
Thanks Obama. Since it happened under your watch.

Wow, you and Candy are the idiot twins. LMAO.

You libs are drowning in the polls today.

It takes not just any idiot but a special type of idiot to think Obama helped these prices go down.

Correct. Gas prices, up or down, are neither because of nor in spite of a POTUS.

Bullshit. Prices dropped in mid summer 2008 directly as a result of a move by Bush. Further, more expansive moves by congress at the end of Sept 2008 dropped prices drastically. Reverse moves by obama in early 2009 impacted prices again and they went way back up.
You are a lefty shill, obama excuse-maker.
What did Bush do? Solendra?
pres. bush did nothing to lower gas prices mid summer 2008 other than reside over the beginnings of our biggest recession since the great depression....the wall street crash, and the Housing bust, the Mortgage crisis/bank bailouts....

When Obama won the primary election in June I believe, gas had reached $4.10 a gallon avg...Roshawn is wrong.

Oops, now I'm back to seeing what a flake you are.

Silly girl. You have a ton of reading to do before you understand the subject of economics.

See this poll:
Economic Political Discontent Make for a Midterm Double Punch - ABC News

It means all those idiots you listen to.....and all that liberal crap you WRONG.

Learn from it.
The world economy is a mess because Pubs wrecked it 2003-9, and stalled the US recovery so long with obstruction and phony crises that other countries are double dipping. We ALWAYS have the advantage of our incredible natural resources...
The world economy is a mess because Pubs wrecked it 2003-9, and stalled the US recovery so long with obstruction and phony crises that other countries are double dipping. We ALWAYS have the advantage of our incredible natural resources...

You libs are incapable of admitting you're wrong.

It's ok....because voters are about to shove it down your throat.

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