The Trump administration will fail


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Trump Supporters: It all looked so easy on inauguration day, didn't it?? The Donald had just dropped Hillary Clinton like a bad habit in the election of 2016, and with a Republican controlled House and Senate nothing seemed impossible! Then....the grand plan began to go wrong, did it not?

* Too many nasty personal attacks on fellow Republicans left them feeling marginalized, and belittled, and they refused to cooperate on legislation.

* Too many nasty personal attacks on Democrats made any hopes of bipartisan legislation impossible.

* Too many nasty personal attacks on judges and the judicial system certainly didn't help in getting Trump's executive orders to pass judicial muster.

* Inviting only high ranking Russian officials into the oval office and freely giving away America's most sensitive intelligence information, made the Donald mistrusted among the intelligence community.

* Firing an FBI director that was investigating him for possible collusion with Russia in the election of 2016 then telling Russian officials this "relieves great pressure" comes dangerously close to the textbook definition of obstruction of justice.

* Hiring so may election people with ties to Russia, then telling everyone he knows nothing about "any ties to Russia" is becoming more unbelievable with every passing day.

...and the list goes on. The Donald has made a lot of enemies in his rise to the oval office. It's not surprising that he cannot get anything done now that he is there. Forget the Mueller investigation for now (as if that's not bad enough) the fact is Donald Trump can't govern! and you can thank his insistence on treating everyone around him as an inferior, using threats and intimidation, instead of building alliances, and in thinking he knows more about the law than those with law degrees. RESULT:

* No health care legislation

* No Budget

* No Tax Reform

* No Wall (and if you think Mexico is going to pay for this, you're a special kind of stupid!)

* No national debt reduction

* No infrastructure package

Sorry Trump supporters...The Donald is going down. Nothing can stop that now.
Well, it's been almost a year y'all.

Anyone getting tired of all this winning yet? I'm wondering when Trump is going to start. Maybe after he hits his 1,000th game, he'll start acting presidential.
President Trump has accomplished more positive things for America in one year than W or Obama did in 16. Liberals measure how good a President is by how much free stuff he hands out and how far he bends over for foreign nations.

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