The Trump-Carroll Case is Blatantly the Greatest Miscarriage of Justice in Modern American History

Yeah. I anticipated you would want to avoid addressing your attempt to conceal the source of your cutting and pasting.

How are Dems / Marxists bolstering the MeToo movement when Dems / Marxists are trying to erase the very nature of females and female biology?
You, as usual, dither when you can't refute the point.
In a Banana Republic like the US has become with Potatohead injustice is a daily occurrence.
The conholes are FURIOUS

If i was Trump, i would round up every single illegal in the nation and shove them all into NY and then build a wall around the state. I would WRECK that fucking place. I would deny all federal funding to them, even if they have a natural disaster or terrorist attack. I would turn that shithole into something similar to "Escape from New York", except this time we wont be sending in Snake Pliskin to save the day.
All of that illegal federal retribution to New York State, for a private citizen suing Trump in civil court, and winning the civil case, eh?

get a grip!
Well, on the face of it, it surely doesn't appear that it was illegal.

I mean, there were properly filed complaints in an official court of law, appropriate pre-trial hearings, expensive & competent counsel on both sides, a long experienced judge on the bench for decades overseeing thousands of trials and hearings, and then and most likely the most important aspect....we had 18 individual local citizens and peers of the defendant in two separate jury boxes making two separate judgments; and each did it unanimously in just about 3hrs each (including lunch).

Golly, I ain't a lawyer but it sure has the appearance of legal proceeding. Also appears to be rather decisive (only 3 friggin' hours?)

It was likely more legal than some bloke slamming a woman into a wall, pulling down her tights, and ramming his fingers into her genitals. IMHO

The entire process was illegal
No evidence was presented, just her word.
And Trump's sworn deposition video was shown in court....

Trump REFUSED to testify in person in court....
He could have, just like Carroll stood up to the defence team questioning and did testify, over and over and over again.

Excerpts of Trump deposition testimony.

And Trump's sworn deposition video was shown in court....

Trump REFUSED to testify in person in court....
He could have, just like Carroll stood up to the defence team questioning and did testify, over and over and over again.

Excerpts of Trump deposition testimony.

Talk is cheap and she convinced the jury despite no evidence being presented.
Anyone who actually believes in freedoms and liberty and leaving the citizens the fuck alone would be better than any of the current crop of predators.
The orange one tried to overthrow an election. What bar is lower than that for an American president?

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