The Trump downturn continues....housing sales off, confidence down

Yeah, as in they never did it with Obama, then do it twice as fast as should be with Trump. Is there an agenda here?
No. The recovery was alow and they didn't want to slow it further. They were a little too careful, in retrospect. But they have to raise rates, in a good economy. We need that monetary tool to react to economic problems. That is what happens in a strong economy. Always. But trump the fucking moron doesn't know that, because he just doesnt know much....
If they have to raise rates, why did they never do it when Obama was president, bitch?
I literally just explained why, ya whiny little twat.
Yeah, as in they never did it with Obama, then do it twice as fast as should be with Trump. Is there an agenda here?
No. The recovery was alow and they didn't want to slow it further. They were a little too careful, in retrospect. But they have to raise rates, in a good economy. We need that monetary tool to react to economic problems. That is what happens in a strong economy. Always. But trump the fucking moron doesn't know that, because he just doesnt know much....
If they have to raise rates, why did they never do it when Obama was president, bitch?
I literally just explained why, ya whiny little twat.

So you admit it was not a good economy when Obama was president, correct? Now that Trump's president, it's a good economy, correct?
It looks to me like that's exactly what you're saying. 'Sup, bitch? :1peleas:
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A good economy cannot exist in socialism…
I'm not proposing pure socialism...not that you even understand what that word means. We have a mixed system.

But i am proposing public funding of college, of elections, and of healthcare.
So you admit it was not a good economy when Obama was president, correct?
No idiot, i literally just said they waited too long, because the economy was so good. Damn son, you are one dense little dweeb.
A good economy cannot exist in socialism… The bile(socialism) Is the natural enemy of small business

He's a lying sack of shit anyways. :abgg2q.jpg: I just exposed what he was admitting.

The Fed never raised during Obama because the economy was bad.

The economy started getting good with Trump so they raised..

Too much too fast, and everybody knows it.

Yeah, that's a form of fallacy, but I ain't bullshittin'. :dunno:
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The economic numbers coming in are getting worse and worse for the Trump administration.

The Pain Of This New Economic Downturn Is Starting To Show Up All Over The Country

Home sales down 7.8% in May
Consumer confidence down
FedEx reports loss of 1.97 BILLION dollars in the fiscal 4Q, ending May 31st.
Anyone with a working brain should realize sooner or later no country, no matter how prosperous it appears on the outside can only sustain so many years of an UNSTABLE GOVERNMENT. I mean the shits not rocket science. You can't have a mentally unstable piece of shit president, a rubber stamping racist pathetic pro rich Senate and a cowardly worthless pile of shit congress and expect endless prosperous rewards.
More Making America Great
Kinda like that hope and change BS.
Obama gave us change and stability, its just that you white bastards was too busy hating to realize how good he made this country after Bush. I live for the day, your entire race is out numbered in this country and around the world....every place you people thrive, eventually implodes because of greed and racism....its in your DNA
More Making America Great
Kinda like that hope and change BS.
Obama gave us change and stability, its just that you white bastards was too busy hating to realize how good he made this country after Bush. I live for the day, your entire race is out numbered in this country and around the world....every place you people thrive, eventually implodes because of greed and racism....its in your DNA
Whites will always outnumber blacks my racist friend. Your race murders far too many in the womb. Then many who make it alive threw the birth canal, kill each other over all sorts of stupid shit. Life expectancy for the black male is exceedingly low.
More Making America Great
Kinda like that hope and change BS.
Obama gave us change and stability, its just that you white bastards was too busy hating to realize how good he made this country after Bush. I live for the day, your entire race is out numbered in this country and around the world....every place you people thrive, eventually implodes because of greed and racism....its in your DNA
Getting along is way overrated
What did Obama change exactly?
He changed nothing, but ardent leftists haven’t figured that out yet.

He made matters worse, which is why we have Donnie. He started or continued seven wars, bailed out the criminals on Wall Street, blow up the national debt and was world history’s greatest arms dealer, and increased concentration of wealth to his buddies in the 1%.
The economic numbers coming in are getting worse and worse for the Trump administration.

The Pain Of This New Economic Downturn Is Starting To Show Up All Over The Country

Home sales down 7.8% in May
Consumer confidence down
FedEx reports loss of 1.97 BILLION dollars in the fiscal 4Q, ending May 31st.

Look for the MSM to begin an incessant propaganda blitz designed to worry the masses and cause a economic downturn. This is a long term plan by the media to make things bad to try and get rid of trump.

This is only the beginning, and the majority of what will be "reported" will be false.
The economic numbers coming in are getting worse and worse for the Trump administration.

How many times do I have to explain this....

Trump supporters like myself don’t care about Economic issues. We are far more interested in Social Issues.
More Making America Great
They can move the wayfare furniture store down south while they are at it. I believe the north is trying to reenergize the rust belt to their agenda. Come on Boeing....all of you move down to the South. Your citizens are applauding second rate status. I tried to warn you.
Boeing was just in the news about how patriotic they are..
Boeing's 737 Max Software Outsourced to $9-an-Hour Engineers

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
The economic numbers coming in are getting worse and worse for the Trump administration.

The Pain Of This New Economic Downturn Is Starting To Show Up All Over The Country

Home sales down 7.8% in May
Consumer confidence down
FedEx reports loss of 1.97 BILLION dollars in the fiscal 4Q, ending May 31st.

Look for the MSM to begin an incessant propaganda blitz designed to worry the masses and cause a economic downturn. This is a long term plan by the media to make things bad to try and get rid of trump.

This is only the beginning, and the majority of what will be "reported" will be false.

Sounds more like a theory or opinion that all the liberal media's getting together to cause an economic downturn. Looks more like Obama's economy that trump's been riding is finally slowing down. Of course, that's just my opinion.
lol another fake news thread. the economy hasn't been good since the 1970's. Morons just think the stock market is some kind of domestic economic indicator; it isn't. Disposable income levels continue to drop, but are slowing down, and if Trump continues his trade negotiating strategies, many companies will find the subsidies for off-shoring aren't worth the effort any more and move back, increasing our tax base. The Democrats of course are just Wall Street shills, despite what their dumbass base thinks, so they resist improving the domestic economy in order to puff up Red China.

All Obama's economy survived on was $3+ trillion in bailouts for banks, more subsidies for the Red Chinese economy, and very cheap money for the Fed for the big prime rate borrowers, i.e. just another debt bubble and bailouts from criminals. Trump is to be commended for not trying to generate yet another debt bubble built on hyper-inflated housing equities.
What about people that want nothing to do with that shit?
They would vote,just like everyone else. What do you think makes you whiners so special? Nobody agrees with every single destination for their tax dollars. Again, what makes you crybabies so special? Grow up.

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