The Trump effect on our kids

From this link:
The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on Our Nation's Schools

“My students are terrified of Donald Trump,” says one teacher from a middle school with a large population of African-American Muslims. “They think that if he’s elected, all black people will get sent back to Africa.”

In state after state, teachers report similar fears among minority children.

In Virginia, an elementary school teacher says students are “crying in the classroom and having meltdowns at home.” In Oregon, a K-3 teacher says her black students are “concerned for their safety because of what they see on TV at Trump rallies.” In North Carolina, a high school teacher says she has “Latino students who carry their birth certificates and Social Security cards to school because they are afraid they will be deported.

Some of the stories are heartbreaking. In Tennessee, a kindergarten teacher says a Latino child—told by classmates that he will be deported and trapped behind a wall—asks every day, “Is the wall here yet?””
We are countering your hate America school agenda....

Here's another paragraph that you can thank Trump for:

Over two-thirds (67 percent) of educators reported that young people in their schools—most often immigrants, children of immigrants, Muslims, African Americans and other students of color—had expressed concern about what might happen to them or their families after the election. Close to one-third of the students in American classrooms are children of foreign-born parents. This year, they are scared, stressed and in need of reassurance and support from teachers. Muslim children are harassed and worried. Even native-born African-American children, whose families arrived here before the American Revolution, ask about being sent back to Africa. Others, especially younger students, have worries that are the stuff of nightmares, like a return to slavery or being rounded up and put into camps. Overall, these vulnerable students are disillusioned and depressed at the hatred they’re hearing from candidates, in the news, from classmates and even, sometimes, from trusted adults. They’re discouraged to find out what people really think. Teachers struggle to help them feel safe.
And it's working....

What's "working?" The fear and hate your great white leader is spreading? Yes, it is. It's scaring the shit out of children. Congratulations big man.
Countering your fear and hate your great,racist leader is spreading. Yes it is working as evidenced by scaring the shit out of your fascist educators. I pitty you and your public school education....

Keep up standing up for the guy scaring the living shit out of children, big man. That says more about you than I ever could.
We are countering your hate America school agenda....

Here's another paragraph that you can thank Trump for:

Over two-thirds (67 percent) of educators reported that young people in their schools—most often immigrants, children of immigrants, Muslims, African Americans and other students of color—had expressed concern about what might happen to them or their families after the election. Close to one-third of the students in American classrooms are children of foreign-born parents. This year, they are scared, stressed and in need of reassurance and support from teachers. Muslim children are harassed and worried. Even native-born African-American children, whose families arrived here before the American Revolution, ask about being sent back to Africa. Others, especially younger students, have worries that are the stuff of nightmares, like a return to slavery or being rounded up and put into camps. Overall, these vulnerable students are disillusioned and depressed at the hatred they’re hearing from candidates, in the news, from classmates and even, sometimes, from trusted adults. They’re discouraged to find out what people really think. Teachers struggle to help them feel safe.
And it's working....

What's "working?" The fear and hate your great white leader is spreading? Yes, it is. It's scaring the shit out of children. Congratulations big man.
Countering your fear and hate your great,racist leader is spreading. Yes it is working as evidenced by scaring the shit out of your fascist educators. I pitty you and your public school education....

Keep up standing up for the guy scaring the living shit out of children, big man. That says more about you than I ever could.
I will never stop fighting you democrat fascists.....

You keep sitting, because we're coming to say hi.....
Here's another paragraph that you can thank Trump for:

Over two-thirds (67 percent) of educators reported that young people in their schools—most often immigrants, children of immigrants, Muslims, African Americans and other students of color—had expressed concern about what might happen to them or their families after the election. Close to one-third of the students in American classrooms are children of foreign-born parents. This year, they are scared, stressed and in need of reassurance and support from teachers. Muslim children are harassed and worried. Even native-born African-American children, whose families arrived here before the American Revolution, ask about being sent back to Africa. Others, especially younger students, have worries that are the stuff of nightmares, like a return to slavery or being rounded up and put into camps. Overall, these vulnerable students are disillusioned and depressed at the hatred they’re hearing from candidates, in the news, from classmates and even, sometimes, from trusted adults. They’re discouraged to find out what people really think. Teachers struggle to help them feel safe.
And it's working....

What's "working?" The fear and hate your great white leader is spreading? Yes, it is. It's scaring the shit out of children. Congratulations big man.
Countering your fear and hate your great,racist leader is spreading. Yes it is working as evidenced by scaring the shit out of your fascist educators. I pitty you and your public school education....

Keep up standing up for the guy scaring the living shit out of children, big man. That says more about you than I ever could.
I will never stop fighting you democrat fascists.....

You keep sitting, because we're coming to say hi.....

You can "fight" all you want, confused boi. You'll never win whatever ridiculous, fantastical "war" you've dreamt up in your hate-filled pea brain, squirt. Now, go back to masturbating with your other alt-right faggots tears, their dreams of the great white trump hope are being crushed as we speak. Plenty of lube for you!
And it's working....

What's "working?" The fear and hate your great white leader is spreading? Yes, it is. It's scaring the shit out of children. Congratulations big man.
Countering your fear and hate your great,racist leader is spreading. Yes it is working as evidenced by scaring the shit out of your fascist educators. I pitty you and your public school education....

Keep up standing up for the guy scaring the living shit out of children, big man. That says more about you than I ever could.
I will never stop fighting you democrat fascists.....

You keep sitting, because we're coming to say hi.....

You can "fight" all you want, confused boi. You'll never win whatever ridiculous, fantastical "war" you've dreamt up in your hate-filled pea brain, squirt. Now, go back to masturbating with your other alt-right faggots tears, their dreams of the great white trump hope are being crushed as we speak. Plenty of lube for you!
Good will always triumph over you evil fucks.......
This commenter is correct:

Gabe Schnieder
This is false. He got jumped for looking at someones privates in the bathroom...Look at the original tweets...stop spreading false info

Holy shite. Somebody's STILL quoting Jim Hoft? Isn't he like 0-for-5,965,671,358 on veracity?
Liberals are making sure that adults can shower with the children of strangers and they are worried about Trump saying the word pussy.

When children start asking why daddy has a pussy start worrying.
Trump bragged about walking through under-aged girl's dressing rooms. And you would drop to your knees and garble his tiny cock at a moment's notice.
And Bill Clinton stuck a cigar up a teenager's twat. And some how that's OK. I don' like Trump but at least his wife isn't attacking the teenager.

Bill Clinton... Bill Clinton.... what's he running for again? :dunno:
Just to be clear here, what is on display in your op is not the Trump effect. It is the unhinged liberal parenting effect.

It's the Rump Effect, expressed through the mouths of children -- because it demonstrates how infantile it is.

Apparently you got sump'm against kids learning how dialogue works. Rotsa ruck for any kid who wants to be a thespian.
Or, gods forbid, ever hearing an alternate opinion and letting them make up their own minds. Oh no, we can't have that.

Kids have gotten worse with their behaviour in this administration, so I don't see it as a left or right problem.
I think many things combined is what needs to be addressed and corrected.
Base it on studies conducted around the world as to what is really working best in all areas.
Most of those studies show close family units with two partners and family members work the best.
Kids have gotten worse with their behaviour in this administration, so I don't see it as a left or right problem.
I think many things combined is what needs to be addressed and corrected.
Base it on studies conducted around the world as to what is really working best in all areas.
Most of those studies show close family units with two partners and family members work the best.
So now the Obama administration is responsible for bad behavior of kids around the world. :cuckoo::cuckoo:
Comrade Trump's Amerika:

What kind of low life dumbfuck would subject their kids to this election bs ON PURPOSE?

Oh yeah, the left

It was not democrats who made this an R rated election.

You are wrong. It was very much the Democrat media that put forth a video that was never intended for prime time. Trump is an idiot but you idiots own this topic. It's all yall talk about 24/7

The primary responsible rests with the person that created this filth, not the person that exposed it.
Comrade Trump's Amerika:

What kind of low life dumbfuck would subject their kids to this election bs ON PURPOSE?

Oh yeah, the left

It was not democrats who made this an R rated election.

You are wrong. It was very much the Democrat media that put forth a video that was never intended for prime time. Trump is an idiot but you idiots own this topic. It's all yall talk about 24/7

The primary responsible rests with the person that created this filth, not the person that exposed it.

What filth?
Comrade Trump's Amerika:

What kind of low life dumbfuck would subject their kids to this election bs ON PURPOSE?

Oh yeah, the left

It was not democrats who made this an R rated election.

You are wrong. It was very much the Democrat media that put forth a video that was never intended for prime time. Trump is an idiot but you idiots own this topic. It's all yall talk about 24/7

The primary responsible rests with the person that created this filth, not the person that exposed it.


Only one entity decided to air a private conversation publicly. And that entity is the Democratic establishment
Trump is even inciting hatred among our own children. Everyday this manhcild remains a candidate is a further embarrassment to our nation.

Teachers Alarmed That Trump's Behavior Is Causing Increased Bullying In US Schools
No he isn't. The adults showing this stuff to kids, without proper context and with an agenda, are inciting hatred among our children. But hey, these are their children and they are free to raise little hate-mongers all they want. Until either Clinton or Trump are elected, its a free country.....
Trump is even inciting hatred among our own children. Everyday this manhcild remains a candidate is a further embarrassment to our nation.

Teachers Alarmed That Trump's Behavior Is Causing Increased Bullying In US Schools
No he isn't. The adults showing this stuff to kids, without proper context and with an agenda, are inciting hatred among our children. But hey, these are their children and they are free to raise little hate-mongers all they want. Until either Clinton or Trump are elected, its a free country.....
Not according to the lefts propaganda. It takes a village to raise a child. And as a villager I say these parents are unfit to be parents.

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