The Trump “meeting” with Fuentes WAS a set-up?

Quit making excuses for this man. He's running for president again. He ought to know by now that some of his biggest fans are toxic waste and he can only offer them tacit approval at a distance.
I’ll take your advice — well — never.

And it is NOT “making excuses” to rebut an ignorant & dishonest accusation, such as you made.

Now, feel obliged to gfy.
As suspected, Trump was set up.

No surprise here.
These idiots that make it their life's mission to take down the Orange Man are obsessive-compulsive and it will eventually drive them over the edge. They keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results. The story is a flash-in-the-pan, then the truth gets out and rather than harm his popularity or support... it strengthens it.
Don’t blame that fine author. Accept responsibility. !!!

Protectors? Like MTG, Roger Stone, Epshteyn, MyPillow, etc...
No... handlers. Staff.
High profile people have people employed whose purpose is to stop something like this from happening.
The only reason this didn't happen while he was President, was he was President. And the White House comes with staff to stop interlopers from showing up.
My biggest question is why, after all that has happened around him in the past couple years, is Kanye invited??
The man is verifiably nuts. He brought a nationally known racist with him. Kanye is black. Pretty sure he wouldn't be hanging around white supremacist. It was a set up, and because there was no adequate security and vetting - the piece of shit walked right in and sat next to a former President. That shouldn't happen.
They're eating their own! I knew the Republican civil war was going to get interesting. Who needs Netflix? :popcorn:
Well, you're correct about the "civil war" inside the Republican party. It's a cage match between Trump supporters who truly want to see America's resurgence and the uniparty scum who play by DC rules and don't give a damn about the country or their voters.

It will likely be a nasty few years but the RINOs can't win anymore than can your party. BOTH have lost their main advantage over the years. NEITHER can hide their contempt for a man who is championed by the majority of what used to be a Conservative Party. When the media loses what little power of persuasion that still have, RINOs will go extinct and your party will be left with the choice of openly enforcing tyranny or burning the country down, altogether. You should probably stock up on more than popcorn.
I’ll take your advice — well — never.

And it is NOT “making excuses” to rebut an ignorant & dishonest accusation, such as you made.

Now, feel obliged to gfy.
You are making excuses. Smart people are pretty hard to "set up". It's bad enough that he granted Kanye an audience but he didn't have someone check out who he was bringing? You're looking to blame anyone except the guy that ought to know better by now.
Nope. Your ignorance is not surprising. But it’s pretty sad that you refuse to accept correction.

Your posts remain lacking in any value.
Once again it seems Trump is not to ever be held responsible for his actions. God what a shameless ass kissing sycophant you are.
Once again it seems Trump is not to ever be held responsible for his actions. God what a shameless ass kissing sycophant you are.
Not “once again.” For that you’d need at least one example. And you have none at all. Not even a first one.

God! What an ass-sucking dishonest libtard you’ve always been and will always be.

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