The Trump “meeting” with Fuentes WAS a set-up?

After Putin and Xi had set him up, nefarious forces realized how easy it is to do. Just pander to his bloated ego.

With legal waterloos up the ying-yang, his hosting degenerates at his hoity-toity pleasure palace now has the right-wing Jewish lobby joining white evangelicals, rightist media, greedy mega-donors, and former Trump regime insiders abandoning the foundering Trump manure barge.

Shitlapper ^ is really incoherent today. More so than usual.
You think his staff has a duty to screen out every possible shithead? Sure.
I’ve been part of “the staff” as security/handler for wealthy clients.

That’s exactly what the entourage is supposed to do. If they aren’t, they aren’t doing their job.
Oh, so he was just planning to meet with a vile anti semite and a pedophilia supporter.

Well that's fine, then. Nice work!
Farty ^ is farting again.

I think the somewhat stupid Ye did employ some anti-Semite tropes but I don’t agree that he is (overall) an anti semite. He might be. I don’t hands on his pronouncements.

I’m also unaware of any support for pedophilia by Ye. Sounds doubtful.

In short, as always, Farty posts his usual crap. Zzzz
Farty ^ is farting again.

I think the somewhat stupid Ye did employ some anti-Semite tropes but I don’t agree that he is (overall) an anti semite. He might be. I don’t hands on his pronouncements.

I’m also unaware of any support for pedophilia by Ye. Sounds doubtful.

In short, as always, Farty posts his usual crap. Zzzz
In other words, you are ignorant and can't be bothered to learn anything.

We know.
Trump knew who he was meeting. If that's not so why do you follow such a gullible fool?
Trump is after the votes these radicals can muster. He doesn’t care about what they represent; Trump just wants their followers’ votes & support, period.

So? West is an antisemite.
He is a celebrity and not a very learned one... Ye says dumb stuff but that is allowed in America the last time I looked... Trump's son in law is Jewish and so is his daughter and grandchildren... if Ye was such an anti-Semite why would he even go there for dinner?...
We heard some really bad economic news today and the media is freaking out about dinner guests at Mar A Lago... and you fall right in line...
The banks are under water by a trillion dollars according to market watch and that's worse than 2008 and you are swallowing the bait...
Shitlapper ^ is really incoherent today. More so than usual.
Well, Rosebud, in charity, we'll allow for your being pissy because the right-wing Jewish lobby, white evangelicals, rightist media, greedy mega-donors, and senior GOP politicians are all abandoning the serial Loser (2018, 2020, 2022.)

With multiple criminal investigations to occupy his dotage, he'll be kept occupied, but he'll still have time to cavort with all the white supremacists and antisemites that make him happy.

Wave "Bye-bye,! Bye-bye!" to your Binky.

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They're eating their own! I knew the Republican civil war was going to get interesting. Who needs Netflix? :popcorn:
Republican civil war? Are the supposed to be like Democrats and all march along in mindless lockstep and never question each other?
They're eating their own! I knew the Republican civil war was going to get interesting. Who needs Netflix? :popcorn:
As mega-donors, rightist Jews, white evangelicals, and conservative media all abandon the Loser, as his multiple prosecutorial waterloos intensify, Trump as Ye's No. 2 on the ticket may be his best option.

In summation,

After [Kan]Ye [West] lost lucrative endorsement deals and became a mainstream cultural pariah for spewing disgusting antisemitic remarks, Trump invited him to dinner.

Trump is a notorious sticker for not dining with more than one antisemite at a time.

His strict quota was exceeded when a second antisemite (and white supremacist to boot) was unwittingly welcomed to his table.

The "Trump loyalist" gained easy access to the hoity-toity make-do depository for classified government documents.

In damage control, Trump’s campaign is now instituting new vetting procedures and gatekeeping efforts, fearing who may be attracted to the unrestricted chowfests.

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You have two choices here. Trump knew who he was meeting or he's an idiot. Pick one.
You are so dumb that you forgot a third choice,
3) he doesn't care because the race baiting by the left is not gonna change the fact that he's not a racist, the act of manipulating a race of people and thinking they are too dumb to notice your ploys, pandering, and using them is however racist of the leftist politicians, it's why many of the Latinos were insulted by the lefts tactics and switched parties and surprised the Progressives.
As suspected, Trump was set up.

No surprise here.
It is just amazing that anybody was ever stupid enough to think this guy was ever even remotely qualified to be POTUS.
He is so CLUELESS he appears to be easily duped (set up) by just about anybody.
He never seems to mean what he says....or actually say what he means.

Even in his current tax fraud case his only defense (if you want to call it that) is that he was in the dark about his company's own business practices.

What an incompetent clown!

You think rich and famous people just meet with randos without their staff acting as a filter? That’s how it works.
No. I don’t. But I also don’t believe that all dinner parties get the same scrutiny as public meetings. You’re basically full of shit

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