The Trump "So What" Defense.

Lakhota still hasn't realized that she lost?

Imagine living in such a fact free reality. It was utterly stupid what your party did... Orange Man Bad is not an impeachable offense.

After the trial Trump investigates Biden for real crimes. Then you may be able to recognize what those look like. Scamming the tax payer for personal gain...

She who?
Lakhota still hasn't realized that she lost?

Imagine living in such a fact free reality. It was utterly stupid what your party did... Orange Man Bad is not an impeachable offense.

After the trial Trump investigates Biden for real crimes. Then you may be able to recognize what those look like. Scamming the tax payer for personal gain...

She who?

I identify you as female.
Lakhota still hasn't realized that she lost?

Imagine living in such a fact free reality. It was utterly stupid what your party did... Orange Man Bad is not an impeachable offense.

After the trial Trump investigates Biden for real crimes. Then you may be able to recognize what those look like. Scamming the tax payer for personal gain...

She who?

I identify you as female.


Lakhota still hasn't realized that she lost?

Imagine living in such a fact free reality. It was utterly stupid what your party did... Orange Man Bad is not an impeachable offense.

After the trial Trump investigates Biden for real crimes. Then you may be able to recognize what those look like. Scamming the tax payer for personal gain...

She who?

I identify you as female.

I identify you as on permanent ignore. Bye...
I don't see how making a media spectacle of this really advantages team Trump. He's already lost in the court of public opinion with more that 60% thinking he broke the law. But basically dems want him kicked out, gopers don't, and independents are split.

CNN poll: 51% say Senate should remove Trump from office - CNNPolitics

McConnell has tried to low key this because he has three senators running in states where Trump's personality is not a positive issue.
I have no doubt that this is how the Trump* impeachment trial will end. The only positive outcome will be the price they will likely pay in the 2020 elections - and that historians will crucify them.

Know what I find funny as hell? Trump is now bitching that his defense team is starting their part of the trial on Saturday, and Trump is saying that Saturday is "death valley television".

'Death Valley in T.V.': Trump complains about his trial defense team starting Saturday

President Donald Trump on Friday slammed Democratic House impeachment managers for perpetrating "lies, fraud and deception" and complained that his own legal defense team would have to start their arguments on Saturday — what the president said is called "Death Valley in T.V."

"After having been treated unbelievably unfairly in the House, and then having to endure hour after hour of lies, fraud & deception by Shifty Schiff, Cryin' Chuck Schumer & their crew, looks like my lawyers will be forced to start on Saturday, which is called Death Valley in T.V.," tweeted Trump, a former reality television star known widely for being especially cognizant of how things play on television.

After having been treated unbelievably unfairly in the House, and then having to endure hour after hour of lies, fraud & deception by Shifty Schiff, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer & their crew, looks like my lawyers will be forced to start on Saturday, which is called Death Valley in T.V.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 24, 202
Today is the last day of sane testimony. Starting tomorrow it will be insane conspiracy theories from the Trump* team. Their lies will be so fast and furious that it will likely be impossible to debunk them on the fly.
Today is the last day of sane testimony. Starting tomorrow it will be insane conspiracy theories from the Trump* team. Their lies will be so fast and furious that it will likely be impossible to debunk them on the fly.

You have not heard them...but you know they are lies.

You are full of always.

How does it feel to be the laughing stock of the world the last three years....the party that lost to Trump. :21::21::21:

What's going to hurt more is the four extra years of Trump you are going to have to endure. Buckle up Buttercup.
I'm looking forward to Chairman Adam Schiff's closing arguments tonight. They will be historic! That man is brilliant and a great American patriot.
Trump is like I'm all out of give a fuck about the Schiff Sham
Time to attack the tards that created the Schiff sham
Maybe prison time will fit the crime for Schiff and nadler.
Trumps defense is that he is above the law

Sure looks that way
Trump* may not be convicted and removed from office - but he will not be exonerated. He will wear the stain of impeachment throughout eternity.
I'm looking forward to Chairman Adam Schiff's closing arguments tonight. They will be historic! That man is brilliant and a great American patriot.

Adam Schiff, deserves an epic beating.

Followed by a trial of his own.

Then a jail cell with someone who will appreciate him as the female half.

The man is a known liar.

He has conflated what were facts, manufactured others, and generally deceived morons like you.
Trump* may not be convicted and removed from office - but he will not be exonerated. He will wear the stain of impeachment throughout eternity.

It will be a badge of honor coming from you guys.

Can't wait to haul the Bidens in front of a cameral.

Tell me Hunter, how is it that someone gave you a 1MM$/year job in an industry you know nothing about ?
Trumps defense is that he is above the law

Sure looks that way

What law....?

You've yet to show what law he broke.

You only manufacture fairy tales to argue against.

Then fail to call or compete for witnesses to corobborate your story.

Then want the senate to do your job.

Besides being grandstanding and lazy, you are shiftless traitors.
Well, the "So What" defense begins Saturday morning at 10:00 am.

It will be more than the so what crap you keep blathering.

Dershowitz vs. Schiff (after Turley told Schiff he was the one abusing power)'s no contest. Schitt is already a demonstrated idiot. Can't wait for the final nail in his coffin.

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