The Trump Tax Is Here

Inventory Manufacturing Tax Tips | Internal Revenue Service
Does Your State Tax Business Inventory? - Tax Foundation

Pay taxes on it when you buy it.
Pay taxes on it again if it's stored and a shelf item.
Pay Federal and State to store parts...........

So...........we don't store jack squat anymore...............scrapped it................millions........

You oversimplified that to suit your agenda. You generally don't pay sales taxes on shit you inventory.
Inventory Manufacturing Tax Tips | Internal Revenue Service
Does Your State Tax Business Inventory? - Tax Foundation

Pay taxes on it when you buy it.
Pay taxes on it again if it's stored and a shelf item.
Pay Federal and State to store parts...........

So...........we don't store jack squat anymore...............scrapped it................millions........

You oversimplified that to suit your agenda. You generally don't pay sales taxes on shit you inventory.
Spare parts at plants is nothing new.............and yes we used to be able to go write a ticket and pull parts and consumables off the shelf for immediate only essential items are stored..........Consumables aren't anymore................

We buy per job now to avoid the taxes.......and taxes are paid on those purchases.
Would be funny were it not so idiotically twisted.....

American workers are better paid than most foreign workers.
Products made by those American workers therefore cost more than the foreign stuff.
American unemployed want jobs back but don't want to work for slave wages.
They don't want to pay the price for goods made by Americans making the higher wages.
Tariffs level the playing field. They bring the price of foreign made goods up so American goods are price-competitive at the retail level. That puts more Americans to work at American wages so they have more money in their pockets and. But no.....the " rogressive" (and the just plain stupid) want American jobs back but only want to spend the money they have from working at those jobs on foreign made stuff.


Fucking brilliant.

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