The Trump Vaccine


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
I would like to thank President Trump for Operation Warp Speed, for which he was the architect, which is about to bring about a cure for the China Virus in record time. Following a suggestion made on TV this morning, it should henceforth be called THE TRUMP VACCINE.

I would also like to thank him for starting no new wars and effectively ending the ones he inherited. And also, I thank him for his "America First" policy---which every American President ought to embrace as a matter of course---how can they do otherwise in spite of Globalists and Socialists who would drain America of its wealth for their own selfish purposes; and who would muzzle Americans in order to help hide they malignant, scurrilous plans.

And, I would like to thank President Trump for his arduous, heroic battle to keep every promise he made in the face of fiercely deranged opposition to everything involving his America First policies. It is a shame THE TRUMP VACCINE will not also cure Trump Derangement Syndrome.

And, finally, I thank him for shining a light on the corruption in the rotting cities run by Democrats for half a century or more. They will surely be America's downfall.

God Bless Don Trump.

He broke the dinosaur media and made the anti American Democrats show their asses. I love it.

Dem House lost net 13 seats in an election where the Dem POTUS got 6 million more votes than the Pubs?

I voted him in to be a bull in a China shop and break some shit. He did and I love it.

Fuck acting PRESIDENTIAL....Obama was PRESIDENTIAL....That piece of shit started 5 wars and killed 500,000 brown people...all the time the idiot liberals clapping like trained seals. Fuck being PRESIDENTIAL.
Ya, thanks Donald, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

So I take it you don't want your dose of the Trump Vaccine?

Fine with me, I'm pretty sure there's someone more deserving.
Nice tribute. One would figure though that after at least 28 years they would have figured out something about the need for a political derangement syndrome vaccine.
I would like to thank President Trump for Operation Warp Speed, for which he was the architect, which is about to bring about a cure for the China Virus in record time. Following a suggestion made on TV this morning, it should henceforth be called THE TRUMP VACCINE.
Agree with a small edit: THE DESPITE TRUMP VACCINE!
Nice tribute. One would figure though that after at least 28 years they would have figured out something about the need for a political derangement syndrome vaccine.

Oh, there's a cure for that ... Distribution might be a mess though.

Nice tribute. One would figure though that after at least 28 years they would have figured out something about the need for a political derangement syndrome vaccine.
Oh, there's a cure for that ... Distribution might be a mess though.
True, because those most in need would be the most resistant to its administration.
I would like to thank President Trump for Operation Warp Speed, for which he was the architect, which is about to bring about a cure for the China Virus in record time. Following a suggestion made on TV this morning, it should henceforth be called THE TRUMP VACCINE.

I would also like to thank him for starting no new wars and effectively ending the ones he inherited. And also, I thank him for his "America First" policy---which every American President ought to embrace as a matter of course---how can they do otherwise in spite of Globalists and Socialists who would drain America of its wealth for their own selfish purposes; and who would muzzle Americans in order to help hide they malignant, scurrilous plans.

And, I would like to thank President Trump for his arduous, heroic battle to keep every promise he made in the face of fiercely deranged opposition to everything involving his America First policies. It is a shame THE TRUMP VACCINE will not also cure Trump Derangement Syndrome.

And, finally, I thank him for shining a light on the corruption in the rotting cities run by Democrats for half a century or more. They will surely be America's downfall.

God Bless Don Trump.


Donald Trump has nothing to do with the vaccines. Those were developed by scientists under the auspices of the World Health Organization - the people Trump has ignored throughout the pandemic. Pfizer refused all offers of money from Trump and their vaccine was the first successful one.

Just like the Obama Economy, which Trump drove into a ditch, Trump is taking credit for the work of the United Nations, and the scientists who developed the vaccine. With or without Trump, these vaccines would have been created.
I would like to thank President Trump for Operation Warp Speed, for which he was the architect, which is about to bring about a cure for the China Virus in record time. Following a suggestion made on TV this morning, it should henceforth be called THE TRUMP VACCINE.

I would also like to thank him for starting no new wars and effectively ending the ones he inherited. And also, I thank him for his "America First" policy---which every American President ought to embrace as a matter of course---how can they do otherwise in spite of Globalists and Socialists who would drain America of its wealth for their own selfish purposes; and who would muzzle Americans in order to help hide they malignant, scurrilous plans.

And, I would like to thank President Trump for his arduous, heroic battle to keep every promise he made in the face of fiercely deranged opposition to everything involving his America First policies. It is a shame THE TRUMP VACCINE will not also cure Trump Derangement Syndrome.

And, finally, I thank him for shining a light on the corruption in the rotting cities run by Democrats for half a century or more. They will surely be America's downfall.

God Bless Don Trump.


Let's see. During the Spanish Flu, the Military did the same thing. When the Polio Vaccine was distributed, the military did the same thing. And so on and so on. Give the credit to the ones that are actually doing it and that's the US Military, not some crackpot that is trying to grab others thunder once again.
Ya, thanks Donald, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
So I take it you don't want your dose of the Trump Vaccine? Fine with me, I'm pretty sure there's someone more deserving.
I wouldn't take a vaccine with nanotechnology in it. You can have all my shots. Good luck!
I haven't heard about the nanotechnology. Got a cite?
Ya, thanks Donald, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
You want Trump to personally inject you don't you?
No, I would never take a vaccine with nanotechnology in it.

A vaccine with nanotechnology in it? Got any links to back up your claim, or is this just more Trumper "truthful hyperbole", meaning a bunch of bullshit that you regurgitate because Trump told you to?
I'm pretty sure they just want to use an indelible florescent ink that will indicate a person has been vaccinated,
as a means to figuratively apply the Yellow Star of David to those who may refuse to comply.

There have been rumors about nanochips, but they are more closely related to his research on a chip that will actually bond with the human tissue.
Those would be used in a different application than the vaccinations, and not really associated with it.


It's the same thing the tech giants are doing with the Twitter-Parler Wars.
They want people to identify themselves in a way they can more easily access, manage and control.
As people self-identify, it allows friends, neighbors and community members to assist with the division required.

It's For Your Safety; We Only Want to Help You; Now Bend Over.

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