The truth about gun control...


Diamond Member
Mar 22, 2015
Actually, with the left screaming for more gun control, I find the following information interesting...

Owning a Gun in M xico

Owning a Gun in México

Last Update 9 November 2012

In the last decade there have been some changes in the gun laws of México. There may be more in the future, so this article should be viewed as a general guide, not the definitive word on the subject. The only place where you can get THE word on gun ownership is from your nearest army base.


Mexico's gun laws are quite restrictive, andextremelyharsh if you run afoul of them.

Temporary gun import licenses for sporting purposes may be issued to tourists, discussed below. Mexican law provides penalties of at least five to as many as 30 years in prison for tourists who attempt to bring a firearm, or even a single round of ammunition, into Mexico without prior permission. In the past, the law was enforced harshly, even in cases where the violation was accidental. In December 1998 the Mexican Congress enacted legislation relaxing the law for first-time, unintentional violations involving only a single gun. Now, first-timers will be fined $1,000 dollars, but not imprisoned. The exemption does not apply for prohibited guns -- any handgun above .380 in caliber, as well as a wide variety of rifles

Ownership law

The Mexican Constitution says:

Article 10 - The inhabitants of the United Mexican States have the right to possess arms in their residences for their security and legitimate defense with the exception of those prohibited by federal law, and those reserved for the exclusive use of the military. Federal law will determine the cases, conditions, requisites, and places in which the bearing of arms by inhabitants will be authorized.

“The inhabitants of the United Mexican States” means Mexican citizens and, as defined in other laws, foreign citizens who hold a valid immigration status beyond FMM.

Mexican federal law regarding firearms and explosives (Ley Federal de Armas de Fuego y Explosivos) ishere. Note in particular Article 27:

Article 27. The right to carry arms will only be authorized for foreigners when, in addition to satisfying the requirements indicated in the previous article, they accredit their status of "Inmigrado" except in the case of temporary license permits for tourists with sports-related intentions. Visitors/tourists (Visitante) do not have gun rights without a license. This license is only issued for "sporting purposes."

The privilege of carrying a firearm outside of one's home is limited to what is authorized by Mexican federal law. Mexican citizens and a Residente Permanente can apply for a carry permit. Convincing evidence must be presented showing why a carry permit is needed. Such a permit is very hard to get. There are work-arounds by membership in a hunting or gun club as discussed below.

All privately-owned firearms must be registered with the Mexican army.

Owning a gun for personal protection

If you decide to get a gun for protection in your home, you better be prepared to take a human life and be able to live with the consequences. Among those are facing retaliation by the dead man’s family. This is no small threat. If you kill a man, or especially a boy, you can expect big trouble from the family. You also can also expect a long and expensive legal battle to prove that your action was justified.

Types of guns allowed

Article 11 of Ley Federal de Armas de Fuego y Explosivoslists prohibited "military firearms" in México.

They include:

full-auto and semi-auto handguns larger than 380

revolver .357 Magnum or larger

rifles larger than .30 caliber

shotguns larger than 12ga or with a barrel shorter than 25".

Allowed hand gun calibers are .380 auto, .38 and .22.

Allowed long guns: rifles no larger the 30 caliber; shotguns 12, 20 and 410 with barrels longer than 25”

Buying from the government

There is only one legal gun store in the country; it’s at an army base in Mexico City. There you can legally buy a gun and get a 24 to 72 hour transport permit back to your home. You can buy two boxes of ammo with the gun. You will need a letter from the local police department attesting that you have no criminal record. You will also need your immigration document (or voter ID card if you are a citizen) and passport with copies, your CURP and proof of address. When you arrive at the army base you will not be allowed to enter with any electronic device – cell phone, computer, camera, etc.

Buying from a private person

You can buy from a private citizen, but you must register the gun at the nearest army post.

Registering a gun

You must fill out an application which you can get at any army base. In addition to the completed application, you will need your immigration document (or voter ID card if you are a citizen) and passport with copies, your CURP and proof of address. When you have all of this, you may then transport the weapon to the Army base for registration. The registration application is your permit to transport the gun to the base. The gun must be in a box or wrapped so that it is not visible. The approved application will serve as your carry permit on the way home. Thereafter, you must not take the gun out of the house without a special carry permit.

Carry permits

The right to keep arms in your home is not the right to transport them outside your home; this is a crime. If you want to target practice or engage in competitive shooting or hunting, you will need to be a member of a gun or hunting club that can arrange the proper permissions. Even then there are restrictions on days and places you can transport.

Mexico vs United States Crime Stats Compared
This link shows Mexico's murder rate is much higher than the murder rate in the US.....

Any questions?
So Mexico is what America is aiming for?

Imagine a realistic metaphor for guns: dangerous, uncivilized, a sign of fear, an object of false courage.

How was your wedding?
Not too bad.
Well, some people were shot.

'Man Discharges Gun at Waldorf Wedding Reception, Injuring Five'

An armed society is an uncivilized society.


11 facts about gun violence in the United States - Vox

What right does he have to demand I lose my rights Page 67 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Want to enact more gun control Convince me. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Playing With Death The New Inquiry
I watch Piers Morgan Live... US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"About 32,000 people are shot and killed every year in the United States. An additional 70,000 suffer non-fatal injuries from gun shots, three-quarters of which are due to interpersonal violence. Since 1968, more people have been killed by firearms on this civilian ‘peacetime’ battleground across the US than in all military conflicts beginning with the War of Independence in 1775. In 1997, the rate of firearm deaths among children under 15 years old was about 12 times higher in the US than the combined rate for 25 other industrialised countries. And in 2010, firearms accounted for 18,270 deaths or injuries to children and teenagers. The number of deaths due to guns has gone down from a peak in the early 1990s, but firearms still account for half the suicides and over two-thirds of all homicides. It is just a whole lot easier to kill with a bullet than by strangling, drowning, poisoning, or with fists, clubs and knives. But despite these ghastly statistics, one constantly encounters stickers, cable news hosts, and editorials insisting that guns save lives." Do guns save lives Venkat Srinivasan Aeon

"Keeping a gun in the home carries a murder risk 2.7 times greater than not keeping one, according to a study by Arthur Kellermann. The National Rifle Association has fiercely attacked this study, but it remains valid despite its criticisms. The study found that people are 21 times more likely to be killed by someone they know than a stranger breaking into the house. Half of the murders were over arguments or romantic triangles. The study also found that the increased murder rate in gun-owning households was entirely due to an increase in gun homicides only, not any other murder method. It further found that gun-owning households saw an increased murder risk by family or intimate acquaintances, not by strangers or non-intimate acquaintances. The most straightforward explanation is that the presence of a gun increases the possibility that a normal family fight or drinking binge will become deadly. No other explanation fits the above facts." A gun in the home increases personal safety
I am Australian and I love our gun control. I don't lock my back door at night and I feel perfectly secure.

I know one person that owns a gun and he is a farmer who uses it to scare away foxes from his chickens. I have never seen the gun though.

I have only ever held a gun once in real life and it was in a museum. It was an old WW1 rifle that had not been fired in decades but even holding it I had to admit it felt taboo and somehow wrong. I was glad to put it down.

Gun control works and it works very well if done right.
An armed society is an uncivilized society.
300,000,000 guns in the US
8454 gun-related murders in the US (2013)
99.99712% of gun on the US are NOT used to murder.
Wrong, proven, you.
Excellent point!!!

But actually, I've been waiting for the left to address the difference between the gun laws and murder rates for the US and Mexico...

Will they claim that Mexicans are inherently much more violent (and Obama wants to let them all in), or have to admit that Mexico's gun laws aren't working???
An armed society is an uncivilized society.
300,000,000 guns in the US
8454 gun-related murders in the US (2013)
99.99712% of gun on the US are NOT used to murder.
Wrong, proven, you.
Excellent point!!!
But actually, I've been waiting for the left to address the difference between the gun laws and murder rates for the US and Mexico...
Will they claim that Mexicans are inherently much more violent (and Obama wants to let them all in), or have to admit that Mexico's gun laws aren't working???
Undoubtedly, the anti-gun loons would have those laws in the US, if they could.
Why? Well, there's no sound answer to that.
An armed society is an uncivilized society.
300,000,000 guns in the US
8454 gun-related murders in the US (2013)
99.99712% of gun on the US are NOT used to murder.
Wrong, proven, you.
Excellent point!!!
But actually, I've been waiting for the left to address the difference between the gun laws and murder rates for the US and Mexico...
Will they claim that Mexicans are inherently much more violent (and Obama wants to let them all in), or have to admit that Mexico's gun laws aren't working???
Undoubtedly, the anti-gun loons would have those laws in the US, if they could.
Why? Well, there's no sound answer to that.
Many countries with strict gun laws have terrorists or criminals running the country. Mexico and other Latino countries with their drug cartels, Russia and their Mafia. There are others too especially in the Mideast and the Pacific nations.Gun goons don't consider that if the US had gun control we would sooner or later be praying to Mecca.

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