The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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.....The word was God....and the word was with God.....

It was both.

Does not mean what you are claiming. Jesus is a God Like figure. He is the first begotten of God. He helps God do many things and he came to earth to die for our sins. He is NOT God. And in John he keeps telling everyone he is NOT God.

John 14:10

"Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work." proof here either.

The Father is Living in all of us DUMB ASS.
The Father is Living in all of us DUMB ASS.

I'd like to see you prove it! I'm always amazed that brainwashed people afflicted with religion are so completely convinced of their delusions about invisible beings.
Yo sarge, by The Father, do you mean the alien from kolob who magically became our god? Gee, I wonder who the dumb ass really is.
Does not mean what you are claiming. Jesus is a God Like figure. He is the first begotten of God. He helps God do many things and he came to earth to die for our sins. He is NOT God. And in John he keeps telling everyone he is NOT God.

John 14:10

"Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you are not just my own. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work." proof here either.

The Father is Living in all of us DUMB ASS.

So those that Jesus referred to as "children of the devil" also had the "LDS Father-God" living in them. :eusa_whistle:
Sarge, I love you but you're not helping us out here much.

We believe the Father of Jesus Christ only lives in our minds as we think of him. We subconsciously behave according to our beliefs because of the love we have for him which lives in us. If you really love God, you love his children too, our brothers and sisters.

Calling people a dumb ass isn't the best way to show that love. You are better than that.
tru, i tried reading the book of mormons, but it started out talking about some nephi dude and it made NO sense whatsoever. What chapters should I read that talk about the actual religion and how it's different/better than say, catholicism?
Sarge, I love you but you're not helping us out here much.

We believe the Father of Jesus Christ only lives in our minds as we think of him. We subconsciously behave according to our beliefs because of the love we have for him which lives in us. If you really love God, you love his children too, our brothers and sisters.

Calling people a dumb ass isn't the best way to show that love. You are better than that.

:eek: Sarge, I love you

I thought the mormans hated the homos!:eusa_whistle:
tru, i tried reading the book of mormons, but it started out talking about some nephi dude and it made NO sense whatsoever. What chapters should I read that talk about the actual religion and how it's different/better than say, catholicism?

You gotta keep reading through it. I'm impressed you read the first chapter. I'm not sure what doesn't make sense in chapter 1 of the book. It's in plain enough english. I'd be happy to clarify whatever is confusing you.

The book is a record of different christian peoples who left the old world for the new world at different times and locations. The one you are reading about is the beginning of the nephite civilization which fled Jerusalem before the Babylonian takeover in 580 BC. These people had never heard of catholicism before or any modern church so you aren't going to find the book's people picking on today's churches by name. You will discover what the ancient christians believed about Jesus and will find that it is strikingly different from many churches today. You can draw your own conclusions at that point. But it is much like the Bible, except that I will say it is easier to read for most people than the Bible.
Sarge, I love you but you're not helping us out here much.

We believe the Father of Jesus Christ only lives in our minds as we think of him. We subconsciously behave according to our beliefs because of the love we have for him which lives in us. If you really love God, you love his children too, our brothers and sisters.

Calling people a dumb ass isn't the best way to show that love. You are better than that.

:eek: Sarge, I love you

I thought the mormans hated the homos!:eusa_whistle:

Nice childish response. Sarge is straight and we don't hate gay people.
This thread is amazing. I am new here. I am a LDS. I want to do my duty, too.

tru, i tried reading the book of mormons, but it started out talking about some nephi dude and it made NO sense whatsoever. What chapters should I read that talk about the actual religion and how it's different/better than say, catholicism?

John, all those books (the Bible, the BofM, the D&C, the PofGP) and what other people say are very much just other people's testimonies. The testimonies of other people won't matter much to you at all until you study them with a positive/sincere mindset that aims for a conclusion that will determine the manner and conduct of your own existence in an eternal perspective.

I recognize that you want a top-down approach (top of the pyramid and then down to the foundations) to the study. You are asking for the synthesized (summarized) doctrine of our religion first. I think some people are given that privilege. But most of us learned "line upon line, precept upon precept." I guess you can build a pyramid from the top and then down to the foundations - but really risky.

Most of the members of the CJCLDS had to start with the bits and pieces - studying and trying them out and then thereby obtain the personal testimonies of the truth, and eventually the testimonies build up towards the synthesis that you seem to want right away.

Again, the top-down approach is risky. But I am hoping that you intend to sincerely analyze it by studying and testing for yourself the bits and pieces of the doctrine.

The plan of God is to make man as good as He God is and to make man as happy and joyful as He God is. This is why the Lord Jesus asks us to follow his example and enjoins us: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). Other scripture passages also record: "Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God" (Leviticus 20:7). This summary of the doctrine (the immortality and eternal life of man as the encompassing work of God) is clearly taught in the CJCLDS.

The study and fulfillment of the bits and pieces of the doctrine is what we tirelessly pursue in the Church. We as a Church work together to perform the priesthood ordinances wherein the worthy are entered into covenants with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our aim is of course 'to fulfill the covenants entered into in the ordinances until our calling and election is made sure' - the idea of 'enduring to the end'. Simply put, we want to be among those "unto whom the word of God came" - the 'word' being the ultimate confirmation, as noted in the scriptures, "I have said, Ye are gods." [See Psalms 82: 1, 6-7; St. John 10: 34-36.]

The CJCLDS is very 'systematic' in our approach and we work together - no priesthood holder can perform the saving ordinances and covenants by himself for himself. This helps us easily put ourselves in the right perspective of the manner and conduct of our eternal existence.

For an understanding of the top principles, let somebody from the Church personally (in person, face-to-face) explain to you the six (6) priesthood ordinances necessary for exaltation which is the fullness of salvation. If you deserve the explanations, you will assuredly get it.

The six (6) priesthood ordinances necessary for exaltation are summarized in a lot of Church materials - e.g., the Melchizedek Priesthood Manual,... if I remember right.
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The plan of God is to make man as good as He God is and to make man as happy and joyful as He God is. So if god made man, why didn't he just make him as good and happy in the first place? Makes NO sense.

How can I study it if the first 2 chapters about some nephi dude didn't make any sense? Nevermind it was written is very awful english.

6 ordinances: baptism, confirmation... wtf does that have to do with anything. Again, you mormons talk in riddles, wtf don't you just tell me what's different between you guys and catholics? You don't know?
Christians of any kind can't hate homos, they worship jesus don't they?

That's right.:clap2: Jesus said to love everyone.

LOL! Not what I meant and you know it!!!!!!!! :rofl:
It's cuz he looks like a fag in every portrait ever made of him.
But good answer!:lol:

I know exactly what you are saying! There are so many feminine portrayals of Him that it makes me sick!!! Anyone who reads the Bible and more especially the words of Jesus can gather from His personality that He was a man's man. The Son of Man. Not the effiminate one.
Here's what most of Christianity thinks of him:

or this

Here's how we view Him:
He looks like a real man. No God or Saviour could look like those effeminate sketches. Gross!
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This thread is amazing. I am new here. I am a LDS. I want to do my duty, too.

tru, i tried reading the book of mormons, but it started out talking about some nephi dude and it made NO sense whatsoever. What chapters should I read that talk about the actual religion and how it's different/better than say, catholicism?

John, all those books (the Bible, the BofM, the D&C, the PofGP) and what other people say are very much just other people's testimonies. The testimonies of other people won't matter much to you at all until you study them with a positive/sincere mindset that aims for a conclusion that will determine the manner and conduct of your own existence in an eternal perspective.

I recognize that you want a top-down approach (top of the pyramid and then down to the foundations) to the study. You are asking for the synthesized (summarized) doctrine of our religion first. I think some people are given that privilege. But most of us learned "line upon line, precept upon precept." I guess you can build a pyramid from the top and then down to the foundations - but really risky.

Most of the members of the CJCLDS had to start with the bits and pieces - studying and trying them out and then thereby obtain the personal testimonies of the truth, and eventually the testimonies build up towards the synthesis that you seem to want right away.

Again, the top-down approach is risky. But I am hoping that you intend to sincerely analyze it by studying and testing for yourself the bits and pieces of the doctrine.

The plan of God is to make man as good as He God is and to make man as happy and joyful as He God is. This is why the Lord Jesus asks us to follow his example and enjoins us: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). Other scripture passages also record: "Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God" (Leviticus 20:7). This summary of the doctrine (the immortality and eternal life of man as the encompassing work of God) is clearly taught in the CJCLDS.

The study and fulfillment of the bits and pieces of the doctrine is what we tirelessly pursue in the Church. We as a Church work together to perform the priesthood ordinances wherein the worthy are entered into covenants with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Our aim is of course 'to fulfill the covenants entered into in the ordinances until our calling and election is made sure' - the idea of 'enduring to the end'. Simply put, we want to be among those "unto whom the word of God came" - the 'word' being the ultimate confirmation, as noted in the scriptures, "I have said, Ye are Gods." [See Psalms 82: 1, 6-7; St. John 10: 34-36.]

The CJCLDS is very 'systematic' in our approach and we work together - no priesthood holder can perform the saving ordinances and covenants by himself for himself. This helps us easily put ourselves in the right perspective of the manner and conduct of our eternal existence.

For an understanding of the top principles, let somebody from the Church personally (in person, face-to-face) explain to you the six (6) priesthood ordinances necessary for exaltation which is the fullness of salvation. If you deserve the explanations, you will assuredly get it.

The six (6) priesthood ordinances necessary for exaltation are summarized in a lot of Church materials - e.g., the Melchizedek Priesthood Manual,... if I remember right.

Welcome to the thread. I hope you began reading from the beginning. You can chime in on all the topics that have been brought up. Hurry and catch up to the rest of us. Just be careful. I'm only trying to teach the actual doctrine of the church and not heresay. Also be careful not to repeat yourself too often especially if we have already talked about certain issues. I do believe this is now the longest standing thread in the history of the website so you would do well to check out some of the drama that has already been brought up.
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I do not. Jesus was very clear in John, he is the SON of God and is NOT God. The trinity is a lie. God is God, Jesus is his first begotten Son and the Holy Spirit is a force that does Gods bidding. Each a separate entity.

.....The word was God....and the word was with God.....

It was both.

Does not mean what you are claiming. Jesus is a God Like figure. He is the first begotten of God. He helps God do many things and he came to earth to die for our sins. He is NOT God. And in John he keeps telling everyone he is NOT God.

um no, John said,

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
-John 1:1

How much more clear can you get? You have a spirit, soul, and body. Each one of these parts are separate of eachother yet it would be incorect to say that any of these do not make up YOU nor is YOU. If you remove one of these and YOU would not exist. That is why we have to be born again. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.(2 Corinthians 5:17) We are totally new beings when one thing (our spirit) is changed.

And by the way, please show me where John says he is not God.
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The plan of God is to make man as good as He God is and to make man as happy and joyful as He God is. So if god made man, why didn't he just make him as good and happy in the first place? Makes NO sense.

How can I study it if the first 2 chapters about some nephi dude didn't make any sense? Nevermind it was written is very awful english.

6 ordinances: baptism, confirmation... wtf does that have to do with anything. Again, you mormons talk in riddles, wtf don't you just tell me what's different between you guys and catholics? You don't know?

What we LDS are talking about makes sense to us. You find no sense in what we are talking about; perhaps the problem is elsewhere and not with us.

We (my family) were Catholics; my older siblings were catechists; we all went through Catholic schools; my father, who was born 1900, spoke and read the Latin, and so if you have some sense you would understand where he came from before he married our mother. My mother attended a protestant church earlier in life. I also attended the Baptist and other protestant churches. We got converted into the CJCLDS in '72-'73. My wife was an Adventist before she got converted into the CJCLDS; we were married in the temple; we have a son born in the covenant. And so, I can assure you that I know enough of the difference between Catholicism, Protestantism, and Mormonism.

LDS doctrine is sometimes considered esoteric. What I have spoken of may actually be riddles to the uninitiated. So, the usual way is to go "line upon line" and "precept upon precept." You'll have difficulty understanding LDS doctrine unless you go the usual way.

Read the relevant books. Be sincere and have some people from the LDS Church personally explain things to you. When you get some understanding of who God the Father is and who the Lord Jesus is, you can then exercise some faith and pray about the LDS ideas you've learned. If you are really seeking for the truth, you will surely find it.

We Mormons can only testify that LDS doctrine is good. The doctrine points towards God and allows people the knowledge of how to obtain the fullness of salvation, something that no other church can offer with the authority from God through living prophets.

The idea of the fullness of salvation is rather unique to the LDS Church. We understand that one can only have some degree of salvation short of the fullness through the other churches but never the fullness of salvation.
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Retired and Pare are confused as to the nature of God, as are so many modern believers. The run hither and thither searching for a truth that has very plain for a very long time. So let's get them straight.

Jesus Christ is not Jehovah of the Old Testmant.

Jesus is not God the Father.

He is the Son of God, and He came as God in human flesh to this sinful world. Word = God, because Word = Godly Power/Godly Ability.

If one relieves of himself of the delusion of the second paragraph above, the traditional and historical doctrine of the Godhead is quite obvious, sensible, and orthodox. It also fits into a three-in-one Godhead as well as a separate-individuals-as-Godhead.
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pare, I feel sorry for you. You've been so brainwashed by religion your whole life that you had no choice but to believe, what with being bombarded with all that fiction for so long. It's like the Stockhome Syndrome, you're identifying with your captors.

How much more clear can you get? You have a spirit, soul, and body.
So 2 out of 3 things that make up a human are invisible?:cuckoo:

I know exactly what you are saying! There are so many feminine portrayals of Him that it makes me sick!!!
tru, you homophobic? If not, then what's the problem?
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Retired and Pare are confused as to the nature of God, as are so many modern believers. The run hither and thither searching for a truth that has very plain for a very long time. So let's get them straight.

Jesus Christ is not Jehovah of the Old Testmant.

Jesus is not God the Father.

He is the Son of God, and He came as God in human flesh to this sinful world. Word = God, because Word = Godly Power/Godly Ability.

If one relieves of himself of the delusion of the second paragraph above, the traditional and historical doctrine of the Godhead is quite obvious, sensible, and orthodox. It also fits into a three-in-one Godhead as well as a separate-individuals-as-Godhead.

Jake, you should try to study and then compare our posts. Perhaps, if you have what it takes to make the effort, you'll have some realization as to who is confused, deluded, and even muddled.

I still prefer my own understanding of the nature of God that, as far as I know, is according to LDS doctrine.

pare, I feel sorry for you. You've been so brainwashed by religion your whole life that you had no choice but to believe, what with being bombarded with all that fiction for so long. It's like the Stockhome Syndrome, you're identifying with your captors.

John, you need not feel sorry for me. I am quite happy with myself and I feel rather clean with my brain already washed. It is one of those wonderful things that one achieves when he has studied, as much as he could, in the search for the truth.

Between a washed brain and a muddled brain (that others in this thread seem to have), I for myself would go for the washed brain.

You seem to dislike my washed brain. So, it must be that you like the other kind of brain for yourself.
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