The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Abraham speaks the language of one who knows not Christ, but he is fortunate that the has time.

Abraham, turn your heart to Jesus Christ, who will hear your prayers and give you grace and forgiveness.
Mormons repent! Thy end is near!

We are repenting all the time. Just as every other follower of Christ should.

All the time? You guys sure are some badass dudes!:eek:

I believe that the bible says that repentance is done once through faith in Christ's forgiving work on the cross..........From thence onward a true born again Christian - Meaning one who has received Christ's life via the Holy Spirit.........when they fall into sin are to confess it, and move on with life, knowing that they were forgiven from sins past, present, and future at the Cross.

Repentance is not something one does constantly, unless their lives are lived the way of the Old Testament Jews, who placed their sins on a sacrificed lamb in the temple ceremony once a year.

Christ said on the cross, "It is finished!". Repent, and be saved........thats what the Apostles yelled from the valleys to the rooftops to Jews and gentiles alike.
In some ways, cults do their door to door thing, as they are constantly working-out their salvation through works.........They don't realize it that way, but the missions requirements, and the door to door proselytizing, is "required" to be in good standing with their god.

The bible says that good standing is "reckoned" upon us individually by God be an act of "faith"/"Belief" in His "finished" work through His Son.

J.W.'s work their fool lives to death on Saturdays going door to door trying to get people to become part of their cult.

Every read or looked at the stats of the lives of these folks.........They are living in constant fear and insecurity about their lives.......They have to obey Watch Tower to the nth degree or they aren't sure about their destiny.

Talk about legalism..............J.W.'s can't call God, God........He must be Jehovah.................They can't have a Christmas tree, nor salute the American flag..............They interpret this as idol worship..........

Christ came to do away with this crazy treadmill of repentance, works, sin, repentance, forgiveness through works..........and on and on and on.
I disagree with you 8-ball on repenting. That is a daily audit between you and the Lord. That is NT Christianity and that is common sense. That also keeps one humble and not a better-than-you (except here on the forum!).
I know Mormons mean well. I live in a heavy Mormon area. They are always willing to help. They are no different than anyone else who thinks their denomination will save them. We all have to come to the same place, bowing at the feet of Jesus before we are able to be saved.
I disagree with you 8-ball on repenting. That is a daily audit between you and the Lord. That is NT Christianity and that is common sense. That also keeps one humble and not a better-than-you (except here on the forum!).

John the Baptist called out, "Repent"..........Repent means to turn away from that old sinful life.........So Repenting is a mind change........a diametrically opposite direction from acknowledgement of ones bankrupt state of being before a Holy, Merciful, Loving, and Gracious Creator.

Now that the self-acknowledged "sinner" is in a repentant condition, they call on Christ to take their sins and save them from their terrible condition. Christ receives all that call on Him and they are added to the "Book of Life".........and become one of His.

Now as for the daily life of the Christian who has the indwelling Holy Spirit..........they/we/me will still we can fall into the carnal side or what Paul referred too as the "flesh". (Romans 7). This is a condition where the Holy Spirit indwelled person, "chooses" to walk after the world, for their identity and meaning of life, even though they are "new creatures, new creations in Christ Jesus". (Also from Paul's N.T. epistles).

Christians are referred to as a Holy Priesthood of believers.........Also as Royal Ambassadors of Christ.

In essence, you can say that the true born again believer does have to turn away from the "flesh" or the walk that reflects a lack of knowing their new identity in Christ...........In other words worldly Christians...........who though "saved" fall into sinful habits/lifestyles.

Actually, Paul said that a Christian who doesn't abide in Christ is abiding in the flesh/world/self for meaning of life............and this state of being is most miserable..........Yet they are saved...

As for repentance........biblical normally refers to non-Christians turning to Christ for salavation for the "first" time........

Yes, the Fleshly Christian, or Carnal Christian who is abiding in other than Christ's life by an act of their will, must also by an act of their will turn back and acknowledg their wrongful direction that is in disobedience to Christ and God.........Yet, the original useage of repentance is more commonly used in regards to the unsaved turning away from their old sinful life, and turning to God.
I know Mormons mean well. I live in a heavy Mormon area. They are always willing to help. They are no different than anyone else who thinks their denomination will save them. We all have to come to the same place, bowing at the feet of Jesus before we are able to be saved.

We don't believe that our denomination will save us. We believe that Jesus saves.
I know Mormons mean well. I live in a heavy Mormon area. They are always willing to help. They are no different than anyone else who thinks their denomination will save them. We all have to come to the same place, bowing at the feet of Jesus before we are able to be saved.

We don't believe that our denomination will save us. We believe that Jesus saves.

After you have performed all the important priesthood work that have eternal consequences?
Scripture don't cut it, 8-ball, only one's relationship with Jesus Christ.

Unfounded angle/take on Christianity Stark........

Only part that is biblical, is the relationship with Jesus.

How does one get to that point Stark?

Without knowledge that explains and gives the sinner an intelligent choice, it is indeed difficult to know about Jesus..........The bible clearly reveals the nature of Jesus, and what He came to do and what is our responsibility to have a relationship with Him.

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God"........Not a bad idea.
Scripture don't cut it, 8-ball, only one's relationship with Jesus Christ.

Unfounded angle/take on Christianity Stark........

Only part that is biblical, is the relationship with Jesus.

How does one get to that point Stark?

Without knowledge that explains and gives the sinner an intelligent choice, it is indeed difficult to know about Jesus..........The bible clearly reveals the nature of Jesus, and what He came to do and what is our responsibility to have a relationship with Him.

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God"........Not a bad idea.

If you can "hear" god you are bat shit crazy.
Huggy, I feel sad that you can't 'hear' God.

Remember that it takes far more faith to prove God does not exist than to believe in God.

You can't do it philosophically because the premise always collapses.

And you can't do it physically, because you can't search the universe in a nth second to verify God is not there.

I feel sad for all atheists and agnostics.
Scripture don't cut it, 8-ball, only one's relationship with Jesus Christ.

Unfounded angle/take on Christianity Stark........

Only part that is biblical, is the relationship with Jesus.

How does one get to that point Stark?

Without knowledge that explains and gives the sinner an intelligent choice, it is indeed difficult to know about Jesus..........The bible clearly reveals the nature of Jesus, and what He came to do and what is our responsibility to have a relationship with Him.

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God"........Not a bad idea.

If you can "hear" god you are bat shit crazy.

So you're suggesting that anyone who hears God is crazy because you don't understand it?

Tell me, if an all powerful being can't talk to us, who can?
Scripture don't cut it, 8-ball, only one's relationship with Jesus Christ.

Unfounded angle/take on Christianity Stark........

Only part that is biblical, is the relationship with Jesus.

How does one get to that point Stark?

Without knowledge that explains and gives the sinner an intelligent choice, it is indeed difficult to know about Jesus..........The bible clearly reveals the nature of Jesus, and what He came to do and what is our responsibility to have a relationship with Him.

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God"........Not a bad idea.

You need to stop exalting the Bible above God. The scriptures are meant to point to the Father and the Son, not to replace them.
The scriptures are meant to point to the nature and existence of God, not replace God.
I know Mormons mean well. I live in a heavy Mormon area. They are always willing to help. They are no different than anyone else who thinks their denomination will save them. We all have to come to the same place, bowing at the feet of Jesus before we are able to be saved.

We don't believe that our denomination will save us. We believe that Jesus saves.

After you have performed all the important priesthood work that have eternal consequences?

Here's the saving process:

1. Without doing any works whatsoever, everyone will receive salvation from death and receive a perfected resurrected body just like Jesus did.
2. After the millenium where Christ reigns personally upon the earth, the final battle of Gog and Magog and after final judgment, all will have had a chance to receive the full gospel of Jesus Christ.
3. Judgments will be passed out by Christ at the bar of God.
4. None shall be judged ignorantly.
5. All the ordinances and commandments will have been known and set down by Christ.
6. Obedience to Christs law are part of requirements for salvation in Christs Celestial Kingdom.
7. Salvation in other kingdoms of glory and happiness are assured by all except the very few sons of perdition who have chosen to abandon salvation to live with Satan.

I hope that clarifies.
The scriptures are meant to point to the nature and existence of God, not replace God.

Thats a "no brainer"........Never said otherwise in any word or form on this or any forum.

Yes you have, and unequivically so. You have constantly said the Bible is an infallible book and therefore, since the book itself is perfect, it forms your belief system which is this:

If it's not in the Bible, it's not doctrine.

Since the book has a finite number of pages, even if it WERE perfect, it would still be limiting God's words to the words in those pages.

But then again, the Bible never does say that no other scriptures were ever to be admitted.

You also fail to realize just how human the scholars and committees in charge of putting the Bible together really were.
Better tell the unitiated about the difference of salvation v. exaltation very clearly, TruthSpeaker.

Those who don't know about this need guidance on understanding the difference.
Better tell the unitiated about the difference of salvation v. exaltation very clearly, TruthSpeaker.

Those who don't know about this need guidance on understanding the difference.

Great point Jakey:razz:

The bottom line is this.
Exaltation is getting to become like God and inherit all that he has. Salvation simply means living in a paradise for the rest of eternity. Salvation is great, but Exhaltation is greater. Ultimately, people will go where they WANT to go.

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