The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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    Votes: 74 29.7%
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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Jake, billions testify to your god? The one that comes from kolob? You sure about that?

And I'd like to see you prove any of the big things in the bible. Please, go ahead.

Poor try, JoLouis. OK, I am not LDS or any type of Mormonism's sects. I am talking about God, not Kolob, or your weird world. You can neither quality or quantify your faith in atheism, JoLouis.

I'm not an atheist, they're also convinced of something they have no hope of ever proving. I'm agnostic: anything in the universe is possible, but god is not yet proven.
I'm also a vegetarian, so if billions of slobs eat meat, then I'm wrong? (I'll give up the answer to that one: the meat eaters are the ones who are wrong and harming themselves and the planet no matter how badly vegetarians are outnumbered.)

I'm still waiting for you to prove something major from the bible...:eusa_whistle:

Scientific FACT, man is an omnivore. Meat is required as part of his diet. Those that fail to eat meat have to jump through hoops to get all the needed nutrients, vitamins and such that are required for a normal person to maintain a healthy body.

Truth: and Mike Tyson would have had Marciano as a snack.

RGS: scientific fact that man is a carnivore? You should you want to toss away your credibility on that statement? Learn something about nutrition first. Second, learn how factory animal farming is way worse than just growing vegetables, ex: you can feed 40 people on what it takes to feed a cow.
Also, I think the hormones in the meat is making you cranky. Or is that from being in a homo army for so long?
Seriously though, you guys will believe ANYTHING.

If it's true. Why not? Why limit yourself?

It's not true, which makes you a self-deluded sucker. If god did exist do you really think he'd need a bunch of you whackos to go door to door? Or would it be a self evident fact, like looking at a tree.

God says differently.

So should I believe God whom I've had experience dealing with.

Or should I believe you who admit that he hasnt read a thing on any of this and doens't know what he's talking about.

Not a tough choice there.
Jake, billions testify to your god? The one that comes from kolob? You sure about that?

And I'd like to see you prove any of the big things in the bible. Please, go ahead.

Poor try, JoLouis. OK, I am not LDS or any type of Mormonism's sects. I am talking about God, not Kolob, or your weird world. You can neither quality or quantify your faith in atheism, JoLouis.

I'm not an atheist, they're also convinced of something they have no hope of ever proving. I'm agnostic: anything in the universe is possible, but god is not yet proven.
I'm also a vegetarian, so if billions of slobs eat meat, then I'm wrong? (I'll give up the answer to that one: the meat eaters are the ones who are wrong and harming themselves and the planet no matter how badly vegetarians are outnumbered.)

I'm still waiting for you to prove something major from the bible...:eusa_whistle:

Get off your butt and talk with Him and you'll have more than enough evidence before you realize it.

But if you are going to pretend that no one can know because you don't know, then you will never learn anything.

The Book of Mormon provides a way to learn for yourself whether it's true or not. I suggest that if you want to know, and not remain agnostic in ignorance, you should take the challenge. If you're right, you lose nothing, you gain valuable knowledge about the beliefs of someone else. If I'm right, you have everything to gain from your endevours.

It's up to you. But I highly doubt God is going to accept the "I saw no evidence and decided that there is no point searching for it" excuse.
Agnosticism is spiritual cowardice, the easy way. I don't have to prove anything from the Bible. Why would I?

Especially when God can prove His word to all men.

Anyone who doesn't know God is because they are keeping themselves from knowing Him. Because God is there waiting for all to come to Him with open arms.
Cuz you can't, that's why.
I don't see why I'm a coward because I don't see any proof (or need) of a god. You're the coward, you've given up searching and have settled for some shit that doesn't even make any sense. Like: "Jesus died for your sins", that doesn't even make any sense.

Jo, let's be honest here. You aren't seeking anything. You haven't read the Bible. You haven't read the Book of Mormon. You have no clue what we teach and have already decided it makes no sense. If you actually studied it, you would learn.

But you aren't willing to. What are you afraid of?

I didn't always know God existed. I had doubts at one point. But I realized that if I was ever going to find out I was going to have to make an effort and trust that God will reveal Himself to me if and when He chose. He did. I didn't settle for anything. I simply because God when He speak. I still search, because no matter how much of the truth we have, there is more we don't and God has so much more information that He is ready to pour out upon His people when they have been prepared.

There is nothing that is impossible to know. You just have to be willing to search it out.
If it's true. Why not? Why limit yourself?

It's not true, which makes you a self-deluded sucker. If god did exist do you really think he'd need a bunch of you whackos to go door to door? Or would it be a self evident fact, like looking at a tree.

God says differently.

So should I believe God whom I've had experience dealing with.

Or should I believe you who admit that he hasn't read a thing on any of this and doens't know what he's talking about.

Not a tough choice there.

MAN says differently.

So should I believe MAN whom I've had experience dealing with.

Or should I believe you who admit that he hasnt read a thing on any of this and doens't know what he's talking about.

Not a tough choice there

LDS and Christianity are bottom up faiths; man created their Deity and dogma, not the other way around. Just because you repeat a lie for over 2,000 years doesn't make it true.
It's not true, which makes you a self-deluded sucker. If god did exist do you really think he'd need a bunch of you whackos to go door to door? Or would it be a self evident fact, like looking at a tree.

God says differently.

So should I believe God whom I've had experience dealing with.

Or should I believe you who admit that he hasn't read a thing on any of this and doens't know what he's talking about.

Not a tough choice there.

MAN says differently.

So should I believe MAN whom I've had experience dealing with.

Or should I believe you who admit that he hasnt read a thing on any of this and doens't know what he's talking about.

Not a tough choice there

LDS and Christianity are bottom up faiths; man created their Deity and dogma, not the other way around. Just because you repeat a lie for over 2,000 years doesn't make it true.

I know you were trying to be cleaver by copying and pasting what I said and changing a few words, but you do realize that by doing so the passage no longer makes sense.

If any of you lack wisdom, let Him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given unto you.

When the Spirit of God touches your soul, when He enlightens your understanding and expands the light and view in your mind, you cannot deny you. You can try to tell us that we created God, but We didn't. He reveals His will to mankind now as He always has. People are just too stubborn to listen, even those who have faith. It's very frustrating.
If it's true. Why not? Why limit yourself?

It's not true, which makes you a self-deluded sucker. If god did exist do you really think he'd need a bunch of you whackos to go door to door? Or would it be a self evident fact, like looking at a tree.

God says differently.

So should I believe God whom I've had experience dealing with.

Or should I believe you who admit that he hasnt read a thing on any of this and doens't know what he's talking about.

Not a tough choice there.

you're a self-deluded imbecile. Please don't respond to any more of my post, you're a waste of the alphabet.
Truth: and Mike Tyson would have had Marciano as a snack.

RGS: scientific fact that man is a carnivore? You should you want to toss away your credibility on that statement? Learn something about nutrition first. Second, learn how factory animal farming is way worse than just growing vegetables, ex: you can feed 40 people on what it takes to feed a cow.
Also, I think the hormones in the meat is making you cranky. Or is that from being in a homo army for so long?

Mike Tyson would have everyone for a snack if it were allowed in the rules. He ate Holyfield for a snack:popcorn:
LDS and Christianity are bottom up faiths; man created their Deity and dogma, not the other way around. Just because you repeat a lie for over 2,000 years doesn't make it true.

You're certainly right that repetition does not create truth. The proof is in the pudding.
It's not true, which makes you a self-deluded sucker. If god did exist do you really think he'd need a bunch of you whackos to go door to door? Or would it be a self evident fact, like looking at a tree.

God says differently.

So should I believe God whom I've had experience dealing with.

Or should I believe you who admit that he hasnt read a thing on any of this and doens't know what he's talking about.

Not a tough choice there.

you're a self-deluded imbecile. Please don't respond to any more of my post, you're a waste of the alphabet.
It doesn't take much effort to simply hurl an insult at a person who has been respectful to you if not at least civil. Someone is not going to cease responding to you simply because you command it.

Get real here. What are you on this thread for? What's your angle? Why mess with us deluded religioners if you're the smart one and we're all crazy? Wouldn't you rather do more amusing things like go to a club, call a would-be friend, a would-be girlfriend or watch some porn?
JoLouis, act like an adult in conversation, please. Give the grace to others that you apparently want given to you. That's the mature way.
It's not true, which makes you a self-deluded sucker. If god did exist do you really think he'd need a bunch of you whackos to go door to door? Or would it be a self evident fact, like looking at a tree.

God says differently.

So should I believe God whom I've had experience dealing with.

Or should I believe you who admit that he hasnt read a thing on any of this and doens't know what he's talking about.

Not a tough choice there.

you're a self-deluded imbecile. Please don't respond to any more of my post, you're a waste of the alphabet.

You don't like the idea of actually seeking for yourself.

What is wrong with the people when people would rather remain in ignorance than do the work necessary to gain knowledge?
Avatar4321, now be nice because you and Truth have been silly at times as true believers.

Exhibit 1: you two were both preaching the "less than valiant" spirits nonsense about blacks and the priesthood some time ago. That is completely out of step with LDS teachings.
Avatar4321, now be nice because you and Truth have been silly at times as true believers.

Exhibit 1: you two were both preaching the "less than valiant" spirits nonsense about blacks and the priesthood some time ago. That is completely out of step with LDS teachings.

I don't teach that so I have no clue what you're talking about.

And I am being nice. I am just mourning because people refuse to put out any effort to learn. It makes me sad.

I understand not believing. I just don't get why people would want to remain in ignorance.
I will take your word for it because I don't wish to go all the way back to find it.

Many people are ignorant for many reasons, one of those an unwillingness to look at all credible evidence.
I will take your word for it because I don't wish to go all the way back to find it.

Many people are ignorant for many reasons, one of those an unwillingness to look at all credible evidence.

From what I have seen an open mind helps people look at credible evidence fairly, however, regarding learning about God and religion I think many times it takes an open heart before people will be willing to learn about it.

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