The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
Daws- thanks for your insights on this thread.

In reference to your response to Q5- They really belive that? Fossils are remains of creatures from other planets God blew up to make Earth?

Wow, every time I think I find that I've hit bottom on LDS crazy, they find a new flavor of crazy.
In 1980 belief in evolution was not considered inconsistent with Mormonism to the best of my understanding.

At BYU, it was taught that human remains have been found which are older than 6000 years.

God created the earth and put humans on the earth but we don't know the mechanism he used to do it. It could have been through evolution.

Have LDS teachings changed since then?
In 1980 belief in evolution was not considered inconsistent with Mormonism to the best of my understanding.

At BYU, it was taught that human remains have been found which are older than 6000 years.

God created the earth and put humans on the earth but we don't know the mechanism he used to do it. It could have been through evolution.

Have LDS teachings changed since then?

There is no God.

We evolved from Monkeys.

Learn to deal with it.

"BYU" and "taught" shouldn't be used in the same sentence.
Daws- thanks for your insights on this thread.

In reference to your response to Q5- They really belive that? Fossils are remains of creatures from other planets God blew up to make Earth?

Wow, every time I think I find that I've hit bottom on LDS crazy, they find a new flavor of crazy.

Having been a member for almost 35 years, this is the first time I have ever heard such silliness. While the creation is a solid part of our doctrine, nobody has ever said what mechanism was utilized.

Now, we know evolution occurs.

Did men come from apes ?

Your very posts would tend to suppor that it might have happened.
Sounds like the issue of evolution is a little up in the air.

I admire the mormons for having their own welfare system, their family values, and the fact that they'll change their doctrine as events unfold. I have some background with catholicism, and I've always believed their main problem is their insistance that every pope is infalable. I really don't understand why LDS feel they still need to keep the book of mormon, I don't see how anything would change if they just dropped it.

One more question. I understand that the term "magic underwear" is offensive to mormons, and I don't mean to offend, so I'd like to know, what term do mormons prefer to use in place of "magic underwear", and what exactly are they? I get the part about why it's underwear, so no one can see it, but how are a mormon's undergarments different than those of a non-mormon?

They're called "garments".

They cover more of the body than typical underwear. No short shorts for Mormons. ( :
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Daws- thanks for your insights on this thread.

In reference to your response to Q5- They really belive that? Fossils are remains of creatures from other planets God blew up to make Earth?

Wow, every time I think I find that I've hit bottom on LDS crazy, they find a new flavor of crazy.

Having been a member for almost 35 years, this is the first time I have ever heard such silliness. While the creation is a solid part of our doctrine, nobody has ever said what mechanism was utilized.

Now, we know evolution occurs.

Did men come from apes ?

Your very posts would tend to suppor that it might have happened.

Your inability to spell words like "support" would probably insult the apes to call you a descendent.

To the point, though, evolution and Christianity are incompatable. They both can't be true.

Either God made man in his own image, or man simply evolved, with no Sky Pixies involved.

Evidence for the Bible version- Zip, Zero, Nada.

Evidence for the Darwin Version- Fossils. Lots of them. Genetics.

I'll have to research whether the "destroying other worlds" is part of the Mormon Crazy. Sadly, I find it pretty plausible given that you guys lie about what you believe and all the other crazy nonsense.
Well, some of us may have evolved.

For some, monkey would be a step up the ladder.

Well, that's true. I look at the "I've Got Mine, Screw You" element of the Republican Party, and think we haven't evolved at all.

You know, the ones that look at Mitt Romney screwing working people out of jobs, and think, "Wow, what a wonderful businessman he is!"
Daws- thanks for your insights on this thread.

In reference to your response to Q5- They really belive that? Fossils are remains of creatures from other planets God blew up to make Earth?

Wow, every time I think I find that I've hit bottom on LDS crazy, they find a new flavor of crazy.

Having been a member for almost 35 years, this is the first time I have ever heard such silliness. While the creation is a solid part of our doctrine, nobody has ever said what mechanism was utilized.

Now, we know evolution occurs.

Did men come from apes ?

Your very posts would tend to suppor that it might have happened.

Your inability to spell words like "support" would probably insult the apes to call you a descendent.

To the point, though, evolution and Christianity are incompatable. They both can't be true.

Either God made man in his own image, or man simply evolved, with no Sky Pixies involved.

Evidence for the Bible version- Zip, Zero, Nada.

Evidence for the Darwin Version- Fossils. Lots of them. Genetics.

I'll have to research whether the "destroying other worlds" is part of the Mormon Crazy. Sadly, I find it pretty plausible given that you guys lie about what you believe and all the other crazy nonsense.

Oh this is funny.

That someone as puny as a homo sapien will make a univeral statement about what is or isn't is the essence of arrogance.

The one thing that science teaches the open mind is how much we don't know and how things we believe are not plausible are actually very plausible.

It is that open mind point that disqualifies you.
Oh this is funny.

That someone as puny as a homo sapien will make a univeral statement about what is or isn't is the essence of arrogance.

The one thing that science teaches the open mind is how much we don't know and how things we believe are not plausible are actually very plausible.

It is that open mind point that disqualifies you.

Bullshit, guy.

The people who wrote the bible didn't know what an atom was or where the sun went at night. The Genesis story is full of so many scientific implausibilities that it can be rejected forthwith.

Like plants being created before the sun was.

Can I absolutely say that there there's no possible way that a higher being could exist? Maybe not.

Can I absolutely say the Bible and the Book of Mormon were bullshit made up by people who didn't know any better. Yup.
Oh this is funny.

That someone as puny as a homo sapien will make a univeral statement about what is or isn't is the essence of arrogance.

The one thing that science teaches the open mind is how much we don't know and how things we believe are not plausible are actually very plausible.

It is that open mind point that disqualifies you.

Bullshit, guy.

The people who wrote the bible didn't know what an atom was or where the sun went at night. The Genesis story is full of so many scientific implausibilities that it can be rejected forthwith.

Like plants being created before the sun was.

Can I absolutely say that there there's no possible way that a higher being could exist? Maybe not.

Can I absolutely say the Bible and the Book of Mormon were bullshit made up by people who didn't know any better. Yup.

Yes, the classic response from a close minded bigot like yourself.

I expected no less (of a stupid statement).

Please continue to reject all you will.

It is good thing the scientists of the 1800's didn't adhere to the conventions of the day (that is how we advanced to statistical thermodynamics and using wave theory to describe electrons....but you know all that....and, of course, there are boring stories in medical science....and how DNA was finally identified).

So, I guess we can count on you to NOT to do any discovering since you already have it figured out.

Your greatest contribution to society will be if they compost your body after you die so others might have more productive gardens.

Your conclusions about the bible and Book Of Mormon are only based in some pool of bitterness you developed long ago.

Oh this is funny.

That someone as puny as a homo sapien will make a univeral statement about what is or isn't is the essence of arrogance.

The one thing that science teaches the open mind is how much we don't know and how things we believe are not plausible are actually very plausible.

It is that open mind point that disqualifies you.

Bullshit, guy.

The people who wrote the bible didn't know what an atom was or where the sun went at night. The Genesis story is full of so many scientific implausibilities that it can be rejected forthwith.

Like plants being created before the sun was.

Can I absolutely say that there there's no possible way that a higher being could exist? Maybe not.

Can I absolutely say the Bible and the Book of Mormon were bullshit made up by people who didn't know any better. Yup.

It must be comforting for you to pretend to take pride in your ignorance.
Well, some of us may have evolved.

For some, monkey would be a step up the ladder.

Well, that's true. I look at the "I've Got Mine, Screw You" element of the Republican Party, and think we haven't evolved at all.

You know, the ones that look at Mitt Romney screwing working people out of jobs, and think, "Wow, what a wonderful businessman he is!"

So you're done pretending you are a Republican, you stupid fucking bigot?
So you're done pretending you are a Republican, you stupid fucking bigot?

No, I'm just not YOUR kind of Republican. The kind that begs for scraps from the master's table hoping to be the master some day himself.

This is one of the ways the Republicans went wrong after Reagan. Not necessarily because of Reagan himself, but because of some of the mentality that rode along.

If you think there isn't a big corporation that wouldn't sell this country out in a heartbeat, you're delusional. They put profit before country, and that's the problem.
Yes, the classic response from a close minded bigot like yourself.

I expected no less (of a stupid statement).

Please continue to reject all you will.

It is good thing the scientists of the 1800's didn't adhere to the conventions of the day (that is how we advanced to statistical thermodynamics and using wave theory to describe electrons....but you know all that....and, of course, there are boring stories in medical science....and how DNA was finally identified).

So, I guess we can count on you to NOT to do any discovering since you already have it figured out.

Your greatest contribution to society will be if they compost your body after you die so others might have more productive gardens.

Your conclusions about the bible and Book Of Mormon are only based in some pool of bitterness you developed long ago.


No, Guy, what is sad is that you don't see a difference between scientific inquiry and religious bullshit.

Religion has always been the enemy of knowledge and science. From persecuting Galileo to burning the books of Pagan authors and creating the dark ages. From calling vaccinations for smallpox "The Devil's Needle". Religion has always been a roadblock to man's advancement.

Whenever there has been something truly stupid, there's usually been a retard with a bible behind it. Racism, Sexism, Homophobia. Yup, and in every case, an asshole with a bible saying God endorses it. Until of course, it became unacceptable, and they pretend they never said that.

Religion has always been the enemy of knowledge and science. .

Wrong. You're such an ignorant fuck.

So all the words that followed that you didn't understand?

How about Galileo, guy. Remember him. Had this whacky idea that the earth went around the sun. But that contradicted the bible, so they tortured the poor fool until he renounced it. The Catholic Church kept his writing on the "banned" list until the 19th century.

And then there was this gem...


Ultra-conservatives in medicine took fright at once on both sides of the Channel, and theology was soon finding profound reasons against the new practice. The French theologians of the Sorbonne solemnly condemned it; the English theologians were most loudly represented by the Rev. Edward Massey, who in 1772 preached and published a sermon entitled _The Dangerous and Sinful Practice of Inoculation_. In this he declared that Job's distemper was probably confluent smallpox; that he had been inoculated doubtless by the devil; that diseases are sent by Providence for the punishment of sin; and that the proposed attempt to prevent them is "a diabolical operation." Not less vigorous was the sermon of the Rev. Mr. Delafaye, entitled _Inoculation an Indefensible Practice_. This struggle went on for thirty years. late as 1753 we have a noted rector at Canterbury denouncing inoculation from his pulpit in the primatial city, and many of his brethren following his example.

Yup. That's the Church, helping progress because they really care about people.

Hell, this bullshit goes on today. Everyone agrees the use of condoms will slow down the spread of HIV. Well, everyone with a fucking lick of sense. You know who doesn't.

The Catholic Church.

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