The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
You're not any kind of Republican, you dishonest piece of shit.

I'm just wondering, is that what you think the GOP should be about. Protecting a few rich people while the rest of us live in shit? Seriously?

I think you and Romney should campaign on that.

'Fuck your job, my mansion needs to be bigger".

Except you'd be the one saying "Sho enough, massa Romney, youse need a bigger mansion!"
No, Guy, what is sad is that you don't see a difference between scientific inquiry and religious bullshit.

Religion has always been the enemy of knowledge and science. From persecuting Galileo to burning the books of Pagan authors and creating the dark ages. From calling vaccinations for smallpox "The Devil's Needle". Religion has always been a roadblock to man's advancement.

Whenever there has been something truly stupid, there's usually been a retard with a bible behind it. Racism, Sexism, Homophobia. Yup, and in every case, an asshole with a bible saying God endorses it. Until of course, it became unacceptable, and they pretend they never said that.

Sorry Buckwheat, but you really are a narrow minded bigot who tries to hide under the skirt of some poser called "science".

If you want to accuse everyone on this board who is religious of doing just what you my guest.

Otherwise, I would expect you to retract your little rant.

Religion certainly has had it's bad apples and people have used religion to push their own agendas.

But the kind of generalizations you make here are almost retarded.

And since I am a mormon, I can tell you that I have never been told to do anything except learn as much as I can about as many things as I can.

And just how would you rate yourself as learned ?

Do you have a PhD ?
You're not any kind of Republican, you dishonest piece of shit.

I'm just wondering, is that what you think the GOP should be about. Protecting a few rich people while the rest of us live in shit? Seriously?

I think you and Romney should campaign on that.

'Fuck your job, my mansion needs to be bigger".

Except you'd be the one saying "Sho enough, massa Romney, youse need a bigger mansion!"

Why are you still bothering (from time to time) with this "I'm a Republican" act, shitstain? Absolutely no one is buying it. It's all too obvious that you are just another liberal democrat trying in vain to push silly lies about what you see as your opposition. Are you really getting paid enough to make this much of an ass of yourself?

Religion has always been the enemy of knowledge and science. .

Wrong. You're such an ignorant fuck.

So all the words that followed that you didn't understand? .

None of your words, or your real agenda, are hard to understand, shitforbrains. It would be a waste of time to explain just how fucking idiotic your statement was because:

A) You're too stupid to follow

B) You don't want to know anything outside your bigotry and prejudice
Why are you still bothering (from time to time) with this "I'm a Republican" act, shitstain? Absolutely no one is buying it. It's all too obvious that you are just another liberal democrat trying in vain to push silly lies about what you see as your opposition. Are you really getting paid enough to make this much of an ass of yourself?

Guy, the only one who seems to have a problem with it is you...

But go and get your shine-box.
None of your words, or your real agenda, are hard to understand, shitforbrains. It would be a waste of time to explain just how fucking idiotic your statement was because:

A) You're too stupid to follow

And you keep following me around like a puppy... you just don't have the intelligence to say anything in rebuttal. Sad,really.

Sorry Buckwheat, but you really are a narrow minded bigot who tries to hide under the skirt of some poser called "science".

If you want to accuse everyone on this board who is religious of doing just what you my guest.

Otherwise, I would expect you to retract your little rant.

Religion certainly has had it's bad apples and people have used religion to push their own agendas.

But the kind of generalizations you make here are almost retarded.

And since I am a mormon, I can tell you that I have never been told to do anything except learn as much as I can about as many things as I can.

And just how would you rate yourself as learned ?

Do you have a PhD ?

Oh, I'm sure you do. And it's from some place run by Mormons... You'd be better off getting one on-line.

Religion doesn't have bad apples, it is the bad apple. 2000 years of misogyny, homophobia, slavery, racism, and suppression of science.

And the Mormons are the worst of the lot, because they all know it's a lie.
Why are you still bothering (from time to time) with this "I'm a Republican" act, shitstain? Absolutely no one is buying it. It's all too obvious that you are just another liberal democrat trying in vain to push silly lies about what you see as your opposition. Are you really getting paid enough to make this much of an ass of yourself?

Guy, the only one who seems to have a problem with it is you...

But go and get your shine-box.

Oh, you don't like it when your little charade is exposed? Worried about job security, shill?
Sorry Buckwheat, but you really are a narrow minded bigot who tries to hide under the skirt of some poser called "science".

If you want to accuse everyone on this board who is religious of doing just what you my guest.

Otherwise, I would expect you to retract your little rant.

Religion certainly has had it's bad apples and people have used religion to push their own agendas.

But the kind of generalizations you make here are almost retarded.

And since I am a mormon, I can tell you that I have never been told to do anything except learn as much as I can about as many things as I can.

And just how would you rate yourself as learned ?

Do you have a PhD ?

Oh, I'm sure you do. And it's from some place run by Mormons... You'd be better off getting one on-line.

Religion doesn't have bad apples, it is the bad apple. 2000 years of misogyny, homophobia, slavery, racism, and suppression of science.

And the Mormons are the worst of the lot, because they all know it's a lie.

Keep on chasing your own tail, you diseased dog.
Why are you still bothering (from time to time) with this "I'm a Republican" act, shitstain? Absolutely no one is buying it. It's all too obvious that you are just another liberal democrat trying in vain to push silly lies about what you see as your opposition. Are you really getting paid enough to make this much of an ass of yourself?

Guy, the only one who seems to have a problem with it is you...

But go and get your shine-box.

Oh, you don't like it when your little charade is exposed? Worried about job security, shill?

No charade, man, the fact is, I point out the obvious.

70% of Americans think the GOP puts the interest of the wealthy above those of working people.

The GOP has lost touch with working people, and that's it's biggest problem. When I campaign for GOP candidates, the most common thing I hear is, "Why are you voting Republican, you're not rich?"

Also, do you really think anyone pays anyone good money to post on a message board where only about 100 people post regularly and most already have their minds made up abotu things? Really?

I'm just wondering what kind of business model you think that works under.
Oh, you don't like it when your little charade is exposed? Worried about job security, shill?

No charade, man, the fact is, I point out the obvious. .

You point out nothing but your own prejudice, fear, and whatever else they pay you to post, you fucking fraud.


I love the people who are still willing to take Joe on.

Anymore I just watch. I haven't gotten around to blocking him yet because every now and then he makes an intelligent political comment when he can get his head out of the anti-Mormon septic tank.

You go Unk!!! :clap2:
Well, if you really think Unk's swearing and not being able to comprehend beyond one sentence of a post is really adding to the debate level here, that's your perogative, I guess.

I mean, at least Listening and Avatar try to make intelligent arguments in defense of the Crazy religion. It's occassionally painful to watch them twist and turn to avoid logic, but at least they make the effort, I'll give them that.

Unk's whole thing is 1) Using potty mouth langauge and 2) being paranoid that someone is apparently payign me to annoy him. (Seriously, people like that always end up in something involving a SWAT team.
Well, if you really think Unk's swearing and not being able to comprehend beyond one sentence of a post is really adding to the debate level here, that's your perogative, I guess.

I mean, at least Listening and Avatar try to make intelligent arguments in defense of the Crazy religion. It's occassionally painful to watch them twist and turn to avoid logic, but at least they make the effort, I'll give them that.

Unk's whole thing is 1) Using potty mouth langauge and 2) being paranoid that someone is apparently payign me to annoy him. (Seriously, people like that always end up in something involving a SWAT team.

You bring the debate level down every time you post in this thread. That is to say, every post of yours that I have seen.

That appears to be your aim. If it is not your aim, then you are not sufficiently aware of your own MO.

Anyone who calls you on your hate is doing more for the debate than I have ever seen you do.
Well, if you really think Unk's swearing and not being able to comprehend beyond one sentence of a post is really adding to the debate level here, that's your perogative, I guess.

I mean, at least Listening and Avatar try to make intelligent arguments in defense of the Crazy religion. It's occassionally painful to watch them twist and turn to avoid logic, but at least they make the effort, I'll give them that.

Unk's whole thing is 1) Using potty mouth langauge and 2) being paranoid that someone is apparently payign me to annoy him. (Seriously, people like that always end up in something involving a SWAT team.

Er, dude, you are the paranoid one. At a minimum you can be counted on to post the same crap about Mormons in at least four plus threads. Its not even fun anymore. And so predictable. It will be, bronze age "superstition" Thats your blanket intro to any topic of religion. Then there will be the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" comment, and that's not even original to you and was worn out years ago by famous anti Mormon. But you claiming another person is paranoid is the tea pot calling the kettle black. Here they come Joe, they are under your bed. They gonna git ya!


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