The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

  • Total voters
You bring the debate level down every time you post in this thread. That is to say, every post of yours that I have seen.

That appears to be your aim. If it is not your aim, then you are not sufficiently aware of your own MO.

Anyone who calls you on your hate is doing more for the debate than I have ever seen you do.

I look at it as though I am exposing a lie.

There are only TWO approaches you can take towards LDS.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God.

2) Joseph Smith was making shit up to get money and sex off less smart people.

There really isn't a middle ground. It's not like say, Lutheranism, where Luther had a different interpreation of the Bible than the Pope did.

Nope, it was either a real honest to God revelation or it was a very mean-spirited scam.

and since - and follow me here- we know Joseph Smith was wrong about his translations, the Native Americans being Hebrews, there being people living on the moon, etc. We can safely dismiss he was talking to any kind of God.
Well, if you really think Unk's swearing and not being able to comprehend beyond one sentence of a post is really adding to the debate level here, that's your perogative, I guess.

I mean, at least Listening and Avatar try to make intelligent arguments in defense of the Crazy religion. It's occassionally painful to watch them twist and turn to avoid logic, but at least they make the effort, I'll give them that.

Unk's whole thing is 1) Using potty mouth langauge and 2) being paranoid that someone is apparently payign me to annoy him. (Seriously, people like that always end up in something involving a SWAT team.

People not being able to comprehend beyond one sentence of your posts is a common refrain with you.

Here's the thing - people only give you so many chances to prove that your posts are worth attempting to comprehend. And for many of us you've exhausted your chances. :eusa_hand:

It takes only a split second to skim your posts to see if it's the same old anti-religion mantra.

Though it is rare to find you making posts which aren't spawned by your religious obsessions, I've seen enough to know that you do have a decent brain when you care to use it. You still make some surprising errors for someone who claims to have a history background, but the posts are worth reading. WHEN you can stay away from religion.

But as long as you talk about religion, you aren't worth the time to read more than one sentence. We should probably still try to resist the temptation to guffaw in your face, but you make it so very hard.
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In short, you don't like when I kick your puppy.

Get over it.

I have a very simple solution.. You keep your bronze age bullshit in your houses and churches, and I won't make fun of it.

When you parade it out for all to see, I take potshots at it...
They're called "garments". They cover more of the body than typical underwear. No short shorts for Mormons. ( :
So mormons wear long underwear? So do I when it's cold. Do they wear them in the summer when it's hot? What's the rational behind wearing long underwear, and are their long underwear any different than what a non-mormon would wear?
In short, you don't like when I kick your puppy.

Get over it.

I have a very simple solution.. You keep your bronze age bullshit in your houses and churches, and I won't make fun of it.

When you parade it out for all to see, I take potshots at it...

My puppy?

LOL. You bash on people who don't parade their religion.

Learn who you are before you try to tell us who we are. If you had a clone and had to listen to yourself talk for a day, you would be in for a rude awakening.
They're called "garments". They cover more of the body than typical underwear. No short shorts for Mormons. ( :
So mormons wear long underwear? So do I when it's cold. Do they wear them in the summer when it's hot? What's the rational behind wearing long underwear, and are their long underwear any different than what a non-mormon would wear?

Short answer- Joseph Smith had an obsession with Freemasonry, but they never let him in and taught him the secret handshake. So he thought it would be kind of cool if his new religion had some Mason kind of secrets, too. Hense, the need for undergarmets with secret symbols on them.

Mormonism and Freemasonry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In short, you don't like when I kick your puppy.

Get over it.

I have a very simple solution.. You keep your bronze age bullshit in your houses and churches, and I won't make fun of it.

When you parade it out for all to see, I take potshots at it...

My puppy?

LOL. You bash on people who don't parade their religion.

Learn who you are before you try to tell us who we are. If you had a clone and had to listen to yourself talk for a day, you would be in for a rude awakening.

I know exactly who I am...

And I know what most of you people are...

You get offended because I call bullshit on the nonsense. Have been ever since 1983, and the nasty old nun said there had to be a good reason why God let my mother, a woman she had worked with for a decade, die of a horrible disease.

Pretty much have been at war with religion since then, and enjoying every minute of it. It's especially fun because most Funditards don't actually know how much crazy stuff is in their own bible.

And thus, I will leave you with my favorite Psalm. 137:9-

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones

The kind of messed up stuff that can only appear in the Bible.
They're called "garments". They cover more of the body than typical underwear. No short shorts for Mormons. ( :
So mormons wear long underwear? So do I when it's cold. Do they wear them in the summer when it's hot? What's the rational behind wearing long underwear, and are their long underwear any different than what a non-mormon would wear?

They're different from what a non-mormon would wear. Well, the women's top is sort of like a camisole, so some women might wear something similar. The pants go down to the tops of the knees. Edit: there is also a long version available iiuc.

They reinforce modest styles of clothing. I mentioned no short shorts. The tops also rule out sleeveless clothes. Worn year round.

They remind mormons of covenants they've made in the temple. And they have special insignia which you could probably learn about at an anti-mormon site but most mormons don't want to talk about the insignia, I think, coz then you're entering the realm of the sacred, where people want to tread lightly.
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In short, you don't like when I kick your puppy.

Get over it.

I have a very simple solution.. You keep your bronze age bullshit in your houses and churches, and I won't make fun of it.

When you parade it out for all to see, I take potshots at it...

See ? Haven't read the rest of the exchange, but there was the bronze age superstition. Waiting for the magic underwear and the giant spaghetti monster.:lol:
In short, you don't like when I kick your puppy.

Get over it.

I have a very simple solution.. You keep your bronze age bullshit in your houses and churches, and I won't make fun of it.

When you parade it out for all to see, I take potshots at it...

See ? Haven't read the rest of the exchange, but there was the bronze age superstition. Waiting for the magic underwear and the giant spaghetti monster.:lol:

Actually, I rarely used FSM as a talking point... while amusing, I think it trivializes the point.

More to the point, why do you find "Bronze Age" so offensive. Most of the bible was written in the Bronze Age, with a Bronze Age understanding of the universe. We don't practice BA economics or medicine or food production, but that "old time" religion is good enough for some people.
They remind mormons of covenants they've made in the temple. And they have special insignia which you could probably learn about at an anti-mormon site but most mormons don't want to talk about the insignia, I think, coz then you're entering the realm of the sacred, where people want to tread lightly.

And that's the point, isn't it? Don't talk about my silly beliefs because they are sacred, and if I call them sacred, they somehow become less silly....

The insignia had to do with Smith's love/hate relationship with the Masons, not because of anything God told him or anything holy.

I think most religions have a point where someone in charge says, "Man, I got these suckers eating out of the palm of my hand. Let's see how silly I can make them act.. I know, Magic Underwear!"
In short, you don't like when I kick your puppy.

Get over it.

I have a very simple solution.. You keep your bronze age bullshit in your houses and churches, and I won't make fun of it.

When you parade it out for all to see, I take potshots at it...

See ? Haven't read the rest of the exchange, but there was the bronze age superstition. Waiting for the magic underwear and the giant spaghetti monster.:lol:

Actually, I rarely used FSM as a talking point... while amusing, I think it trivializes the point.

More to the point, why do you find "Bronze Age" so offensive. Most of the bible was written in the Bronze Age, with a Bronze Age understanding of the universe. We don't practice BA economics or medicine or food production, but that "old time" religion is good enough for some people.

Offended ? No, disappointed. In all your anti Mormon/Romney/ threads you will at least two or three times sat "bronze age superstition, magic underwear, or spaghetti monster. A guy would think you could do better. You are cranky today. You did not even call me curly. LDS come to the door today ? An LDS get the big promotion ?
Never had an LDS show up at my door. That would be amusing.... I suspect they have my house marked in red with skull and crossbones...

Had some Jehovah's Witnesses show up once, but they were trying to recruit my Mexican girlfriend at the time. "Honey, there are some nice Jehovah Witlesses here to see you!"

She didn't talk to me for a week!
They remind mormons of covenants they've made in the temple. And they have special insignia which you could probably learn about at an anti-mormon site but most mormons don't want to talk about the insignia, I think, coz then you're entering the realm of the sacred, where people want to tread lightly.

And that's the point, isn't it? Don't talk about my silly beliefs because they are sacred, and if I call them sacred, they somehow become less silly....

The insignia had to do with Smith's love/hate relationship with the Masons, not because of anything God told him or anything holy.

I think most religions have a point where someone in charge says, "Man, I got these suckers eating out of the palm of my hand. Let's see how silly I can make them act.. I know, Magic Underwear!"

Or drink poison kool aid, or what ever. All religions have their odd points.
And again, never used FSM as a major discussion point. Now, I can see your confusion, as about six or seven people were blamed for being me who weren't on that other website (and maybe still are, for all I know) and their so 1990's messaging system, you can't really tell who was saying what.
No man, you do that here. I tell you what, You post pretty decent most of the time. The only thing that screws it up is the Anti Mormon/Romney/Religion stuff. Even your points about Romny's politics and why he is no good for the country, I have to agree 100%, but its when you go on about the weird Mormon cult, yada, yada, yada that it gets boring.
Not even a good dodge.

So you think it's okay the bible advocates smashing babies heads on rocks?

And it could just be me but, I dont know any Christians who bash babies heads on rocks, no Pagans who sacrifice the kiddies, no Mormons who are married ti 15 13 year old girls.

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