The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

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  • Bigoted

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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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So he lied when He said that Christ was real and rose from the grave?

He can't know that for sure, he wasn't there. That Jesus rose from the grave is called hearsay.

Yes he can. He saw Christ. Multiple times. As did many who were with him. They were eye witnesses.

He was a money digger who was arrested.

What is the difference between Joseph Smith and Brian David Mitchell who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart?

As Immanuel, Mitchell wrote a two-part text which he claimed were Revelations from God, called the "Book of Immanuel David Isaiah" (I & II).[13] The first of these revelations, completed in April 2002, included instructions for Mitchell to marry 7 more wives; God's chastisement of members for rejecting the Book of Mormon and especially the words of Ezra Taft Benson; for loving money and seeking the praise of the world; for ignoring the poor and needy; for failing to testify against secret combinations; and for turning to doctors to cure illness instead of relying on faith, herbs, and fruits.[14]

Brian David Mitchell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
churches are about amassed fortunes. Souls are about amassed grace which can not be purchased from the church but it never keeps the fools from trying.
He can't know that for sure, he wasn't there. That Jesus rose from the grave is called hearsay.

Yes he can. He saw Christ. Multiple times. As did many who were with him. They were eye witnesses.

Smith also said he saw the Angel Moroni, God, and a White Salamander.

Oh, wait, no, that was a forgery.

He said the "Book of Abraham" was an account of Abraham's life in Egypt. Then someone translated them and discovered they were a Ptomoleic funerary scroll.

He claimed that Kinderhook Tablets were an account of someone who lived in Bible times. But they were fakes made by his neighbors.

So you have to resort to the White Salamander forgery to attack Joseph Smith? How exactly are forgeries made over a century later at all relevant to Joseph Smith?

The Book of Abraham that Joseph translated are still missing. They had a red binding that is completely missing from all the pieces that have been translated.

He never made any claim about the Kinderhook plates. The only thing that even suggests that he did was a third hand source that was changed to imply that he himself said it. But the evidence suggests he had no interest in them. For example, with the Book of Abraham, he went out of his ways to purchase the records. The evidence with the Kinderhook plates shows that not only did he not even try to purchase them, they left town without any fan fair and with absolutely no interest from him.

See, this is the problem with you anti mormons. You try to shot gun approach the situation. Make a bunch of accusations that you think look good for your case and that need indepth analysis to really see if they are true, which you conveniently ignore. And you pretend as if there are no responses despite them being refuted decades ago.

I have no doubt you'll again completely ignore what I post, return to your old talking points hoping that those who don't have the time to do the actual research will blindly believe you because it looks like you know what you are talking about and they are looking for an excuse not to listen.

The problem is I have done my research. I won't be swayed. But then Im not really the target. It's those who are reading the conversation that haven't.

That's why I'd much rather short circuit this and go directly to the source. God knows whether Joseph Smith was His prophet or not. And He is more than happy to tell people the truth that He was.

I challenge you to actually read the Book of Mormon and the other relevations and ask God for yourself. Do a 30 day experiment. Study the scriptures and every day ask the Lord to tell you whether it's true. He will. Even if the only faith you have is to do the experiment.

Because quite frankly you and I could go back and forth on this and it wont solve a thing. But the Spirit of the Lord can end the discussion for anyone interested very quickly.

When I was studying things out for myself. It became very apparently that those who hate the Church like yourself didn't have much of a leg for your arguments. But that didn't mean the Church did either. As I researched, I would find nothing but outright lies, out of context quotes, highly editted quotes, and many other deceptive arguments to attack the Church. And when I would see the responses, I would see some good responses, some poorly thought responses, but I repeatedly saw those responding to the critics tell me not to take their word for it but to go to the Lord.

Eventually, I concluded that going to the Lord was the only way to know for myself. I didn't know whether there was a God. I didn't know how He would let me know if He was there. I just reasoned, that I could experiment on the Word as the scriptures taught and if He was there, He would let me know. And it's only through the revelation of the Holy Spirit that I obtained that knowledge. Now, I know there is a God. I know He loves me. I know He loves you too. I know He wants me to love you, though I will freely admit I find that difficult. I know from the Holy Spirit that Jesus Christ died for my sins. I know that through Him I can overcome my many, many weaknesses. Through the Spirit I learned that the Book of Mormon was true and that Joseph Smith was indeed called by Him to be a prophet. His story is incredible. Even he said that he wouldn't believe it if he hadn't experienced it. As imperfect as he was, he was a prophet. I know that Priesthood has been restored along with the keys to direct it.

The Holy Spirit has told me this not only that time but many many others. I've learned countless things from listening to the Spirit. My life has been enriched because of it. The fruits of the Spirit are good and have brought joy, peace, and power to my life.

I invite you and anyone else who reads this to experiment on the word as I suggested. It's the only way to truly know God. Otherwise, we are just doing mental exercises that benefit absolutely no one.
He can't know that for sure, he wasn't there. That Jesus rose from the grave is called hearsay.

Yes he can. He saw Christ. Multiple times. As did many who were with him. They were eye witnesses.

A good con man can fake shit like that very easily. Man, you sure are gullible.

And yet, no one ever has. It's easy to make claims. Prove someone can fake it. You can only use resources available in the 1800s.

Or you could try reading the Book of Mormon and Bible and testing it out for yourself.
He can't know that for sure, he wasn't there. That Jesus rose from the grave is called hearsay.

Yes he can. He saw Christ. Multiple times. As did many who were with him. They were eye witnesses.

He was a money digger who was arrested.

What is the difference between Joseph Smith and Brian David Mitchell who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart?

As Immanuel, Mitchell wrote a two-part text which he claimed were Revelations from God, called the "Book of Immanuel David Isaiah" (I & II).[13] The first of these revelations, completed in April 2002, included instructions for Mitchell to marry 7 more wives; God's chastisement of members for rejecting the Book of Mormon and especially the words of Ezra Taft Benson; for loving money and seeking the praise of the world; for ignoring the poor and needy; for failing to testify against secret combinations; and for turning to doctors to cure illness instead of relying on faith, herbs, and fruits.[14]

Brian David Mitchell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christ was arrested to. He was put to death for His supposed crime. If the Son of God, being Holy, was falsely arrested and put to death, why should we expect a Servant to do better?

And yes Joseph was arrested many times. Wasn't found guilty of anything.

And as for the difference between Joseph and BDM. He didn't kidnap anyone for instance. He was very public in his faith. BDM was hiding. Joseph didn't merely have experiences and tell people about them. He invited those around them to participate in those experiences.

Almost every event in the Restoration had 2 or more people participating.

For example, Oliver was with Joseph at each time they recieved Priesthood and keys from Divine messengers. Sydney was with Joseph at the time they recieved the Vision of the Three Degrees of Glory along with many others who were present and testified. Joseph was with others when he healed the sick in Nauvoo. When the Spiritual gifts were poured out on the Saints at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple countless saw Angels and experienced the outpowering of the Spirit. The others in the School of the Prophets were present at times when the Lord appeared to them.

Where did BDM have a second witness to anything he claimed to experience?

the scriptures say that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, God will establish every Word. It's a law of heaven.
Yes he can. He saw Christ. Multiple times. As did many who were with him. They were eye witnesses.

A good con man can fake shit like that very easily. Man, you sure are gullible.

And yet, no one ever has. It's easy to make claims. Prove someone can fake it. You can only use resources available in the 1800s.

Or you could try reading the Book of Mormon and Bible and testing it out for yourself.

I have a brother who's totally convinced that he's sees Jesus all the time and talk to him. Is he the next prophet?
Yes he can. He saw Christ. Multiple times. As did many who were with him. They were eye witnesses.

He was a money digger who was arrested.

What is the difference between Joseph Smith and Brian David Mitchell who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart?

As Immanuel, Mitchell wrote a two-part text which he claimed were Revelations from God, called the "Book of Immanuel David Isaiah" (I & II).[13] The first of these revelations, completed in April 2002, included instructions for Mitchell to marry 7 more wives; God's chastisement of members for rejecting the Book of Mormon and especially the words of Ezra Taft Benson; for loving money and seeking the praise of the world; for ignoring the poor and needy; for failing to testify against secret combinations; and for turning to doctors to cure illness instead of relying on faith, herbs, and fruits.[14]

Brian David Mitchell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christ was arrested to. He was put to death for His supposed crime. If the Son of God, being Holy, was falsely arrested and put to death, why should we expect a Servant to do better?

And yes Joseph was arrested many times. Wasn't found guilty of anything.

And as for the difference between Joseph and BDM. He didn't kidnap anyone for instance. He was very public in his faith. BDM was hiding. Joseph didn't merely have experiences and tell people about them. He invited those around them to participate in those experiences.

Almost every event in the Restoration had 2 or more people participating.

For example, Oliver was with Joseph at each time they recieved Priesthood and keys from Divine messengers. Sydney was with Joseph at the time they recieved the Vision of the Three Degrees of Glory along with many others who were present and testified. Joseph was with others when he healed the sick in Nauvoo. When the Spiritual gifts were poured out on the Saints at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple countless saw Angels and experienced the outpowering of the Spirit. The others in the School of the Prophets were present at times when the Lord appeared to them.

Where did BDM have a second witness to anything he claimed to experience?

the scriptures say that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, God will establish every Word. It's a law of heaven.

I believe the Book of Mormon was stolen from another book:

Numerous scholars have identified the significant parallels between View of the Hebrews and the Book of Mormon. In 1922 B.H. Roberts (1857–1933), a prominent LDS apologist and historian,[10] was asked by the LDS Apostle James E. Talmage to answer a non-believer's five critical questions. He produced a confidential report that summarized eighteen points of similarity between the two works.[11]

View of the Hebrews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When was the book of Mormon written? I don't have my notes in front of me but they claim:

The writings were said to describe a people whom God had led from Jerusalem to the Western Hemisphere 600 years before Jesus’ birth

Book of Mormon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The question is if the book of Mormon was supposedly written years earlier then how come it contains quotations from the 1611 Bible including mistakes? The book of Mormon has been changed nearly 4,000 times or more and it has been documented.

From what I heard, Mormons advertised in England about an Oasis and women got out of the stage coach and hissed when they saw Utah. Our pastor showed us advertising that they did.

If you have a lynch mob at the jail, I'm guessing the people were very angry at Joseph Smith.

Some notable American was in jail in Italy. There was no evidence that she did it. Right? If you slapped my face, it would turn red, no? There were dead bodies, right? And I'm not implying she did it but.

I went to college and saw a cult called the Boston Church of Christ or New York movement in action. They got thrown out of college because a member refused to let a Christian minister speak and they were going through the Christian club's files seeking phone numbers, names, addresses. Even after they got kicked out, they continued to find empty rooms in college to do their Bible studies. When they were caught, they claimed they were persecuted. When they weren't caught, they claimed they were doing God's will even though they were trespassing through not having permission.

Joseph Smith "was killed while jailed in Carthage, Illinois, on charges relating to his ordering the destruction of facilities producing the Nauvoo Expositor,"

Death of Joseph Smith - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In response to public outrage generated by the paper, the Nauvoo city council passed an ordinance declaring the newspaper a public nuisance designed to promote violence against Smith and his followers. They reached this decision after lengthy[specify] discussion, including citation of William Blackstone's legal canon, which included a libelous press as a public nuisance. According to the council's minutes, Smith said he "...would rather die tomorrow and have the thing smashed, than live and have it go on, for it was exciting the spirit of mobocracy among the people, and bringing death and destruction upon us."[5]

The people caught Joseph Smith doing things wrong so Joseph Smith set out to have the paper destroyed.

There are accusations that Joseph Smith took other men's wives and had child brides and all I have to do is look it up but when you get involved with other men's wives like that, I'm guessing he made someone angry and tried to cover it up by destroying their paper.

Don't take my word for this. Go to your local Deseret Book shop, order any CD-ROM that contains back issues of church newspapers, such as Gospel Link. Read them all for yourself. Notice the date. 1842. If you look on, you will see that Joseph Smith had already married several other women by then.

Not convionced? Look at the date of section 132,. it was published in 1843. The next year, in 1844, Joseph Smith published this in the church newspaper Times and Seasons, volume 5, page 423. Go and buy the Deseret CD-ROM and see for yourself.

Face the Facts

If you slap me in the face, would my face turn red? Yes. Would there be any evidence? No.
Avatar's ramblings, though certainly sincere and well intentioned, are a good illustration of the difference between faith and science.

When a scientist finds evidence that contradicts his current theory, he investigates fully, to see whether the evidence is flawed, or his theory requires re-thinking. The two must be reconciled one way or another.

When a person of faith finds evidence that contradicts his BELIEFS, he seeks to contrive an explanation that allows the belief to remain intact. He never questions the beliefs or adjusts them to meet the evidence. In some cases, the explanation is so strained that the person of faith looks foolish.

Ironically, the LDS church has been quite liberal in modifying articles of faith to suit their earthly objectives. Joe Smith and Brigham Young both taught that plural wives were mandatory for those who could afford it, as the practice was part of God's plan. And yet, when polygamy became an obstacle to statehood, they (at least formally) abolished the practice.

Whole books have been written debunking the Book of Mormon. It is stuff and nonsense, and not very well presented either. Same for the Book of Abraham. And far from being a holy or "good" man, Joe Smith was a known schemer, whose whole life before his "discovery" of the golden plates was one get-rich-quick scheme after another. His marital history alone is enough to demonstrate that he was a self-indulgent blowhard, but Mormons are able to simply explain it away.

Maybe all religions are bullshit. Jesus never walked on water, Mohammed never moved a mountain, and Elijah Muhammad never walked with god. But LDS has the unhappy burden of a whole mountain of evidence of its being founded on nonsense. And a mountain of nonsense (BOM) with no archaeological evidence to support it. It is more sad than outrageous.
So he lied when He said that Christ was real and rose from the grave?

James 2:19
New International Version
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder.
assumption on all points!

Isaiah 43:10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
but we've never worshiped "Joe" Smith. Only the Lord.

So why do you believe anything a con man says?

I don't. you're making false assumptions.

BTW most people dont sacrifice their life for a con.

It depends on how you phrase it. People do go to jail for cons. And then there was David Koresh and he just messed up the assumption you quoted.

What is the difference between David Koresh and Joseph Smith?
(I actually have an old copy of this file from the BBS and have permission to post it but I will just give a link:)

Parallels between Joseph Smith and David Koresh

The Watchman Expositor: David Koresh and Joseph Smith - False Prophets
Avatar's ramblings, though certainly sincere and well intentioned, are a good illustration of the difference between faith and science.

When a scientist finds evidence that contradicts his current theory, he investigates fully, to see whether the evidence is flawed, or his theory requires re-thinking. The two must be reconciled one way or another.

When a person of faith finds evidence that contradicts his BELIEFS, he seeks to contrive an explanation that allows the belief to remain intact. He never questions the beliefs or adjusts them to meet the evidence. In some cases, the explanation is so strained that the person of faith looks foolish.

Ironically, the LDS church has been quite liberal in modifying articles of faith to suit their earthly objectives. Joe Smith and Brigham Young both taught that plural wives were mandatory for those who could afford it, as the practice was part of God's plan. And yet, when polygamy became an obstacle to statehood, they (at least formally) abolished the practice.

Whole books have been written debunking the Book of Mormon. It is stuff and nonsense, and not very well presented either. Same for the Book of Abraham. And far from being a holy or "good" man, Joe Smith was a known schemer, whose whole life before his "discovery" of the golden plates was one get-rich-quick scheme after another. His marital history alone is enough to demonstrate that he was a self-indulgent blowhard, but Mormons are able to simply explain it away.

Maybe all religions are bullshit. Jesus never walked on water, Mohammed never moved a mountain, and Elijah Muhammad never walked with god. But LDS has the unhappy burden of a whole mountain of evidence of its being founded on nonsense. And a mountain of nonsense (BOM) with no archaeological evidence to support it. It is more sad than outrageous.

And yet, there is archaelogical evidence, not that it's important. Do a web search. You will find plenty on the Book of Mormon, Bountiful and Nahom. Unless you think it's just a random coincidence that Joseph Smith described a trail that actually exists through Arabia.

That's the problem with the critics. They have to ignore the countless coincidences that we would have to believe exist in order for Joseph to have been a fraud.

It's just a coincidence that Joseph ignored the doctrines in Christianity that developed over the centuries such as Creation Ex Nihilo and adopted the doctrines found in ancient Christianity that are neglected now, like the Doctrine of Deification and the premortal existence.

It's just a coincidence that Joseph predicted the civil war to start in South Carolina 30 years before it happened.

It's just a coincidence that he "made up" names in the Book of Mormon that are actual ancient names.

It's just a coincidence that Chiasmus exist in the Book of Mormon.

That's hardly a full list of things he "guessed" correctly. Yet, For some it's much easier to believe that he just guessed correctly on so many things than to believe he was an honest man.

It's much easier to believe he was a con man despite the fact that he was poor his entire life. He was a con man despite the fact that the reason he did so poorly in business was because he kept giving away his merchandise to those in need. And he was a con man just trying to take people's money so much that he recieved a revelation saying he was going to be poor his whole life and that finances were not the gift he was giving. And he was a con man who, went voluntarily to his death when he was already in the free and clear in the frontier and could have spared his life by simply renouncing his so called fraud.

And yet he was supposedly a schemer his whole life despite that the people who actually new him said they never knew he was anything other than a good honest man until he had the visions.

As I've said earlier, any criticism against him and the Church has been debunked years ago. There hasnt been any no criticism in decades.

And the most beautiful part of all this is no one has to take my word for it. They can study themselves. They can ask the Lord. The Book of Mormon and all the other revelations are available for all to study. And the Lord gives wisdom liberally to all who ask of Him.

Experiment on the Word like I suggested earlier. Isn't it interesting that there are so many people encouraging you all to not experiment for yourself and not pray for yourself? Why do you think that is? What do you have to fear?
Joseph Smith = FALSE PROPHET

So he lied when He said that Christ was real and rose from the grave?

James 2:19
New International Version
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder.

But I don't shudder at the knowledge of my Savior. Nor did Joseph. We take great joy and peace at the knowledge that Christ lives. Joseph and countless others have seen Him. My witness of the living Christ comes from the Holy Ghost.

He lives and He loves you. Read the Book of Mormon because they contain the words of Christ. You will know that from the Spirit.
So why do you believe anything a con man says?

I don't. you're making false assumptions.

BTW most people dont sacrifice their life for a con.

It depends on how you phrase it. People do go to jail for cons. And then there was David Koresh and he just messed up the assumption you quoted.

What is the difference between David Koresh and Joseph Smith?
(I actually have an old copy of this file from the BBS and have permission to post it but I will just give a link:)

Parallels between Joseph Smith and David Koresh

The Watchman Expositor: David Koresh and Joseph Smith - False Prophets

Was Koresh a con man or insane?

And he didn't voluntarily go to his death. he was killed by the government quite involuntarily.

Joseph on the other hand had no need to go to Carthage. He was in the frontiers of Iowa and could have remained there until the Saints started heading to Utah. But the Saints asked him to return and he did despite knowing he would die.

Please feel free to read John Taylor's account. He was there and shot four times by the mob. Doctrine and Covenants 135*

Joseph didn't only die for his testimony. His beloved brother Hyrum died with him.

Also, you might want to be careful about your Koresh comparison. Many might compare him to Christ as a way to discredit Christianity as a whole.

Was Koresh a con man or insane?

And he didn't voluntarily go to his death. he was killed by the government quite involuntarily.

Joseph on the other hand had no need to go to Carthage. He was in the frontiers of Iowa and could have remained there until the Saints started heading to Utah. But the Saints asked him to return and he did despite knowing he would die.

Please feel free to read John Taylor's account. He was there and shot four times by the mob. Doctrine and Covenants 135*

Joseph didn't only die for his testimony. His beloved brother Hyrum died with him.

Also, you might want to be careful about your Koresh comparison. Many might compare him to Christ as a way to discredit Christianity as a whole.

David Koresh could have surrendered or gave up. His right hand man decided to die but not for a fraud.

According to the FBI, Steve Schneider, Koresh's right-hand man who "probably realized he was dealing with a fraud", shot and killed Koresh and then committed suicide with the same gun.[23]

David Koresh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't really believe you will accuse Christ but if you are ready to make that comparison...
James 2:19
New International Version
You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that--and shudder.
assumption on all points!

Isaiah 43:10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
also assumption, there is no proof that this exchange ever took place....
So why do you believe anything a con man says?

I don't. you're making false assumptions.

BTW most people dont sacrifice their life for a con.

It depends on how you phrase it. People do go to jail for cons. And then there was David Koresh and he just messed up the assumption you quoted.

What is the difference between David Koresh and Joseph Smith?
(I actually have an old copy of this file from the BBS and have permission to post it but I will just give a link:)

Parallels between Joseph Smith and David Koresh

The Watchman Expositor: David Koresh and Joseph Smith - False Prophets
Mission Statement
Our mission

Since 1979, our mission has been to fill a crucial need in the Church as a Christian counter-cult* and watchdog ministry. We have three primary goals: to educate the community, to equip the church, and to evangelize the cults.

Educate the Community

Watchman Fellowship impacts local communities through educational conferences, mass mailings and the media. An important aspect of educating the community comes through those who receive our training. Our goal is to leave behind trained believers to continue the work in their area long after we leave.

Equipping the Church

Our foremost responsibility is to the Church. Jesus warned us to "beware of the false prophets." How can one beware unless one is first aware? By equipping the Church, we accomplish our other goals: equipping Christians to evangelize the cultist and to educate their neighbor against deception.

Evangelizing the Cults

Watchman Fellowship is actively involved in counseling and witnessing to those involved in cults. This is accomplished by a variety of methods such as mission projects, pre-recorded telephone messages, warning ads in local newspapers, and by one-on-one or small group visits. Much of the evangelism is being done in the homes of believers who have been trained by our staff to share their faith with those who are recruiting for the cults.

Freedom of Religion

Watchman Fellowship endorses freedom of religion in both thought and expression. While endorsing the rights of everyone to hold and practice divergent beliefs, Watchman Fellowship is compelled to exercise its freedoms (religious, speech and press) to expose questionable doctrines and abusive or manipulative practices, and to offer spiritual alternatives in the form of traditional Christian faith.

*The fact that we maintain a file on these groups does not necessarily mean that we classify them as cults, but it does mean that we have received questions or complaints about them.

one cult bad mouthing another, how fucking typical!
I don't. you're making false assumptions.

BTW most people dont sacrifice their life for a con.

It depends on how you phrase it. People do go to jail for cons. And then there was David Koresh and he just messed up the assumption you quoted.

What is the difference between David Koresh and Joseph Smith?
(I actually have an old copy of this file from the BBS and have permission to post it but I will just give a link:)

Parallels between Joseph Smith and David Koresh

The Watchman Expositor: David Koresh and Joseph Smith - False Prophets
Mission Statement
Our mission

Since 1979, our mission has been to fill a crucial need in the Church as a Christian counter-cult* and watchdog ministry. We have three primary goals: to educate the community, to equip the church, and to evangelize the cults.

Educate the Community

Watchman Fellowship impacts local communities through educational conferences, mass mailings and the media. An important aspect of educating the community comes through those who receive our training. Our goal is to leave behind trained believers to continue the work in their area long after we leave.

Equipping the Church

Our foremost responsibility is to the Church. Jesus warned us to "beware of the false prophets." How can one beware unless one is first aware? By equipping the Church, we accomplish our other goals: equipping Christians to evangelize the cultist and to educate their neighbor against deception.

Evangelizing the Cults

Watchman Fellowship is actively involved in counseling and witnessing to those involved in cults. This is accomplished by a variety of methods such as mission projects, pre-recorded telephone messages, warning ads in local newspapers, and by one-on-one or small group visits. Much of the evangelism is being done in the homes of believers who have been trained by our staff to share their faith with those who are recruiting for the cults.

Freedom of Religion

Watchman Fellowship endorses freedom of religion in both thought and expression. While endorsing the rights of everyone to hold and practice divergent beliefs, Watchman Fellowship is compelled to exercise its freedoms (religious, speech and press) to expose questionable doctrines and abusive or manipulative practices, and to offer spiritual alternatives in the form of traditional Christian faith.

*The fact that we maintain a file on these groups does not necessarily mean that we classify them as cults, but it does mean that we have received questions or complaints about them.

one cult bad mouthing another, how fucking typical!

You are doing the good work here Daws...

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