The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

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  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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It depends on how you phrase it. People do go to jail for cons. And then there was David Koresh and he just messed up the assumption you quoted.

What is the difference between David Koresh and Joseph Smith?
(I actually have an old copy of this file from the BBS and have permission to post it but I will just give a link:)

Parallels between Joseph Smith and David Koresh

The Watchman Expositor: David Koresh and Joseph Smith - False Prophets
Mission Statement
Our mission

Since 1979, our mission has been to fill a crucial need in the Church as a Christian counter-cult* and watchdog ministry. We have three primary goals: to educate the community, to equip the church, and to evangelize the cults.

Educate the Community

Watchman Fellowship impacts local communities through educational conferences, mass mailings and the media. An important aspect of educating the community comes through those who receive our training. Our goal is to leave behind trained believers to continue the work in their area long after we leave.

Equipping the Church

Our foremost responsibility is to the Church. Jesus warned us to "beware of the false prophets." How can one beware unless one is first aware? By equipping the Church, we accomplish our other goals: equipping Christians to evangelize the cultist and to educate their neighbor against deception.

Evangelizing the Cults

Watchman Fellowship is actively involved in counseling and witnessing to those involved in cults. This is accomplished by a variety of methods such as mission projects, pre-recorded telephone messages, warning ads in local newspapers, and by one-on-one or small group visits. Much of the evangelism is being done in the homes of believers who have been trained by our staff to share their faith with those who are recruiting for the cults.

Freedom of Religion

Watchman Fellowship endorses freedom of religion in both thought and expression. While endorsing the rights of everyone to hold and practice divergent beliefs, Watchman Fellowship is compelled to exercise its freedoms (religious, speech and press) to expose questionable doctrines and abusive or manipulative practices, and to offer spiritual alternatives in the form of traditional Christian faith.

*The fact that we maintain a file on these groups does not necessarily mean that we classify them as cults, but it does mean that we have received questions or complaints about them.

one cult bad mouthing another, how fucking typical!

You are doing the good work here Daws...
thanks chief!
See, this is the problem with you anti mormons. You try to shot gun approach the situation. Make a bunch of accusations that you think look good for your case and that need indepth analysis to really see if they are true, which you conveniently ignore. And you pretend as if there are no responses despite them being refuted decades ago.

Don't worry, they are losers. It's really obvious to the casual observer.

I should read Book of Mormon, would make for interesting discussion. Strangely, if I didn't already have some possible evidence of a connection between the Middle East and North America of ancient times, I wouldn't be interested at all.
See, this is the problem with you anti mormons. You try to shot gun approach the situation. Make a bunch of accusations that you think look good for your case and that need indepth analysis to really see if they are true, which you conveniently ignore. And you pretend as if there are no responses despite them being refuted decades ago.

Don't worry, they are losers. It's really obvious to the casual observer.

I should read Book of Mormon, would make for interesting discussion. Strangely, if I didn't already have some possible evidence of a connection between the Middle East and North America of ancient times, I wouldn't be interested at all.

You can order a free copy online. You could also read it online.

I don't think they are losers. Just misguided. Thankfully the Lord is merciful and they will have an opportunity to recieve the Gospel when He feels they are ready.
I feel sorry for Avatar...

I used to, but frankly, it takes an effort to remain that dedicated to a cult...

Odd, I think it takes more of an effort to fight the truth as you are than to follow it.

Well, of course you do.

You're in a cult, and if you started saying something like, "Hey, there's no evidence there ever was a Nephite Civilization", all the other cult members would shun you.
I used to, but frankly, it takes an effort to remain that dedicated to a cult...

Odd, I think it takes more of an effort to fight the truth as you are than to follow it.

Well, of course you do.

You're in a cult, and if you started saying something like, "Hey, there's no evidence there ever was a Nephite Civilization", all the other cult members would shun you.

See, you go and make some bullcrap claim like this. No one would shun me. Quite the opposite. They would reach out to me and try to help me.

Not that I'd lie like that anyway. The Book of Mormon is evidence. you might not find it credible evidence, but it's still evidence. But then you probably don't really understand what evidence is. Many people don't.

But you anti mormons need to get a consistant message. Do we shun less active/former members or do we not stop bothering them?

And serious daws, you liked this? when have i ever shunned you? You should know better.
I used to, but frankly, it takes an effort to remain that dedicated to a cult...

Odd, I think it takes more of an effort to fight the truth as you are than to follow it.

Well, of course you do.

You're in a cult, and if you started saying something like, "Hey, there's no evidence there ever was a Nephite Civilization", all the other cult members would shun you.

I don't know how to define Mormons as a cult, seems like to be mistaking them for something like those Heavens Gate people with the comet and UFO. I don't know how far out that is. Most of them seem to be normal people to me.

Anyone can be superstitious, that's easy. If you're absolute blind faith into the existence of Nephite civilization, maybe you see evidence of it everywhere. Not everything is like that, though. Civilization is, essentially, there's a calendar and religion, and they record the past and anticipate the future. To find artifacts which have shapes and forms in common with things described in the Bible, some see while others don't for what they know.

There's another way of looking at it. I've no idea who these Nephite people are or what all the Mormons are even talking about them. Even so, the idea that ancient civilizations are so cut-off, isolated from each other, that is just as far fetched. It's more reasonable they are known to each other by different names.

I'm skeptical of archeology, seems they invent some imaginary civilizations in order to attribute their findings to them. Maybe they play it safe, avoids potential "Redskins" scandals. Maybe they just want to disregard native histories as nonsense, or disregard religious scriptures as fairy tales. There's always reasons to be skeptical if there is bias involved somewhere.

If the artifact, that it appears to be telling a very specific story from a very specific book, and there automatically counting days and months of the year as sundials would automatically count the hours in a day, that is sophisticated enough to consider for evidence. That maybe not proof one way or the other in and of itself, though.

I'm curious to know what they have to say about that, probably too much all at once.

See, you go and make some bullcrap claim like this. No one would shun me. Quite the opposite. They would reach out to me and try to help me.

Not that I'd lie like that anyway. The Book of Mormon is evidence. you might not find it credible evidence, but it's still evidence. But then you probably don't really understand what evidence is. Many people don't.

But you anti mormons need to get a consistant message. Do we shun less active/former members or do we not stop bothering them?

And serious daws, you liked this? when have i ever shunned you? You should know better.

Shunning of ex-Mormons is well documented.

Even Mitt ROmney's cousin, Park.

Park Romney, Other Ex-Mormons 'Shunned' by Mitt's Church

Not that I'd lie like that anyway. The Book of Mormon is evidence. you might not find it credible evidence, but it's still evidence. But then you probably don't really understand what evidence is. Many people don't.

No, guy. Evidence is proof that can be verified.

For instance, I can read the bible and conclude that there was this thing called "The Roman Empire".

But I also have ruins, coins, a language that can be documented (Latin), other historical accounts, statues of people who were named in the BIble (Augustus, Tiberius, Claudius, Nero) and so on.

And for the Nephites we have.


Not one archeological artifact, not one example of their language that doesn't turn out to be qeustionable.

(There was a booming business in the 19th century making frauds like the Kinderhook Tablets, mostly based on trying to make the Mormons look foolish.)

See, you go and make some bullcrap claim like this. No one would shun me. Quite the opposite. They would reach out to me and try to help me.

Not that I'd lie like that anyway. The Book of Mormon is evidence. you might not find it credible evidence, but it's still evidence. But then you probably don't really understand what evidence is. Many people don't.

But you anti mormons need to get a consistant message. Do we shun less active/former members or do we not stop bothering them?

And serious daws, you liked this? when have i ever shunned you? You should know better.

Shunning of ex-Mormons is well documented.

Even Mitt ROmney's cousin, Park.

Park Romney, Other Ex-Mormons 'Shunned' by Mitt's Church

Not that I'd lie like that anyway. The Book of Mormon is evidence. you might not find it credible evidence, but it's still evidence. But then you probably don't really understand what evidence is. Many people don't.

No, guy. Evidence is proof that can be verified.

For instance, I can read the bible and conclude that there was this thing called "The Roman Empire".

But I also have ruins, coins, a language that can be documented (Latin), other historical accounts, statues of people who were named in the BIble (Augustus, Tiberius, Claudius, Nero) and so on.

And for the Nephites we have.


Not one archeological artifact, not one example of their language that doesn't turn out to be qeustionable.

(There was a booming business in the 19th century making frauds like the Kinderhook Tablets, mostly based on trying to make the Mormons look foolish.)
how indoctrinated to you have to believe the complete fiction contained in the B.O.M. ?
Mormons, like any other religious group, can't prove what they preach.

But Mormons, like most religious and spiritual people, are groovy folks.

And their Main Street and Temple Square displays at Christmas are incredible, perhaps the best in the world.

And the Mormon Conference Center Christmas program is second on TV only to Christmas at Belmont.

So Mormon bashing is stupid.
oh how easily the human can be fooled. that flash of glamor probably nets them millions.
Mormons, like any other religious group, can't prove what they preach.

But Mormons, like most religious and spiritual people, are groovy folks.

And their Main Street and Temple Square displays at Christmas are incredible, perhaps the best in the world.

And the Mormon Conference Center Christmas program is second on TV only to Christmas at Belmont.

So Mormon bashing is stupid.

That's why we invite people to ask the Lord whether what we preach is true or not. Because it's not our job to prove it. We are commanded to preach it. But it's on the hearer to act on it and recieve their own witness one way or another. And in order for that to occur, one has to go to the Lord. Because He is the only one who can convince people one way or another.
I have started this post because it still seems there are a lot of people out there that don't understand our religion. One thing I know I can do is clarify a lot misconceptions that people have.
I served a two year mission in South Africa, and I think I have pretty much heard it all. I actually would welcome some questions that I haven't heard before.
I know some of you aren't interested in what we really believe, but are only going to be interested in trying to trap me in my words, but that's ok. I welcome those attempts as well. Let's see what this develops into.:eusa_pray:

If the South Park episode about the orign of Mormonism wasn't sufficient, a few minutes on will clinch it. Just because you're nice, doesn't mean you're not crazy too.

Especially worthwhile is their belief of prior existence in Heaven before being born to this world. That was a new one for me.

As ever, wanna learn about a religion, go to the source, not any non-official site or ex-faith site.

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