The Truth about Mormons

Mormon Word Association

  • Friendly

    Votes: 74 29.7%
  • Bigoted

    Votes: 25 10.0%
  • Crazy

    Votes: 105 42.2%
  • Christian

    Votes: 45 18.1%

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Why do Mormons worship a con man?
the richest con men in the world use religions as their tools.
the mormon church is the top 10 of richest churches..ironic that!

They got run out of every place they appeared until they discovered some land in Utah that no white people wanted. They were lucky because the Native Americans were already on the run and offered little or no resistance to the crazy Mormans.

The good thing about the Morman church and what they really have going in thier favor is that thier members are stupid. I mean if you will fall for the Christianity on steroids that is thier doctrine you really have some blind and ignorant followers. That gives thier leaders an advantage in getting things done for thier religion. Early on they got real sneaky in taking advantage of what was left of the Native Americans in the Southwest. Then they got real good at swindling people like Howard Hughes which added a lot of cash to thier operation. Then they worked closely with the Mafia and helped finance and money launder the gambling in Nevada. They worked hard to win local elections similar to what the Tea Baggers have done recently elsewhere and stacked the deck to give themselves great advantage in many Southwestern communities. They have brilliantly infected much of the planet with thier "missions" preying on isolated and uncivilized peoples of third world countries. They make it thier "mission" to take advantage of the weak. Not hard to profit when basically you are a organized crime syndicate disguised as a religion.
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Hmm I wonder how many Bishops believe that. Also Relief Society is quite different depending on the Ward as well.

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Are you asking how many bishops believe in preaching official church doctrine? If someone is found preaching false church doctrine, they are taken to church court and disciplined and if necessary, excommunicated.

Disciplined? Like a spanking? Cut off from the teen wife pool? ...
wrong! O self righteous yammerer.
studying the scriptures and comparing them to actual evidence is a major reason why I can state unequivocally that the LDS faith is sheer fantasy.

Self righteous? Any righteousness I have is because of Christ and Christ alone.

If anyone is self righteous in this thread, it is you my friend. You are the one who thinks you are superior. You're the one claiming you are smarter and better than us because you see through the "ruse". Regardless, let the Lord judge between you and me and do according to his will.

Study the scriptures and go to the Lord. He will teach you the truth of all things. He still loves you. Because if you have to rely on straw men, then you arent as secure in your evidence as you believe.
like I said, self righteous...
I've never said I was superior or even inferred it...
what I am, is a whole lot less needy and gullible then you.

yeah... and I doubt you even noticed the contradiction that you wrote.

The Lord loves you though. I hope that you return to Him in this life and not the next.
Because basically, I don't like stupidity or fraud.

Joseph Smith pulled a fraud. Maybe at some point, he even deluded himself. But he wasn't talking to God. There were no Nephites.

Incidently, I was indifferent to you people until I had the bad luck to encounter some of you in the 1980's... and found out what backstabbing scumwads you are.

You shouldn't hate yourself. it's not healthy

Okay, that made no sense.

Then I guess you didn't bother reading what you wrote.
Hmm I wonder how many Bishops believe that. Also Relief Society is quite different depending on the Ward as well.

I'm not quite sure what you mean. Are you asking how many bishops believe in preaching official church doctrine? If someone is found preaching false church doctrine, they are taken to church court and disciplined and if necessary, excommunicated.

Disciplined? Like a spanking? Cut off from the teen wife pool? ...

There is a teen wife pool? Is it near the hot tub?
I'm not quite sure what you mean. Are you asking how many bishops believe in preaching official church doctrine? If someone is found preaching false church doctrine, they are taken to church court and disciplined and if necessary, excommunicated.

Disciplined? Like a spanking? Cut off from the teen wife pool? ...

There is a teen wife pool? Is it near the hot tub?

You need to go get your share asap.
So he lied when He said that Christ was real and rose from the grave?

He can't know that for sure, he wasn't there. That Jesus rose from the grave is called hearsay.

Yes he can. He saw Christ. Multiple times. As did many who were with him. They were eye witnesses.

Smith also said he saw the Angel Moroni, God, and a White Salamander.

Oh, wait, no, that was a forgery.

He said the "Book of Abraham" was an account of Abraham's life in Egypt. Then someone translated them and discovered they were a Ptomoleic funerary scroll.

He claimed that Kinderhook Tablets were an account of someone who lived in Bible times. But they were fakes made by his neighbors.

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